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enshrined 中文意思翻译





enshrined 短语词组

1、enshrined def ─── 庄严的定义

2、enshrined deutsch ─── 德国

3、enshrined synonym ─── 同义词

4、enshrined mean ─── 神圣的卑鄙

5、enshrined body ─── 神圣的身体

6、enshrined define ─── 神圣的定义

7、enshrined meaning ─── 神圣的意义

enshrined 词性/词形变化,enshrined变形

异体字: inshrine |动词过去分词: enshrined |动词过去式: enshrined |动词第三人称单数: enshrines |动词现在分词: enshrining |名词: enshrinement |

enshrined 相似词语短语

1、inshrined ─── v.把……置于神龛内;把……奉若神明;珍藏;铭记(同enshrine)

2、enchained ─── v.(诗、文)用链锁住,束缚

3、enshrinee ─── 供奉

4、enshrine ─── vt.铭记,珍藏;把…置于神龛内;把…奉为神圣

5、enshrinees ─── 供奉

6、-shrined ─── n.圣地;神殿;神龛;圣祠;vt.将…置于神龛内;把…奉为神圣

7、inshrine ─── v.把……置于神龛内;把……奉若神明;珍藏;铭记(同enshrine)

8、inshrines ─── v.把……置于神龛内;把……奉若神明;珍藏;铭记(同enshrine)

9、enshrines ─── vt.铭记,珍藏;把…置于神龛内;把…奉为神圣

enshrined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dian-ji Templ is the biggest temple in Keelung city.We can distinguish the size of temple and the position of enshrined god from the step of the entering stair. ─── 奠济宫为基隆市区最大型的庙宇,我们可由入庙的阶梯数多寡来分辨庙宇的大小以及参礼神祈地位的高低。

2、Han Learning represented more than just an antiquarian quest.Its advocates cast doubt on the Confucian ideology enshrined by Manchu rulers when they legitimated imperial power. ─── 推崇汉代学术所代表的意义远远超过嗜古者的内容,它向因为皇权辩护而受到满洲统治者崇尚的儒家意识形态提出质疑。

3、The fundamental rights of all men are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations ─── 人人所享有的基本权利已庄严地载入联合国宪章。

4、“If we can boondoggle ourselves out of this Depression,” Roosevelt said, “that word is going to be enshrined in the hearts of the American people for years to come. ─── 他说,如果我们通过boondoggle可以走出衰退,那么在未来的岁月中,这将变成一个令美国人激动振奋的词。

5、The full text of the treaty to be enshrined in the Egyptian hieroglyphs Temple of Karnak at Thebes and the Temple of Ramses the wall. ─── 条约全文以象形文字被铭刻在埃及卡纳克神庙和位于底比斯的拉美西斯神庙的墙壁上。

6、obscurities enshrined ,the balance of power as an analytical concept . ─── 均势作为一种分析性概念,它的研究难度被夸大了。

7、The models that civil engineers use are based on many years of practice that are enshrined in engineering codes. ─── 土木工程师们所用的模型是基于多年实践经验的,这些实践经验都在工程规划中考虑到了。

8、The demonstrations follow, then, and who are we to say that the citizens of the SAR can not exercise their rights of association and expression enshrined in the Basic Law? ─── 游行示威跟随, 然后,并且我们是谁说特别行政区的公民不能运用他们的协会的权利,表示在基本法里珍藏?

9、relics enshrined in a casket ─── 在小箱中保存的遗物

10、But its most special part is not the structure itself, but the image of Pan Gu enshrined in the top part. ─── 不过它最特别的地方还不在于建筑本身,而是上面供奉的盘古造像。

11、There is nothing new about a French president insisting that his country carries a “message of values”, enshrined in its declaration of human rights. ─── 法国总统坚持认为自己的国家传递着“有价值的信息”,这并不新奇,其人权宣言中也对此有所记载。

12、The memory of our friendship will be enshrined in my heart. ─── 我们友谊的记忆将铭记在心。

13、From then on Baggio's sad blue eyes were enshrined in my heart. ─── 从那时起巴乔忧郁的蓝眼睛镌刻在了我的心里。

14、Religious faith has been shown to help people cope, but so do the secular beliefs enshrined in axioms like “This too shall pass” and “That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. ─── 宗教信仰已经表明能够帮助人们应付困难,那些如同公理般被长期铭记的信条也有同样效果。例如,“这个难关总会过去”,“压不倒我,反而让我变得更坚强”。

15、Measureless Hall is a brick structure of the building, which has enshrined the Buddha Copper Pilu, the Hall of strange is that no beam, the shape is very unique, very high artistic value. ─── 无量殿是一座砖砌结构建筑,里面供奉有铜铸毗卢佛,该殿奇特之处在于没有房梁,形制非常独特,艺术价值很高。

16、But for the better part of five decades, those genes were enshrined by the central dogma of molecular biology as the repository of heritable traits. ─── 然而,在过去50年的大部份时间里,这些基因却被分子生物学的中心教条给奉为遗传特徵的储藏所。

17、It is said that a civilian dress the pit-lan, was the imperial court officials, who dedicated every effort to safeguard the interests of Buddhism, as was the death of Buddha enshrined. ─── 据说一身文官服饰的坑兰,原是朝廷官员,曾为维护佛门利益竭诚尽力,死后被当作菩萨奉祀。

18、Among the forces that constrain state power, the most important may be global justice enshrined in the world civil society. ─── 在限制国家权力的力量中,最重要的就是存在于世界公民社会中的全球正义。

19、OPEC is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the stability and prosperity of the petroleum market, as enshrined in the OPEC statute. ─── 石油输出国组织是一个政府间机构,正如其宪章中所明文昭示的那样,致力于稳定和繁荣石油市场。

20、Her love for him is enshrined forever in her poetry. ─── 她对他的爱被永远珍藏在她的诗中。

21、A person's right to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and not be hounded out of his job because of it, is now enshrined in law. ─── 公民有权利信仰认为气候变化所造成的影响并不能因为追逐它而不工作,此项法案已经在法律中明文昭示。

22、Kage Bo is often enshrined in the statues above the altar. ─── 卡格博神像常被供奉在神坛之上。

23、be enshrined in ─── 庄严载入明文昭示

24、Chinese dragon totem is the basic feature It is enshrined in the national common totem God.Totemism is a most primitive form of religion. ─── 中国的龙,具有图腾的基本特征,它是各民族共同崇奉的图腾神. 图腾崇拜是一种最原始的宗教形式。

25、The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all. The Lord is the supreme Reality. Rejoice in him through renunciation. Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord. ─── 神祭奠在众生的心中。神是最高的真实。通过舍弃而感受他的喜悦。不要有任何贪图。一些都属于神。

26、Bad banks enshrined "nationalisation of the losses" caused by US mortgage-backed assets and meant they fell to the taxpayer. ─── 坏银行信奉“把损失国有化”---那些美国按揭贷款资产招致的损失,并意味着这些损失由纳税人来承担。

27、Who refused to participate in the hearing or stamped signature, which should be enshrined in the hearing transcripts. ─── 听证参加人拒绝签字或者盖章的,应当在听证笔录上载明有关情况。

28、A Comparison of the Enshrined Statues in the Outer Eight Temples between the Time of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong ─── 外八庙康乾时期供奉造像的比较

29、They are enshrined in the hearts of all loyal Southerners, and no one begrudges them the scant monetary returns they make for their risks. They are unselfish gentlemen, and we honor them. ─── 他们受到全体忠诚的南方人民的衷心爱戴,人民无不乐意捐献自己的一点点金钱来报答他们所作出的牺牲,他们是些无私的上等人,我们尊敬他们。

30、The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed. ─── 以法律形式保护种族主义的种族隔离制度依然存在着。

31、If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed, then it did not happen. ─── 如果没有记录在备忘录或信函上,并忘了署名,那就根本无此事。

32、In formulating policies,the Government must listen carefully to the views of the community. The Government will also seek the views of the Legislature,and respect its powers as enshrined in the Basic Law. ─── 政府制定政策时,必须认真听取民意,也会征询立法机关的意见,尊重《基本法》赋予立法机关的权力。

33、Somehow, the war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni will have to be removed, even though the shrine has private status. ─── 即使靖国神社是以私人身份出现的,其中所供奉的战犯灵位也应被移出。

34、Rice said the Americas and Africa have "enshrined" within their regions a commitment to democracy through these two "visionary" charters. ─── 赖斯说,美洲和非洲等两地区通过各自“具有远见”的宪章坚定不移地推动民主事业。

35、In order to avoid such regret, the Mazu that protects the hall is enshrined to accept people’s respect. ─── 为了避免香客们千里迢迢来此朝拜而看不到妈祖金身的遗憾,在其背后,还供奉一尊镇殿妈祖。

36、Her memory is enshrined in his heart. ─── 他把封她的回忆深藏在心里。

37、Xue Xuan was the first Confucian to be enshrined in the Temple to Confucius during the Ming Dynasty, which is definitely a major topic in the study of Ming intellectual history. ─── 摘要薛瑄是第一位在明代从祀孔庙的明儒,这无疑是明代思想史中的重要课题。

38、December 25 is an ancient Iranian justice enshrined the god Mitra's birthday. ─── 12月25日是古伊朗人所崇奉的正义之神密特拉的生日。

39、At any rate,the original dragon enshrined the entire meteor that fell through the atmosphere there,through that tunnel behind you. ─── 不论如何,最初的龙将这整块穿过大气圈的陨石安置在穿过你身后隧道的另一侧了。

40、Although Winter believes his contribution to basketball has been important, he feels like he can't call himself a "legend" until he's enshrined in the Naismith Hall of Fame. ─── 尽管温特相信他对篮球的贡献已经是非常重要的了,但他还是觉得在他能进入奈-斯密斯名人堂之前他还不能称为“传奇”。

41、This system is enshrined in our Constitution. ─── 我们的宪法使该制度神圣而不可侵犯。

42、With almost no exception,all great men of letters and philosophy in China whose works are enshrined in the culture tradition of the nation,were such great travelers. ─── 几乎无一例外,在中国,所有的作品被奉为民族传统文化瑰宝的文人学土同时也都是伟大的旅行家。

43、The Shaolin Temple's eminant monk enshrines monile numbers , this man spent 82 thousands Yuan RMB to be enshrined one . ─── 少林寺高僧开光手机号码。此人以八万两千元拍得一个。

44、Individually, Rupp was a four times National Coach of the Year and was enshrined to the College Basketball Hall of Fame in 2007. ─── 个人方面,鲁普教练是四次全美最佳教练的获得者。他于2007年成为了名人堂的一员。

45、"In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever." ─── "在这座纪念馆里,如同他在联邦中拯救得人心中一样,对亚伯拉罕.林肯得怀念会被永远铭记"

46、His first political act was to write a letter to the school administration attacking the rigidity of the curriculum and certain “bourgeois sentiments” it enshrined. ─── 他平生第一次政治行动是给学校领导写信,攻击死板的课程设置和小资情调的内容。

47、Yet this ignominious retreat became enshrined as a glorious victory; the guts of survivors made it a founding myth. ─── 然而,这不光彩的撤退成为了一项光荣的胜利,幸存者的勇气使其成为了建国者的神话。

48、memories enshrined in one's heart ─── 珍藏在内心的回忆

49、Because no two of them looking for his owner , Enshrined in the Jinding on Emei Mountain. ─── 其中有两把因为没有寻觅到他的主人,供奉于峨眉山金顶之上。

50、enshrined in ─── 明文昭示,庄严宣告,庄严载入

51、Most men, I well know, who have enshrined in literature and history the lives of Marcus and Verus, have made Verus known to their readers first, following the order, not of their reigns, but of their lives. ─── 据我所知,大多数人在文献和历史记载中查考马尔库斯和维鲁斯的生平时,首先读到的是维鲁斯;这个次序,不是以他们的执政,而是以他们的生卒时间来排的。

52、Saakyamuni Buddha(Tathagata Buddhism Patriarch) has been enshrined and worshipped in here. ─── 主尊释迦牟尼佛像被供奉在这里。

53、If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed in Vertretung, then it did not happen. ─── 如果在备忘录或信函里看不到某件事,那它就是从没发生过。

54、Global solidarity is enshrined in instruments like the International Health Regulations and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and in commitments, like the Millennium Development Goals. ─── 《国际卫生条例》和《烟草控制框架公约》等文书以及千年发展目标等承诺中都要求全球团结一致。

55、Every clan set up its ancestral temple where their ancestors were enshrined and worshipped. ─── 每个大家庭都有自己的宗祠,在那里供奉着这个家族的祖先。

56、With the political creed of the Faqih ruling authority enshrined in the constitution, the established political system in Iran is destined to be characteristic of the Islamic and conservative. ─── 教法学家权威统治的政治纲领被载入宪法,导致了法基赫政治体系的诞生及其体制化,从而决定了伊朗政治伊斯兰和保守的特性。

57、- Central to the stage at the three Yuandiao Buddha, crown-wearing, Shen Pei collar, Luo Ying, Po-chuan, and other accessories, Tantric is enshrined by the big, some other types of Buddha image. ─── 洞中央方台上放置着三尊圆雕佛像,头戴宝冠,身佩项圈、璎珞、宝钏等饰物,是密宗所供奉的大日如来佛形象。


59、In March, the Government announced a series of legislative reforms for the securities and futures market, to be enshrined in the composite Securities and Futures Bill. ─── 政府在一九九九年三月公布一系列证券及期货市场的法例改革,改革建议会载于《证券及期货综合条例草案》。

60、Their valorous deeds will be enshrined in the hearts of men long after these transient memorials have crumbled into dust. ─── 在这些纪念碑化为尘灰之后,他们的英雄业绩仍将铭刻于人们心中。

61、be deeply engraved on the memory of sb.; be enshrined in the heart of sb. ─── 深深铭记在心中

62、The doctrines of Islam, its precepts and practices, are enshrined in the Book of God--the Koran--which is regarded as divinely inspired, a message dictated to the Prophet Mohammed in Arabic. ─── 伊斯兰教教义、告诫和惯例珍藏于真主之书古兰经,这本书被认为是神圣的启示,是以阿拉伯文口授给先知穆罕默德的神旨。

63、Five Buddhas of Esoteric School are enshrined in the Hall of Mahavira of the temple of the Trantrism Sect. ─── 五位主尊佛密宗佛寺大雄宝殿往往供奉五位主尊佛,亦称“五智佛”。

64、Traditional ethnic folk culture is enshrined in Chinese nation. ─── 摘要民族民间传统文化是我国文化宝库中的瑰宝。

65、Jadeware : Jadeware has evolved from the enigmatic ware enshrined for communicating with the heaven and the earth to objects adopted in funerary occasions since Zhou dynasty. ─── 玉器:周代起,玉器从自然崇拜中用以沟通天地的灵通之器转化为殉葬之器。

66、The minister knew well that he was himself enshrined within the stainless sanctity of her heart, which hung its snowy curtains about his image, imparting to religion the warmth of love, and to love a religious purity. ─── 牧师深知,他本人就供奉在她心灵的无理的圣殿之中,并用她雪白的心灵的帷幔罩着他的肖像,将爱情的温暖融进宗教,并将宗教的纯洁融进爱情。

67、These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution. ─── 这些权利已庄严地载入国家宪法。

68、The mountain is enshrined in literature, most notably Ernest Hemingway's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and some ancient beliefs in Africa hold the mountain to be a sacred place. ─── 在文学史上,大名鼎鼎的海明威曾著有《乞力马扎罗的雪》一书,从而让人们对这片土地心存一份特殊的情结,再加上一些古老的非洲传说,更是令这座山显得神秘而令人向往。

69、The foundamental rights of all men are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. ─── 人人所享有的基本权利已庄严载入联合国宪章。

70、Fourteen top war criminals were secretly enshrined in 1978.A connected museum paints Japan in its wars of 1937-45 as the liberator of Asia, a victim of Western belligerency. ─── 在1978年,他们秘密将14名甲级战犯的灵位移入神社,且游就馆还把二战时的日本粉饰为亚洲的解放者和与西方交战的受害者。

71、The rights to adequate food and freedom from hunger are enshrined in international law. ─── 在饥饿中获得充分食物和自由的权利庄被庄严载入国际法律中。

72、China will take on the responsibilities enshrined in the Uruguay Round of GATT talks as a developing country But will not Bow to exorbitant demands ─── 作为一个发展中国家, 中国将承担庄严载入关贸总协定会谈乌拉圭回合中的责任,但决不屈从过分的要求

73、Inside are three shrines, enshrined on the altar median Chen - Wu Ming true biological parent Great and good wins Queen's statues, Taoist followers honorific title for the Holy Father Notre Dame. ─── 殿内设有三座神龛,正中神龛上供奉真武大帝生身父母明真大帝和善胜皇后的造像,道士信徒尊称为圣父圣母。

74、A person's right to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and not be hounded out of his job because of it, is now enshrined in law. ─── 公民有权利信仰认为气候变化所造成的影响并不能因为追逐它而不工作,此项法案已经在法律中明文昭示。

75、For more than 1,000 years, the palace had housed the remains of the finger bones of Sakyamuni and other valuable relics that enshrined these precious bones. ─── 同时在地宫中发现了深藏千年之久的释迦牟尼指骨舍利和供养舍利的大批珍贵文物。

76、A gilded Monkey enshrined in his "Great Sage" temple. ─── 大圣庙坛中的老孙金身。

77、The equal rights of women are enshrined in the Preamble to the UN Charter and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,which legally establish gender equality as a fundamental human right. ─── 《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》载明了妇女的平等权利,在法律上确认两性平等是一项基本人权。

78、Then there is Fidel's claim, earlier this year, that while Cuba has enshrined racial equality, America is irredeemably racist and would never accept a black man as president. ─── 卡斯特罗在年初时候还在鼓吹古巴对种族平等的尊重,并断言美国仍然是不可救药的种族主义国家,美国人绝对不会接受一个黑人成为它们的总统。

79、Buddhas of the Middle, East and West are enshrined in one hall with Sakyamuni as the main one, which expresses the faith of disciples. ─── “横三世佛”,是以释迦牟尼佛为主,并将东、西两方教主供于一殿,这是为了表示佛教徒一种信念:东方为日出之处,象征万物生长,为生之乐国;

80、In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils. ─── 在远古时期,鼓被尊奉为通天的神器,主要是作为祭祀的器具。

81、Every now and then, there are those who think that America's safety and success requires us to walk away from the sacred principles enshrined in this building. ─── 不时会有一些人认为,为了保障美国的安全和成功,我们需要偏离铭刻在这座档案馆内的神圣信条。

82、At home, though, barely a voice was raised to recall that the freedom for companies to do this is enshrined in Europe’s single-market laws. ─── 然而,在本国,却少有声音指出这些公司有这样做的自由,因为他们铭记了欧洲的单一市场法则。

83、Samcheonggak: worship is still too Laojun, metadata so that s, Schering-s, in Taoism, as the highest Samcheonggak Shenfu generally enshrined in the highest. ─── 三清阁:供奉的是太尚老君,元使天尊、灵保天尊、在道教中,三清阁被誉为最高神府,一般都供奉在最高处。

84、What ethical values are enshrined in the systems of occupational security in Europe? ─── 欧洲职业保障体系包含哪些伦理价值?

85、The unborn baby 's "right to life" , enshrined in the constitution, did not take precedence over Miss D's right to travel, it suggested. ─── 判决表明,未出生婴儿的“生命权”固然受到宪法保护,但却不能凌驾于D小姐的出游权之上。

86、The third section is called the Memorial Hall, where the tablets for all ancestors are enshrined. ─── 第三进叫做“寝堂”,历代祖先的牌位在这里安寝。

87、China has never renounced what it says is its right to “reunify” Taiwan by force, and in 2005 enshrined this in an “Anti-Secession Law”. ─── 中国从未放弃过她声称拥有的武力重新统一台湾的权利,并于2005年以“反分裂法”将其合法化。

88、Nowadays, several high-ranking officials paid their visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, where class A war criminals are enshrined. ─── 今内阁高官数人,悍然参拜靖国神社,侵夺之心不灭,图霸之势昭然!

89、Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days,because days enshrined in memory are never lost, ─── 真正珍惜过去的人,不会悲叹旧日美好时光的逝去,因为写进记忆中的时光永不流逝

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