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08-18 投稿


insatiable 发音

英:[?n?se???b(?)l]  美:[?n?se???b(?)l]

英:  美:

insatiable 中文意思翻译



insatiable 词性/词形变化,insatiable变形

名词: insatiability |副词: insatiably |

insatiable 同义词

limitless | voracious | ravenous | insatiate | unappeasable | greedy | exacting | covetous |unquenchable | unsatiable | avid

insatiable 短语词组

1、insatiable curiosity ─── 无法满足的好奇心

2、insatiable cast ─── 贪得无厌的演员

3、insatiable desire ─── 贪心不足

4、insatiable season 3 ─── 贪得无厌第三季

5、insatiable io snakes ─── 贪得无厌的io蛇

6、insatiable io snake ─── 贪得无厌的蛇

7、insatiable definition ─── 贪得无厌的定义

8、insatiable netflix ─── 贪得无厌的网飞

9、insatiable tv show ─── 贪得无厌的电视节目

10、insatiable hunger ─── [医] 不饱症, 贪食

11、insatiable debby ryan ─── 贪得无厌的黛比·瑞安

insatiable 反义词


insatiable 相似词语短语

1、invariable ─── adj.不变的;常数的;n.常数;不变的东西

2、insatiately ─── 贪得无厌

3、insatiate ─── adj.永不知足的

4、unsatiable ─── adj.贪求无厌的;不知足的

5、satiable ─── adj.可满足的

6、insociable ─── adj.不爱社交的;不善交际的,不会交际的

7、instable ─── adj.不稳定的;不牢固的

8、insatiably ─── adv.贪得无厌地;无法满足地

9、unsatable ─── 不稳定

insatiable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The man was lascivious, sexually perverted and insatiable. ─── 这个人是一个欲壑难填的变态色情狂。

2、1 Human beings in all times and places think about their world and wonder at their place in it. Humans are thoughtful and creative, possessed of insatiable curiosity. ─── 不同时代和不同地域的人们都在思考他们的世界,并且想知道他们在其中的位置,人类能够思考并且有创造力,具有无限的好奇。

3、Overnight she developed an insatiable appetite, and began to gain weight. ─── 她突然间显出了一种永不满足的食欲,而且体重开始增加了。

4、He had an insatiable love for music. ─── 他对音乐爱得入迷。

5、A mind free of any consideration of the problems or forces of the world and actuated not by greed, but an insatiable love of variable pleasure. ─── 一颗对人世的力量和问题毋须顾虑的心灵,不是为贪得,而是为无厌地追求五花八门的快乐而活动的。

6、reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) ─── 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望

7、Later he became an insatiable collector, a passion which turned into the most brutal art theft of all time. ─── 后期他成了一个贪得无厌的收藏家,而这个爱好最后变成了历史上最残忍的艺术盗窃。

8、in an insatiable manner; with persistence but without satisfaction ─── 以不知足的方式;贪得无厌地

9、They are insatiable of profits. ─── 他们一味追求利润。

10、His work ethic matched the heft of a 10-man labor force, was perhaps rivaled only by his insatiable desire to learn. ─── 他的工作热情甚至超过了10个人合在一起,大概只有他永远无法满足的求知欲才能与其匹敌。

11、His thirst for knowledge is insatiable . ─── 他对知识的渴求不会满足。

12、1.Bao Fuxin of slam the door manages and have an insatiable desire for read aloud, must not by becloud of redound of so called high specified number; ─── 1.摒弃暴富心理和贪念,千万不要被所谓的高额回报蒙蔽;

13、His curiosity about the world was insatiable. ─── 他对宇宙的好奇心是无止境的。

14、China's appetite for Canadian oil derives from its own insatiable domestic energy demand, ─── 中国对加拿大石油的胃口来自于它不知足的国内能源需求招徕投资

15、Be insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching . ─── 学而不厌,诲人不倦。

16、If you are the parent or grandparent of a child between the ages of birth and six, you already know that children have an insatiable desire to learn. ─── 如果你是一个0到6岁孩子的父母或者曾父母,你会知道孩子具有多么旺盛的求知欲。

17、Soon Carreen and Suellen would have the insatiable hunger of typhoid convalescents. Already little Wade whined monotonously: "Wade doan like yams. ─── 卡琳和苏伦也很快会有病愈时难以满足的饥饿感了,甚至小韦德也经常不断地抱怨:"韦德不爱吃洋芋。

18、She always had a number of well-worded and intelligent questions to ask and displayed an insatiable interest in all aspects of the company. ─── 她总是能提出一些用语规范、很具智慧性的问题,而且对公司各个方面的事务都表现出了浓厚的兴趣.

19、Satellite radio can lead one to develop an insatiable desire for all kinds of unfamiliar music and talk, in the way shortwave radio opened up new worlds for listeners in the past. ─── 卫星广播可以吸引人们对各类不熟悉的音乐与谈话节目产生贪得无厌的欲望,就如同过去短波收音机为听众打造出全新的世界一样。

20、Created to chomp up germs and bacteria, your appetite proves to be insatiable. ─── 不过,令科学家们意料不到的是,它的功能似乎不会停止。

21、As Jairo Garcia from Atlanta put it, “We are bulldozing forests for cattle and wood, we are drying rivers for irrigation, we are depleting our oceans to feed an insatiable multi-billion population. ─── 亚特兰大的Jairo也指出,“我们砍伐森林来建造房屋,抽干河流去灌溉,耗尽整个大海来喂养这几十亿贪得无厌的人类”。

22、Tassi denied ever having had sexual relations with Gentileschi and brought many witnesses to testify that she was an insatiable whore. ─── Tassi否认曾与真蒂莱斯基发生性关系,并带来了许多证人作证,她是一个贪得无厌的妓女。

23、Public have an insatiable appetite for scandal. ─── 公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。

24、An insatiable taste for letters had thrown the young man into journalism. ─── 对文学的强烈爱好使这位青年进入了新闻界。

25、Only the imports could have met America's sudden and insatiable demand for small cars ─── 只有进口才能满足在美国突然出现的而又无法满足的对小型汽车的需求。

26、There seems to be an insatiable demand for more powerful computers. ─── 人们对于加强计算机功能的要求似乎永无止境。

27、Have an insatiable desire to learn; be never tired of reading ─── 学习没有厌倦满足的时候。比喻非常好学

28、He has an insatiable appetite for the curious. ─── 他对新奇的东西有一种难以满足的爱好。

29、Their spending power is increasing day by day, and their appetite for consumption is insatiable. ─── 他们的购买力正一天一天地增长,而在消费上又永远不知足。

30、And if the declines start to basically set in while demand is almost insatiable, oil prices are going way higher. ─── 如果油田在需求无法满足的时候进一步衰退,油价将会升得更高。

31、The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal. ─── 公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。

32、Its insatiable appetite for fuel and other raw materials was one reason why high oil prices failed to depress the global economy last year, Mr Finger noted. ─── 中国对燃料和其它原材料难以满足的需求,是高油价去年未能打击全球经济的一个重要原因。

33、Frankenstein, driven by an insatiable desire for knowledge, discovers the secret of animating lifeless matterand by assembling body parts he realizes his dream of creating life. ─── 对知识和荣誉的渴望使弗兰肯斯坦发现了能起死回生的秘密,并且通过拼凑人的肢体实现了创造生命的梦想。

34、Since technology has such an insatiable appetite for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we cannot immediately foresee. ─── 由于技术在吞噬人类工作方面非常“贪得无厌”,所以这一现象将会继续以短时间难以预料的方式重构我们的经济。

35、She usually found some, but she was insatiable. ─── 她通常能找到一些,可她是难以满足的。

36、Sex, for men, is all about physical pleasure and his seemingly insatiable sex drive is pretty much a part of his maleness. ─── 性对于男人来说,就是生理上的愉悦,他似乎无法满足的性欲很大程度上归因于他是一个雄性。

37、Demand was equally insatiable, providing those infamously complex structured products with a stream of ready buyers. ─── 信用需求同样无穷无尽,这为那些臭名昭著的复杂组合产品带来许多愿挨的买家。

38、mighty dark elf lord malus darkblade's insatiable lust for glory, riches and blood lands him with far more than he bargained for. ─── 强大的黑暗精灵领主黑暗之刃对荣耀无限渴求,但财富和鲜血带给他的负担远比他指望的要沉重。

39、But these were cruel, insatiable gods who demanded always more and more to keep them happy. ─── 但是这些都是残忍、贪得无厌的神,不断的供奉方能博得它们的欢心。

40、However,the neighbor in the east is insatiable,and comsider Huaren to be a coward,so he robs the property of Huaren by force. ─── 到此,华仁忍无可忍,会同妻子钟国芬合力御侮,经过勇敢斗争,终于打退恶邻。

41、The appetite for more storage capacity with high speed access appears as insatiable as the demand has been for more computer power. ─── 客户对大容量高速存储器的渴望犹如其对高速计算机的渴望。

42、A mind free of any consideration of the problems or forces of the world and actuated not by greed, but an insatiable love of variable pleasure. His method was always simple. ─── 他天性无忧无虑,既不费心去考虑任何问题,也不去管世间的种种势力或影响,支配他的生活动力不是对财富的贪婪,而是对声色之乐的贪得无厌。

43、We have insatiable and perseverant enterprise, grasp opportunities that the era have entrusted and make great effort to create brighter and refulgent tomorrow. ─── 以永不满足、锲而不舍的进取心,把握时代赋予的契机,努力开创更加璀璨、辉煌的明天。

44、He discusses the human nature, that is willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagance and waste that is insatiable. ─── 他大谈人的天性,就是心甘情愿被金钱所奴役,不是奢侈浪费就是贪得无厌。

45、He traces all the miseries and discontents of life to insatiable selfishness ─── 他把人生一切苦难和不满都归咎于不知足的自私。

46、" Is, for example, thirst an appetite;and is it always insatiable? ─── 例如口渴,它也使人贪得无餍?

47、Darling gave out heat, ate febrifuge to burn still do not retreat, and some are had an insatiable desire for sleep. ─── 对小孩照顾特别细心,给小孩物理降温、按摩、多喂水、及时去医院就诊。

48、insatiable hunger ─── 不饱症

49、The Cox Report also says that China's "appetite for information and technology appears to be insatiable, and the energy devoted to the task enormous". ─── 《考克斯报告》还称,中国“对于信息和技术的欲望似乎是贪得无厌的,而且从事这项工作干劲十足”。

50、In the high-profile resources areas, China's insatiable appetite for coal, iron ore, alumina and liquefied natural gas has created another resources boom in Australia. ─── 在资源领域,中国对煤、铁矿石、铝和液化天然气方面的不知足的胃口,已经在澳大利亚创造了另一次资源型繁荣。

51、Russia is a big resource exporter, China an insatiable importer. ─── 俄罗斯是一个资源出口大国,中国是一个饥渴的资源进口国。

52、The residents in turn called it a raid on their land by insatiable city officials, and paraded a few poor old folk. ─── 当地居民则还以颜色,称贪得无厌的市政府官员侵略侵略了他们的土地,且有数名老年居民进行了游行。

53、He inexcusable insatiable, but he is also a subject of discrimination against Jews. ─── 他唯利是图,贪得无厌,但是他也是一个受歧视的犹太人。

54、therefore you shall(5), in your turn, regale one of his senses, which seems to be more insatiable than your appetite. ─── 所以现在该轮到你使他的一个感官得到享受,他的这一感官看来比你的胃口更难以满足。

55、Being an insatiable woman, her desire evolves from the consumption of things to that of signs. ─── 嘉莉是个永不满足的女人,其欲望经历了从物的消费到符号消费的嬗变。

56、Turn the lights down low Take it off Let me show My love for you Insatiable ─── 关上灯,脱掉衣服,让我展示对你无穷的爱意

57、10) Especially in a world of insatiable electronic storytelling, real history procreates, endlessly conjuring new versions of itself. ─── 尤其在电子媒体无止境渴求故事的今日,真实历史不断创造、繁衍出千奇百怪的新版本。

58、The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing. ─── 公众有永不满足的好奇心想知道一切事情,惟独不关心知道这些事情的价值。

59、Meditations on the Insatiable Soul ─── 多欲的灵魂之沉思

60、Can't close my eyes when I'm with you Insatiable the way I'm loving you. ─── 和你在一起的时候,我根本无法合上双眼,我会无止境的向你付出我的爱。

61、Our attitude towards ourselves should be "to be insatiable in learning" and towards others "to be tireless in teaching". ─── 对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“诲人不倦”,我们应取这种态度。

62、be insatiable in learning ─── 学而不厌

63、in an insatiable manner; with persistence but without satisfaction. ─── 以不知足的方式;贪得无厌地。

64、14 Their eyes are full of adultery and insatiable for sin. They seduce unstable people, and their hearts are trained in greed. Accursed children! ─── 他们满眼邪色,犯罪不餍,勾引意志薄弱的人;他们的心习惯了贪吝,真是些应受咒骂的人。

65、His thirst for knowledge was insatiable;he was always in the library. ─── 他对知识的追求永无止境,总是呆在图书馆里.

66、Here, consumer society warns broad customer, in sale busy season, want to hold to rational consumption, goods compares 3, do not want credulous conduct propaganda, do not pursue cheap, have an insatiable desire for low. ─── 在此,消费者协会提醒广大消费者,在销售旺季,要坚持理性消费,货比三家,不要轻信宣传,不要图便宜,贪低价。

67、reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins). ─── 七宗罪之一,对财富的永不满足的渴望。

68、‘Oh, my honey, you're so thoughtful and understanding. Wish you mean what you say. I want you to take an oath, will you?’ She is a little insatiable. ─── ‘小甜心,你好体贴而备致啊。但愿你说话算数。我要你发誓,好吗?’她有点儿得寸进尺哦。

69、Either way, drain-strain's signature combination of exhaustion, aversion, and resentment means you're throwing resources into an insatiable gullet. ─── 不论一种,具有包括疲劳、厌恶和愤恨的这一系列组合特征的”耗竭疲劳“会让你将资源投入到一个贪得无厌的口中。

70、These massive creatures can bulldoze a forest, turning it into a grassland, trying to satisfy their insatiable appetites. ─── 这些巨大的生物可以推到森林,把它变为草原,并尝试满足它们不知足的胃口。

71、She ridiculed his insatiable greed. ─── 她嘲笑他的贪得无厌。

72、In bed, you two have nearly insatiable appetites, which is good, for you will enjoy one another to the hilt. ─── 在床上,两个人有差不多贪婪的胃口,这是好的,因为你们将充分喜爱彼此。

73、You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians too, because you were insatiable; and even after that, you still were not satisfied. ─── 你因贪色无厌,又与亚述人行淫,与他们行淫之后,仍不满意,

74、He was dominated by an insatiable drive for fame. ─── 他被一种难以满足的成名欲支配著。

75、5, do not have an insatiable desire for much, the old person because slow down of gastric bowel peristalsis, discharge empty rate to drop, so in order to eat 78 into full for appropriate. ─── 5、不贪多,老人因胃肠蠕动减缓,排空速率下降,所以以吃七八成饱为妥。

76、Actually the little girl should have been happy then, but she was insatiable of this feeling in her heart caused by the music. ─── 实际上,这个小女孩那时应该感到高兴,但是她对于音乐给她带来心灵上的满足从不知足。

77、spectre ' s thirst for destruction is insatiable , and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for. ─── 阴灵对于毁灭一切的渴望将永不停息并永远等待著那即将来临的战斗。

78、Some peaceful happiness is easily left behind by those insatiable thirsts for enthusiasm and romanticism. ─── 一些平凡的爱意,总被渴望激情和浪漫的心忽略。

79、On top of this, the hungry dragon’s insatiable appetite for food, energy and other raw materials has given cartoonists an emotive image for the surge in global commodity prices. ─── 另外,这条饥饿的大龙对食物、能源和其他初级产品的贪婪欲望让漫画家产生了创作灵感,指责中国对全球商品价格造成的影响。

80、(10) Especially in a world of insatiable electronic storytelling, real history procreates, endlessly conjuring new versions of itself. ─── (10)尤其在电子媒体无止境渴求故事的今日,真实历史不断创造、繁衍出千奇百怪的新版本。

81、It was owned by the Turlocks, a family of hunters with an insatiable appetite for goose ─── 它属于特洛克家所有,这家人是猎户,爱吃雁肉,百吃不厌。

82、His thirst for knowledge was insatiable; he was always in the library. ─── 他渴望知识, 从不知足, 整天地钻在图书馆里。

83、He has an insatiable appetite for money and power. ─── 他对金钱和权力欲壑难填。

84、Another cake? You're insatiable! ─── 再来一块蛋糕? 你可真贪得无厌!

85、Our needs for high capacity, fast transfer rate, and short access time appear to be insatiable. ─── 对大容量、高速传率和短存取时间的永无休止的需求 ,促进了各种数据存储技术的发展。

86、His insatiable ambition can make him short-tempered and intolerant. ─── 他的不知足的野心能够使他脾气坏和不容忍。

87、He is insatiable of power. ─── 他贪求权力。

88、This author affirms that the world appetite for automobile fuel is insatiable. ─── 作者指出,世界的燃料胃口真是贪婪。

89、Surely you're not still hungry;you're insatiable! ─── 你肯定吃饱了,你这是贪得无厌!




当我们想表达对某物的贪婪或渴望时,通常会使用"greed for"这个短语。

例如,"He has a greed for power"(他对权力有贪婪的欲望)或者"Her greed for money is insatiable"(她对金钱的贪婪欲望是无法满足的)。




贪,最常说的就是贪财 ,就是指贪婪觊觎不属于自己的钱财,并总想着据为己有。还有一个词叫敛,敛财,也是指通过不正当手段,把不属于自己的财富占为己有。



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