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08-18 投稿


scab 发音

英:[sk?b]  美:[sk?b]

英:  美:

scab 中文意思翻译




scab 网络释义

n. 痂;疤;疥癣;恶棍vi. 结痂;生疙瘩;破坏罢工vt. 把…称为工贼

scab 词性/词形变化,scab变形

动词第三人称单数: scabs |动词过去分词: scabbed |动词过去式: scabbed |动词现在分词: scabbing |

scab 短语词组

1、potato scab ─── 马铃薯疮痂病

2、scab mite ─── [医] 痒螨

3、foot scab ─── [医] 羊痂

4、expansion scab ─── [机] 胀疤

5、erosion scab ─── [机] 冲蚀结疤

6、scab in throat ─── 喉咙结痂

7、russet scab ─── [网络] 兔子痂

8、crown scab ─── [医] 马蹄癌

9、potato scab bacteria ─── [网络] 马铃薯锈菌

10、sheep scab ─── [医] 羊痂

11、Transkeian scab ─── [医] 热带溃疡

12、cucurbit scab ─── 瓜类疮痂

13、head scab ─── [医] 头痂

14、scab pickers ─── 结痂工

15、blacking scab ─── [机] 涂料疤

16、wheat scab ─── 小麦赤霉病

17、apple scab ─── 苹果黑星病

18、scab knee pads ─── 结痂护膝

19、scab dates ─── 赤枣

scab 相似词语短语

1、sab ─── abbr.美国咨询委员会(ScientificAdvisoryBoard);美国细菌学家协会(SocietyofAmericanBacteriologists)

2、scan ─── vt.扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律;vi.扫描;扫掠;n.扫描;浏览;审视;细看

3、scar ─── n.伤痕;精神创伤;损伤痕迹;遭到破坏的地区;污点;煞风景之处;疮痍;裸岩;悬崖;生命的烙印;凡人的印记;(植物上的)叶柄疤;v.伤害;给……留下伤痕;给……留下精神创伤;损害……的外观;结疤;痊愈;使留下伤疤;形成疤痕

4、scad ─── n.竹荚鱼;许多

5、cab ─── n.驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车;vi.乘出租马车(或汽车)

6、scam ─── n.骗局,诡计;故事;vt.欺诈;诓骗;vi.欺诈;诓骗

7、scabs ─── n.痂;疤;疥癣;恶棍;vi.结痂;生疙瘩;破坏罢工;vt.把…称为工贼

8、scag ─── n.海洛因

9、scrab ─── n.活动滑车

scab 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cut began to scab. ─── 伤口开始结痂了。

2、Effectiveness :The seepage to the acne root,sterilization,the sterilization,wound ties the scab cicatrization. ─── 功效:渗透至粉刺根部,消炎,杀菌,伤口结痂愈合。

3、A preliminary study on the occurrence of potato powdery scab in Yunnan Province ─── 云南马铃薯粉痂病发生情况初步研究

4、Study on Method of Conserving Pathogen and Pathogenicity of Pathogen of Wheat Scab ─── 小麦赤霉病菌种保存及致病性研究


6、A worker who is opposed to trade unions; a scab. ─── 反对工会的工人;无赖

7、Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? ─── 可是羔羊的疥癣应当使牧羊人却步吗?

8、Will only make the scab pieces come off naturally. ─── 只能让痂片自然脱落。

9、Eventually you develop a scab, and then it would fall off as it healed, and you'd be left with a scar. ─── 最终你会结成一个痂,当它愈合的时候,它会脱落,然后你会留下一个伤疤。

10、Keywords Chemical burn;Individualized treatment;Cutting/paring scab;Skin graft; ─── 化学性烧伤;个体化治疗;切削痂;植皮;

11、the scab that has sloughed ─── 已脱落的痂

12、Stop picking at that scab. ─── 别再去摸伤口上的痂。

13、For cuts, once a scab forms (usually within a few hours), this would no longer give access to the bloodstream, preventing HIV from entering. ─── 对于伤口来说,结痂的部位(通常在一个小时之内),不再有进入血液循环的入口,阻止hiv病毒进入。

14、"It's never-ending pain, like a scab that falls off and doesn't heal. ─── “她说,”这是永不休止的疼痛,就好像伤疤被揭开并且没有痊愈。

15、A Study of Billet Contious Casting Scab ─── 小方坯连铸结瘤的研究

16、19 should now in the place of the boil have a white scab or a pink blotch, he shall show himself to the priest. ─── 但在疮处又起了白肿,或白中带红的斑痕,就应去叫司祭查看。

17、Now with that rock protection weed and crab grass to form a scab on the green. ─── 在石头周围长满了野草,仿佛绿油油的草坪上有一块伤疤。

18、It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing. ─── 悲伤好象是帮助愈合的结痂。

19、Keywords wheat;Sumai 3;scab resistance gene(s);negative regulator element;molecular markers; ─── 小麦;苏麦3号;近等基因系;感病基因;分子标记;

20、But if the scab spreads further on the skin after he has showed himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall show himself again to the priest. ─── 7但他将自己给祭司察看,定为洁净以后,癣若在皮上发散开了,他要再将自己给祭司察看。

21、The result of field test showed it has good control effect against citrus scab and bacterial blight of rice. ─── 初步进行了田间应用试验,它对防治柑桔疮痂病,水稻白叶枯病效果显著。

22、But it wasn't just that.It was about letting the sting fester and scab, and then nipping it in the bud even when there were no clear answers, no map, no end in sight. ─── 但它并不仅仅是这样,它是个努力工作与突破的过程,也是让新芽萌发的缺口,即便仍然没有清晰的答案、地图与看得见的终点。

23、Could you imagine a conversation between Scab and Bebe? ─── |能想象加布和贝贝对话是啥样的吗?

24、Callus had no distinct effect on wheat scab and cucurbits mould expect that callus from cotyledons inhibited rape sclerotinia rot, whose activity was lower than that of extracts from seeds. ─── 只有子叶诱导的愈伤组织对油菜菌核病菌表现出了抑制作用,各愈伤组织对小麦赤霉病菌和黄瓜灰霉病菌均未表现出明显的活性,显著低于苦参种子提取物的活性。

25、The epidemic zones were differentiated at the township level based on the correlation between the scab severity and underground water level according to regression analysis. ─── 在气候分区的基础上,根据地下水位与发病率的回归关系,进一步以乡镇为单位划分小麦赤霉病流行区。

26、A dry scab or slough formed on the skin as a result of a burn or by the action of a corrosive or caustic substance. ─── 焦痂由烧伤或通过腐蚀或侵蚀物质作用而导致皮肤形成的干疤或死肉

27、Okinawa No.100 was considerably resistant to the Fusarium disease and sweet potato scab disease caused by Sphaceloma batatas Sawada. ─── 5.冲绳100号对于甘藷蔓割病及病缩芽,均具有相当的抗病力。

28、Research on the Scab's Character in Preheating Process ofHigh Pressure Digestion of Pingguo Bauxite ─── 平果铝高压溶出预热过程结疤性质研究

29、The entire process does not need anaesthetize, and remove the scab extremely,it has a more vital sign ificance for burning treatmen tre-garding the function spot. ─── 全过程无需麻醉,脱痂十分彻底,对于功能部位的烧伤治疗具有更重要的意义。

30、"But if the scab spreads farther on the skin after he has shown himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall appear again to the priest. ─── 但他为得洁净,将身体给祭司察看以后,癣若在皮上发散开了,他要再将身体给祭司察看。

31、Discussion on Breeding for Resistance to Disease of Wheat Scab ─── 小麦赤霉病与抗病育种若干问题的探讨

32、The fungal microscopic examination of hair and pus scab showed positive results,and the species was identified as Microsporum canis. ─── 头发及脓痂真菌直接镜检阳性,真菌培养为犬小孢子菌。

33、The Relation between Incidence and Disease Severity of Wheat Scab ─── 小麦赤霉病发病率与病情指数关系初步研究

34、Study on Dilatory Resistance to Scab in Wheat Cultivars ─── 小麦品种对赤霉病的慢病性研究


36、The disease since erythema of polymorphous and oozy sex is urgent, see more at young, with erosion scab of haemorrhage, blood is its feature. ─── 多形渗出性红斑起病急,多见于青年人,以糜烂出血、血痂为其特征。


38、And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot ─── 以及疖子,癣,火斑所立的条例

39、Keywords alkali burn;cutting scab;skin graft immediately;skin graft delayed;rat; ─── 关键词碱烧伤;切痂;立即植皮;延迟植皮;大鼠;

40、Occurrence and Control of Scab of Pear ─── 南方蜜梨黑星病的发生与防治

41、Study on the Biological Characteristics of Scab of Rice Plant ─── 小麦赤霉病菌生物学特性研究

42、Voices called "scab" now and then, as well as other epithets, but no crowd attacked the car. ─── 不时地有声音叫着"工贼",还听到其它的辱骂声,但是没有人群袭击电车。

43、In the baby hand, the foot, the oral cavity mucous membrane as well as the buttocks present the skin rash not painful, the skin rash usually, do not itch, the scab, not to scar; ─── 在患儿手、足、口腔黏膜以及臀部出现皮疹,皮疹通常不痛、不痒、不结痂、不结疤;

44、There was a sorrow and a shame,which my judgmental attitude had forced to rupture like an ugly scab torn from the skin.I felt ashamed. ─── 我的批判态度激起了他的伤感和惭愧,像撕裂皮肤上丑陋的伤疤一样。我感到惭愧不已。

45、Occurrence Reason and Control Measure of Wheat Scab in 2003 ─── 2003年小麦赤霉病流行原因及控制对策

46、Characterization and Identification on the Pathogen of Potato Scab in China ─── 中国马铃薯疮痂病菌的鉴定


48、Studies on photosynthesis of sweet potato under the stress of sweet potato scab ─── 不同抗性甘薯品种感染疮痂病后光合机理的研究


50、The cut began to scab. ─── 伤口开始结痂了。

51、Rules for investigation and forecast of the wheat scab [Gibberella zeae (Schw.)petch] ─── GB/T15796-1995麦类赤霉病测报调查规范

52、My scab is not the surface type of scab, but the pink shiny indention scab past a few layers of skin. ─── 后来结的痂不是很平整的痂,而是粉红色的凹进去几层皮肤的痂。

53、A scab formed on his leg. ─── 他腿上结了个痂.

54、This paper narrates several quality problems in the duplicate double rolling mill products' crack,folds,the scab,the handle,the pockmarked face,rolls over the mark and so on and discusses the reasons. ─── 叙述复二重轧机产品存在的裂纹、折叠、结疤、耳子、麻面、轧痕等几个质量问题及对其产生的原因进行分析判断,并进行了探讨、研究和总结。

55、But the big scab Liu Shao-chi tampered with the history of the struggle of the Anyuan workers. ─── 可是,刘少奇这个大工贼却篡改安源工人斗争的历史,贪天之功据为己有,把自己说成是安源工人运动的领袖,欺骗全中国人民和全世界人民。

56、Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts. ─── 所以主必使锡安的女子头长秃疮,耶和华又使他们赤露下体。

57、That scab union was a tool used by the capitalists in their vain attempt to damp down the labour movement. ─── 那个黄色工会是资本家妄图用来扑灭工人运动的工具。

58、The Occurrence Causes of Apple Scab and Its Prevention Techniques ─── 庆阳市苹果黑星病发生原因及防治措施

59、But the larger the cut, the greater the amount of time it would take for a scab to form, and for the cut to heal. ─── 但是越大的口子,需要越长的时间结痂,使得伤口愈合。

60、Studies on the Breeding for Transgressive Resistance to Scab in Wheat ─── 小麦抗赤霉病性超亲选育研究

61、The day he auditioned for Friends, Le Blanc had a big scab on his nose and forehead after falling down drunk on a bender the night before. ─── 在参加《老友记》演员试镜时,勒布朗在前额和鼻子上有一道大疤,因为他在前一晚喝醉了酒,摔了一跤。

62、Efficacy of the Medicament for Prevention and Control Wheat Scab ─── 小麦赤霉病防治药剂药效试验报告

63、Analysis of Meteorological Index of Wheat Scab Occurrence and its Application in Forecasting ─── 小麦赤霉病流行的气象指标分析及在测报上的应用

64、Cutting the scab and planting the peel to therapy the wind deep burn during the shock ─── 休克期削痂加复合植皮治疗大面积深度烧伤

65、Study on the Prevention of Nozzle Scab from Liquid Steel for Billet CC Refined by ANS?OB ─── ANS-OB法精炼钢水配小方坯连铸防止水口结瘤的研究

66、When you cut yourself, blood clots and forms a scab. ─── 当你弄伤了自己,血会凝固、结痂。

67、Be urgent! Two months after operation of my crus fracture still do not have long bone scab, why? ─── 急!我小腿骨折手术后两个月还没长骨痂,为什么?

68、Effects of 5 Fungicides in Different Dilute Solution Irrigation on Controlling Potato Scab ─── 5种药剂不同稀释液浇灌防治脱毒马铃薯疮痂病效果初报

69、Study on the Biochemical Component Correlated with Resistance to Wheat Scab in Seed ─── 小麦种子中与抗赤霉病性相关的生化成分分析

70、A study on the pathogen of potato powdery scab in Yunnan ─── 云南马铃薯粉痂病病原研究

71、Analysis and Prevention Method of Scab Defect in Cylinder Block Casting Made by Cold Core Box ─── 冷芯盒缸体铸件内腔结疤分析与防止措施

72、Stop sicking at that scab. ─── 不要抓搔那块疮疤。

73、Average effect of treatment on scab ─── 各浓度处理下的平均防效

74、The workers saw through the true nature of the scab union and opted out one after another. ─── 工人们看清了黄色工会的本质,纷纷退了出来。

75、Primary study on the potato scab in China ─── 中国马铃薯疮痂病研究初报

76、Cell ultrastructure of different sweet potato varieties under the stress of sweet potato scab ─── 不同抗性甘薯品种感染疮痂病后的细胞超微结构

77、A scab will form once the procedure is completed. ─── 一个赤霉病将成为一旦程序完成。

78、There was a sorrow and a shame, which my judgmental attitude had forced to rupture like an ugly scab torn from the skin. ─── 我带有指责的目光激起了他的伤感和惭愧,像撕裂皮肤上丑陋的伤疤一样。

79、Still, should the scab of the sheep cause the shepherd to recoil? No. But what a sheep! ─── 可是羔羊的癣疥应当使牧人却步吗?不应当。况且那又是怎样的一头羔羊!

80、The resistance of wheat to scab mainly showed partially dominant effect. ─── 小麦对赤霉病的抗性主要表现为部分显性。

81、The surface scab problem was dispelled completly. ─── 同时,总结出节约用砂的规律,降低了生产成本。

82、Analysis and Prevention Method of Scab Defect in Cylinder Block Made in Cold Core Box ─── 冷芯盒缸体结疤分析与防止措施

83、Method of Forecasting and Report on Pear Scab ─── 安徽省梨黑星病测报方法

84、A scab had formed on his knee. ─── 他的膝盖上结了个痂。

85、Constant somebody is cold-shouldered black hard scab is not good-looking, or because of curiosity, cannot help early uncovering scab skin forcibly. ─── 常有人嫌弃黑乎乎的硬痂不好看,或者因为好奇,早早地就忍不住强行揭去痂皮。

86、Comparative study on pathogenicity in sexual and asexual generation of wheat scab ─── 小麦赤霉病有性和无性世代致病性比较研究

87、He that is a blab is a scab. ─── 多嘴的人是无赖。

88、In order to solve the surface chemical scab phenomenon of the high manganese steel casting,the method that replacing quartz sand with magnesium olivine sand was put forward in this paper. ─── 介绍了为解决高锰钢铸件的表面化学粘砂现象,结合生产实际,提出将铸件原砂由石英砂改为镁橄榄石砂。

89、Never besmear everyday a gentian, if such going down, a scab, scab issues fluid of pus of regular meeting accumulation, be discovered not easily, bedsore can defeat deeper more. ─── 千万不可每天涂一层龙胆紫,如若这样下去,表面结上一层痂,痂下常会积聚脓液,不易被发现,褥疮会越破越深。






1、such——/s?t? /此类的 ; 这种的 ; 这样的 

2、school——/sku?l /学校 ; 专科学校 ; 学派

3、since——/s?ns /自从 ; 此后 ; 既然

4、second——/?sek?nd/第二 ; 从属的 ; 次等的 ; 助手 ;次品;支持 ; 赞成 ;赞同 ; 附和

5、social——/?s???l /社会的 ; 群居的

6、special——/?spe?l /特别的 ; 独特的 ; 专门的

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