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08-18 投稿


Caesarian 发音


英:  美:

Caesarian 中文意思翻译



Caesarian 网络释义

adj. 凯撒的;皇帝的;剖腹产的

Caesarian 词性/词形变化,Caesarian变形


Caesarian 短语词组

1、caesarian code ─── 凯撒法典

2、caesarian delivery ─── [网络] 剖腹生产

3、caesarian rate ─── 剖腹产率

4、caesarian caesar ─── 凯撒

5、caesarian war ─── 凯撒战争

6、Caesarian section ─── 剖腹取子术

Caesarian 相似词语短语

1、catenarian ─── adj.链状的(等于catenary);n.悬链线;吊线(等于catenary)

2、Caesarean ─── adj.帝国的;凯撒的;剖腹产的;n.剖腹产;专制独裁者

3、Badarian ─── adj.巴达里期的

4、Caesarism ─── n.君主政治;帝政主义;专制政治

5、Cesarian ─── n.罗马皇帝的崇拜者;专制政体的拥护者;adj.凯撒的(等于Caesarean)

6、Caesarian ─── adj.凯撒的;皇帝的;剖腹产的

7、calvarian ─── 加尔文

8、Caesarea ─── n.凯撒利亚(以色列一座著名的罗马时代古城遗址)

9、Bavarian ─── adj.巴伐利亚的;巴伐利亚人的;n.巴伐利亚方言;巴伐利亚人

Caesarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Caesarian operation might be said to have a product, a baby, but those born in that way do not then have ‘Caesarean’ attached to their names. ─── 剖腹产手术可能会被认为有相应的“产品”,一个婴儿,但是那些通过此方式的孩子并没有在他们的名字上附加“剖腹产”的字样。

2、Caesarian Section on the Standing Cow ─── 站立牛的剖腹产术

3、Factors during delivery: Apgar score and caesarian section were the protective factors of cerebral palsy (OR=0.458, 0.343, P < 0.01); ─── 产时因素:Apgar评分和剖宫产是脑性瘫痪保护因素(OR=0.458,0.343,P

4、In the caesarian section group, conservative operations were performed in six patients, and subtotal hysterectomy in two. ─── 8例剖宫产手术病人 6例行保守性手术治疗 ,2例行次全子宫切除术 ;

5、Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified, is covered by the Package. ─── 倘若产妇在临床上有需要进行剖腹生产,有关费用已包括在产科服务套餐的一笔过收费内。

6、Objective:To analysis the cause of uterine laceration with Micheal Stark Caesarian Section. ─── 目的:回顾性分析新式剖宫产术的临床资料,解析子宫切口撕裂的原因。

7、Effects of fasting and transfusion before operation on blood glucose in lying-in woman and baby of caesarian operation ─── 术前禁食、输液对剖宫产母婴血糖的影响

8、Caesarian delivery: typically performed to safeguard the life of you or your baby. ─── 剖腹生产交付:通常的表现,以保障生命的您或您的宝宝。

9、Objective:To analyze the change in ultrasound of caesarian section uterus after a year. ─── 目的:对剖宫产手术1年后的子宫超声改变进行分析。

10、A comparative study on clinical evaluation of elective caesarian section and natural childbirth ─── 社会因素剖宫产与自然产临床评价的配对比较研究

11、Nurse: What did the doctor tell you at the last examination? Anything other than normal, like a Caesarian section? ─── 最后一次检查时医生对你说些什么了?有没有别的,像是剖腹产?

12、reports that as Faye Wong choose caesarian section, as will the maternity hospital practices Professor, Beijing hospital maternity Xu Ming, deputy director of the margin of their operations. ─── 过了15日的预产期后,各家媒体一直盛传王菲昨天要在北京协和医院剖腹生产。

13、Transverse incision of cesarotomy takes more time than longitudinal incision of cescarotomy,but the rate of success by forceps dilivery is high,parturient recover more quickly after caesarian operation,and the wound is small and tidy. ─── 横切口剖宫产较纵切口剖宫产手术时间长 ,产钳助产率高 ,但产后恢复快 ,疤痕小 ,美观。

14、MRI did not show signs of bleeding for babies born by caesarian delivery, they reported in the February issue of Radiology. ─── 在《放射医学》2月份期刊报道说,MRI没有发现剖腹产婴儿有出血情况。

15、Objective: To explore the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the uterine incision abnormal healing after caesarian section. ─── 目的:探讨剖宫产术后子宫切口愈合不良的相关因素、诊治方法、预防措施。

16、Shivani Sachdev Gour, a gynaecologist at the Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, said a number of expectant mothers scheduled for caesarian deliveries on July 22 had asked to change the date. ─── 新德里福尔蒂医院的一位妇科医生施瓦尼.古尔(音译)称,本来打算在7.22日进行剖腹产的几位待产妇主动改变了手术日期。

17、Nurse: What did the doctor tell you at the last examination? Anything other than normal, like a Caesarian section? ─── 最后一次检查时医生对你说些什么了?有没有别的,像是剖腹产?

18、Hypertension, preeclampsia, bacterial and viral infection resulted from immuno-suppression therapy and increasing rate of caesarian section are the major risks for the mother. ─── 高血压、肾功能损害、先兆子痫、继发于免疫抑制的细菌和病毒感染以及剖宫产几率增加是母体的主要风险。

19、Impact of pain after caesarian section on lactation and prolactin ─── 剖宫产术后镇痛对哺乳及血清泌乳素分泌的影响

20、Luckily for us, these scenarios are very rare occurrences in our day thanks to Caesarian sections. ─── 我们很幸运,因为由于剖腹产,这样的情况在现今很少出现。


22、Objective: To explore the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the uterine incision abnormal healing after caesarian section. ─── 摘要目的:探讨剖宫产术后子宫切口愈合不良的相关因素、诊治方法、预防措施。

23、Clinical Analysis of 70 Cases with Uterine Laceration of Micheal Stark Caesarian Section ─── 新式剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂70例分析

24、Objective To investigate the sonographic characters of uterine adhesion after caesarian section and provide a reliable basis for diagnosis. ─── 目的 应用B型超声观察剖宫产术后子宫与腹壁粘连的特征,为该病的诊断提供客观依据。

25、Objectives:To analysis the cause of uterine laceration with Micheal Stark Caesarian Section. ─── 目的 :回顾性分析新式剖宫产术的临床资料 ,解析子宫切口撕裂的原因。

26、Caesarian's fate is a chilling addition to the story. ─── 塞瑟瑞安的命运使这个案件更加让人毛骨悚然。

27、Clinical Analysis of 148 Cases with Difficulty of delivery of fetal head in Micheal Stark Caesarian Section ─── 新式剖宫产娩头困难148例临床分析

28、Methods: The data of 11 cases of uterine incision abnormal healing after caesarian section from 2002 to 2004 were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:对我院2002~2004年收治的剖宫产术后子宫切口愈合不良的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

29、Keywords caesarian section;uterine incision;abnormal healing; ─── 剖宫产术;子宫切口;愈合不良;

30、Explain to expectant parents that this study has found small intracranial hemorrhages in about one in four infants deliered aginally, compared with none among babies deliered by Caesarian section. ─── 给期待中的双亲声明一下,该研究发现经产道出生的婴儿中四分之一合并小的颅内出血,与之相比,剖腹产无一例并发颅内出血。

31、Ultrasonography of uterine adhesion with abdominal wall after caesarian section. ─── 剖宫产术后子宫腹壁粘连的超声分析。

32、Delivery in all 12 patients were by caesarian section. ─── 12例全部选择剖宫产 ,术中出血量为 ( 2 89± 2 41)ml。

33、Clinical observation on reduction postpartum bleeding in caesarian section with use of Misoprostol ─── 米索前列醇用于预防剖宫产术后出血的临床效果观察

34、1. Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service? ─── 产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?

35、The risk can be reduced if the baby of an infected mother is Caesarian section. ─── 如果对感染的有孕母亲做剖腹产,能够降低新生宝宝感染的风险。

36、Clinical analysis on 68 cases of caesarian operation by transverse incision underlying section of uterus ─── 横切口子宫下段剖宫产术68例分析

37、The effect of succinylated gelatin on maternal and fetal plasma endothelin and calcitonin gene-related peptide levels during caesarian section under epidural anesthesia ─── 剖宫产术中输注琥珀明胶对母儿血浆内皮素和降钙素基因相关肽水平的影响

38、The caesarian rates have continued to climb rising from 21% in 1996 to 30% in 2005. ─── 剖腹产率从1996年的21%持续攀升至2005年的30%。

39、Objective To investigate the expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone and its receptor type-1 in human placental tissues during caesarian operations. ─── 目的了解剖宫产应激过程中人胎盘促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)及其受体CRH-R 1的差异表达。

40、It's interesting that all sources brush over the murder of Caesarian. ─── 有趣的是所有的资料都没有注意到塞瑟瑞安的被杀。

41、But for this study, the researchers studied 88 asymptomatic newborns, eenly diided between male and female, of whom 65 were deliered aginally and the remainder by caesarian. ─── 该研究包括88例无症状的新生儿,男女各半,65例产道出生,13例剖腹产。

42、Comparative Observation of the Single Layer and Double Layer Suturing Techniques of the Uterous Incision in Caesarian Section by Ultrasonic Technique ─── 超声对剖宫产子宫切口单层与双层缝合切口愈合情况的对比观察

43、Clinical Observation on Termination of Early Pregnancy of 213 Cases after Caesarian Section with Repeated Use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol ─── 剖宫产后早孕药流及重复药流213例临床分析

44、He carried out the caesarian operation but it was too late to save the baby from brain damage due to oxygen depravation. ─── 林陈立医生帮妇人进行剖腹生产,但是遗憾的是小婴儿脑部缺氧,变成脑性麻痹。

45、Post-operative epidural Morphine analgesia in the patients with hypertension of pregnancy after caesarian section under epidural anesthesia ─── 妊娠高血压综合征病人剖宫产术后硬膜外吗啡止痛的作用

46、Methods:The data of 11 cases of uterine incision abnormal healing after caesarian section from 2002 to 2004 were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:对我院2002~2004年收治的剖宫产术后子宫切口愈合不良的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

47、Stud fees, shipping, pre-breeding tests, veterinary expenses, occasional Caesarian sections, vaccinations, feeding, and toys are all costly. ─── 配种费、运输费、繁殖前的检查费、看兽医的费用、遇上剖腹产的手术费、打疫苗、喂食、玩具等花费都是不便宜的哦。


49、Keywords primipara;float fetal head;vaginal delivery;caesarian section; ─── 初产妇;头浮;阴道试产;剖宫产;

50、The gauze can also be used in inpatient surgical procedures such as caesarian section, hysterectomy, fibroid surgery, laparoscopy, and oncologic surgery. ─── 这种纱布也可用于住院手术诸如,子宫切除术、纤维瘤切除、腹腔镜检查、和肿瘤切除术等。

51、Now that caesarian sections are more common, debate has been stirred up over the accuracy of "artificial horoscopes. " ─── 只是现代剖腹产渐多,「人造八字」准或不准,正引起广泛争议。

52、Methods 7-9 days after caesarian section, the uterus size ,cavity and inxision heling in 441 cases were searched by B-mode US beside the bed. ─── 方法:对441例剖宫产术后7d~9d子宫大小、宫腔及切口进行观察。

53、The woman, whose identity has not been reealed, gae birth Friday by Caesarian section, according to an official at Sant Pau hospital who spoke on condition of anonymity because of hospital policy. ─── 圣保罗医院的一位负责人称那位妇女经证实在星期五经剖腹产手术产下了双胞胎。由于医院规定不便透露该名妇女的姓名。

54、Fifty cases of severe pregnancy hypertension potients were undergone Caesarian section under epidural anesthesia, and the post-operative course was observed. ─── 对50例重度妊高征病人硬膜外麻醉下进行剖官产,术后进行观察。

55、10.Abortion and caesarian section are widely used for non-medical or non-lifesaving reasons. ─── 堕胎和剖腹产手术被广泛地用于非医或非救生的原因。

56、Caesarian operation ─── 剖腹产

57、Luckily for us, these scenarios are very rare occurrences in our day thanks to Caesarian sections. ─── 我们很幸运,因为由于剖腹产,这样的情况在现今很少出现。

58、A mother-to-be was one of the victims. She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section. ─── 有一位准妈妈患了甲流。她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。

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