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08-18 投稿


allegories 发音

英:[??l?g?riz]  美:[??l??g?riz]

英:  美:

allegories 中文意思翻译



allegories 短语词组

1、allegories of reading ─── 阅读寓言

2、allegories der Wollust ─── 狼人寓言

3、allegories of love ─── 爱情寓言

allegories 词性/词形变化,allegories变形

名词复数: allegories |名词: allegorist |

allegories 相似词语短语

1、allegorises ─── 寓言

2、allegoriser ─── 寓言者

3、allegorizes ─── v.讽喻化;使寓言化

4、allegorisers ─── 寓言家

5、allegorists ─── n.讽喻家,寓言作家

6、allegorizer ─── 寓言

7、allegorizers ─── 寓言

8、allegorized ─── v.讽喻化;使寓言化

9、allegorised ─── 寓言的

allegories 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His childlike openness enables him to work with children, stimulates adults to exhibitionism and fosters group-dynamics, in the course of which relationships become visible as allegories. ─── 他那些天真烂漫的开放心态,使他可以和孩子们在一起工作,并且刺激成人的表现欲望,从而构成了视觉的寓言。

2、54. This faith, said he, is but a borrowed plagiarism from one of the many allegories invented by our priests of old. ─── 这种信仰,他说,只不过是从一个寓言中抄袭来的,我们过去的祭司们曾编造过许多这样的寓言。

3、Such allegories, says Mr Bernardelli Curuz, "may seem artificial to us, but these were everyday games at the Renaissance courts. ─── 库鲁兹指出:“这些植物是文艺复兴时期求爱的信物。”

4、The Ethical Viewpoint for Narration in Current Allegories ─── 当代寓言叙事的伦理视点

5、They bring forth the Vedic knowledge and teachings by way of myths; parables, allegories and stories; legends; life stories of kings and other prominent persons; and chronologies of historical events. ─── 他们通过神话、寓言、比喻和故事、传说;国王和其他卓越人物的生动故事、历史事件的年代表等方式来展示出吠陀知识和教导。

6、Most millefleurs tapestries show secular scenes or allegories. ─── 许多百花挂毯的图案都是普通景色和寓言故事。

7、The defying of logic and the introduction of absurd allegories give an interesting edge to his works. ─── 蔑视逻辑和抽象比喻的说明,这也成为他作品一种有趣的优势。

8、This faith, said he, is but a borrowed plagiarism from one of the many allegories invented by our priests of old. ─── 这种信仰,他说,只不过是从一个寓言中抄袭来的,我们过去的祭司们曾编造过许多这样的寓言。

9、The international allegories of managing ─── 经典管理寓言全集

10、In the vivid, concrete allegories and parables manifests itself the beauty of his rhetoric to follow nature, to follow simplicity, and to follow the void and quiet. ─── 因此在谈论到庄子的修辞美学思想时往往会涉及到对其哲学的研究,在其生动具体的譬喻和寓言故事中,体现出了崇尚自然、朴素的修辞之美;崇尚虚静的修辞之美。

11、The tribe of figures includes Taoist and Confucian parables among the Buddhist allegories. ─── 佛像融道教、儒教和佛教于一体。

12、Performed outdoors as part of Corpus Christi feast-day celebrations, they were verse allegories dealing with some aspect of the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. ─── 圣礼剧作为基督圣体节节日庆祝的一部分在户外演出,是宣传圣体密义的短小诗体寓言剧;

13、Allegories Of Communication: Intermedial Concerns From Cinema To The Digital ─── 信息寓言:从电影到数字产品的媒体兴趣

14、A story, picture, or play in which this device is used. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories. ─── 寓言体小说,寓意画,寓言剧运用这种寓言艺术手法而作的小说、绘画或戏剧。约翰·班扬的天路历程和赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的白鲸记都是寓言体作品

15、parables, allegories and stories;legends;life stories of kings and other prominent persons;and chronologies of historical events. ─── 国王和其他卓越人物的生动故事、历史事件的年代表等方式来展示出吠陀知识和教导。

16、All similes and allegories concerning her began and ended with birds. ─── 要比仿她,要模拟她,总得以鸟类始,还得以鸟类终。

17、"Netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls, candles, and hourglasses as allegories of mortality, or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature's cycle." ─── 早期的尼德兰静物画以头盖骨、蜡烛和沙漏寓意死亡,以四季鲜花和果实象征大自然的循环。

18、"I don't think I know what you mean?" she said, "you use too many figures of speech; I could never understand allegories." ─── “我不明白你是什么意思,”她说,“你用的比喻太多,我从来不懂这些哑谜。”

19、Allegories in Three Major Religions ─── 三大宗教寓言概观

20、Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust (New Haven:Yale University Press, 1979). ─── 塞尔登:《文学批评理论--从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚等译(北京大学出版社,2000).

21、The subjects of Sn Fu were selected from allegories and tales.The formation of Su Fit relates to Pai You's (comedians) who pleased their masters and noble men by performance and josh. ─── 俗赋的题材则取自寓言和传说故事,它的形成同以表演、说笑愉悦人主和贵族的俳优有关。

22、Allegories of Ideology: Jameson's Dialogue with de Man's Deconstruction ─── 意识形态的寓言:詹姆逊与德曼解构的对话

23、While the old-time allegories were very direct in showing the audience what represented what, over time allegories became more subtle. ─── 过去的寓言是直接对观众教化。随时间演变,寓言变得更加复杂了。

24、" He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, " or the early Christian allegories of sheep and shepherd. ─── 有关这方面的联想到处可找到,例如「上帝要我躺在绿茵草地上」,或早期基督教有关绵羊跟牧羊人的寓言。

25、The Selective Discussion about the Characteristic of Liu Zongyuan's Allegories ─── 柳宗元寓言特色摭谈

26、Search engines that filter out combinations of provocative keywords still cannot detect metaphors, allegories, subtle allusions, satires, and even unusual turns of phrase. ─── 但是,这样的审查收效甚微,而且实际上对于那些最为“危险”思想的访问也未能严格限制住。

27、Close,T.(2002).Metaphor in psychotherapy:Clinical application of stories and allegories. ─── 刘小菁(译)。故事与心理治疗。台北:张老师文化。

28、Children can learn a lot from allegories. ─── 孩子们能从寓言中学到很多。

29、"I don't think I know what you mean? " she said, "you use too many figures of speech; I could never understand allegories. " ─── “我不明白你是什么意思,”她说,“你用的比喻太多,我从来不懂这些哑谜。”

30、A story, picture, or play in which this device is used.John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories. ─── 寓言体小说,寓意画,寓言剧运用这种寓言艺术手法而作的小说、绘画或戏剧。约翰 班扬的天路历程和赫尔曼 麦尔维尔的白鲸记都是寓言体作品

31、Films of the 1980s and 1990s havealot of social satires and political allegories about Hong Kong. Use two films by different directors as examples to illustrate this viewpoint. ─── 八、九十年代的电影充满很多有关香港的社会讽刺和政治隐喻.请以两部由不同导演拍摄的电影来引证这个观点.

32、First-time feature director Khoo Eng Yow explores the tension between heritage conservation and modernisation, family and profit, in a layered yet simplistic story fuelled by metaphors and allegories. ─── 马来西亚新进导演邱涌耀首部长片,透过老房子侧写失落人情家庭伦理,写实而不说教,影像流露他对马来西亚华人文化传承的关注。

33、Allegories took many forms over the years, such as fables and parables. ─── 这种寓言剧经过多年的演变就形成了寓言。

34、It seemed that these allegories were what the artist wanted to present in his work. ─── 这似乎是艺术家在画面中要传达的一丝很微妙的寓意。

35、They are not nostalgic thoughts, not national allegories, but rich imaginaries about personal life demand and inner feeling. ─── 她的小说不是乡愁的言说,也不关乎国族寓言,而是有关个体生命诉求与情感旨归的多维想象。

36、In form, his novels finally adopted the version of folk allegories after transforming from realistic writing to image writing. ─── 在形式上,则由写实转向意象化的手法,进而采用民族寓言的文本形式,把乡村的凋敝和中国传统文化的失落联系起来,展示了知识分子对当下乡村和中华文化价值选择的思维轨迹。

37、Although Bronzino painted many religious subjects and allegories, it was portraits that brought him acclaim. ─── 布龙奇诺一生绘制了许多宗教主题和寓言作品,但真正让他美名远扬的是他的肖像画。

38、A Style of Borrowing, a Style of Uniqueness--A Discussion on the Characteristics of Distilling and Absorbing of Others'Strong Points in Liu Zongyuan's Allegories ─── 博采众长自成一家--谈柳宗元寓言文兼收并蓄的特点

39、While the old-time allegories were very direct in showing the audience what represented what, over time allegories became more subtle. ─── 过去的寓言是直接对观众教化。随时间演变,寓言变得更加复杂了。

40、Chinese allegories ─── 歇后语

41、Travelogues, even those characterized by geographical facts and realistic descriptions, are often read as allegories. ─── 摘要最纪实的游记也往往被读为寓言。

42、Historical Allegories ─── 历史寓言

43、The heroes in allegories are usually animals. ─── 寓言中的主人公通常是动物。

44、The sex of the two male allegories was plainly indicated by the comparative shortness of their tunics and their Phrygian caps,whereas the female characters wore robes of ample length and hoods on their heads. ─── 任何有判断力的观众都能明白无误地看出这四个人物的性别,两个身上袍子稍短一点的是男性,头上戴着披风帽;两个穿的袍子稍长一点的是女性,头上都带着帽兜。

45、The allegories that he presents are often based on images from a large collection of news photographs. ─── 他表达的寓意经常是基于那些来自于大量收集的新闻摄影中的图像。

46、Their literary ideology should be researched , and their scribbles and allegories should be prized by people. ─── 他们的文艺思想需要研究,他们的杂文、寓言应该得到后人珍视。

47、were all kinds of attempts to read Homer, for example, the Iliad or the Odyssey as allegories for physical science. ─── 比如说,希腊人尝试过用各种方法去解读《荷马史诗》,把《伊利亚特》或《奥德赛》解读为包含科学寓意。

48、the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories. ─── 用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。

49、Confucius Image in the Allegories of the Former Qing Dynasty ─── 先秦诸子寓言中的孔子形象摭谈

50、The subjects of Su Fu were selected from allegories and tales.The formation of Su Fu relates to Pai You (comedians) who pleased their masters and noble men by performance and josh. ─── 俗赋的题材则取自寓言和传说故事,它的形成同以表演、说笑愉悦人主和贵族的徘优有关。

51、John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are allegories. ─── 约翰·班扬的天路历程和赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的白鲸记都是寓言体作品。

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