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prickles 发音

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英:  美:

prickles 中文意思翻译



prickles 词性/词形变化,prickles变形

动词现在分词: prickling |动词第三人称单数: prickles |动词过去分词: prickled |动词过去式: prickled |

prickles 短语词组

1、prickles syn ─── 皮刺

2、prickles images ─── 刺痛图像

3、prickles means ─── 刺意味着

4、prickles sheep ─── 刺羊

5、prickles botany ─── 刺植物学

6、prickles on skin ─── 皮肤上的刺

7、prickles rose ─── 刺玫瑰

8、prickles font ─── 刺状字体

9、prickles ty ─── 刺

10、prickles spines ─── 刺棘

11、prickles hurt ─── 刺痛

prickles 相似词语短语

1、prickle ─── n.刺;刺痛;植物的皮刺;针刺般的感觉;vt.针一般地刺;戳;使感到刺痛;vi.引起刺痛;感到刺痛

2、pickles ─── n.咸菜(pickle的复数形式);腌渍物;各式腌菜;vt.腌(pickle的第三人称单数);n.(Pickles)人名;(英)皮克尔斯

3、prickled ─── n.刺;刺痛;植物的皮刺;针刺般的感觉;vt.针一般地刺;戳;使感到刺痛;vi.引起刺痛;感到刺痛

4、pricklier ─── 刺痛的

5、prickiest ─── adj.多刺的(pricky的变形)

6、priceless ─── adj.无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的;n.非卖品

7、prickliest ─── 多刺的,棘手的,易生气的(prickly的最高级)

8、trickles ─── n.细流(trickle的复数);滴;v.细细地流(trickle的第三人称单数)

9、rickles ─── n.小堆

prickles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pooh crawled from the bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again. ─── 维尼从矮树丛中爬出来,轻轻擦一下鼻子上的刺,又开始思考了。

2、An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, torment-ing hilf with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

3、The cactus is full of prickles. ─── 仙人掌长满了毛刺。

4、a bush with prickles on ─── 有刺的灌木

5、Achenes 1 or 2, included in closed hypanthium, distally with hooked prickles. ─── 瘦果1或2,在关闭的托杯,上部具钩刺内包括。

6、The woollen cloth prickles . ─── 穿毛料衣服有被扎的感觉.

7、Fruit globose, rotund or spherical, without prickles or wings, opening by 4 or 5 lobes at maturity. ─── 球状的果,圆形或球形的,没有皮刺或翅,成熟时以4或5裂片打开。

8、Branchlets glabrous, with prickles. ─── 无毛的小枝,具皮刺。

9、Branches with conic prickles and densely ferruginous tomentose at first, later glabrescent. ─── 最初的枝具圆锥形皮刺和密被锈色绒毛,后脱落的。

10、Herbs annual.Stems climbing or scandent, reddish purple, 1-2 cm tall, angulate, with sparse recurved prickles along angles. ─── 一年生草本茎攀援或攀缘的,红紫色,1-2厘米高,具棱,具稀的下弯皮刺沿着棱。

11、prickly pear (type of cactus covered with prickles) ─── 仙人果(一种仙人掌,多刺).

12、Branchlets prickly; prickles unequal. Leaflets abaxially glandular punctate or not, usually glabrous or pubescent only along veins. ─── 小枝具皮刺。皮刺不等长。背面具腺具点的小叶与否,通常无毛或短柔毛只沿脉。

13、This species' large fruit with few needle like prickles is unique in the section. The distribution report from Anhui has not been confirmed. ─── 本种的大的果具很少针状的皮刺,这在本组中是唯一的。分布于安徽的报告还没被确认。

14、Shrubs scandent.Branchlets brownish green, thinly floccose-tomentose at first, glabrescent, with short retrorse prickles. ─── 攀缘灌木小枝褐绿色,最初稀疏被丛卷毛被绒毛,后脱落,有短的反折的刺。

15、testa hexagonally reticulate, prickles 1 or 2 per cell, T-shaped. ─── 种皮六边形网状,刺1或2每细胞,T形。

16、Leaflets (3-)5, adaxially scabrous, abaxially yellow pubescent on veins; petiolule and midvein of blade with fine prickles. ─── 小叶(3-)5,正面粗糙,背面黄短柔毛在脉上;有细皮刺的小叶柄和叶片中脉。

17、I was seeing the prickles. ─── 我一直只看到刺。

18、The prickles of the rose remain in his heart. ─── 玫瑰的刺总还留在他的心里。

19、The woollen cloth prickles (my skin). ─── 穿毛料衣服(使我的皮肤)有被扎的感觉。

20、Branches glabrous, with few, slender, terete prickles generally at nodes. ─── 无毛的枝,具很少,纤细,圆柱状皮刺一般在节上。

21、What though the rose have prickles,yet it is plucked. ─── 玫瑰虽然多刺,但还是有人采摘。

22、The hot prickles hit the back of my neck and I got ticked! ─── 像热刺刺到我的后背一样,我气坏了!

23、And, before she had taught many Sundays, his prickles had vanished quite away, and his skin was smooth and clean again. ─── 她代了不到几个星期日,汤姆身上的刺就渐渐消失了,皮肤又变得细嫩清洁了。

24、Branchlets fulvous-red, villous, with glandular hairs, with sparse prickles; ─── 小枝黄褐色红,具长柔毛,带有腺毛,有稀少刺;

25、Leaves thick, inconspicuously fenestrate. Seed prickles linear. ─── 叶厚,不明显有孔;种子皮刺线形。

26、English Sentence An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人象一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

27、But one of the tree's prickles pierced his finger and caused great pain and inflammation, so that the young Prince fell down in a fainting fit. ─── 不料一根刺钻到他指甲里去了,他疼痛难忍,最后发炎引起高烧不退,没多久便死了。原本是一头画在墙上的狮子,竟把孩子害死了。

28、Having sharp prickles. ─── 具皮刺的

29、testa usually hexagonally reticulate, prickles small and in rows or absent; ─── 种皮通常六边形网状,小的刺和成排或无的;

30、The mole and the rabbit were bumped and jostled,but not being ones to argue with someone covered with prickles,they made room. ─── 小鼹鼠和白兔一起拥挤着不想让刺猬进来,但它们看到刺猬满身刺时,它们不再争论了,它们让出了一点空间。

31、prickles blackish, needlelike, 4--5 mm. ─── 皮刺微黑,针状的,4-5毫米。

32、Many of us avoid taking the plunge.We turn away from the ocean, ignoring the roar of breakers, refusing to notice how our hair prickles when we smell the salt water. ─── 我们许多人都回避这个“跳入”,我们对大海背过去,忽视了碎浪的咆哮、拒绝注意当我们闻到了咸咸的海水时我们的头发如何。。

33、Her aggressiveness and self-righteousness caused prickles of anger at the back of his neck. ─── 她的咄咄逼人和自以为是让他很生气。

34、prickles scattered and in pairs below leaves, terete, straight, to 1 cm, abruptly tapering to turgid base. ─── 星散的皮刺和成对在叶下,圆柱状,直,令1厘米的是,突然渐狭兑一肿胀基部。

35、English Sentence An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人象一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

36、annual having the stem beset with curved prickles;North America and Europe and Asia. ─── 一年生植物,茎上围绕着弯曲的皮刺;北美欧洲和亚洲。

37、Wind in sullen day bothers me; its coldness prickles me hard; ─── 我讨厌,阴天的风,冷得那么刺痛;

38、Branchlets and abaxial surface of calyx with dense, needle-like prickles. ─── 小枝和背面花萼具紧密的,针象一样刺。

39、Branchlets brownish to brownish red, villous, with intermixed stalked purple glands and sparse, basally broadened and flattened prickles. ─── 带褐色的小枝对棕红色,具长柔毛,带有混合偷偷走近的紫色腺和稀少,基部扩大并且使变平刺。

40、" the heart that his word prickles me at a draught, I cried at once. ─── 他的话一下子刺痛我的心,我当即就哭了起来。

41、Branches with dense, brownish, slender needlelike prickles 5-20 mm. ─── 枝具紧密,带褐色,纤细的针状的皮刺5-20毫米。

42、Cupule globose, 5-6 cm in diam., splitting into 4 regular segments, densely covered with clustered branching prickles. ─── 壳斗球形,外面遍布长1-1.5厘米的刺,熟后4瓣裂,内含坚果1个;

43、Branchlets, leaf rachises, petioles, abaxial surface of leaflet blades, and inflorescence rachises villous. Prickles of follicles pilose when mature. ─── 小枝,叶轴,叶柄,小叶叶片背面和花序轴具长柔毛。蓇葖果皮刺熟时被柔毛。

44、Branchlets glabrous;prickles sparse or in pairs below leaves, to 7 mm, flat. ─── 小枝无毛成对的皮刺稀的或在叶下,对7毫米,平。

45、Branchlets and inflorescence rachises glabrous, with prickles. ─── 无毛的小枝和花序轴,具皮刺。

46、An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with is own prickles. ─── 易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

47、It is believed that the results should be correctly expressed by using valid numerals and legal prickles. ─── 主要阐述了分析结果的表述应正确理解和准确应用有效数字,严格使用法定计量单位;

48、A weedy, annual, tendril-bearing vine (Sicyos angulatus) native to North America and having small whitish flowers and clusters of small fruits covered with long, slender prickles. ─── 刺黄瓜:一种生长得很快的,一年生的,有卷须的藤本植物(刺黄瓜葫芦科)原生于北美,有小的白色的花和带有大的,柔软的刺的成串的小果实

49、Branchlets and leaf rachises with prickles. ─── 小枝和叶轴具皮刺。

50、Herbs annual.Stems ascending, nearly prostrate at base, 80-100 cm tall, branched, angulate, with retrorse prickles 0.5-1 mm along angles; ─── 一年生草本茎上升,近匍匐在基部,80-100厘米高,分枝,具棱,沿着棱具皮刺0.5-1毫米;

51、Red Prickles ─── 红刺舌象

52、Shrubs, rarely subshrubs or herbs, usually with robust or needle-like prickles. ─── 灌木很少半灌木或草本,通常具粗的或针状的皮刺;

53、Affairs are as numerous as the prickles of a hedgehog ─── 事如猬集

54、tongue with whitish and dry fur and blackish prickles ─── 白干苔满黑刺舌

55、Herbs annual.Stems erect or decumbent, 50-100 cm tall, branched, angulate, with retrorse prickles along angles. ─── 一年生草本茎直立或外倾,50-100厘米高,分枝,具棱,具反折的皮刺沿着棱。

56、An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way , tormenting himself with his own prickles . Thomas Hood, British poet. ─── 易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。英国诗人胡德。

57、Branches with scattered lenticels and straight, conic prickles 4-5 mm. ─── 枝具星散的皮孔和直的,圆锥形皮刺4-5毫米。

58、Annual having the stem beset with curved prickles. ─── 一年生植物,茎上围绕着弯曲的皮刺。

59、Leaves 3-foliolate, rarely 5-foliolate. Branchlets, petioles, pedicel, and abaxial surface of calyx with soft hairs, without glandular hairs. Calyx abaxially with sparse, needle-like prickles. ─── 叶具3小叶,很少具5小叶。小枝,叶柄,花梗,和背面花萼与一起柔软头发,没有腺毛。花萼背面具稀,象针叶一样的皮刺。

60、Trunk, branches, branchlets, and leaf rachises with prickles. ─── 树干,枝,小枝和叶轴有皮刺。

61、Pooh crawled from the bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again. ─── 维尼从矮树丛中爬出来,轻轻擦一下鼻子上的刺,又开始思考了。

62、This species' large fruit with few needlelike prickles is unique in the section. The distribution report from Anhui has not been confirmed. ─── 本种的大的果具很少针状的皮刺,这在本组中是唯一的。分布于安徽的报告还没被确认。

63、Stem and branches woody, smooth or somewhat scabrous, occasionally with sparse prickles. ─── 木质的茎和分枝,平滑或有点粗糙的,偶有具稀皮刺的。

64、Herbs annual, subshrublike, 0.5-2(-4) m tall, usually procumbent, sometimes scandent, most parts sparsely villous and aculeate, prickles retrorsely curved. ─── 一年生草本,亚灌木状,0.5-2(-4)米高,通常平卧的,有时攀缘,多数部分疏生长柔毛和具皮刺,皮刺弄弯。

65、nutlets homomorphic, ovoid, ca. 3 mm, base with 4 or 5 small prickles on each side; ─── 同形,卵圆形的小坚果,约3毫米,有4或5的基础小的刺在每边;

66、Herbs annual.Stems decumbent or erect, 30-90 cm tall, branched, angulate, with sparse retrorse prickles along angles. ─── 一年生草本茎外倾或直立,30-90厘米高,分枝,具棱,具稀的反折的皮刺沿着棱。

67、To rise or stand up like prickles. ─── 如刺般竖起或站立

68、"Just look at the roses and not the prickles." ─── “看玫瑰,不要只看到刺。”

69、"An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles." ─── 易怒的人像一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己

70、annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia. ─── 一年生植物,茎上围绕着弯曲的皮刺;北美欧洲和亚洲。

71、An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, torm ting himself with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人象一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。更详细。

72、Cupule globose, 6-8 cm in diam., splitting into 4 or 5 segments, covered with clustered branching prickles. ─── 壳斗球形,直径6-8厘米,成熟时4或5裂,外面密被分枝的的针刺。

73、nutlets mostly dry, often ornamented with wings, prickles and/or glochids (stiff bristles with barbed or anchorlike tips). ─── 小坚果多数干燥,通常有翅,刺和/或钩毛。

74、People who is easily irritated like a hedgehog rolled up in the opposite way,tormenting himself with its own prickles. ─── 1易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

75、330 An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人象一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。

76、She feels prickles down her back. ─── 她感觉芒刺在背。

77、The hedgehog has prickles all over its body, which form a natural protection. ─── 刺猬周身上下长满了刺针,形成了天然的保护屏。

78、petiole to 100 cm, stout, densely fulvous hirsute, with short prickles; ─── 叶柄给100厘米,坚固,密被黄褐色具长硬毛,具短皮刺;

79、17. An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. ─── 易怒的人像一只反过来蜷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己.

80、A porcupine is covered with prickles. ─── 箭猪身上长满了刺。

81、Branchlets, petioles, and pedicel glabrous, with sparse prickles. ─── 小枝,叶柄和花梗无毛,有稀少刺。

82、Both prickles and thorns protect the plant from predators, and, maybe, from lovers looking for a free bouquet. ─── 不管是刺抑或荆棘,都可以保护这些植物不被捕食者所猎食,同样,或许也能免于被那些寻找免费花束的情人所折断。

83、Capsule grayish green or gray when dry, prickles more than 1 cm, flattened at base. ─── 灰色的蒴果灰绿色或干燥时,皮刺超过1厘米,扁平的在基部。

84、hot prickles hit the back of my neck and I got ticked! ─── 热刺刺到我的后背一样,我气坏了!

85、We turn away from the ocean, ignoring the roar of breakers, refusing to notice how our hair prickles when we smell the salt water. ─── 然后,我们去花漫长的时间,在我称之为“是啊-但是”的过度拥挤的岛上沙滩上寻找所谓”失去”的激情。

86、Petiolule and midvein of blade densely yellow pubescent, without fine prickles. ─── 小叶柄和叶片中脉密被黄色短柔毛,没有细皮刺。

87、Fruit rugose, without prickles and wings, not globose, opening by 4 or 5 lobes at maturity. ─── 果具皱纹,没有皮刺和翅,不球状,成熟时以4或5裂片打开。

88、Young branchlets and leaf rachises rust-colored pubescent, with few prickles or unarmed. ─── 幼枝和叶轴具锈色短柔毛,有很少的皮刺或无刺。

89、Branches with dense, flat, recurved prickles. ─── 枝具紧密的,平,下弯皮刺。

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