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08-18 投稿


patented 发音

英:[?p?tnt?d]  美:[?pe?t?nt?d]

英:  美:

patented 中文意思翻译



patented 词性/词形变化,patented变形

过去分词:patented 过去式:patented 原型:patent

patented 常用词组

patented product ─── 专利产品

patented invention ─── 发明专利权

patented 短语词组

1、patented water resistant ─── 专利防水

2、patented meaning ─── 专利意义

3、denmrk patented denmrk ─── 专利

4、patented tightly ─── 专利紧密

5、patented technology ─── [专利]专利技术

6、patented water ─── 专利水

7、patented leather coat ─── 专利皮衣

8、patented condition ─── 专利条件

9、patented the telegraph ─── 为电报申请专利

10、patented water and fat soluble ─── 专利水溶性和脂溶性

11、patented definition ─── 专利定义

12、manageable explosive patented in 1867 ─── 可管理炸药于1867年获得专利

13、patented plants ─── 专利植物

14、patented inventions ─── 专利发明

15、patented until ─── 专利截止日期

16、patented invention ─── [经] 取得发明专利权

patented 相似词语短语

1、patentees ─── n.专利权所有人

2、unpatented ─── adj.未获得专利权的

3、painted ─── adj.描画的;着色的;刷上油漆的;v.油漆(paint的过去式和过去分词);n.(Painted)人名;(瑞典)帕因特德

4、patentee ─── n.专利权所有人

5、patent ─── n.专利权;专利证;专利品;adj.专利的;特许生产或销售的;显著的;公开的;(脉管等)开放的;v.取得……的专利权;授予专利

6、patinated ─── adj.古色古香的;生了铜绿的;vt.使产生光泽;使生绿锈(patinate的过去式);vi.产生光泽;生绿锈(patinate的过去式)

7、lamented ─── v.哀悼(lament的过去式和过去分词);adj.令人悼念的;哀悼的

8、panted ─── v.气喘,喘息;气喘吁吁地跑;气喘吁吁地说;渴望;(诗/文)心剧跳;n.气喘,喘息;(诗/文)心跳;喷气声;n.(Pant)(印、美、英)潘特(人名)

9、ostented ─── 装腔作势的

patented 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 20, No. 18. ─── 中华民国专利公报,第20卷第18期。

2、The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 27, No. 12. ─── 中华民国专利公报,第27卷第12期。

3、In 1769 he patented a condenser for condensing steam. ─── 他在1769年获得专利的冷凝器凝汽。

4、Invention and creation are patented. ─── 发明创造,享有专利。

5、We provide solutions to your company's brand protection (To prevent imitation, forgery, copyright &patented products). ─── 可为客户提供设计、制版、模压、转印、综合防伪及各种软硬镭射包装等综合服务。

6、The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 28, No. 15. ─── 中华民国专利公报,第28卷第15期。

7、In the late seventies a patented system to apply pulverised solid fuels was introduced. ─── 在七十年代晚期,应用粉末固体燃料的专利系统也被引入。

8、Patent validity of this month. ─── 专利有效性成焦点。

9、Did you take out a patent on your design? ─── 你是否取得一项设计的专利?

10、The invention has been patented by the university. ─── 那项发明已经由那所大学获取了专利。

11、Its products have enjoyed market-dominance due to their power, versatility, and unique patented features. ─── 其产品因强大、通用和已获得专利的独特功能占据了市场的主导地位。

12、Foreign-related Patent Office Designated by SIPO. ─── 国家知识产权局指定的涉外代理机构。

13、The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material. ─── 剽窃行为,侵犯专利行为未经授权却使用或复制受专利权保护的物品

14、Monsanto has at least one of its patented genes in about 90% of all the soybeans grown in the U. S. and in about 80% of U. S. corn. ─── 在美国出产的约90%的大豆和约80%的玉米,至少都含有一种孟山都拥有专利权的农作物基因。

15、Ginseng, Bird's Nests, Herbs & Patent Medicine. ─── 参茸幼药,中国成药,药材海味。

16、In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use. ─── 在专利局,我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。

17、Gloominess is the patent of beautiful girls. ─── 周奔驰:忧郁是漂亮女孩的专利。

18、A patented chemical, Imidacloprid is manufactured by Bayer Crop science. ─── 吡虫啉是拜耳公司的专利农药,现已过期。

19、Thus, what came out of our lab was a fresh composition that we patented as Corning Gorilla Glass. ─── 因此,我们实验室生产的玻璃是一种新型混合物,我们以康宁Gorila玻璃获得专利。

20、Only when everything is ok will the patent be registered. ─── 只有一切都顺利,才能登记专利。

21、Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. ─── 专利与商标局协会志。

22、The patent office needs90 days to wait for any possible opposition. ─── 专利局需要90天的时间等候任何可能产生的反对意见。

23、Unique to Playhut products is the incorporation of a patented EZ Twist Technology. ─── 公司独创的折叠玩具,树立了“同乐和”品牌在行业及世界范围内的领先地位。

24、Hartz? DENTAL? Chew' n Clean? are patented balls that help clean your dog's teeth and gums, removing harmful tartar. ─── 专业兽医研制,帮助清洁狗狗的牙齿和牙龈,去除有害牙石。

25、Compulsory licensing and international exhaustion of patent rights. ─── 些灵活性的数量,如,强制许可和专利权的国际用尽。

26、Utopia of the International Patent? ─── 国际专利的乌托邦?

27、How long does it take to patent an invention? ─── 取得一项发明的专利用多长时间?

28、IDEA is a patented algorithm in the USA, Europe, and Japan and must be licensed for commercial and noncommercial use. ─── IDEA是在美国、欧洲和日本受专利保护的算法,将它用于商业或非商业用途时需要得到许可。

29、"The power underlying Enfish Onespace is its patented DEX 'engine. ─── "权力是其背后enfishonespace塞米松专利'引擎.

30、State of the art and Patent Pending. ─── 国家的艺术和专利申请.

31、Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation. ─── 专利滚筒式发动机系统使操作宁静。

32、He patented a variation on the sandal. ─── 他获得那种凉鞋的一种变化形式的专利权。

33、Patented Lockwell Anti-Lift mechanism: ensure the workpiece does not lift. ─── 专利向量式原理防止上浮机构,确保工件不上浮。

34、He got a patent for this invention. ─── 他获得了这项发明的专利权。

35、He applied for a patent on his invention. ─── 他为他的发明申请了专利。

36、He have no right to the patent. ─── 他不拥有对此专利的权利。

37、Fail to file a form delays your patent applicaition. ─── 不能以文件形式延误你的专利静压。

38、The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 23, No. 18. ─── 中华民国专利公报,第23卷第18期。

39、A patent right is an exclusive right to an invention. ─── 专利权就是发明的专有权。

40、The patent looks for the coope. ─── 专利寻求合作亦转让。

41、His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him. ─── 他的行为揭示了一个有关他的令人窘迫的事实。

42、A patent protects your intellectual property. ─── 专利保护你的知识产权。

43、Audion: Elementary radio tube developed by Lee De Forest (patented 1907). ─── 三极检波管:由美国的德福雷斯特所发明(1907年获专利权)的一种基本的电子管。

44、PATENT DERWENT at an arrow prompt. ─── 在箭的专利权德文特河提示。

45、On Preservation the Patent Application Right of U.S. ─── 保存良好开发记录保持美国专利申请权。

46、Baton countries which have been patented designs. ─── 其中指挥棒已获得国家外观设计专利。

47、At present, we have got International Patent. ─── 因为目前我们已经拿到了国际专利。

48、Patented on Twin Baby Buggy and Jogger. ─── 台北捷美乐婴儿用品新研发婴童车专利

49、He kept his invention under cover until it was patented. ─── 在取得专利权以前,他的发明一直秘而不宣。

50、Use patented valve for high paste.Never pasted. ─── 使用高黏度专利之阀门,永不黏死。

51、Throughout the campaign,the candidate refuted his rival's criticisms with a series of patented responses. ─── 在整个竞选中,这个候选人用一系列富有特色的回答驳斥了对手的批评攻击。

52、A natural phenomenon may not be patented, but which applications of that phenomenon might be? ─── 自由现象有可能不会授予专利,但是自然现象的哪种应用属于专利范围呢?

53、Plus a number of patent protected varieties. ─── 加上一些专利保护品种。

54、And we have 11 China Patent in FBT, Power Inverter. ─── 同时我们的回扫变压器、逆变器等产品已经拥有11项国家专利。

55、At least they patented something which, you know, could do useful things. ─── 至少他们申请的专利还算是有用处。

56、He wants our solicitor and our patent agent to have a look at it. ─── 他要让我们的律师和专利代理人看一下,

57、Duragesic lost U.S. patent protection in 2005. ─── 多瑞吉在2005年丢掉了美国专利保护。

58、They have give us a write undertaking that they will not infringe our patent. ─── 他们书面承诺他们将不侵犯我们的专利。

59、Even then, you will not get the patent certificate. ─── 即使在那时,你将拿不到专利证书。

60、What is a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)? ─── 什么是动脉导管未闭?

61、The patented optimal inserted direct-drive servomotor. ─── 优化的内置式专利直驱伺服马达;

62、I will refer to the patent situation. ─── 专利的情况会在说明竞争产品时一并提出。

63、Patented technology, remarkable rampart, protection by law, more reliable forgery prevention. ─── 专利技术,壁垒显著,法律保护,防伪更可靠。

64、Black patent leather with tonal sequins. ─── 专业黑色鞋面皮革,鞋面系有黑色亮片。

65、For instance, the idea of Public Key Encryption which was patented in the US. ─── 一个很好的例子是在美国获得专利的公钥加密。

66、How long before we actually get a patent? ─── 到底要多久我们才能获得专利权?

67、He has set up in practice as a solicitor or a patent agent . ─── 他已是一个开业律师或专利代理人。

68、The vault was a small one, but it had a new, patented door. ─── 地下室不大,但装有一扇特制的新门,用三个钢制的螺钉固定着,并安有一把时钟号码锁。


70、In 1823, he patented what was the first truly waterproof fabric, supple enough to be used in clothing. ─── 1823年,他获得了第一个真正的防水织物专利,这种布料相当柔软,可用来做服装。

71、Parellax Files Patent on New Reporting Technology! ─── 历派为新的报表技术申请专利!

72、The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 29, No. 35. ─── 中华民国专利公报,第29卷第35期。

73、Unlike copyrighted and patented products, trade secrets are not revealed. ─── 与被版权和专利保护的产品不同,商业秘密不向公众公开。

74、He patented the idea that the atom could be split. ─── 他得到了原子可以分裂的这个见解的专利。

75、They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products. ─── 他们不会妨碍个人使用专利产品。

76、Patented SMM kernel running independently of main OS Used for building firmware applications. ─── 专利的技术,在SMM核心下与OS独立运作。

77、A patent right usually remains valid for 15 years. ─── 一项专利的有效期一般为15年。

78、And so my patent back again is swerving. ─── 便不得不取消我的专利执照。

79、The patent office pended the settlement of a patent application. ─── 专利局搁置了一项专利申请。

80、The inventor shall have the right to be mentioned as such in the patent. ─── 发明人有权要求在专利证书上记载自己是发明人。

81、He patented a device for cutting up. ─── 他获得了一种蔬菜切割机的专利。

82、The patent product is DDU system. ─── 其中DDU(抽提系统)已获得国家专利。

83、In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern. ─── 1902年他到伯恩当上了专利局的鉴定员。

84、In his lifetime, Hutton patented 244 inventions. ─── 赫顿一生中获得了244项发明专利。

85、You have to get a license before using this patent. ─── 你使用这个专利前必须取得许可。

86、The patented dry ice pellets have the mass and density required to conduct a quick, easy, and thorough cleaning. ─── 具有专利的干冰颗粒具有进行快速、简单和彻底清洁所需的质量和密度。

87、He had received a grant of patent for his invention. ─── 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。

88、JBIG uses a form of arithmetic coding patented by IBM known as the Q-coder. ─── jbig使用了一种形式的算术编码专利,由ibm称为问答式编码器。

89、He possessed the only known samples of these strains, and he patented his revivification process to further cement his control over them. ─── 他拥有已知的这些菌株的唯一样本,他还为复活的过程申请了专利,以进一步加强控制。

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