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08-18 投稿


cancellated 发音


英:  美:

cancellated 中文意思翻译



cancellated 词性/词形变化,cancellated变形

异体字: cancellated |

cancellated 相似词语短语

1、lanceolated ─── adj.披针形的,枪尖形的

2、constellated ─── v.使形成星座,使群集(constellate的过去式和过去分词)

3、cancelled ─── v.取消;作废;解约(cancel的过去分词);adj.取消的

4、cancellate ─── adj.格子状的;网眼状的;网状脉的;多孔的

5、cancellation ─── n.取消;删除

6、castellated ─── adj.构造如城的;有城的;v.构造入城(castellate的过去分词)

7、cantillated ─── vt.吟诵;以单音调诵歌;vi.吟诵

8、cancerated ─── vi.癌化

9、calculated ─── adj.计算出的;适合的;有计划的;v.计算;估计;打算(calculate的过去式和过去分词)

cancellated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The key events to cancel preediting or converting. ─── 19取消预编辑或转换的键盘事件。

2、Eight and twenty cancel by four. ─── 8和20的公约数是4。

3、Was it a good decision to cancel 2008 Dakar Rally? ─── 取消2008达喀尔集合是一个好决定吗?

4、These arguments cancel (each other) out. ─── 不同的争论(彼此)势均力敌.

5、The other party is entitled to cancel the contract. ─── 如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。

6、Is it possible to cancel our order? ─── 可以取消我们的订单吗?

7、Cancel water vapour permeability coefficient. ─── 取消了水蒸气渗透系数。

8、Cancel or reverse an action or its effect. ─── 取消或倒转一个活动或它的效果。

9、Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper. ─── 她为人厚道、慷慨大方,倒也弥补了她偶尔发点儿脾气。

10、Click Cancel to cancel the operation. ─── 取消本操作请单击“取消”。'''

11、Could you please cancel my card number? ─── 可以把我的卡号取消吗?

12、As she is ill, we have to cancel our trip to west lake. ─── 因为她病了,我们只好取消去西湖的旅游。

13、Call off the engagement; cancel the dinner party. ─── 取消婚约;取消宴会。

14、I decided I would not cancel the trip. ─── 于是我决定不取消此次行程。

15、He failed to call the office to cancel his appointment. ─── 他没有打电话到办公室取消他的约会。

16、We have to cancel the match,because it is raining. ─── 因为天下雨,我们只好取消了比赛。

17、Is she gonna cancel on me again?! ─── 她又要放我鸽子?

18、Will you refund my latest monthly fee if I cancel? ─── 取消后您会偿还最近一次的月费吗?

19、In view of the weather,we will cancel the outing. ─── 因天气关系,我们要取消此次郊游。

20、They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke. ─── 他们扬言要一下子取消整个项目。

21、If L.C. do not reach June consider cancel contract? ─── 如果信用证不能开到六月份,将考虑到消合同。

22、In view of the weather, we will cancel the outing. ─── 因天气关系, 我们要取消此次郊游.

23、We had to cancel the match, because it was raining. ─── 因为天下雨,我们只好取消了比赛。

24、His shortcomings cancel out his virtues. ─── 他的缺点抵消掉了他的优点。

25、They decided to cancel the dinner party. ─── 他们决定不举行宴会了。

26、To cancel from accounts as a loss. ─── 勾销作为亏损从帐目上勾销

27、You don't need to cancel the dinner on my account. ─── 你不必为了我取消晚餐。

28、It was sensible of her to cancel the trip. ─── 她取消了这次旅行是很理智的。

29、I will cancel the arrangement if you wish . ─── 如果你愿意,我就取消这个安排。

30、I'll cancel the ariangement if you wish. ─── 如果你愿意,我就取消这个安排。

31、Since it was too late to cancel or delete. ─── 因此,想要取消或删除都已为时太晚.

32、His strong points and weak points cancel out. ─── 他的优点和缺点互相抵消了。

33、The college had to cancel its first day of classes. ─── 学院不得不取消首日上课。

34、Cancel Stop the report generation process. ─── 取消停止报告生成进程。

35、She phoned to cancel the meeting. ─── 她打电话来取消会议。

36、In the dialing error screen, click Cancel. ─── 在拨号错误屏幕,单击“取消”。

37、She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment. ─── 她没有打电话到办公室取消她的约会。

38、You can't cancel the contract, nor can I, nor can anybody else. ─── 你不能撤约,我也不能,任何人都不能。

39、QSX Cancel subscription/acknowledge message. ─── 取消订阅/确认回覆讯息。

40、My password is. I would like to cancel my account. ─── 取消帐户

41、I will accept that if I were you, or we'll have to cancel it. ─── 如果我是你,我就接受,不然我们就不是不把它取消了。

42、You can cancel our sleepover. Were we having one? ─── 你不要想我过去睡了,我们定了吗?

43、Can you cancel a date with decorum? ─── 你能够有礼貌地取消约会吗?

44、His weaknesses cancel out his virtues. ─── 他的缺点抵销了他的优点。

45、He feel obliged to cancel the contract. ─── 他认为必要取消合同。

46、Would it be better to cancel the meeting? ─── 取消这次会议不是更好吗?

47、You should cancel this preposition in the sentence. ─── 你应该删去句子中的这个介系词。

48、The $5 I owed him and the $5 he owes me cancel out. ─── 他与我各欠对方五元,正好相互抵消。

49、You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order. ─── 如果撤销订单,保证金将不予退还。

50、Click Don't Run to cancel the import. ─── 单击“不运行”取消导入。

51、How to cancel the marks of words I have marked? ─── 如何取消已标记的单词?

52、His boss directed him to cancel the meeting. ─── 他的老板指示他取消这次会议。

53、But after October nobody dared cancel a tenancy. ─── 十月以后,无人敢退佃了。

54、We'll cancel the match if it rains. ─── 下雨我们就取消比赛。

55、Do you mean to cancel the appointment? ─── 你是要取消约会吗?

56、What if I want to cancel the flight? ─── 如果我想取消这个航班,该怎么办?

57、If it were to rain, we would have to cancel the match tomorrow. ─── 假如下雨,我们只好取消明天的比赛。

58、If it were to rain,we would have to cancel the match tomorrow. ─── 假如下雨的话,我们明天就得取消比赛。

59、Influence of tamoxifen on bone mineral density of cancellated bone and compact bone in ovariectomized rats ─── 他莫昔芬对去势大鼠松质骨及皮质骨骨密度的影响

60、Because of rain, we had to cancel the picnic. ─── 因为下雨,我们的郊游泡汤了。

61、Take my advice and cancel the wedding ceremony. ─── 你听我的,取消婚礼。

62、AIM to discuss the influence of selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) on bone mineral density loss in cancellated bone and compact bone of ovariectomized rats. ─── 目的选择性雌激素受体调节剂对去势大鼠松质骨、皮质骨骨密度的影响。

63、EU Presses Operators to Cancel Roaming Fee? ─── 取消漫游费欧盟跟运营商过不去?

64、Click Cancel to close the dialog box. ─── 单击“取消”以关闭该对话框。

65、Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract. ─── 与其撤约还不如延期装运。

66、In case you do not carry out the contract, we'll have to cancel it. ─── 万一你方不履行合同,我们将不得不撤约。

67、She have to cancel her appointment. ─── 她不得不取消约会。

68、And if you click Cancel, what does that mean? ─── 如果我们单击撤销按钮,这又意味着什么呢?

69、Cancel the selection of one object at a time. ─── 一次取消选中一个对象。

70、Louise and I have to cancel tomorrow's appointment. ─── 刘易斯和我必须取消明天的约会了。

71、Unfortunately, we had to cancel the soccer game. ─── 不幸地是,我们必须取消足球比赛。

72、Cancel resolutions reached at meetings. ─── 一撤销会议之决议。

73、Cancel printing of your pictures? ─── 取消照片打印吗?

74、He phoned to cancel the meeting. ─── 他打电话来取消会议。

75、You cannot cancel the order unilaterally. ─── 你们不能单方面取消订货。

76、Next you should cancel out all the noughts. ─── 下一步,你得把所有的0删去。

77、I am sorry. I can not help cancel the appointment. ─── 对不起,我没有办法,只好取消这次约会。

78、Click Cancel to close the Open Web Site dialog box. ─── 单击“取消”关闭“打开网站”对话框。

79、If one side failed to honor the contract, the other side should be entitled to cancel it. ─── 如合同一方不按合同条款行事,另一方则有权中止合同。

80、How to set the Cancel button for a form? ─── 如何为一个窗体设置一个取消按钮?

81、They decided to cancel the agreement. ─── 他们决定取消协议。

82、To cancel, take back, or revoke. ─── 取消,收回,解除

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