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08-18 投稿


snipe 发音

英:[sna?p]  美:[sna?p]

英:  美:

snipe 中文意思翻译




snipe 网络释义

n. 狙击;[鸟] 鹬;香烟屁股;被开玩笑的人物vi. 狙击;[军] 伏击;抨击;猎鸟;诽谤vt. 狙击

snipe 词性/词形变化,snipe变形

动词现在分词: sniping |动词过去式: sniped |动词过去分词: sniped |动词第三人称单数: snipes |

snipe 短语词组

1、Snipe eel ─── 嫩鳗鱼

2、Solitary Snipe ─── 孤独的狙击手

3、African Snipe ─── 非洲鹬

4、Wood Snipe ─── 木鹬

5、snipe fly ─── [医]鹬虻

6、great snipe ─── [网络] 伟大的狙击手

7、Avocet snipe eel ─── 鳄鹬鳗

8、Bobtail snipe eel ─── 鱼尾鹬鳗

9、whole snipe ─── 全鹬

10、Jack Snipe ─── 杰克·斯尼佩

11、Wilson's snipe ─── [网络] 威氏田鹬

12、half snipe ─── [网络] 半狙击

13、Giant Snipe ─── 巨鹬

14、red-breasted snipe ─── [网络] 红胸鹬

15、South American Snipe ─── 南美鹬

16、snipe head shell ─── 狙击头壳

17、woodcock snipe ─── [网络] 鹬鹬

18、snipe hunt ─── [网络] 狙击狩猎

19、gutter snipe ─── 排水沟狙击手

snipe 相似词语短语

1、sipe ─── n.轮胎沟槽

2、snipes ─── n.狙击;[鸟]鹬;香烟屁股;被开玩笑的人物;vi.狙击;[军]伏击;抨击;猎鸟;诽谤;vt.狙击

3、snipy ─── adj.口鼻长的

4、snips ─── n.剪(snip的复数);v.剪去(snip的单数第三人称)

5、slipe ─── 狭长地带

6、snip ─── n.剪;便宜货;vt.剪断;vi.剪

7、snide ─── adj.伪造的;卑鄙的;暗讽的;n.赝品;骗子

8、sniper ─── n.狙击手

9、sniped ─── 狙击;[军]伏击

snipe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a snipe hunter ─── [美俚]被众人开玩笑的人

2、Solitary Snipe ─── n. 孤沙锥

3、For instance, a Terran Ghost will not be able to use his EMP or snipe ability while under the Null Void's area of effect, but if it moves out of that range it can then cast those abilities. ─── 例如,人族幽灵特工在否决真空中将无法使用EMP或者狙击,但他走开的时候就将再次可以使用这些技能。

4、snipe nose pliers ─── 尖嘴钳

5、Jack is seldom irritated when newspapermen snipe at him in their columns. ─── 杰克很少因为新闻记者撰稿在报纸上攻击他而生气。

6、Get the country of financial crisis snipe, already from " boom decelerate " trend " boom ebbs " .. ─── 受金融危机狙击的国家,已从“景气减速”走向“景气衰退”...

7、Cheers, "The Heart Is a Lonely Snipe Hunter" (1/10/85). Diane urges the guys to take Frasier along on their fishing trip, but they take him on a snipe hunt instead. ─── 《乾杯》之〈心灵是孤独的捕鹬者〉(1985年1月10日)。黛安催促夥计把带上他们的渔船,但夥计们却带他去捕鹬。

8、In the south a snipe hunt is practically a rite of passage. ─── 在南方,猎取鹬类实际上是一种成人仪式。

9、The snipe in advertising year, those invest little, interactive sex other people of strong, benefit is fine breathed media, have powerful appeal undoubtedly to the proprietor of an enterprise. ─── 在广告业的狙击年,那些投资少、互动性强、润物细无声的媒体,对企业主来说无疑具有强大的吸引力。

10、But for property buyers are concerned, it is common snipe mussels competing and profit. ─── 但对于购房者来讲,却是 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 。

11、snipe picker ─── 拾烟头者

12、Pictured is the Black Tailed Snipe, a rarely seen winter migratory visitor to Taiwan.Two thirds of their silt-like legs are beneath the water. 2. ─── 图为大型水鸟黑尾鹬,在本地是不常见的过境鸟或冬候鸟,它们的长腿有三分之二浸在水里。

13、They'll be afraid to CC during trash, and they'll snipe more during bosses. ─── 他们会害怕消委会在垃圾桶,他们会更多的在老板狙击。

14、Chatham Snipe ─── n. 查岛沙锥

15、Fantail Snipe ─── n. 扇尾沙锥

16、Bay starts spot tail cheng snipe every year August to September from Alaska's Kasi the branch Kui to fly to New Zealand, after New Zealand trades the feather immediately mostly. ─── 斑尾塍鹬每年8月至9月从阿拉斯加的卡斯科奎姆湾开始飞往新西兰,到新西兰后大都马上就换羽毛。

17、But for property buyers are concerned, it is' common snipe mussels competing, profit '. ─── 但对于购房者来讲,却是'鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利'。

18、A flock of birds,especially snipe. ─── (鸟)的一群一群鸟,尤指一群鹬

19、Cordilleran Snipe ─── n. 厚嘴沙锥

20、There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe. ─── 战斗机的驾驶舱内没有太多的活动空间。

21、Although Gu Ge encounters heavy snipe in Korea market, but they saw more opportunity in China probably. ─── 尽管谷歌在韩国市场遭遇重重狙击,但他们或许在中国看到了更多机会。

22、Diane urges the guys to take Frasier along on their fishing trip, but they t take him on a Network snipe hunt instead. ─── 黛安催促伙计把带上他们的渔船,但伙计们却带他去捕鹬。

23、Great Snipe ─── n. 中沙锥

24、common snipe ─── 冬沙锥

25、Swinhoe's Snipe ─── n. 大沙锥

26、Wood Snipe ─── n. 林沙锥

27、Cheers," The Heart Is a Lonely Snipe Hunter"(1/10/85). Diane urges the guys to take Frasier along on their fishing trip, but they take him on a snipe hunt instead. ─── 干杯》之〈灵是孤独的捕鹬者〉1985年1月10日)黛安催促伙计把带上他们的渔船,但伙计们却带他去捕鹬。

28、Neither would give way and eventually a fisherman caught both the clam and the snipe. ─── “如果你的嘴今天不出来,明天也不出来,那么你将会变成一只死鹬。”

29、Using 56 Semi-Automatic Rifle as Short-Range Snipe Weapon ─── 使用56式半自动步枪作为近程狙击武器

30、Yang Zhiyuan rolls out poisonous bolus to plan now, buy to Microsoft undertake snipe, was hit original shape. ─── 杨致远现在推出毒丸计划,对微软收购进行狙击,就被打回了原形。

31、Would not the first of them who saw me wring my neck like a snipe's? ─── 他们当中第一个见到我的人难道不会像拧断苍鹭的脖子那样拧断我的脖子吗?

32、Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing. ─── 你可以游过河偷袭士兵,也可以远距离狙击他们,或者偷一辆塔式吉普车,然后开火。

33、snipe head shell ─── n. 鹬嘴骨螺

34、Snipe Dead Grants Ranger an ability to attack any enemy creatures on battlefield.The inflicted damage is 3 times his or her level. ─── 死亡狙击令游侠能够攻击战场上的任意敌方部队,造成3倍于英雄等级的伤害。

35、Jack Snipe ─── n. 姬鹬

36、A clam was basking in the sun when suddenly a snipe flew down to peck her flesh. The clam immediately closed up her shell, gripping the snipe's beak in between. ─── 有一只蚌,正张开蚌壳晒太阳。忽然飞来一只鹬鸟,想啄食牠的肉,蚌马上将壳合上,把鹬嘴箝住了。

37、Critics snipe that, having seen a lot of its managers leave, Citi's top brass lacks experience. ─── 批评家们抨击花旗的高层在经历一番变动后变得缺乏经验。

38、Then the snipe went close furtively, stretching out his long beak, and immediately pecked at the mussel. ─── 于是,鹬悄悄地走近河蚌,伸出长嘴巴,猛地向河蚌啄去。

39、"When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who profits", "The mantis stalks the cicada, but behind them lurks the oriole" -- there is truth in these two parables. ─── “鹬蚌相持,渔人得利”,“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”,这两个故事,是有道理的。

40、Even when it is not using snipe, the Ghost still does respectible damage. ─── 即使不用狙击,Ghost的攻击力依然很可观。

41、With its new abilities to Snipe and find units with energy, it has become a very scary unit on the battle field. ─── 伴随着新的狙击技能和可以探测能量单位的技能,她成了战场上令人紧张的东西。

42、Natasha - Pilot Snipe Usable on Air Units, Causing the Air Unit to Crash. ─── 娜塔莎:狙击驾驶的冷却时间由1分钟缩短为45秒;

43、Hunt geese, mallards, pintails, and the elusive Golden Snipe in the action packed hunting game! ─── 可以捕猎的鸟禽很多-鹅,野鸭,针尾鸭等,还有你那把难以捉摸的狙击抢在这个动作狩猎游戏中起决定性作用!

44、on upperwing, best clues are white-bordered, dark midwing-panel on greater coverts and white-tipped primary coverts (not white trailing edge as on Snipe); ─── 其翼上最显著的特征是覆羽间显眼白色条纹,大覆羽中部黑色的翼斑和初级(大)覆羽上白色的尖端(扇尾沙锥此位置不呈现白色)

45、The disinformation agents would be you two characters.You're anonymousand snipe from the sidelines. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

46、Just after you found a great Spot to snipe from, while taking careful Aim at a Group of Enemies - you will be knifed from behind. ─── 就在你找到一个捧极的狙击点而瞄好目标的时候,你的屁股就被小刀插住!

47、Madagascar Snipe ─── n. 马岛沙锥

48、In order to successfully snipe you must either shoot accurately before the other person or get the other person to miss giving you time to aim and make the kill. ─── 为了成功的狙击敌人,你必须要么在他人射击前你准确的射击,要么他人错过时机使得你有时间进行瞄准和击杀。

49、A pair of Painted Snipe the one on the left is male while on the other is female ─── 一对彩鹬左边的是雄鸟,右边的是雌鸟

50、The Painted Snipe is sitting on the nest. ─── 一只雄性彩鹬正坐在巢中。

51、Sir, request cover fire while I snipe! ─── 在我狙击时请给予火力掩护!

52、Due to a misconception, the snipe between Lilliput &Fredrick happens.Will Gulliever be able to solve the problem? ─── 本是利利柏特国好友的费兰迪克国王,因误会而作出连番狙击,格列佛可会出手相助令两国和好如初呢?

53、Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe. ─── 东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。

54、He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp. ─── 他奉令狙击任何在营地附近走动的人。

55、Yang , guiding our comrades to join up with the army quickly. I'll snipe the enemy, shooting for time for you. ─── 杨,带领同志们迅速与大部队会合,我带人阻击敌人,为大家争取时间。

56、South American Snipe ─── n. 南美沙锥

57、to snipe at somebody ─── 向某人射冷枪

58、The best, though -- especially for scouts and summer campers -- would be a "First Snipe Certificate" . ─── 但是,对童子军和暑期夏令营来说,最好的奖就是“第一次击中沙锥鸟”证书。

59、If you have some, snipe him down. ─── 如果你有一些,把他们狙杀掉。

60、Painted Snipe ─── n. 彩鹬

61、Gunmen continued to snipe at people leaving their homes to find food. ─── 枪手不断伏击外出找寻食物的人。

62、Giant Snipe ─── n. 巨沙锥

63、As a little fat man of Bombay Was smoking one very hot day, A bird called a snipe Flew away with his pipe, Which vexed the fat man of Bombay. ─── 孟买有个胖老头,大热天里把烟抽;一只鹬鸟飞过头,抢走他的大烟斗,惹得老头把气怄。

64、snipe at sb. ─── 向某人打冷枪

65、African Snipe ─── n. 黑翅沙锥

66、Yang ,guiding our comrades to join up with the army quickly.I'll snipe the enemy,shooting for time for you. ─── 明:杨,带领同志们迅速与大部队会合,我带人阻击敌人,为大家争取时间。

67、median and lesser coverts are rather barred brown (not predominantly spotted and streaked as on Snipe), ─── 中覆羽和小覆羽略呈现棕色横纹(扇尾沙锥有醒目的斑点和条纹),

68、A: The ghost's snipe shot, which deals 60 damage (and ignores armor) to biological units like the mutalisk, can be a good defensive ability. ─── 答:幽灵兵的狙击可以给单位造成60点的伤害(无甲的情况下),就像是飞龙这种生命体部队,所以可以做到很好的防御效果。

69、to stab (somebody) in the back; to snipe (at somebody) ─── 放暗箭

70、common snipe of Eurasia and Africa. ─── 欧亚大陆和非洲普通的沙锥鸟。

71、Due to a misconception, the snipe between Lilliput &Fredrick happens.Will Gulliver be able to solve the problem? ─── 本是利利柏特国好友的费兰迪克国王,因误会而作出连番狙击,格列佛可会出手相助令两国和好如初呢?

72、Imagine that there is some activity - say, snipe hunting - that members of Congress want to encourage. ─── 想象一下国会议员想要鼓励某项活动,比如说猎鹬。

73、Most of the time they snipe at each other, but these days they're short of moving targets ─── 大部分时间双方互相射击,不过这些日子他们见不到多少移动目标了。

74、Banded Snipe ─── n. 大厚嘴沙锥

75、I started some half-dozen snipe ─── 我惊起了五六只山鹬。

76、snipe hunter ─── n. 被开玩笑的人(被戏弄的人)

77、South American Painted Snipe ─── n. 半领彩鹬

78、Andean Snipe ─── n. 安第斯沙锥

79、Before the snipe drew back its beak, it was gripped tightly inside because the clam suddenly felt a sharp pain and closed its shell quickly. ─── 就在鹬将它的嘴收回之前,它的长嘴被蚌紧紧地咬住了,因为蚌突然间感到一阵剧痛,于是很快地关闭了它的壳。

80、a snipe shooter ─── [美俚]拾烟头的人

81、Sub-Antarctic Snipe ─── n. 奥克兰鹬

82、Japanese Snipe ─── n. 澳南沙锥

83、Sometimes appeared "snipe Clam struggle economies" that the two robots were fighting to death when another robot came effortlessly win. ─── 有时出现“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利”的情景,两个机器人在一旁死拼,拼得气息奄奄的时候,另一个机器人过来,不费吹灰之力就赢了。

84、Sharpshooter(*): Sir, request cover fire while I snipe! ─── 枪神:队长,在我狙击时请给予火力掩护!

85、The snipe and clam were locked in fight and quarreled, and neither of them liked to give in first.Just at that moment, an old fisherman came.He picked them up and took them home for dinner. ─── 啄走这只蚌,但是它还没来得及收回它的嘴,就已经被紧紧地夹住了,因为蚌突然感觉一阵巨痛就立刻关上了外壳.鹬猛烈地摇着头想要摆脱这只蚌,但无论它怎样努力尝试都还是摆脱不了.

86、He is immortalised in the stunning Swinhoe's pheasant, endemic to Taiwan, as well as a rail, a snipe, an egret and a storm-petrel that breeds off the rocky coasts of Japan. ─── 他发现了只有在台湾才有的鹇白鹭,这个发现令人震惊,他因此被铭记,同时发现的还有秧鸡、沙锥鸟、白鹭和在日本沿海的岩石中生长的海燕。

87、Jack is seldom irritated when newspapermen snipe at him in their columns. It's a matter of patience born of long experience. ─── 杰克很少因为新闻记者撰稿在报纸上攻击他而生气。这是他漫长的经历所培养出来的一种耐性。

88、Noble Snipe ─── n. 长嘴沙锥

89、Units under Dark Swarm do not take damage from Snipe in the current build of the game. ─── 在黑雾下面的生物不受远程伤害,当前版本中就算狙击也是无效的。

































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