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08-18 投稿


sliding 发音

英:[?sla?d??]  美:[?sla?d??]

英:  美:

sliding 中文意思翻译





sliding 词性/词形变化,sliding变形

原型:slide 现在分词:sliding

sliding 短语词组

1、coilwith sliding contact ─── [电] 滑线式可变电感线圈

2、armature sliding type starting motor ─── [机] 电枢移动式起动电动机

3、selling price sliding scale ─── [经] 售价滑动工资等级

4、sliding drill arm ─── [机] 滑动钻座

5、sliding board ─── 滑梯

6、sliding fit ─── [化] 滑动配合

7、sliding flap ─── [医] 滑动瓣

8、sliding door n. ─── 拉门, 滑门

9、sliding base ─── [化] 滑动底座

10、coefficient of sliding friction ─── [化] 滑动摩擦系数

11、sliding gear ─── [机] 滑动齿轮

12、sliding dial ─── [电] 滑动度盘

13、sliding friction ─── [化] 滑动摩擦

14、sliding block ─── [机] 滑块

15、sliding contact ─── [电] 滑触

16、sliding hernia ─── [医] 滑动性疝

17、sliding budget ─── [经] 滑动预算, 弹性预算

18、Hallikainen sliding-plate viscometer ─── [化] 哈利凯南滑板式粘度计

19、sliding bearing ─── [化] 滑动轴承

sliding 常用词组

sliding surface ─── 滑动面

sliding friction ─── 滑动摩擦

sliding bearing ─── 滑动轴承

sliding 相似词语短语

1、eliding ─── vt.省略;取消;删去;不予考虑删节;n.(Elide)人名;(意)埃利德

2、sliming ─── n.泥浆化;v.用(稀泥、粘液等)涂抹;覆有黏液(slime的现在分词)

3、gliding ─── adj.滑行的;流畅的;滑顺的;v.滑翔;消逝;溜走(glide的ing形式)

4、siding ─── n.侧线;旁轨,边宽;v.支持(side的现在分词);给…装上侧面;收拾,整理

5、-liding ─── 盖

6、-sliding ─── adj.变化的;滑行的;n.滑;移动;v.滑动;使滑行(slide的ing形式)

7、sleding ─── 雪橇

8、sliping ─── 滑动

9、slicing ─── n.切断,切片;限制,[电子]限幅

sliding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You'll get a tagged if you don't slide into base. ─── 不滑上垒你会被触杀。

2、The outer wall is all glass with sliding doors to the balcony, which looks over the lagoon pools and gardens. ─── 外墙是玻璃制成的,透明的拉门可以看到盐水湖和花园。

3、But what exactly are the four sliding activities? ─── 不过这四滑都指的是什么呀?

4、The kids were sliding round the wet floor. ─── 孩子们湿地板上滑来滑去。

5、Their son slide into evil ways. ─── 他们的儿子走了坏道了。

6、It had been sliding strangely southward . ─── 它总是奇怪地向南移。

7、Lounge installs sliding door, it is wonderful recreation place. ─── 休闲室设置推拉门,是极好的娱乐休闲场所。

8、The downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock. ─── 地滑一堆相对来说干燥的泥土和岩石的向下滑动

9、I was sliding(about)helplessly (on the ice). ─── 我(在冰上)身不由己地滑起来了.

10、Slide 6-2 Here we have another example of thrush. ─── 幻灯6-2这是另一个鹅口疮的例子。

11、De Beers mothballs mines as diamond sales slide . ─── 全球钻石巨擘戴比尔斯'封矿'.

12、It's easy for him to slide into the crime again. ─── 他很容易再犯罪。

13、She is able to slide into a room without anyone noticing. ─── 她有本事悄悄溜进房间而不被人发现。

14、Slide the new blade into the metal channel. ─── 将新刀片慢慢滑进金属道里。

15、Then, suddenly and with the faint click of a shutter sliding open, a golden-orange laser beam shoots into the sky from the open dome. ─── 然后,随着屋门滑开时的微响,突然一束金桔色的激光从开放的圆顶屋射入天空。

16、This could slide down to shut off the gateway. ─── 吊闸可以放下来,截断通道。

17、The children like sliding down the stairs. ─── 孩子们喜欢顺着楼梯滑。

18、Two girls are playing on the slide. ─── 两个女孩在滑梯上玩。

19、On the Slide Show menu, click Action Settings. ─── 在“幻灯片放映”菜单中,单击“动作设置”。

20、You tend to slide cut and texturize a lot. ─── 你经常使用滑剪或做纹理;

21、A ballroom dance in 2/4 time,characterized by long,sliding steps. ─── 两步舞节拍为2/4拍的舞厅舞,其特点是长的滑步

22、I've just let things slide, I'm afraid. ─── 恐怕我现在唯有听任事态恶化了。

23、They slide over the bog like oil across glass. ─── 他们在腐沼中流窜,正如同油渍在玻璃上滑溜。

24、This tag does not show up in the slide show view. ─── 在幻灯片放映视图中不显示该标记。

25、A ballroom dance in 2/4 time, characterized by long, sliding steps. ─── 两步舞节拍为2/4拍的舞厅舞,其特点是长的滑步

26、How many points were on the focus slide? ─── 在聚焦幻灯片上有多少个点?

27、However, the US stock market continues to slide. ─── 不过,美国股市仍然继续下滑。

28、How many points were in the focus slide star? ─── 在聚焦幻灯片星星中有多少个点?

29、I still remember sliding down the banisters. ─── 我仍能记起从楼梯扶手上滑下的事。

30、It requires skills to slide a car around a corner. ─── 在转弯处溜车滑行需要技术。

31、They were sliding towards bankruptcy. ─── 他们正逐渐濒临破产。

32、Denton's voice made a funny, sliding sound in the phone. ─── 听筒里面丹顿的声音显得滑稽,飘忽。

33、Would you like to read out the drill on the slide? ─── 你要不要把幻灯片上的对话读一下?

34、Do you want to apply autoformat in new slide? ─── 您要在新幻灯片中应用自动格式吗?

35、She was sliding into depression. ─── 她逐渐消沉下去。

36、Over here it's sand sliding. ─── 对呀。这边是滑沙。

37、Slide dimmer button to brighten or dim the lamp. ─── 塞住灯绳子插座回到电子容器。

38、Raine got in, and with his escort sliding back in the passenger seat, the big black car pulled away from the front of the dive bar. ─── 雷恩上车,他的护送者也回到副座,大黑轿车从酒吧前面一下拉远了。

39、What bills are you paying - and which ones are sliding? ─── 你(正在)付款什么账单-和哪一个(正在)下滑?

40、Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness. ─── 减震支柱内筒伸出正常且洁净。

41、He saw sliding out of the gymnasium a few students of Class A. ─── 他看到A班的几个学生溜出了健身房。

42、He descended the hill by sliding down. ─── 他下山是溜下来的。

43、He called the zipper a slide fastener. ─── 他把拉链叫做滑动的纽扣。

44、This prevents skidding or sliding out sideways. ─── 也能防止急转和甩出雪道。

45、You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place. ─── 你一直在帮助我不让我滑进某些黑暗的地方。

46、The children were having a slide down the icy path. ─── 孩子们沿结冰的小道滑动。

47、You want to slide out with me to the party. ─── 你今晚愿意和我去参加这个舞会吗?

48、Slide the top bearing on the stem. ─── 将顶部轴承移到阀杆上。

49、Time mode, Still mode and Auto slide mode. ─── 展示图片模式:时间模式,静态模式,自动展示图片模式。

50、Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around. ─── 所有东西必须绑定,免得来回滑动。

51、Slide OPEN in the direction of the arrow. ─── 将open沿箭头所指方向推。

52、Brake calipers may be fixed,sliding or floating. ─── 刹车钳可以是固定式,滑动式,浮动式。

53、The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor. ─── 孩子们喜欢在刚擦亮的地板上溜圈子。

54、Let's slide down this grassy slope. ─── 咱们顺着这草坡滑下去吧。

55、Tickle their ribs as you slide in the knife. ─── 一边捅刀子,一边挠他们的胳肢窝

56、If we halve the mass carried, sliding friction is also halved. ─── 如果我们将质量减半,滑动摩擦力也会减半。

57、Menu English Sentence Let the world slide. ─── 人世沧桑,听其自然。

58、Today, while slightly intoxicated, I tried to steady myself against what I thought was a tree, but ended up sliding all the way down it. ─── 今天我有点醉,试着扶着一颗树好站稳一点,结果却一骨碌的滚了过去。

59、You slide off the bed and onto the floor. ─── 你会从床上滑落到地板上。

60、Click once on the slide to create a text box. ─── 在幻灯片中单击一次创建文本框。

61、Today I'm going to experience the slide activities. ─── 今天我要体验一下滑行项目。

62、Interest rates are beginning to slide. ─── 利率开始降低了。

63、Don' t place your fork in the side of your mouth as it increases the chances of food sliding away, which could be very embarrassing. ─── 不要将叉子放在嘴角,这样可能会使食物流出来,那将令人非常尴尬。

64、At that moment the cow went sliding off the roof. ─── 就在那个时候,乳牛从屋顶滑落了下去。

65、They slide into a bad habit of smoking. ─── 他们不知不觉地染上了吸烟的坏习惯。

66、It will slide down the mountain. ─── 它就会滑下山体。

67、He roller-skated forward with a sliding sound. ─── 他穿着旱冰鞋,嗤溜一下滑向前方。

68、Slide the paper clip out of its wire covering. ─── 将回形针从包裹它的电线中抽出。

69、The summer days are sliding by and soon it will be autumn. ─── 夏天悄悄地过去,秋天就要来了。

70、Check this out in Slide Show view. ─── 在“幻灯片放映”视图中查看效果。

71、Put on your ski before you slide down the chute. ─── 先穿上雪屐再滑下陡坡道。

72、You do not have any slide projector,do you? ─── 你没有幻灯机,对吗?

73、Then we dropped, hit the bottom of what must have been a ravine and began sliding. ─── 接着,我们便坠落地面,撞到了什么地方的底部(我猜大概是个沟),并开始滑行。

74、Carefilly slide off protective backing. ─── 小心地撕掉背部保护层.

75、Some Boys are sliding on the ice. ─── 一些男孩子在溜冰。

76、You shouldn't just try sand sliding. ─── 可不光只是滑沙了。

77、On the Slide Show menu, click Set Up Show. ─── 在“幻灯片放映”菜单上,单击“设置放映方式”。

78、And, across the world, ships were sliding out of Black Sea harbors. ─── 在世界的那一边,船只正在偷偷地溜出黑海港口。

79、She got depressed and began to let things slide. ─── 她情绪低落,一切都听之任之。

80、You see me slide on Won't you bring me back home? ─── 你看着我滑落为什么不带我回家呢?

81、The kids were sliding on the ice. ─── 孩子们在冰上滑行。

82、Changzhou Changyun Sliding Bearing Co., Ltd. ─── 常州市常运滑动轴承有限公司。

83、The slide buried the trees in its path. ─── 土崩一路上把树木埋了起来。

84、If the oxide film is hard, sliding occurs on the outside thereof. ─── 如果氧化膜较硬,则滑动在它们的外面发生。

85、IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings. ─── 国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。

86、Slide indicator to base of the numbered scale. ─── 将指针移到刻度底部。

87、The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes. ─── 该公司不得不采取措施来逆转其下滑的运势。

88、The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. ─── 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。

89、Be careful not to slide into a bad habit . ─── 当心不要不知不觉地就染上坏习惯。

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