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08-18 投稿


contraband 发音

英:['k?ntr?b?nd]  美:['kɑntr?'b?nd]

英:  美:

contraband 中文意思翻译



contraband 网络释义

n. 走私;走私货;战时禁运品(等于contraband of war)adj. 禁运的;非法买卖的

contraband 短语词组

1、contraband vessel ─── [法] 禁运船舶

2、contraband definition ─── 违禁品定义

3、contraband of war ─── [经] 战时违禁品

4、non-contraband goods ─── [法] 非禁制品货物, 非违禁货物

5、contraband of trade ─── [经] 违禁贸易

6、conditional contraband ─── [法] 附条件的违禁品

7、absolute contraband ─── [经] 绝对禁运品

8、contraband goods ─── [经] 违禁品, 禁运品

9、contraband runner ─── 走私犯

10、contraband traffic ─── [经] 走私

11、non-contraband ─── [经] 非违禁品

12、seizure of contraband ─── [法] 没收违禁品

13、contraband articles ─── [法]违禁物品

14、contraband trade ─── 走私贸易

15、contraband of import ─── 非法进口

16、contraband works ─── 违禁品工程

17、contraband police ─── 违禁品警察

18、carriage of contraband ─── [法] 载运违禁品

19、confiscate contraband ─── 没收违禁品

contraband 词性/词形变化,contraband变形

名词: contrabandage |

contraband 相似词语短语

1、contrarians ─── n.(尤指股票交易中的)逆向思维者;adj.违反民意的

2、contrabandism ─── n.走私者;买卖禁品者(contrabandist的变形)

3、contrabandist ─── n.走私者;买卖禁品者

4、contrabass ─── n.倍低音弦乐器;adj.最低音的

5、contradance ─── n.对面舞;对面舞曲(等于contredanse)

6、contrabassi ─── 对低音

7、contravened ─── vt.抵触;违反;反驳;否认

8、contrabasso ─── 对位低音

9、noncontraband ─── 不相容

contraband 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr Karroubi, then parliament's speaker, caused a stir when he complained of the traffic of contraband through unregulated, guard-controlled jetties. ─── 时任国会发言人的卡鲁比指责无人管制和看守的码头成了走私违禁品的通道,此事引起轩然大波。

2、Any contraband or live plants? ─── 有违禁品或活的植物吗?

3、markets were flooded with contraband goods. ─── 市场上充斥着走私物品。

4、If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail. ─── 如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。

5、and, to prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband, and prohibited under small pecuniary penalties. ─── 并且为防止激烈的情形发生,不论正面意见的表现,或负面的,都在一些时候之后加以禁止,并且施以微薄的罚金。

6、Do you have any contraband in your luggage? ─── 你行李里有违禁品吗?

7、he claimed to have purchased the contraband innocently. ─── 他声称自己合法地买了走私货。

8、contraband contro ─── 控制走私

9、confiscate contraband ─── 没收违禁品

10、Nowadays, resemble peddling avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not little. ─── 如今,像这样在互联网上公然叫卖走私货的网店不少。

11、Yes, they'll check to see if you're carrying any contraband materials. ─── 有,海关要检查你有没有带违禁品。

12、Have you any contraband in your luggage? ─── 您的行李里有违禁晶吗?

13、Yes,they'll check to see if you're carrying any contraband. ─── 有,他们要检查你有没有带违禁品。

14、Have you any contraband in your luggage ? ─── 您的行李里有违禁品吗?

15、In fact, the United States Customs Service reports that CFC-12 is a contraband problem second only to illicit drugs. ─── 事实上,美国海关报告说,CFC-12 是仅次于违禁药物的第二大违禁品。

16、Last year a Vietnamese diplomat was caught on camera taking delivery of contraband rhino horn outside the Vietnamese embassy in Pretoria. ─── 去年,照相机就曾拍摄到一名越南外交官正在比勒陀利亚的越南大使馆外签收非法走私的犀角。

17、They played an important role in military defense, control of people?s movement, checking contraband goods and bringing criminals to justice. ─── 关津在军事防御、控制人员往来、检查违禁物品、缉拿罪犯等方面起着重要作用。

18、All contraband will be confiscated. ─── 所有的违禁物品都会被没收。

19、The main characteristics are: official trade under strict control, trade being decided by political relationship of trading parties, militant and important commodities regarded as contraband goods by opposing parties. ─── 其主要特点是:双方采取严格控制的官营贸易形式; 贸易的开展受双方政治关系制约;

20、To prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband ─── 为了防止激动,一切独断自信的陈述和针锋相对的争议后来都在禁止之例。

21、Other contraband stipulated by the State. ─── 国家规定的其他禁运物品。

22、contraband goods ─── n. 禁止通关之物品, 走私货品

23、What does the contraband include? ─── 比利:什么是禁运品,都包括什么?

24、1.to carry contraband or anything prohibited; to smuggle; 2.to carry under arms ─── 挟带

25、On the basis of the analysis of image in the Body Searching System based on the CBS, the paper brings forward segmentation arithmetic of the contraband object based on Mathematical Morphology and double threshold values. ─── 本文在分析基于CBS的人身安检图像基础上,提出了基于数学形态学膨胀累加、阈值分割的违禁品分割算法。

26、Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's maze of alleys. ─── 大多数那不列斯人靠在这座城市迷宫般的小巷里兜售违禁香烟来赚取第一笔钱。

27、The customs officers rummaged the ship suspected to have contraband goods ─── 海关人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私嫌疑的海轮。

28、contraband traffic ─── [经] 走私

29、To be certain, the contraband rice trade is at this point simply an anecdote, however widely bandied about in the grain market. ─── 诚然,无论在粮食市场上如何传得沸沸扬扬,水稻走私贸易目前还只是传闻轶事。

30、Chinese army officer examining clothing of repatriated Japanese citizens to look for contraband. ─── 中国军官检查遣返日本人的衣服,查看是否携带违禁品。

31、The trade in contraband sales world wide grew by more than 110% between 1990 and 1997. ─── “1990-1997年间,世界范围内的走私贸易增长了110%。

32、The contraband was reported to be hidden in wooden boxes shaped like coffins. ─── 据报道,这些走私品被藏在形状像棺材的木箱里。

33、The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) had authorized the President to prohibit interstate shipments of "contraband" oil. ─── 《国家工业复兴法》侵权总统禁止州际间运输-走私石油。

34、I'm sorry. I don't quite clear what is contraband. ─── 对不起,我不太明白什么是违禁品。

35、trade in contraband ─── 买卖走私货品

36、Washington supports Israel's demand that Hamas's ability to rearm and smuggle contraband into the Gaza Strip needs to be addressed before a sustainable cease-fire is put in place. ─── 华盛顿方面支持以色列的要求,认为在可持续的停火达成之前,哈马斯重整军备和将走私品偷运入加沙地带的能力必须被明确。

37、Any contraband? ─── 有违禁品吗?

38、Hold up the major cigarette companies strictly reliable for any of the cigarette they export ending up as smuggled contraband. ─── 支持主要的烟草公司严格保证他们所出口的任何香烟都不成为走私香烟。

39、AU visitors, whether entering Zurich by boat on the river Limmat or by rail on the Selnau line, must be searched for contraband. ─── 来访者,无论走利马特的水路,还是走塞尔拿的铁道,都要搜一搜看是否在偷运军火。

40、Participants are encouraged to pack lightly. Contraband articles and products made from endangered species are prohibited. ─── 团员携带行李应力求简单轻便,不得携带任何违禁品及保育类动物制品。

41、Portable Contraband Alarm Exported to South Africa. ─── 便携式违禁品报警仪已出口南非。

42、Last time, he clicked a link that people hair comes to, result Zhang date by pilfer, successor home sells contraband with his Zhang date, kill so that his shop was sealed half month. ─── 上一次,他点击了别人发来的一个链接,结果账号就被盗了,后来人家用他的账号卖违禁品,害得他的店铺被封了半个月。

43、I thought it was only people like Li Mei-t'ing who carried contraband! ─── 我以为只有李梅亭这种人带私货!

44、Contraband goods were found in his house. ─── 在他的房子里发现了走私货。

45、To set up a special commodity sales force in monitoring information monitoring work, monitor the sales ultra-cheap goods contraband, etc. ─── 成立专门监控力量开展商品销售信息监控工作,重点监控销售违禁品、超低价商品等内容。

46、Prisoners jettison a storm of contraband from their cells onto the prison floor below. ─── 囚犯们将违禁品纷纷地扔出他们的牢房,牢房的地面上到处都是。

47、Any contraband? Any fresh fruit, live plants, or animals? ─── 有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、物或动物?

48、If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail. ─── 如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。

49、I was up half the night checking the barracks for contraband. ─── 我半夜起来检查兵营看有没有违禁品。

50、Actually, I'm not quite sure what's contraband. ─── 实际上我不大清楚什么是违禁物品。

51、Have you got any contraband? ─── 您有违禁品吗?

52、Actually, I'm not quite sure what contraband is. ─── 实际上我不太清楚什么是违禁物品。

53、I guess he longed for contraband that would enliven those long, lonely nights on the frigid frontier. ─── 我猜想,他渴望弄些禁书,好在这寒冷的边境为那些孤独的漫漫长夜添些活力。

54、What kind of things is contraband? ─── 什么类型的东西是违禁品?

55、Contraband goods were found in the storehouse of the hotel ─── 在旅馆的储藏室里发现了走私货。

56、When Musa got into a dispute with the gang, and refused to pay for the contraband, he was assassinated. ─── 后来穆萨与黑帮起了争执,继而拒绝为走私品买单,于是,他遭到了暗杀。

57、Do you have anything contraband in your luggage? ─── 您的行李中有违禁物品吗?

58、they are looking for contraband , undeclared goods , and people , including terrorists , trying to enter the country illegally. ─── 他们查找走私,未申报的商品以及包括恐怖分子在内想非法进入本国的人。

59、seizure of contraband ─── [法] 没收违禁品

60、There are no contraband goods inside. ─── 外宾: 里面没有违禁物品。

61、She said our papers are in order, and we're not carrying any contraband. ─── 她说我们的文件都没问题,况且我们也没有携带任何违禁品。

62、Contraband and articles of the criminal's own property used for committing the crime shall be confiscated. ─── 违禁品和供犯罪所用的本人财物,应当予以没收。

63、A certain portion of his time was passed at Cambridge, where he read with undergraduates as a sort of tolerated smuggler who drove a contraband trade in European languages, instead of conveying Greek and Latin through the Custom-house. ─── 他把一部分时间花在剑桥,在那儿教本科生读法语。 他仿佛是一个受到宽容的走私贩子,不是经过海关检验进口希腊文和拉丁文,而是贩卖欧洲语言的私货。

64、Marlboro is the world's most valuable brand and remains one of the most in demand in the contraband sector. ─── Marlboro是世界上最有价值的品牌,也是在非法交易中需求量最多的品牌。

65、if students are caught with such contraband, they cannot leave campus for two weeks. ─── 如果学生违规,两周内则不许离开学校。

66、And, well, you never know, but Schliemann seems like the sort who likes to keep plenty of contraband to hand... ─── 我想你大概不知道,雪曼是那种喜欢收集很多违禁品的家伙...

67、Unregulated distribution networks provide more opportunities to sell contraband cigarettes. ─── 未受到管理的地区经销网络为销售走私香烟提供了更多的机会。

68、occasional contraband ─── 战时特别禁运品

69、The ship was carrying contraband. ─── 这只船携带走私货。

70、Because they are dangerous and the government has an express provision that contraband can't be taken into the station. ─── 因为他们是危险的,而且政府有明文规定违禁品是不能带进车站的。

71、The invention discloses a detection method and a system used for detecting contraband by photoneutron-X ray. ─── 本发明公开了一种光中子-X射线违禁品检测方法和系统。

72、Could not we all, monsieur? The construction area adjacent to our compound can be a good source of contraband. ─── 先生,没有吗?建设区就在我们的区域旁边,是个很好的违禁品来源。

73、d) to discharge at any other port any cargo or part thereof which may render the Vessel liable to confiscation as a contraband carrier; ─── 在其他任何港口卸下因走私被没收而被可能使船舶承担责任的任何货物或其部分.

74、All she had to do was to sniff out some illegal or contraband goods and report her findings- she would then receive a part of the fine imposed on the offender by the authorities. ─── 她要做的很简单,仅仅是从某人的货舱里找出非法走私品,然后报告给官方,之后就可以拿到那个倒霉家伙补交税款的一部分。

75、war contraband ─── 战时禁运品

76、The legitimate property of the victims shall be promptly returned. Contraband and articles of the criminal's own property used for committing the crime shall be confiscated. ─── 对被害人的合法财产,应当及时返还;违禁品和供犯罪所用的本人财物,应当予以没收。

77、Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's mazeof alleys." ─── 很多那不勒斯人的第一块里拉,都是在这个迷宫般城市的巷道里,靠出售走私烟赚来的。

78、Any contraband ? ─── 有违禁品吗

79、conditional contraband ─── 有条件禁运品

80、contraband of war ─── n. 战时禁运品

81、Unknown to her passengers but probably no secret to the Germans, she was carrying munitions and contraband destined for the British War effort. ─── 乘客不知道的,是邮轮载着军火和一些违禁品,准备供英军使用,但德国人大概知道这秘密。

82、certifying that I inspected the communication for contraband, ─── 保证你这份文件里面不含非法以及。

83、aad a feverish Christmas party fueled by contraband booze anti hip-hop thai ends in accidental fireworks. ─── 为此,他们在训练营教官疯狂的指令下不停地训练了好几个月。

84、Where the passenger insists on bringing or packing in the luggage the contraband articles, the carrier shall refuse the carriage. ─── 旅客坚持携带或者夹带违禁物品的,承运人应当拒绝运输。

85、to seize contraband ─── 把违禁品没收(或充公)

86、By July, he began pressing the Lincoln administration to admit that the contrabands were not really contraband: that they had become free. ─── 到7月,他开始向林肯政府施压,要林肯政府承认这些敌人的财产并不只是财产,他们已经自由了。

87、In recent months, European customs officers have complained of a tidal wave of contraband cigarettes arriving from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. ─── 最近的几个月,欧盟海关的官员抱怨来自于俄罗斯飞地加里宁格勒的走私如潮水般涌入。

88、People who smuggle contraband goods will be punished by the law. ─── 偷运违禁物品的行为, 要受到法律的制裁。

89、D. There was some contraband in liquid discovered in Munich Airport. ─── 慕尼黑机场发现了隐藏在液体中的违禁品。

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