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08-18 投稿


duplicating 发音

英:[?dju?pl?ke?t??]  美:[?du?pl?ke?t??]

英:  美:

duplicating 中文意思翻译



duplicating 词性/词形变化,duplicating变形

副词: duplicately |动词第三人称单数: duplicates |形容词: duplicable |动词现在分词: duplicating |动词过去分词: duplicated |动词过去式: duplicated |

duplicating 短语词组

1、offset duplicating machine ─── [计] 胶印复制机

2、duplicating pen ─── 复制笔

3、duplicating boards ─── 复制板

4、duplicating equipment ─── 重复设备

5、duplicating managed version ─── 复制托管版本

6、duplicating room ─── 油印室;复印室

7、duplicating effort ─── 重复工作

8、mimeograph duplicating ─── 油印复制

9、duplicating milling machine ─── 仿型铣床

10、duplicating ink ─── 复制油墨

11、duplicating card punch ─── [计] 复制卡片穿孔

12、stencil duplicating ─── [计] 模版复印

13、duplicating unit ─── [计] 复制装置

14、duplicating this material ─── 复制此材料

15、duplicating flask ─── [医] 复制型盒

16、duplicating pads ─── 复印纸

17、duplicating paper ─── [化] 复印纸

18、duplicating device ─── [计] 双套装置, 重复装置

19、duplicating model ─── [医] 复制模型

duplicating 常用词组

duplicating machine ─── 复印机,仿型机床

duplicating 相似词语短语

1、duplication ─── n.复制;副本;成倍

2、reduplicating ─── v.重复,复制;重叠(音节或其他语言单位)(reduplicate的现在分词)

3、replicating ─── n.八音阶间隔的反复音;复制品;adj.复制的;v.复制(replicate的ing形式);折叠

4、explicating ─── 解释;说明(explicate的现在分词)

5、duplications ─── n.复制;副本;成倍

6、implicating ─── vt.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

7、deduplicating ─── 重复数据消除

8、supplicating ─── v.恳求,哀求(supplicate的现在分词)

9、duplicative ─── 加倍的

duplicating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、film duplicating ─── 影片复制

2、In order to avoid duplicating the decision making everywhere an instance is created, we need a mechanism for creating instances of related classes without necessarily knowing which will be instantiated. ─── 为了避免在每个实例创建时重复决策,我们需要一种创建相关类的实例而不需要知道哪一个将被实例化的机制。

3、chopper for duplicating compounds ─── 复模料捣碎器

4、Applied Technology for the Hydraulic Duplicating Models of the High Road Bridge Abutment ─── 公路桥梁高墩液压翻模施工工艺

5、Also we can made the edge sharp by duplicating the vertex normal vectors at any intersection of faces. ─── 同样我们也可以通过加倍顶点法向量来锐化边界。

6、Keywords lung tumour;heparin enzyme;against duplicating and getting the enzyme chain together to reflect; ─── 关键词肺肿瘤;肝素酶;逆转录聚合酶链反应;

7、But if Iran has been duplicating its nuclear effort, expect other hidden sites too. ─── 但如果政府想要扩大核开发力度,秘密核设施就绝不止这一处。

8、Internal fuse; such secure device can prevent those people with some purposes from duplicating ─── 内部的保险丝烧断,这样的保险装置,可以防止有心人进行

9、If the main device fails, the backup can take over, duplicating all the encryption parameters, that were in force. ─── 如果主设备失灵,备用设备可切换过来,将所有有效的加密参数复制下来。

10、Human Genome Project: Cloning Fact Sheet( Eng)-- outlines different processes for duplicating biological material. Discusses ethical, legal, and social issues. ─── 复制生命-克隆()--含克隆技术、隆研究及应用、隆生物、隆人类、隆对伦理和法律的影响等话题。

11、For instance, bytecode can handle values that need to be used more than once by duplicating them on the stack. ─── 字节码可以处理那些不止一次被用到的值,采用在堆栈中复制它们的方式。

12、Other typical uses include producing negative-appearing copies from reversal-processed computer-output microfilms and duplicating copies of source documents, engineering drawings, and continuous-tone negatives. ─── 其它常见用途包括,制作负片效果的反转处理的电脑输出缩微胶片的拷贝,以及复制原文档、工程制图以及连续色调的负片。

13、Extracting pure AchR from American Torpedo California electric organ, immuning Lewis rats actively, duplicating EAMG animal model successfully,Providing ideal animal model for the study of treating MG with Traditional Chinese medica. ─── 从美国加利福尼亚电鳐的电器官中提取纯化乙酰胆碱受体,主动免疫Lewis大鼠,成功复制出EAMG模型,为中药治疗重症肌无力的研究提供了理想的动物模型。

14、Canon copier, a fine product in the world of duplicating machines. ─── 佳能复印机,复印天地中的精品。

15、He also began to reorganize federal agencies that were duplicating services. ─── 他也开始重新组建那些提供相同服务的联邦机构。

16、Implementation of CDN depends on various network technologies, of which technology such as caching, dynamical content distribution and duplicating, load-balancing and so on is primary. ─── CDN的实现需要依赖多种网络技术的支持,其中主要的有缓存技术、动态内容分发与复制技术、负载均衡技术等。

17、I do not know duplicating each other whenever beginning to leave you alone. ─── 当留下孤独的你,我不知道我门相互的感觉

18、Duplicating film The film that will produce one positive from another without requiring an intervening negative or vice versa. ─── 复制用菲林正片复制正片,或负片复制负片而不须先复制负片或正片的菲林。

19、Please quickly put these duplicating papers into the duplicator. ─── 你快把这些复印纸装入复印机。

20、Given WIPO's limited resources, the Delegation did not support duplicating work already underway in other international organizations. ─── 考虑到WIPO的资源有限,美国代表团不支持重复已经在其它国际组织中进行的工作。

21、Reprographics (Reprography): General term for electrostatic printing, diazo process, or any other form of short-run duplicating and printing. ─── 复印术:泛指用静电印刷,重氮晒印或其他形式的少量复制和印刷的方法。

22、All modern facilities in the Business Center offer the ticket booking, duplicating, typewr-iting, fax service and posting.Beauty room on the first floor entertain guests shopping and leisure. ─── 商务中心可为宾客提供打字、复印、图文传真、代寄邮件,订购火车、飞机票等业务。酒店一楼设有美容美发厅及商场,为客人增添购物休闲的乐趣。

23、Too tired, tows is not having the soul the body, is duplicating everyone day, actually I early already exhausted not ridge! ─── 太累,拖着没有灵魂的躯体,重复着过着每一天,其实我早已经疲惫不坎!

24、It produces 15,000 tons high-quality paper, mainly double-faced offset plate paper, offset book paper, art printing paper, poker paper, computer printing paper, electrostatic duplicating paper and so on. ─── 主要品种有:双面胶版纸、胶印书刊纸、铜版原纸、扑克牌原纸、电脑打印纸、静电复印纸等。

25、If they were required to comply, lab personnel would be doing little else than identifying and duplicating discovery materials. ─── 如果他们必须要满足辩方要求的话,实验室的工作人员就无法从事其他的工作,只能从事鉴定和复制发现材料的工作了。

26、He ran off a hundred copies on the duplicating machine . ─── 他在复印机上复制了100份。

27、Good promissory note pricing: Qualitative analysis of replacement balance of reconstructed error and duplicating costs ─── 实物期权定价:复制误差和复制成本替代权衡的定性分析

28、Duplicating film: The film that will produce one positive from another without requiring an intervening negative or vice versa. ─── 复制用菲林:正片复制正片,或负片复制负片而不须先复制负片或正片的菲林。

29、In 1995, the Higher People's Court of Jiangsu sentenced Pu Xinghua, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Baodie Compact Disc Electronics Ltd to 17 years' imprisonment for copyright violation and duplicating pornographic publications. ─── 如1995年对从事制作淫秽、盗版音像制品的江苏宝碟激光视盘有限公司的副总经理卜兴

30、Duplicating and secondary publication in cross fields should be concerned ─── 应重视交叉领域的论文抄袭和重复发表问题

31、All modern facilities in the Business Center offer the ticket booking,duplicating,typewr-iting,fax service and posting.Beauty room on the first floor entertain guests shopping and leisure. ─── 商务中心可为宾客提供打字、复印、图文传真、代寄邮件,订购火车、飞机票等业务。酒店一楼设有美容美发厅及商场,为客人增添购物休闲的乐趣。

32、Duplicating an existing page is an easy way to create more Web pages for your site while preserving your Web design and business branding. ─── 复制现有页面是在保留Web设计和业务品牌的同时为网站创建多个网页的便捷方式。

33、Benchmarking: Be Aware of the Misleading to Duplicating Enterprise Strategy ─── 基准管理:谨防陷入企业经营战略趋同误区

34、They talk about duplication all the time, but the only thing duplicating is their credit card debt! ─── 你所支出的,比起一班的小本经营的传统事业所投资的还要少。

35、If you only try to provide the minimum, you end up with multiple clients duplicating code for common cases. ─── 如果你只是试着提供最小化实现,那么你将为了实现一些普通的功能而针对不同用户写大量重复的代码。

36、Technical Principle of Dual Positive-Negative Diazo Duplicating Film ─── 异同像混用重氮复制胶片的技术原理

37、You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine. ─── 你可以在复印机上很快地复印出附加的几份练习。

38、They are not duplicating what we have done. ─── 不会重复我们已经做过的事情。”

39、If administrators decide to implement the DNS service included in Windows 2000, the DNS database can be contained within Active Directory, eliminating much of the replication traffic required when duplicating large DNS databases. ─── 如果管理员决定实现包含在Windows 2000中的DNS服务,DNS数据库可以包含在Active Directory之中,消除了在复制大型DNS数据库时大量的重复信息流。

40、If they were required to comply,lab personnel would be doing little else than identifying and duplicating discovery materials. ─── 如果他们必须要遵循一致的话,实验室的工作人员就无法从事其他的工作,只能从事鉴定和复制发现材料的工作了。

41、duplicating experimental condition ─── 使实验条件完全相同


43、16. Avoid duplicating forms, lines, movement, and size. This will make them compete and conflict with each other. ─── 16避免两个相同的形式,线条,运动,大小。这可以造成他们之间的竞争和冲突

44、Use KODAK Positive Print Duplicating Microfilm to effectively duplicate pictorial images with varying degrees of tone scale. ─── 使用柯达正片印刷复制缩微胶片,可以高效地复制图画影像,有多种色彩效果。

45、That allows audio duplicating companies to record numerous copies at high speed to save time before loading the tape into cassettes. ─── 允许音频公司重复记录多份,在高速,以节省时间,然后装入磁带成卡带。

46、You can quickly roll off a few copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine. ─── 你可以在复印机上很快地把这个练习复印几份。

47、he received his first industrial-design commission to contemporize the appearance of a duplicating machine by Gestetner. ─── 他接受了基士得耶的第一个工业设计任务,使一台复印机的外观现代化。

48、Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone has been ringing with people calling in hopes of duplicating their cats and dogs, cattle and horses. ─── 自从1997年多利羊被克隆以来,威斯苏森的电话一直响个不停,人们打电话希望能复制他们的猫、狗、牛和马。

49、The company has good office facilities including foreign guest reception room, computers, facsimiles, duplicating machines, scanners and international telephones. ─── 在国内外客户中有着良好的市场信誉,同时也赢得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

50、After the concert, he said many thanks to the audience for their support, while he thought that there was no point in duplicating work already done. ─── 在音乐会过后,她一边说多谢你们的支持,一边在想重复别人做过的工作毫无意义。

51、Products of our company are widely used in various electronic fields, such as notebook computer, duplicating machine, scanner, printing machine, electrograph, digital camera, DVD, VCD, CD, MP3, CK-ROM, LCD displayer and wireless telephone. ─── 公司产品广泛用于:笔记本电脑、复印机、扫描仪、打印机、传真机、数码相机、DVD、VCD、CD、MP3、CK-ROM、LCD显示器及无绳电话等诸多电子领域。

52、Medieval bureaucracy, with its constant duplicating, petitioning and delaying, sometimes threatens to bury the reader. ─── 不断重复、情愿、拖延的中世纪政府让读者沉迷其中。

53、Duplicating a Report Server Environment ─── 复制报表服务器环境

54、The harm of ozone by duplicating machine ─── 复印机臭氧对人体的危害

55、Duplicating your own replies and uses it repeatedly. ─── 复制自己的回复进行多次回复。

56、Alphabetize.Alphabetize.This doesn’t help navigate your attributes, but it does help prevent you from duplicating an attribute and accidentally overriding a previous setting. ─── 其实这招对于属性浏览帮助不大,不过可以防止属性值覆盖这种偶然事件的发生。

57、facsimile duplicating device ─── 影印复印机

58、You can avoid many of the enemies with simple jumps, but others will require you to make long jumps (by the way, duplicating you scores). ─── 你能用简单的跳跃避免许多敌人,但是其它将会需要你制造跳远。

59、New Approach to Identifying Color LaserJet Printer and Duplicating Machine ─── 彩色激光打印机、复印机同一认定新方法

60、fOR electrostatic printing, diazo process, OR any other fORm of shORt-run duplicating and printing. ─── 泛指用静电印刷,重氮晒印或其他形式的少量复制和印刷的方法。

61、Do you know how can I set the duplicating macline in model of magnify( reduce). ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

62、When you write several constructors for a class, there are times when you’d like to call one constructor from another to avoid duplicating code. ─── 如果你为一个类写了多个构造器,有时可能想在一个构造器中调用另一个构造器,以避免重复代码。

63、One of them suggests duplicating the clever people. ─── 他们中的一个建议 复制 聪明的人。

64、TIANJIN Brand Black-and-white Aerophotography Duplicating Film ─── 天津牌黑白航空复照胶片

65、To duplicating the regulatory subunit p35Nck5a gene of mouse neuronal cdc2-like kinase in embryonic stem (ES) cells, about 12.2kb of pGDTV vector for p35Nck5a gene duplication was constructed. ─── 为了在小鼠胚胎干细胞(ES)中引起神经细胞cdc2类激酶调节亚基p35Nck5a基因的定点重复,采用常规的分子克隆技术,构建得到长约12.2kb的基因重复性打靶载体pGDTV。

66、There's no point in duplicating work already done. ─── 重复别人已经做过的工作毫无意义。

67、We check one time his story before its duplicating. ─── 在我们把它复印前我们还是核对一下他的故事。

68、Atthe time, multiple copies were made using carbon paper or duplicating machines, and people did not see the need for an electronic machine. ─── 当时,提出了多份使用碳纸或复印机,人们并不认为有必要的电子计算机。

69、Application of duplicating dynamic data for the distributed isomeric power information system ─── 动态数据复制在分布式异构电力信息系统中的应用

70、Because OVI can’t be copied by color duplicating machine and color printer, so it is widely used in product anti-counterfeiting. ─── 因为光变图像不可能用彩色复印机、彩色打印机复制,所以被广泛应用于产品防伪领域。

71、Printing and duplicating industry occupies the first pace while the media industry, cultural recreation and tourism accounts for a strikingly low proportion. ─── 印刷复制业独占鳌头,传媒业和文化娱乐、旅游业所占比重明显偏低。

72、copying and duplicating machine ─── 复制印刷机

73、Any reprint , similar to simulation, duplicating may touch legal liability . ─── 任何翻版,近似模拟,复制均有可能触及法律责任。

74、Plants have many enzymes capable of duplicating RNA, Ecker notes, as well as a system for transporting the chemical between cells. ─── 他还补充说,植物有许多酵素能够复制RNA,也具备在细胞间传递化学物质的运输系统。

75、Plants have many enzymes capable of duplicating RNA, Ecker notes, as well as a system for transporting the chemical between cells. ─── 他还补充说,植物有许多酵素能够复制RNA,也具备在细胞间传递化学物质的运输系统。

76、Reverse Duplicating Machine Cutting and NC Process Cutting for Cam Profile ─── 凸轮型面反靠磨削与NC程序磨削

77、alphabetic duplicating punch ─── 字母复写穿孔机

78、One day is duplicating one day, ─── 一天重复着一天,

79、When working with EJB components, we re often duplicating a number of methods across remote interfaces, business interfaces, implementation classes, and now business delegates. ─── 在使用EJB组件时,我们经常跨越远程接口、业务接口、实现类和现在的业务委派类来复制许多方法。

80、Conceptual Design and Key Technology of the Grating Duplicating Machine ─── 光栅印制机总体设计与关键技术研究

81、They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using. ─── 他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。

82、Developing Advantages of Sampling Book Duplicating Room in University Library and Serving for Teaching, Scientific Research Better ─── 发挥我校图书馆典藏阅览室的优势更好地为教学、科研服务

83、optical cine duplicating machine ─── 光学印片机

84、Mainly produce various kinds of office work paper products like duplicating paper, printing paper, facsimile paper, etc. ─── 主要生产各种类型的复印纸、打印纸、传真纸等办公用纸产品。

85、My Opinion about Duplicating Animal Model of TCM Symptom-complex ─── 中医证候动物模型复制管见

86、Now that we've got our main bullet hole, I suggest making a layer group out of it, then duplicating this layer group. ─── 现在我们就得到了一个基本的子弹孔的样子,我建议将这些图层编成一组,然后复制一次。

87、Instead of duplicating the contents of every file, it has merely pointed the branch at the same contents as the trunk. ─── 取代了为每个文件复制内容,它只是在为分支指定了像主干一样的内容。

88、You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the document on the duplicating machine. ─── 你可以在复印机上把这个文件另外复印几份。

89、an act of duplicating. ─── 再做同样一个东西的动作。

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