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08-18 投稿


precipitately 发音

英:[pr??s?p?t?tli]  美:[pr??s?p?t?tli]

英:  美:

precipitately 中文意思翻译



precipitately 短语词组

1、precipitately crossword ─── 仓促的填字游戏

2、precipitately define ─── 仓促地定义

3、precipitately definition ─── 断 ─── 断续续的定义

4、precipitately meaning ─── 突然的意思

5、precipitately antonym ─── 突然反义词

6、precipitately synonym ─── 速成同义词

7、precipitately pronunciation ─── 急促的发音

8、precipitately sentence ─── 仓促判决

precipitately 词性/词形变化,precipitately变形

名词: precipitateness |动词过去式: precipitated |动词现在分词: precipitating |动词过去分词: precipitated |副词: precipitately |动词第三人称单数: precipitates |形容词: precipitative |

precipitately 相似词语短语

1、precipitated ─── adj.沉淀的

2、precipitantly ─── adv.倒栽地

3、precipitates ─── n.[化学]沉淀物(precipitate的复数);v.使…沉淀(precipitate的单三形式)

4、precipitable ─── adj.可沉淀的

5、precipitate ─── v.使(坏事等)突然发生;使突然陷入(某种状态);使沉淀;猛抛,猛地落下;冷凝成为雨或雪等;adj.鲁莽的,仓促的;突如其来的;猛地落下的;n.沉淀物

6、precipitation ─── n.[化学]沉淀,[化学]沉淀物;降水;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽

7、precipitative ─── 沉淀的

8、precipitating ─── adj.起沉淀作用的;急落的;猛冲的

9、precipitancy ─── n.急躁;轻率;鲁莽

precipitately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and when he goeth away, you dismiss his chair into a corner, as precipitately as possible, and feel fairly rid of two nuisances. ─── 因而一旦他离去之后,你马上会没命似地把他的那把椅子往墙角一摔,感到总算清理掉了这双份孽债。

2、In the process of manufacturing steel, FeSi is used to oxygenate precipitately and diffused. ─── 炼钢中,硅铁用于沉淀脱氧和扩散脱氧;

3、Trade, having fallen precipitately , is levelling off (see article). ─── 在经历暴跌后,贸易状况也正在企稳(查看文章)。

4、One is early and precipitately, with an old age of enfeeblement and dependence, sustained primarily by nursing homes and hospitals. ─── 一种是很早和猛烈地,老年人得在护理室和医院度过他们虚弱并不得不依靠别人照顾的晚年。

5、His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control. ─── 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳,不可侵犯的,现在却冷不防正从他的控制下溜走。

6、And all our markets have suffered as overseas fund managers precipitately change their weightings in this region without taking time to weigh up the fundamentals. ─── 另一方面,海外基金经理没有花点时间评估亚太区的基本因素,便突然改变他们在亚太区的投资比重,这使区内所有市场都蒙受损失。

7、The number of civil wars continued to rise until about 1990 and then fell precipitately. ─── 国内战争的数量则一直到1990年左右都在持续上升,此后急剧下降。

8、He withdrew precipitately from the race. ─── 他轻率地从比赛中退出。

9、By precipitately wielding his veto, Mr Cameron may well have hastened the formation of such a bloc, to the detriment of British interests. ─── 卡梅伦贸然行使否决权,很可能加速了这样一个集团的形成,损害英国的利益。

10、to act precipitately ─── 贸然行事

11、Three years later, enrollment had dropped precipitately. ─── 3年后,报名的人大减。

12、He rushed forward precipitately rather than walked, hoping to find some side-street, to make his escape through it, and thus to break his scent once more. ─── 他现在不是走而是往前奔了,一心只想能有一条侧巷,从那儿逃走,再次脱险。

13、33. His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control. ─── 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳、不可侵犯的,现在却猛不防正从他的控制下溜走。

14、Act precipitately:Arrived station, detection a class of bus is 5:30 of, again bitterness etc. an hour. ─── 操之过急:到了车站,发现第一班车是5点半的,又苦等了1小时。

15、He rushed forward precipitately rather than walked, hoping to find some side-street, to make his escape through it, and thus to break his scent once more. ─── 他现在不是走而是往前奔了,一心只想能有一条侧巷,从那儿逃走,再次脱险。

16、His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control. ─── 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳,不可侵犯的,现在却冷不防正从他的控制下溜走。

17、" He who demands too much at once is acting precipitately, and because he attempts too much, he ends by succeeding in nothing. ─── 君子效法这一现象,应当树立自身的形象,坚守常久不变的正道。

18、they make their inspection in mr . crook ' s back second floor , from which a few of the jury - men retire pale and precipitately. ─── 他们在克鲁克先生铺子后面的第二层楼上进行搜查,这时候有几个陪审员脸色发青,急急地退出来了。

19、Looking beyond, the mountains rose precipitately and there was a fork in the river, one curving to the left and the other to the right. ─── 再往前看,只见山势顿起,河道上扬,分向左右两方弯去。

20、They make their inspection in Mr. Krook's back second floor, from which a few of the Jury-men retire pale and precipitately. ─── 他们在克鲁克先生铺子后面的第二层楼上进行搜查,这时候有几个陪审员脸色发青,急急地退出来了。

21、Without waiting for any further questioning, our visitor bolted out of the room almost as precipitately as he had entered ─── 没等再问他别的,这位客人就一溜小跑出去了,走得跟来时一般快。

22、Trade, having fallen precipitately, is levelling off (see article). ─── 在经历暴跌后,贸易状况也正在企稳(查看文章)。

23、His wife and his mistress, until an hour ago secure and inviolate, were slipping precipitately from his control ─── 他的妻子和情妇,直到一小时前还是安安稳稳,不可侵犯的,现在却冷不防正从他的控制下溜走。

24、precipitately he left the cook's tent. ─── 突然,他离开了库克的帐篷。





It would only serve to precipitate his ruin.



Jackson's actions helped precipitate the sharp business panics that occurred in 1834 and 1837.



This feedback can precipitate corresponding changes in self-expression and behavior.



Tagore (1861~1941) India renowned poet, writer, artist and social activist.In 1913 attained the Nobel prize in literature.Had been born in a Calcutta rich philosophy and the literary arts tutelage family, 13 years old namely can create the long poem and the ode body poetry anthology.  In 1878 went to England to study abroad, in 1880 returned to homeland to be engaged in the literature activity specially.Held the post of buddhist society secretary 1884 to 1911, the 20's organized the International University.In 1941 wrote complains the England colonial rule and believed the motherland will certainly to obtain the independent liberation the famous last words \"Civilized Crisis\".Tagore has the huge world influence writer

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