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08-18 投稿


meshes 发音

英:[?me??z]  美:[?me??z]

英:  美:

meshes 中文意思翻译




meshes 词性/词形变化,meshes变形

动词现在分词: meshing |动词第三人称单数: meshes |形容词: meshy |动词过去分词: meshed |动词过去式: meshed |

meshes 常用词组

wire mesh ─── 金属丝网;铁丝网

steel mesh ─── 钢网;钢丝网

metal mesh ─── 金属网;钢丝网

meshes 短语词组

1、skinned meshes ─── 皮肤网格

2、meshes of the afternoon imdb ─── 下午的网格imdb

3、quarterly meshes ─── 季度网格

4、rough meshes ─── 粗糙网格

5、meshes sl ─── 网格sl

6、meshes imvu ─── 图像消息

7、meshes donuts ─── 网格甜甜圈

8、meshes id ─── 网格id

9、meshes of the afternoon youtube ─── 下午的网状物youtube

10、meshes of the afternoon ─── [电影]午后的迷惘

meshes 相似词语短语

1、mushes ─── n.感伤的话;浓粥;软块;胆怯;vi.带狗撬在雪上前进;vt.粉碎;int.走!

2、reshes ─── n.希伯莱文第廿个字母;n.(Resh)人名;(俄)列什

3、mashes ─── n.麦芽浆;糊状物(mash的复数);v.把…捣成糊状(mash的三单形式)

4、menshes ─── 月

5、seshes ─── 赛斯

6、moshes ─── v.(在摇滚音乐会上)狂舞,劲舞;n.随着摇滚乐节奏摇摆的劲舞

7、immeshes ─── vt.使陷入网中;用网捕捉(等于enmesh)

8、meshed ─── adj.网状的;有网孔的;v.编织;以网捕捉(mesh的过去式及过去分词)

9、enmeshes ─── vt.使绊住;使陷入

meshes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Open mesh nylon upper for best breathability and quick drying. ─── 上部为透气尼龙网最佳休憩、快速干燥.

2、A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh. ─── 三层刺网一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成

3、In a mesh topology, each forest contains a server running MIIS 2003. ─── 在网状拓扑中,每个林都包含一台运行MIIS 2003的服务器。

4、Once I've exported all the base meshes, I usually check them in Mudbox for any errors that might have slipped through. ─── 一旦我已经导出所有的基础模型,我经常在Mudbox里检查它们以便没有错误被遗留。

5、Once you have a functional 3D scene in place, you can start having fun mapping video and other media to the 3D meshes. ─── 功能正常的三维场景准备就绪后,您就可以开始享受将视频和其他媒体映射到三维网格之上的乐趣了。

6、Install finer mesh strainer element in the strainer. ─── 在过滤器内安装更细筛网的过滤器元件。

7、Here are the unwrapped meshes, ready to be painted on. ─── 下面是展开图的网格物体,我们准备在他的上面绘制贴图。

8、Read it over carefully and be sure it meshes with your beliefs about discipline. ─── 仔细阅读这份文件确认它是否也符合你心目中的“纪律”。

9、A mesh for holding the hair in place. ─── 发网固定头发的圈

10、Made of silver calfskin, its flap shines with Silver Shade Crystal Mesh. ─── 做银色小牛皮,它的挡水板发光与银色树荫水晶滤网。

11、She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. ─── 她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。

12、Ah, thou hast mkatieade my heart captive in the endless meshes of thy music, my master! ─── 啊,你使我的心变成了你的音乐的温天大网中的俘虏,我的主人!

13、His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs. ─── 他的理论把各种政治和宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

14、Your plan and mine don't mesh well. ─── 你的计划与我的 (计划) 配合不起来。

15、Globalization did not mesh eastern and western culture into one. ─── 全球化并没有使东方文化或西方文化成为单一的文化。

16、Objects that specifies the mesh creation options. ─── 对象的数组,用于指定网格创建选项。

17、Discs for cutting metal bouble mesh flat type. ─── 双网薄片树脂型切割片。

18、A machine-woven net fabric with hexagonal meshes. ─── 六角网眼纱,珠罗纱机器织的有六角形网眼的网纱

19、We mainly manufacture and sell various highly-flexible laces, fabrics, meshes, and jacquards. ─── 主要生产及销售各种高弹性的花边、面料、网眼布、提花系列等产品。

20、Are alpha maps or transparancies supported again and what file types are being used for meshes and textures this time around? Example. Nifs and dds. ─── 地图支持透明吗?模型和贴图的文件格式是什么?

21、Use the Optimize method to create a new mesh with optimized data. ─── 使用Optimize方法以优化数据创建新网格。

22、Mini mesh stockings big temptation, it is well appreciated. ─── 大网眼丝袜的迷你诱惑,值得好好欣赏。

23、When the plants grow out of the meshes, you can take it as a green decoration. When it's not in the rainy season, it still can be useful. ─── 当植物长出铁丝网时,你可以把它当成绿色装饰物。这样,即使不是雨季,它依然能发挥它的作用。

24、The Ziploc bag is strengthened with the plastic mesh bag (1.). ─── 平时用网袋包裹起来以保护它。

25、NEW Mesh ring with heart. Large heart. Made of Zircon and sterling silver. ─── 大心型镶嵌锆石编织网戒指。

26、Their characters just don't mesh. ─── 他们的性格就是合不来。

27、Geometrical topics include partitioning and mesh generation. ─── 几何主题包括分割和网格生成。

28、She is scouting around for mesh stockings. ─── 她到处找长筒丝袜。

29、If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping. ─── 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

30、His character meshes perfectly with hers. ─── 他的个性与她的 (个性) 完全相合。

31、Most objects in Blender are represented by polygons and truly curved objects are often approximated by polygon meshes. ─── 大多数物体是通过多边形与曲线物体(非常近似于多边形网格)构成的。

32、Calfskin leather key ring with clear Crystal Mesh; stainless steel. ─── 小牛皮皮革钥匙圈有明确的晶体网格;不锈钢。

33、Three cog-wheels in mesh representing Industry. ─── 三个彼此咬合的轮代表工业。

34、That describes the content of the vertices associated with the mesh. ─── 它描述与网格相关联的顶点的内容。

35、The faces are defined in terms of the vertices and normals of the mesh. ─── 平面是根据网格的顶点和法线来定义的。

36、SIP can communicate via multicast, a mesh of unicast relationships, or a combination of multicast and unicast. ─── SIP可以通过多波(单波关系网)或多波与单波的结合,进行通信。

37、The following example shows the steps to create a mesh in this manner. ─── 下面的示例演示了以此方法创建网格的步骤。

38、Also making mesh caps, knitted caps, bucket hats, visors and so on. ─── 同时,也制作网眼帽,针织帽,礼帽、无顶帽等等。

39、Ah, thou hast made my heart captive in the endless meshes of thy music, my master! ─── 啊,你使我的心变成了你的音乐的漫天大网中的俘虏,我的主人!

40、Converts point representative data to mesh adjacency information. ─── 将点表示形式的数据转换为网格邻接信息。

41、The Polygon Mesh Object library. ─── 多边形网格库

42、If there are overlapping meshes I do this separately. ─── 如果有重叠我就如下做出分离。

43、To show what I mean I've hidden everything except my barrel and turret meshes. ─── 便于演示隐藏炮塔和跑管以外的东西。

44、This happens when ink is solidified between ink nozzle and chamber of mesh. ─── 墨水在喷嘴和滤网之间形成凝结块,会出现堵头现象。

45、In order to improve the accuracy of solutions, meshes are refined according to the a posteriori error estimate. ─── 为提高解的精度,我们根据事后误差估算对网格进行自适应加密。

46、That contains the vertex data associated with the mesh. ─── 它包含与网格相关联的顶点数据。

47、Today updated a BALI new mesh livingroom, clothes and lots. Hope you like them. ─── 今天更新一套巴厘风格餐厅、2件女装和2栋房屋。欢迎下载。

48、And relations between Contact Feature Space and tools' surface meshes are established. ─── 并建立了接触特征空间和模具曲面网格的对应关系。

49、This of course meshes with the economic philosophy of those on the right. ─── 这当然和那些右翼派的经济哲学相吻合。

50、They anchored a mesh over their bed. ─── 他们在床上支起帐子。

51、She had just been for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. ─── 她刚刚在河中划了一会船,给细浪罩上一层金网的太阳似乎也把她罩在网中了。

52、The meshes of his net were stoutly knotted. ─── 他的网是牢固的。

53、A new mesh auto-generation algorithm of arbitrary quadrilateral is presented. ─── 在继承已有研究成果的基础上,发展一种任意不规则区域全自动四边形网格划分方法。

54、Network conversion by reduction of the number of meshes. ─── 一种减少网孔数目的网络变换。

55、This evidence meshes with earlier reports of an organized riot. ─── 这一证据和先前关于一次有组织暴乱的报告相吻合。

56、The net of Heaven has large meshes,but it lets nothing through. ─── 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

57、Mesh is wear-resistant, breathable,light and ripstop. ─── 优质网布透气性好,轻量化、耐磨、抗撕裂。

58、Mesh net wrapped around the quilt for improved air circulation. ─── 压边的网眼有助于流通空气。


60、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a torus. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含圆环的网格。

61、To become interlocked; mesh. ─── 啮合咬合在一起;融合

62、If it's not something that meshes with your professional trajectory or it's way beneath your skill level, don't apply for it. ─── 如果不是和你职业轨迹吻合,或者大大低于你的水平,就不要申请。

63、For most analytical applications, 100 to 200 mesh beads are sufficient. ─── 对于大多数分析工作来说,100目至200目的颗粒已经足够。

64、Determine the domain of influence for each node in the mesh. ─── 定义每个节点的影响域。

65、Array that contains three values for each face in the mesh. ─── 一个数组,该数组中对网格中的每个平面都包含三个值。

66、Gaulish coat of chainmail, of a very fine mesh. ─── 一件锁子甲制的高卢外衣,有很好网眼。

67、A new mesh fixation method without stapling. ─── 外文期刊 Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair.

68、His feet thrust him into a net and he wanders into its mesh. ─── 因为他被自己的脚陷入网中,走在缠人的网罗上。

69、In the softbody world vertices of meshes, lattices, curves .. are treated as particles having a mass. ─── 在网格的柔体世界顶点中,格子、曲线...被当做一个有质量的粒子处理。

70、Converts mesh adjacency information to an array of point representatives. ─── 将网格邻接信息转换为点表示形式的数组。

71、Manufactures plastic bag, mesh, organza products. ─── - - 生产胶袋、环保袋及软胶制品。

72、He is mending the wire mesh in front of the chicken coop . ─── 他正在鸡笼前面修理铁丝网。

73、Plus it meshes nicely with my own general weirdness. ─── 另外,也比较适合我古怪的性格。

74、Simultaneously, the meshes must be kept compact to allow for efficient culling. ─── 同时地,网格必须保持紧凑的以允许有效的剔除。

75、The net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through. ─── 天网恢恢, 疏而不漏。

76、Is called, the mesh attribute buffer contains an attribute table. ─── 则网格属性缓冲区包含属性表。

77、If this line is missing from any of the meshes in an armor part MDB, the resulting MDB will crash the game. ─── 如果任何一个盔甲部件MDB的滤网中缺少这条线,则将导致MDB使游戏崩溃。

78、The other method is to pass the powder through 200 or fine mesh screen. ─── 另一种是把软木粉用200目或更细的筛网进行筛

79、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a sphere. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含球体的网格。

80、Both perforated plasterboard and mesh are OK when this openness is achieved. ─── 如果能达到此通透程度,穿孔的石膏板和钢网都可以使用。

81、These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities. ─── 它们是利用活性炭或者过滤网来捕捉杂质的。

82、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a cylinder. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含圆柱体的网格。

83、Once I've exported all the base meshes, I usually check them in Mudbox for any errors that might have slipped through. ─── 一旦我已经导出所有的基础模型,我经常在Mudbox里检查它们以便没有错误被遗留。

84、How many meshes to the inch? ─── 一英寸有多少个孔?

85、In Gibbon's models, blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen. ─── 在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。

86、Then some smoothing operations are taken to refine the initial quadrilateral meshes. ─── 同时对生成的四边形网格进行一系列的质量改善操作。

87、Number of entries stored in the attribute table for the mesh. ─── 存储在网格的属性表中的项的数量。

88、It is mostly engaged in producing plastic mesh bag. ─── 专业主要从事塑料网眼袋的生产与经营。

89、She had just been back for a row on the river, and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes. ─── 她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。

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