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08-18 投稿


contemplative 发音

英:[k?n?templ?t?v]  美:[k?n?templ?t?v]

英:  美:

contemplative 中文意思翻译



contemplative 词性/词形变化,contemplative变形

名词: contemplativeness |副词: contemplatively |

contemplative 短语词组

1、contemplative definition ─── 沉思的定义

2、contemplative side of the mind ─── 沉思的一面

3、contemplative outreach website ─── 沉思外展网站

4、contemplative prayer ─── 静观祈祷

5、windhover contemplative center Windhaver ─── 冥想中心

6、contemplative comment crossword ─── 沉思评语纵横字谜

7、contemplative silence ─── 沉思的 ─── 沉默

8、contemplative little gardener ─── 沉思的小园丁

9、contemplative stream ─── 沉思的溪流

10、contemplative study ─── 沉思研究

11、contemplative monk ─── 沉思僧

12、contemplative comment ─── 沉思的评论

13、contemplative nuns ─── 沉思修女

14、contemplative outreach ─── 沉思式外展

contemplative 相似词语短语

1、contemplatist ─── 沉思主义者

2、contemplation ─── n.沉思;注视;意图

3、contemplating ─── 注视

4、contaminative ─── adj.污损的;弄脏了的

5、contemplatively ─── 沉思地

6、contemplate ─── vt.沉思;注视;思忖;预期;vi.冥思苦想;深思熟虑

7、contemplatives ─── adj.沉思的;冥想的;默想的

8、contemplable ─── adj.能够被构思的;沉思的

9、contemplatists ─── 沉思者

contemplative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Carthusian:member of a contemplative order founded during the 11th century by Saint Bruno. ─── 卡尔特会僧侣:11世纪由圣·布鲁诺创建的一个提倡苦修冥想的教派的成员.

2、By Friday, you settle down somewhat and become more contemplative, possibly diving into a new book or conversation that provokes deep thought. ─── 到周五,你会稍微安定下来并进入沉思,也许是开始阅读某本新书或是沉浸在某个让人深思的话题中。

3、Intellect is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of the mind. ─── 学识是精神世界中的批评、创造和沉思的一面。

4、The best reading is therefore that which leads us into this contemplative mood, and not that which is merely occupied with the report of events. ─── 所以,最好的读物是那种能够带我们到这种沉思的心境里去的读物,而不是那种仅在报告事情的始末的读物。

5、a contemplative state of mind ─── 心有所思

6、However, it is a visual treat and consistently engaging: the finale is moving and the complex choreography pushes along the pace even as the structure slows to contemplative reflection. ─── 无论如何,终曲是一个有魅力的视觉享受,以沉稳的脚步行进缓慢地将舞作结构推向令人沉思的迴响。

7、Then another devata exclaimed in the Blessed One's presence: "What a lion is Gotama the contemplative! ─── " 接著另一位天人来到世尊面前说:“瞿昙真有如一头狮子啊!

8、Woolf's own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contemplative, not an active art. ─── 伍尔夫本人的社会批评是用观察的语言而非直接评论的方式来表达的,因为对她来说,小说是一种思索性。

9、Then another devata exclaimed in the Blessed One's presence: "What a peerless bull is Gotama the contemplative! ─── " 接著另一位天人来到世尊面前说:“瞿昙真有如一头大力牛啊!

10、carthusian:member of a contemplative order founded during the 11th century by Saint Bruno ─── 卡尔特会僧侣:11世纪由圣·布鲁诺创建的一个提倡苦修冥想的教派的成员

11、A member of a contemplative order founded during the11th century by Saint Bruno. ─── 卡尔特会僧侣11世纪由圣·布鲁诺创建的一个提倡苦修冥想的教派的成员

12、I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. ─── 我并不是说应该对他们不闻不问,但是你所给予的关心应是理性的、慷慨的(如果可能的话),而非过于感情用事。

13、At this moment of crisis in our nation?馏 history, thought has become more contemplative, prayerful, and spiritual. ─── 在目前我们国家历史上这个危机时刻,人们在思想中反思、祈祷、冥想。

14、the contemplative life ─── 宗教上冥想 的生涯

15、She was in contemplative mood. ─── 她陷入沉思之中。

16、But "surfing (the Net) "he says, can "detract from a contemplative calling." ─── 但是他说“(网上)冲浪”会使人从专注于宗教思想的召唤中分神。”

17、What if I were to go to Gotama the contemplative to obscure his vision?" ─── 我这就去乔达摩行者那里,把他弄迷糊怎麽样呢?

18、Investigation and Contemplative of Psychology Education in Military Academy ─── 对军校心理教育的调查与思考

19、" the sofa that she pats her goes away, sofa is returned aside contemplative. ─── 她拍了拍她的沙发走开,沙发还在一边冥想。

20、a member of a contemplative order founded during the11th century by Saint Bruno ─── 卡尔特会僧侣,11世纪由圣·布鲁诺创建的一个提倡苦修冥想的教派的成员

21、He is wearing deepness spectacles for nearsighted persons, outside two straight window, as if in contemplative what. ─── 他戴着深度近视眼镜,两眼直视窗外,仿佛在沉思着什么。

22、contemplative swallowing of qi ─── 存想咽气

23、There is a contemplative look on his face. ─── 他脸上显出深思的表情。

24、We cannot always be contemplative ─── 我们不可能永远在沉思默想。

25、Ruusbroec's thought relies on the old Christian tradition of a relational, contemplative theology. ─── 摘要吕斯布鲁克的思想奠基于基督教传统中关系的、默观的神学。

26、contemplative faculty ─── 思考力

27、A contemplative moment at the breakfast table ─── 早饭桌前沉思的一刻

28、Gillian, the quiet one, is therefore usually ignored by us. Actually, her unique charm can be demonstrated by her quiet and contemplative character. ─── 其实阿娇本身很有自己的神采,她本身很静,故思考比较多,所以都看到她成熟的一面。

29、After a minute or two sitting in contemplative silence by the fire, the dog went to the door and whined to be let out. ─── 狗蹲在炉火旁,在沉默中静静地待了一两分钟,然后来到门边,呜呜叫着让人放它出去。

30、The tremendous amount of time spent on newspapers I regard as not reading at all, for the average readers of papers are mainly concerned with getting reports about events and happenings without contemplative value. ─── 我认为人们花费大量的时间去阅读报纸,并不是读书,因为一般阅报者大抵只注意到事件发生或经过的情形的报告,完全没有沉思默想的价值。

31、If same time undertakes plant perfume and listen hearing contemplative music, can achieve favorable hairdressing result more, release interior toxin slowly. ─── 假如同一时间进行植物薰香和聆听着冥想音乐,更可达到良好的美容效果,并慢慢释放心灵毒素。

32、Nike released an ad with a silent and contemplative Tiger and a voice-over from his now-deceased father. ─── 耐克发布了一则广告,片中是沉默和沉思的老虎,配上他已故父亲的画外音。

33、The Indian makes flavor combustion with sandal for quite a long time, it can be helped static reach contemplative. ─── 印度人长久以来用檀香木作香料燃烧,它能帮助入静及冥想。

34、While other Rasa albums tended toward the slow-trance electronica side of groove, Temple of Love had a dreamier, contemplative sound often free of rhythm. ─── 后来在某湖边忽然有了歌唱的灵感,声音纯净唯美,充满灵性。

35、One article describes the history of meditation in Western culture, calling it a contemplative practice that disappeared for literally centuries but has recently been revived. ─── 其中一篇文章探讨静坐在西方文化中的发展过程,认为这种静坐冥想的修习已经消失了数世纪,近年来才又再度兴起。

36、Woolf’s own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contemplative, not an active art. ─── 伍尔芙将自己的社会批判以观察的语言而不是直接的评论来表现,因为对她而言,小说是一门沉思凝想的艺术而非一门积极干预生活的艺术。

37、Intellect is the critical, creative , and contemplative side of the mind. (NETEM 2004, Passage 4, paragraph 6 ─── 才学是精神世界中的批评、创造和沉思的一面。

38、contemplative faculties ─── n. 思想力, 思考力

39、Intellect is the critical,creative,and contemplative side of the mind. ─── 才学式精神世界中的批评、创造和沉思的一面。

40、Not that the French release "Place Vendome" is spinach cinema, but watching this thoughtful film starring Catherine Deneuve does require a contemplative turn of mind. ─── 因此,不时地看看这类电影,就好比定期摄取营养成分一样,对人的身心一定有益。

41、Contemplative Isolating Makes the Holidays An Island ─── 假日的离岛

42、and he was completely carried away by that kind of contemplative ecstasy with which the dramatic author follows his ideas as they drop one by one from the lips of the actor amid the silence of a vast audience. ─── 他心荡神驰,沉浸在瞑想之中,这是一位剧作者在广大观众的静穆中,看见自己的思想从演员嘴里一一坠落下来时那种心醉神迷的心情。

43、Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of child. ─── 马丁是个安静沉思型孩子。

44、The series works are my subjective feeling to the night, are the contemplative hallucination in the dark, are the resonance of a night lover to the dark and are the catharsis of seeking mentality. ─── 我的这组作品是我对夜的主观感受,是一团黑暗中冥想的幻觉,是一个城市夜游者心绪与黑暗的共振,是一种窥视捕捉心理的宣泄。

45、the contemplative life(= life in a religious community) ─── 宗教上的默观生活

46、The 2 lamps that can adjust height according to need, can regard as the only illuminant in contemplative space. ─── 2/3 和植物有关联的家具最适合太阳能空间。

47、The client desired a walking garden that was simultaneously contemplative and modern, and that included a birdbath to satisfy a passion for bird watching. ─── 客户想要一个能供散步的花园,同时能够冥想,还要现代,还要有一个供小鸟饮水的水池,以满足观赏小鸟的需要。

48、Do with time of 10 minutes everyday contemplative or sit in meditation, it is the good method of clean heart not only, more but slow wake up skin. ─── 天天用10分钟的时间做冥想或打坐,不仅是洁净心灵的好方法,更可舒缓并唤醒肌肤。

49、Introverts, on the other hand, are more reserved, contemplative, and do not have a high interest in affiliation. ─── 外向者倾向社交活跃,爱说话,有高度兴趣加入人群。

50、The thumb and forefinger gesture is also among the commonest of mudras, or sacred finger postures, in the Buddhist and Hindu contemplative traditions; ─── 因此,它恰如其分地象征着修炼者力求达到的完美心境。

51、The contemplative awareness of meditation seems to be at the core of what can heal us. ─── 冥想的意识似乎是以什么可以治愈我们为中心的。

52、Arrange smoking cessation advice in smokers contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption. ─── 为打算减少或停止烟草消耗吸烟者中提供戒烟建议。

53、She looked contemplative, as if she was analyzing every hair follicle on his head. ─── 她若有所思地看着他,仿佛是在分析他头上的每一个毛孔。

54、His attitude with regard to her, though it was contemplative and critical, was not judicial ─── 他对她的态度虽然是认真的,批判的但并不是明智的。

55、The teacher is contemplative and a short while, nod, express praise. ─── “是让老师记笔记的时候方便,错了可以改正。”

56、"As you say, sire," the man replied to the king, but having roamed all over Toranavatthu he did not see the sort of brahman or contemplative the king might visit. ─── “唯然,唯然,大王!”彼臣应诺波斯匿拘萨罗王,虽察遍多罗那越睹,亦未发现彼波斯匿拘萨罗王以表敬意[趋访]之沙门或婆罗门。

57、Breathing and meditation are included in the contemplative side of yoga exercises. ─── 在瑜伽的沉思练习里面,通常练习的是呼吸和冥想。

58、A contemplative man, but an active man. ─── 一个沉思的人,同时也是个活跃的人。

59、Then another devata exclaimed in the Blessed One's presence: "What a strong burden-carrier is Gotama the contemplative! ─── " 接著另一位天人来到世尊面前说:“瞿昙真有如一位强壮的驮兽啊!

60、In spirit, the discipline is contemplative and therapeutic. ─── 在精神层面,这片知识领域是沉思默想并且有助于放松精神的。

61、"The Contemplative Atheist is rare. . . And yet they seem to be more than they are" (Francis Bacon). ─── “喜欢深思的无神论者是很罕见的…他们看起来实际更喜欢思考”(弗朗西斯?培根)。

62、Brecht provided Chinese innovation with more contemplative space, and he did a lot of contribution to the development of Chinese drama. ─── 布莱希特给中国的戏剧革新者提供了更多的思考空间,他为中国戏剧的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

63、The Contemplative atheist is rare . . . and yet they seem to Be more than they are ─── 喜欢深思的无神论者是很罕见的.他们看起来实际更喜欢思考

64、Then another devata exclaimed in the Blessed One's presence: "What a thoroughbred is Gotama the contemplative! ─── " 接著另一位天人来到世尊面前说:“瞿昙真有如一匹良马啊!

65、For the first hour or so the mood is contemplative: The characters fascinate us, and the special effects are mesmerizing. ─── 为一小时左右,整个气氛是思惟:人物着迷的,而特技是迷人。

66、Their character lets my ground experience literal glamour, their character or let me touch, or let me sob deeply, or let me to one's heart's content laughs or make me contemplative flounder. ─── 他们的文字让我一次次地体会到文字的魅力,他们的文字或让我感动,或让我不胜唏嘘,或让我开怀大笑或让我沉思辗转。

67、Acquire the contemplative way of seeing how all things change into one another, and constantly attend to it, and exercise thyself about this part of philosophy. ─── 使你掌握这种凝思的方式:观察所有的事物是如何互相变化的,始终注意着这种变化,在哲学的这一方面训练你自己。

68、"The network smashed it seems that I am dedicated with contemplative ability. ─── “网络似乎粉碎了我专注与沉思的能力。

69、Some people use their contemplative time to focus on a line of Scripture. ─── 一些人在沉思中思考圣经中的语句。

70、The tremendous amount of time spent on newspapers I regard as not reading at all,for the average readers of papers are mainly concerned with getting reports about events and happenings without contemplative value. ─── 我认为,人们花费大量的时间去阅读报纸,并不是读书,因为一般阅报者大抵只注意到事件发生或经过的情形的报告,完全没有沉思默想的价值。

71、It is shocking that such tiny scalps contain childhood and youth of all this dietary and contemplative insanity. ─── 小小头颅可谓奇异,竟能如棋在握地驾驭幼年时代的贪食和狂想。

72、The reason why so few contemplative persons are found, is that so few know how to separate themselves entirely from what is transitory and created. ─── 一个人除了独一无二、无限无量、永远的至宝以外,若还有看得中的事物,他必是卑污下贱,不能离地高飞的人。因为天主以外,全是虚无,全当轻视。

73、She looked contemplative, as if she was analyzing every hair follicle on his head. ─── 她若有所思地看着他,仿佛是在分析他头上的每一个毛孔。

74、Still wearing his sweaty tank top and carefully scuffed jeans, he seems contemplative, as if he is finally impressed by the enomity of his own achievement. ─── 他(杰伦)穿着汗湿的无袖背心和仔细磨洗过的牛仔裤,看起来若有所思,好象对于自己会有如此成就感到不可思议。

75、Intellect, on the other hand, is the critical, creative, and contemplative side of mind. ─── 另一方面, 是头脑的重要, 创造性, 和沉思边。

76、This sort of contemplative place is where you need to be to feel out the "truth" of your relationship. ─── 这种令人沉思的地方就是你摸清你的两性关系的合适地点。

77、On Vancouver Island a soaked beach reflects a contemplative evening ride. ─── 在范库弗峰岛一片浸湿的海滩上映出冥想的晚间骑驾。

78、nor a contemplative, he who mistreats another. ─── 恶待他人者,亦非沙门。

79、It can be helped static, conduce is contemplative it can eliminate fear and nightmare, enhance safe sense, also be one kind comforts an agent. ─── 它能帮助入静,有助冥想它能消除惧怕及恶梦,增强安全感,亦是一种安慰剂。

80、"If you have ever secretly supposed the contemplative life to be a leisurely round of devotional exercises, punctuated by strolls in the garden and a spot of embroidery now and then, fear no morel" the sisters tell browsers. ─── “假如你内心里曾认为专注于宗教思想的生活是一种轻松的献身运动,不时穿插着花园里的漫步,时而做做刺绣,不要再这样想了!”修女们告诉国际互联网上的浏览者们说。

81、Concerned experiment considers to make clear, use contemplative method to be able to make he becomes more and more beautiful. ─── 有关试验研究表明,利用冥想的方法可以使自己变得越来越漂亮。

82、The aristocretic attire of the past may have gradually been replaced by jeans and running shoes, but the university's leisurely pace and contemplative atmosphere still haven't changed. ─── 昔日贵族学子的华衣革履,已逐渐被牛仔粗布、运动鞋所取代。但剑桥步调缓慢,喜欢冥想的风气仍然不变。

83、His basic approach to contemplative music involves a blend of exotic textures (bells, chimes, Tibetan bowls, sitar and Chinese instruments) with easy grooves and rich walls of ambience. ─── 全碟音乐非常耐听,始终节奏缓慢,却没有拖沓,印度音乐传统的旋转扭捏的风格被敲击声脆脆的截断,形成一浪浪的音乐波澜。

84、For me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something. ─── 对我来说,我觉得是她的手和脸,我觉得这两个地方描绘的非常具有表现力,并且使得这位女性栩栩如生,使得我们感觉她在思考一个非常严肃的事情。

85、I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one's interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. ─── 但是,这并不是说,应该对他们漠不关心,不过,应该把自己的关心仔细思考一下,如有可能,应该具备一些博爱之心,但又不应该过于感情用事。

86、How does Aristotle respond to the question of whether the contemplative life (the life of the philosopher) or the active life (the life of the statesman) is the best life? ─── 亚里斯多德如何回应思辨的生活(哲学家的生活)与主动实践的生活(政治家的生活)何者才是最好的生活这个问题?

87、Under this class of men are comprehended all contemplative tradesmen, titular physicians, and statesmen that are out of business ─── 在这个阶层里包括耽于空想的商人,挂名医生,以及丢了差事的政治家。

88、As you may have guessed from recent posts, I'm in a very contemplative and self-preoccupied space lately. ─── 从我最近发表的帖子中,你们也许猜到了我近期正处在沉思和自我冥想中。

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