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08-18 投稿


peremptorily 发音

英:[p??remptr?li]  美:[p??remptr?li]

英:  美:

peremptorily 中文意思翻译



peremptorily 短语词组

1、peremptorily meaning ─── 专横的意思

2、peremptorily synonym ─── 绝对同义词

3、peremptorily children ─── 专横的孩子

4、peremptorily mean ─── 专横的

5、peremptorily define ─── 专横地定义

6、peremptorily crossword clue ─── 专横的纵横字谜线索

7、peremptorily antonym ─── 专横反义词

8、peremptorily definition ─── 强制性定义

peremptorily 相似词语短语

1、deprecatorily ─── 贬抑地

2、prefatorily ─── 序言

3、defamatorily ─── 诽谤地

4、peremptoriness ─── n.专横,蛮横;武断

5、peremptory ─── adj.强制的;绝对的;断然的;专横的

6、predatorily ─── 掠夺地

7、Redemptorist ─── n.至圣救主会会员

8、perfunctorily ─── adv.敷衍地;潦草地;表面地

9、premonitorily ─── 预感地

peremptorily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So peremptorily did these shades beckon him, that each day mankind and the claims of mankind slipped farther from him. ─── 这些影子是如此专制地吸引了他,人类以及人类的要求离他日益疏远起来。

2、I think let them talk on till the alguazil peremptorily queen looked like, a tall, stout woman, with such. ─── 让他们尽情谈论这样一个又高又胖的女人,一个专横的女王。

3、So peremptorily did these shades beckon him, that each day mankind and the claims of mankind slipped farther from him. ─── 这些影子是如此专制地吸引了他,人类以及人类的要求离他日益疏远起来。

4、At night, however, he was a tiger on the prowl, peremptorily knocking on doors and forcing himself on whatever woman took his fancy. ─── 他经常身穿一件黑色大褂,头裹一条洁白的毛巾,白天在村子里大摇大摆地闲逛,夜里就如同一只贪婪的饿虎,看上了谁家的女人就推门直入,肆意蹂躏。

5、" demanded another voice peremptorily; ─── 一个咄咄逼人的声音问道。

6、2) Instructs in violation of rules and regulations, or peremptorily orders, a Employee to perform dangerous operations which threaten his personal safety; ─── (二)违章指挥或者强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的;

7、The Agricultural Ministry Peremptorily Deployed the Disaster-Prevention and Disaster-Salvation Job at Present ─── 农业部紧急部署当前农业抗灾救灾工作

8、He and I went to the train and put the oranges peremptorily on my fur coat . ─── 过铁道时,他先将桔子散放在地上,自己慢慢爬下,再抱起桔子走。

9、"Shut up! " he shouted peremptorily. "A fight, lads! " and still tucking up his sleeves, he went out to the porch. ─── “停下!”他发号施令地喊道,“打起来了,弟兄们!”他仍然不停地卷着袖子往台阶走去。

10、It happened that I break peremptorily at the way went to office. ─── 虽然我一直是醒着的。在去公司开车的路上我急刹了一次。

11、She peremptorily rejected the request. ─── 她断然拒绝了请求。

12、" Alex, seemingly pushed to the limits of his patience, peremptorily orders Griffin to "Talk clearly!" ─── 亚历克斯明显地不耐烦到了极点,专横地命令格里芬“说清楚点!”

13、If you need to charge up energy peremptorily, you can walk quickly for 10 minutes (If possible, the sunshine will stimulate your mind), listen to the music, or chat with your friends. ─── 如果你需要为精力紧急充电,快步走10分钟(可能的话出去走,阳光会刺激你的头脑),听好听的音乐,或和朋友聊天。

14、I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah! ─── 我也盛了一点,饭放入口中,淡淡的,没味道,我一股脑儿把饭吐了出来,原来没放盐啊!

15、Hello!" the voice said, more peremptorily. "Who is it? Who do you want?" ─── 喂!”那声音更加霸道地说道,“谁啊?你要干什么?”

16、but Wu Sun-fu peremptorily called him to a halt ─── 可是吴荪甫立刻放出威棱来把他喝住

17、I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah! ─── 我也盛了一点,饭放入口中,淡淡的,没味道,我一股脑儿把饭吐了出来,原来没放盐啊!

18、I stopped and tooted peremptorily. ─── 我停下车子,催命般地摁着喇叭。

19、Demand To ask for urgently or peremptorily ─── 要求迫切或专横要求

20、She peremptorily rejected the request. ─── 她断然拒绝了请求。

21、No! 'she replied peremptorily. ─── 不!”她断然回答。

22、Two months later, US troops gunned down a group of bus passengers even more peremptorily, as the logs record. ─── 日志记载,两个月后,美军更为野蛮的枪杀了一组巴士乘客。

23、"Ay," said Durward, hastily and peremptorily, "who is this Maitre Pierre, and why does he throw about his bounties in this fashion? ─── 昆丁经常是稍一考虑就会改正出于一时冲动而产生的想法,尽管有时这种想法已经脱口而出。

24、Instructs in violation of rules and regulations, or peremptorily orders, a Employee to perform dangerous operations which threaten his personal safety; ─── 违章指挥或者强令冒险作业危及劳动者人身安全的;

25、The driver had to braked peremptorily in case of crashing into two passerby rushing the red light . ─── 司机不得不紧急刹车以避免撞倒两个闯红灯的行人。

26、The consular porter spoke peremptorily ─── 这位领事馆的门房吹胡子噔眼地说着话。

27、As I started my motor Daisy peremptorily called: “Wait!” ─── 我发动了汽车,忽然黛西命令式地喊道:“等等!”

28、So in order to satisfying the needs in the highway construction the design methods of the asphalt concrete need to be optimized peremptorily in the existing criterion. ─── 因此,鉴于沥青路面出现的新问题以及我国现行沥青混合料设计规范存在的不足,必须对其进行改进,以满足工程建设实际的技术需求。

29、Their propaganda was peremptorily switched to an anti-Western line ─── 他们的宣传断然地转而持反对西方的路线。

30、He lifted his lean hand and waved us peremptorily away ─── 他举起一只枯瘦的手来挥动着,坚决地叫我们走开。

31、As she was peremptorily ordered not to like him, she immediately made up her mind that she would. ─── 既然这么专横地命令她不准喜欢他,她立刻下了决心,她要喜欢他。

32、feudal peremptorily ─── 传统社会

33、As she was peremptorily ordered not to like him, she immediately made up her mind that she would. ─── 既然这么专横地命令她不准喜欢他,她立刻下了决心,她要喜欢他。

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