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08-18 投稿


hessian 发音

英:[?he?n]  美:[?hesi?n]

英:  美:

hessian 中文意思翻译




hessian 网络释义

n. 打包麻布;浸沥青的麻绳

hessian 常用词组

hessian matrix ─── 海赛矩阵

hessian 短语词组

1、hessian boots ─── 流苏高统靴(黑森兵穿的)黑森靴

2、Hessian boot ─── [网络] 黑森林靴

3、hessian cloth ─── 粗麻布

4、bordered hessian matrix ─── 有界黑森矩阵

5、hessian 2 ─── 黑森2

6、hessian mercenary ─── 黑森雇佣兵

7、Hessian fly ─── 麦廮蝇

8、hessian soldiers ─── 黑森士兵

9、Hessian matrix ─── 黑塞矩阵

10、hessian h ─── 黑森h

11、hessian bag ─── 海生袋;麻袋麻袋, ─── 海生袋

12、Hessian crucible ─── [化] 砂坩埚

13、hessian software hessian ─── 软件

hessian 词性/词形变化,hessian变形


hessian 相似词语短语

1、Hessian ─── n.打包麻布;浸沥青的麻绳;n.(Hessian)(美、英、加、澳)赫西让(人名)

2、Thespian ─── adj.(古希腊诗人)狄斯比斯的;戏剧的;悲剧性的;n.悲剧演员;演员

3、chessman ─── n.(国际象棋的)棋子

4、Messiaen ─── 梅绵阳(人名)

5、Persian ─── n.波斯人;伊朗人;波斯语(同Farsi);波斯猫(同Persiancat);adj.波斯的;伊朗的;波斯人的;伊朗人的;波斯语的

6、Ossian ─── n.奥西恩(传说中的爱尔兰诗人)

7、Hessians ─── n.麻布(hessian复数)

8、Russian ─── adj.俄国的;俄语的;n.俄国人;俄语

9、Messiah ─── n.弥赛亚(犹太人所期待的救世主);救星,解放者

hessian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Covering exposed areas of the skin with water soaked Hessian bags or something similar will help with cooling and also help prevent sunburn. ─── 盖住暴露的皮肤的区域,用水浸湿的麻布袋或是其他类似的东西,可以帮助冷却也可以帮助防止晒伤。

2、The gradient and Hessian matrices of each time interval had relative non-zeros position with the admittance matrix, which was constant during iterations. ─── 各时段的梯度矩阵和海森矩阵具有与导纳矩阵相关的稀疏特性,在计算过程中保持不变。

3、Most people would be familiar with hessian cloth, a reference given to Jute.Enough time has ticked by, though, for www.air-jordans.com the young combatants to get overconfident. ─── 网站的所有者想要使用电话会议系统,必须先向客服系统申请一个帐户,然后生成网页标签,就是一段代码,然后把这段代码嵌入到网站网页当中。

4、Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures. ─── 鲁本在街头徘徊,努力寻找著被他视为宝物的麻袋。

5、He was waiting for Christmas. He knew that the Hessian soldiers on the other side of the river would eat and drink a great deal on Christmas Day. ─── 他正在等待着圣诞节到来,他知道对岸的黑森兵在圣诞节那天会大吃大喝。

6、We want to buy Jute Yarn, Jute Twine, Raw Jute, Hessian Cloth, Jute Bags Jute Products ─── 我们要采购黄麻纱,黄麻合股线,生的肉黄麻,布料,黄麻装入袋中黄麻产品

7、Every day after chores and school, Reuben scoured the town, collecting the hessian nail bags. ─── 每天放学,做完家务事后,鲁本就在镇上搜寻装钉子的麻袋。

8、When the Hessian matrix is indefinite,we consider negative curvature direction as search direction; ─── 当最优化问题的海赛阵不正定时,由于算法的分解保留了海赛阵的负特征值,因此可用负曲率方向作为搜索方向;

9、Algorithm for centerline extraction of coronary arterial tree in coronary angiographic projections based on Hessian matrix and Gabor filter ─── 基于多尺度Hessian矩阵和Gabor滤波的造影图像冠脉中心线提取

10、Zhang et. al. [26] also proposed an adaptive trust region method, in which the trust region radius depends on the gradient and Hessian of the current iterate point. ─── 章祥荪等在文[26]中也给出了一种自适应信赖域算法,它利用当前迭代点的梯度和海赛阵信息来选取当前迭代步的信赖域半径。

11、Local Maximum Principle of Semilinear Nonuniformly Elliptic Equations and Its Applications to Hessian Equations ─── 半线性非一致椭圆方程的局部最大值原理及其在Hessian方程上的应用

12、People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in Hessian sacks from a local factory. ─── 罗伯茨湾的人喜欢自己建房,用的钉子是从本地一家工厂买的,都用麻袋来装。

13、Most people would be familiar with hessian cloth, a reference given to Jute.Dennis Goebel is the head athletic trainer and instructor. ─── 客户群,客户群从另一个侧面也反应了这个品牌的实力,如果这个品牌大客户很少,自己都很难维持下去,我们就要认真考虑了。

14、Iterative approximation algorithm of Hessian matrix in structural optimization ─── 结构优化中的海森矩阵的近似迭代方法

15、"It cost me seven Renminbi a pound," a man told me, pointing at a hessian sack. ─── 一个人指着一麻袋麻袋,告诉我:“这花了我7人民币一斤,”

16、Hessian eigenmaps ─── Hessian特征映射

17、First, the distance transformation is performed. Then the initial path is obtained by computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hessian matrix. ─── 在距离变换的基础上,先利用hessian矩阵的几何意义找出中心线的大致形状作为初始路径;

18、Hessian fly ─── 小麦瘿蚊

19、Hessian >setup QM single point calc. ─── 按上述方法得到gjf,完成后载入。

20、This method include 3D Euclidean distance transform, computer the Hessian matrix in every voxel,and visibility test. ─── 主要步骤包括:三维欧几里德距离变换,求Hessian矩阵,可视化检测几个步骤。

21、They were crouching and sitting behind the hessian screens in the classroom. ─── 他们或蹲或坐在教室里的麻布屏幕后面。

22、His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. ─── 他回家时要经过一座古老的睡谷公墓,公墓里埋着一个无头黑森士兵。

23、Keywords Refining Process System;Optimization;Two Level Decomposition-Coordination Approach;Reduced Hessian Successive Quadratic Programming;Automatic Differentiation; ─── 炼油过程系统;优化;两级分解协调法;简约空间序列二次规划;自动微分技术;

24、Solution of Optimal Power Flow by Applying Multiplier Penalty Function and Hessian Matrix ─── 用乘子罚函数和海森矩阵计算最佳潮流

25、A piece of hessian dyed red, fringed, made an elegant carpet. ─── 一块粗麻布被染红、缝上流苏,做成了一块雅致的地毯。

26、Hessian fits this requirement perfectly. ─── 完美地满足了这种需求。

27、Centerline Extraction Based on Hessian Matrix ─── 基于hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法

28、I represent the Hessian Trading Company. We're interested in importing a complete bottling machine for exhibit and sale in our country. ─── 我是哈森贸易公司的代表,我们有兴趣进口一整部装瓶机,以备在我国展示和销售。

29、In this paper, a new centerline extraction algorithm based on Hessian Matrix is proposed. ─── 提出了一种基于hessian矩阵的中心路径提取算法.

30、Hessian determinant ─── 海赛行列式

31、Some of the hessian soldiers that the king had hired to fight against the Americans came to Trenton. Trenton is on the Delaware River ─── 英国国王雇用的黑森兵中有一部分到达位于特拉华河畔的特伦顿。

32、Hessian normal form ─── 海赛正规式

33、Hessian fly resistance ─── 对麦蝇抗性

34、Hessian transformation ─── Hessian变换

35、5.What we smell with cork taint is mould, smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag -phew! ─── 我们闻到的是污染瓶塞的发霉味道,卷心菜的味道,或湿麻袋的味道,烦人!

36、Hessian crucible ─── 砂坩埚

37、Manipulator with retractable hooks for handling hessian sacks. ─── 装备可收缩吊钩的机械手,用于搬运大包货物。

38、mangled hessian ─── 轧光麻袋布

39、bridge, the Hessian bolted, and vanished in a flash of fire. ─── 大桥,黑森州螺栓,并消失在闪光火灾。

40、Grains such as wheat and barley are planted in this way to protect them from an insect known as the 4)Hessian fly. ─── 像小麦和大麦这类谷物,就是通过这种方法栽培来避免小麦瘿蚊的侵害的。

41、At Stanstead College, a top-tier preparatory school in Quebec, students can prepare for the TOEFL exam through tutoring programs, said Eryn Hessian, Stanstead’s university guidance coordinator. ─── 但是,她说,到雅思考试被广泛接受之前,学校提供专项雅思辅导的可能不大。

42、checked hessian ─── 格子打包麻布

43、Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton Hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British. ─── 另一些人则认为这个黑森士兵还不知道附近的查特顿山已被英国人占领,他从坟墓里出来便是要领导其他黑森士兵向那儿冲锋。

44、People built their ss own habitats in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in hessian sacks from a local factory. ─── 罗伯茨湾的人喜爱本人建房,用的钉子是从本地一家工厂买的,都用麻袋来装。

45、earthquake force Hessian matrix ─── 地震力海森矩阵

46、At the windows of the houses men could be seen in military coats and Hessian boots, laughing and strolling through the rooms. ─── 房屋的窗户里,闪现着穿军大衣和短靴的人们,他们嘻笑着出入于各个房间;

47、hessian loom ─── 打包麻布织机

48、The Hessian matrix of every function in this model is constant, so it will be calculated once in the entire optimal process based on interior point method, which speeds up each iteration. ─── 该新模型的海森矩阵是精确的常系数矩阵,在内点法迭代过程中只需要计算一次,从而缩短了每次迭代的计算时间。

49、minimal weak approximate Hessian ─── 小弱逼近Hessian

50、Thereby, the Hessian matrix of the objective function being similar to a block diagonal sparse matrix is maintained by the updated matrix sequence. ─── 该算法的一个主要特点是算法产生的矩阵序列保持目标函数的Hessian阵是一个具有类似于块对角状的稀疏矩阵。

51、People built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in hessian sacks from a local factory. ─── 罗伯茨湾的人喜欢自建房屋,用的钉了是从本地一家工厂买的,都装在麻袋时。

52、His path led next to the old Sleepy Hollow cemetery where a headless Hessian soldier was buried. ─── 他回家时要经过一座古老的睡谷公墓,公墓里埋着一个无头黑森士兵。

53、Hessian functiona ─── 海赛泛函

54、The 2.7 dimensional element, as a typical FDE, is studied with a B matrix and a Hessian matrix derived to it. ─── 对2.7维单元进行了分析,推导出2.7维单元的B矩阵和hessian矩阵。

55、reduced Hessian methods ─── 既约Hessian方法

56、unilateral generalized Hessian ─── 单侧广义Hessian

57、He ran towards the sound and stopped at a construction site. eople built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails purchased in hessian sacks from a local factory. ─── 他循声跑过去,来到一处建筑工地。罗伯茨湾的人喜欢自己建房,用的钉子是从本地一家工厂买的,都用麻袋来装。

58、In an SQP method, it is important to keep the Hessian of the objective function in QP problem to be positive definite. ─── 此时,QP子问题有唯一解,而且,该问题的求解比较容易。

59、hessian cloth ─── 粗麻布

60、Every day after chores and school, Reuben scoured the town,collecting the hessian nail bags. ─── 每天放学,做完家务事后,鲁本就在镇上搜寻和收集装钉子的麻袋。

61、Most people would be familiar with hessian cloth, a reference given to Jute.Americans will have a fashionable first lady. ─── 王女士说,出租车司机和乘客都应该讲诚信,只有这样才能够将这项业务开展起来。

62、He overlaid the walls with hessian. ─── 他在墙上贴了一层麻布。

63、Packing: inside polyethylene film, outside PVC or hessian cloth ─── 包装:内为聚乙烯薄膜,外包装为PVC或打包麻布

64、condition Hessian ─── 条件Hessian

65、Soon the leaves fell and the winds blew cold and gusty from the bay Reuben wandered the streets, diligently searching for his hessian treasures. ─── 不久,树叶纷纷飘零,海湾刮来阵阵寒风。鲁本在街头四处逛荡,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。

66、A method to detect the sub-pixel center of structured light stripe with Hessian matrix is proposed. ─── 提出了一种基于hessian矩阵的亚像素精度结构光条纹中心提取算法.

67、Hessian is a custom binary communication protocol (based on HTTP) focused on network performance, developed by Caucho as well. ─── Hessian是一个自定义的二进制通信协议(基于HTTP),专注于网络性能,也是由Caucho开发的。

68、Hessian isn't a protocol that you have to plan your whole application around; you can add it in at any stage and it's just plug and go. ─── 你不需要围绕Hessian来计划整个应用,Hessian不是那种类型的协议;你可以在任何阶段加入Hessian,完全即插即用。

69、I went to a shop in Santa Fe in New Mexico -- a trendy shop for concerned people, where there was a lot of hessian, and earthenware products and posters with slogans about the earth. ─── 我来到新墨西哥州的圣达菲的一个专门为担心气候变暖的人们开设的商店里。那里有一些粗麻布,还有一些陶器和海报,上面印有关于保护地球的标语。

70、Recently Zhang et. al. [1] proposed a new trust region method called adaptive trust region method, in which the trust region radius depends on the gradient and Hessian of the current iterate point. ─── 最近章祥荪等在文[1]中给出了一种自适应信赖域算法,利用当前迭代点的梯度和海赛阵信息来选取当前迭代步的信赖域半径,数值试验表明,该方法比一般的信赖域方法有效。

71、hessian group ─── 海赛群

72、2)the study on the basis of Hessian Matrix; ─── 基于Hessian矩阵的研究;

73、hessian matrix ─── 海赛矩阵

74、Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden, Germany is a complex theatre of drama, opera, ballet, concert, and youth stage. ─── 德国黑森州剧院是集话剧、歌剧、芭蕾、交响乐队、青年剧团为一体的综合性剧院,在欧洲享有盛誉。

75、The combinations colours and styles are absolutley endless.Most people would be familiar with hessian cloth, a reference given to Jute. ─── 毫无防备地相信这些说法,即使想吃盐也克制自己,不喜欢吃醋也强行灌下去,这样做对健康其实有百害而无一利。

76、After that, the visibility test with an adaptive visibility sphere radius, which is determined by the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix, is carried out to remove the useless voxels in the centerline. ─── 然后进行可视性检测以确定最终的路径点,可视球的半径通过hessian矩阵的特征值自适应地确定;

77、Hessian equation ─── Hessian方程

78、Hessian locally linear embedding ─── Hessian局部线性嵌入

79、Products of main interest are raw jute, hessian cloth and jute carpet backing. ─── 主要行业的产品是原麻,麻布,地毯的麻衬垫物。

80、bituminized hessian ─── 绝缘带; 电线包布

81、projection method with Hessian matrix ─── 投影Hessian矩阵算法

82、The headless rider thundered past him, and the man got a second look at the headless ghost.It was wearing a Hessian commander's uniform. ─── 无头骑士从他身边呼啸而过,他又看了一眼那个无头骑士,发现他穿着黑森指挥官的制服。

83、What we smell with cork taint is mould, smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag - phew! ─── 我们闻到的是污染瓶塞的发霉味道,卷心菜的味道,或湿麻袋的味道烦人!

84、Hessian Matrix Mechanics And Schrodinger Wave Equation ─── 海森堡的矩阵力学与薛定谔的波动力学

85、oil-less hessian ─── 无油过滤麻布

86、Recently, there comes another kind of cross-platformed communication protocol?HBWSP (Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol). ─── 当前,出现了另一种跨平台的通信协议HBWSP(Hessian Binary Web Service Protocol)。

87、Next, define the constant elements hij of the nn hessian matrix H ─── 其次,定义n×n海赛矩阵H的常数元数为hij。

88、In the improved algorithm, the Hessian and grads can be caculated in advance and the interative computational complexity reduces. ─── Baker等人对AAM拟合计算部分进行了改进,通过提前计算Hessian和梯度值,减少了循环迭代的运算量。

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