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08-18 投稿


altered 发音

英:[???lt?rd]  美:[???lt?d]

英:  美:

altered 中文意思翻译



altered 词性/词形变化,altered变形

动词现在分词: altering |动词过去式: altered |动词过去分词: altered |动词第三人称单数: alters |

altered 反义词

conserve | preserve

altered 短语词组

1、altered check ─── [经] 涂改过的支票

2、unlawfully altered document ─── 非法涂改的文件

3、altered tone ─── 变化音

4、altered beasts ─── 变身野兽

5、altered sky ─── 改变的天空

6、altered gene ─── 改变的基因

7、altered images ─── 更改的图像

8、altered state ─── 改变了的状态

9、altered beast classic ─── 变身野兽经典

10、altered variety ─── 变更品种

11、altered regulations ─── 修改后的法规

12、our living habits are altered ─── 我们的生活习惯改变了

13、altered vision ─── 视力改变

14、altered meaning ─── 改变意义

15、fraudulently altered ─── 伪造的

16、altered trail ─── 更改的轨迹

17、altered designs ─── 更改的设计

18、genetically altered crops ─── 转基因作物

19、gene-altered adj. ─── 转基因的

altered 同义词

castrate | transform | revise | falsify | neuter | deviate | adapt | turn | amend | convert | tide | modify | rework | shrine | adjust | interpolate | correct |change | diversify | differentiate | different | spay | vary | make | shift

altered 常用词组

alter ego ─── n. 密友;个性的另一面;至交

altered 相似词语短语

1、paltered ─── v.含糊其词;敷衍了事;讨价还价

2、faltered ─── vi.衰弱;衰退;(嗓音)颤抖;结巴地说;蹒跚;犹豫;n.踌躇;支吾;颤抖;n.(Falter)(美、德)法尔特(人名)

3、haltered ─── n.缰绳;绞索;vt.给…套上缰绳;束缚;n.(Halter)人名;(德、罗)哈尔特;(法)阿尔泰;(英)霍尔特

4、alternes ─── [生态]群落交错

5、alterer ─── n.错误警报

6、alterers ─── 年龄

7、unaltered ─── adj.不变的;未被改变的;照旧的

8、bantered ─── n.无恶意的玩笑

9、bartered ─── v.以(货物、服务)作为交换;以物换物(barter的过去式及过去分词)

altered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She did not greatly alter in appearance. ─── 她的外表变化不大。

2、Where the two worlds do connect, it is often because people have carefully altered objects and methods of work to be computer-friendly. ─── 即使这两个世界有确实相交之处,也常是因为人们小心地把物体或工作方法改变成适合电脑的方式。

3、I haven't altered or left out a thing. ─── 我一点也没改动, 一点也没删除。

4、Facts cannot be altered; lies must be exposed. ─── 事实不容篡改,谎言必须戳穿。

5、His feature had not altered . ─── 他的特点没变。

6、Men of noble birth, are noted to be envious towards new men, when they rise. For the distance is altered, and it is like a deceit of the eye, that when others come on, they think themselves, go back. ─── 出身贵族者在新人晋爵时常生妒意,因为两者之间的差距缩短; 而且这就像是看朱成碧,明明是别人上升,他们却看成是自己下降。

7、Do you think you will alter your travel plans? ─── 你认为你要改变你的旅行计划吗?我们来学习一个很特别的词组

8、Can you alter the body shape of Tang Xiao-shan? ─── 你能改变唐小山的身形吗?

9、She is much altered from her former appearance . ─── 她和她以前的面貌大不相同了。

10、For my wedding I had my mother's wedding dress altered to fit me. ─── 为了我的婚礼,我把我妈妈的结婚礼服改了给自己穿。

11、She had altered so much I scarcely recognized her. ─── 她的变化很大,我几乎认不出她来了。

12、The date for the meeting has been altered from Wednesday to Friday. ─── 会议日期已从星期三改为星期五。

13、An object containing the altered private view state. ─── 包含更改的私有视图状态的对象。

14、To pronounce as or alter to a palatal sound. ─── 发成颚音或变成颚音

15、The source table or file is not altered in this process. ─── 在该过程中源表或源文件并不改变。

16、If it rains we will have to alter our plan for the cookout . ─── 如果下雨,我们将不得不改变外出野餐的计划。

17、A chromatically altered note not belonging to the key signature. ─── 临时记号不属于主要调号的缓慢变化的音符

18、Either version of the CREATE FUNCTION statement can be altered. ─── 两个语法版本的CREATE FUNCTION语句都可以如此变更。

19、He altered the document to remove incriminating evidence. ─── 他修改了文件,把证明有罪的证据删除了。

20、The situationer is altered as the day proceeds. ─── “人员部署”随着一天的进程不断变动。

21、Have you altered the plans of the projectile as the telegram suggests? ─── 你已经按照电报的要求修改炮弹图样了吗?

22、Signed macros remain signed until the macro code is altered. ─── 在宏代码更改之前,签名的宏将一直保持签名状态。

23、The coupon torm, damaged or altered without permission is invalid. ─── *本券自行撕角,缺损或擅自更改内容均视作无效。

24、Wellington got wind of Napoleon's plans, and altered his own. ─── 威灵顿打听到了拿破仑的计划后修改了自己的计划。

25、he looked. . . with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing- Charles Dickens. ─── 他用模糊的眼神看着,连呼吸的方式都改变了——查尔斯·狄更斯。

26、He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him. ─── 他变得我几乎认不出来了。

27、But deploying it would mean releasing swarms of altered insects into the wild. ─── 但利用这项技术就意味着将大量的转基因昆虫释放到野外。

28、Jaspilite and altered phyllite are the main ore types. ─── 主要矿石类型有含铁碧玉岩型和蚀变千枚岩型。

29、The arrangements for the conference have altered. ─── 会议安排变动了。

30、The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. ─── 地貌彻底改变,严重损害了野生动物。

31、The old landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. ─── 原有的景色已彻底变了样,严重损害了野生动物。

32、A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony, rhythm, or key. ─── 变奏曲一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来

33、To pronounceas or alter to a palatal sound. ─── 发成颚音或变成颚音。

34、Beijing has altered almost beyond recognition. ─── 北京变得几乎认不出来了。

35、The design has been altered. ─── 图案已有所更动。

36、To alter in form or nature; transform. ─── 在性质或形式上的改变;变形

37、Many of you are finding that you are feeling altered. ─── 你们多数发现你们知觉正在改变。

38、Images cannot be altered or deformed in any way. ─── 图像不得作任何改动或坏。

39、Their attitude to me altered subtly. ─── 他们对我的态度发生了微妙的变化。

40、To be altered as part of a systematic historical change. Used of speech sounds. ─── 变音作为整体的历史性变化的一部份而被改变,用于形容语音。

41、He altered the complexion of his times. ─── 他改变了他那个时代的面貌。

42、Never attempt to remove or alter these springs. ─── 切勿尝试拆卸或更换这些弹簧。

43、Beethoven thought of an air, hammered at it, altered it again and again. ─── 贝多芬想起了一个曲调,就专心致志地研究它,一遍又一遍地修改它。

44、He altered his face all at once. ─── 他突然变了脸。

45、The mode of display is altered. ─── 如画面所示,原文的显示模式已经改变。

46、cell phone has altered human relations. there is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads "close your handset. " ─── 手机改变了人与人之间的关系。通常有注意到会议室的门上的告示,写着“关闭手机。”

47、He built an alter of smooth stones. ─── 他用一些光滑的石头筑成一个祭坛。

48、These movies should not be altered or watermarked in anyway. ─── 影片不得以任何方式修改原始画面或加盖水印。


50、Do not alter a syllable of this message. ─── 对这则消息一点也不要更改

51、Few houses remained alter the earthquake. ─── 地震之后没剩下几栋房子。

52、No bidder shall be permitted to alter his bid after the bid has been open. ─── 开标以后,任何投标人都不准再修改投标。

53、Such things, howerer, never altered Edgar Snow's alert hard working nature. ─── 但是,这些东西并没有改变埃德加·斯诺敏捷刻苦的工作态度。

54、She had to alter her clothes after losing weight. ─── 她瘦了以後,衣服也得修改了。

55、Will it alter my life altogether? ─── 它会让我的生活天翻地覆吗?

56、The office was altered for the holiday party. ─── 为了在办公室举办节日晚会,办公室环境有所调整。

57、They altered the house to improve its ventilation. ─── 他们把房子改装一下使它更通气。

58、He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together. ─── 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。

59、Circumstances alter cases. ─── [谚]具体情况具体分析。

60、The internet has altered the way we communcate with others. ─── 因特网已经改变了我们和他人联络沟通的方式。

61、It is necessary to curtail or alter normally coexisting stimuli. ─── 必需消除或改变正常时并存的刺激。

62、Nothing has altered and the deadline still stands. ─── 什么也没有更改,最后期限依然有效。

63、Future cooperation between India and Asean will also be altered. ─── 印度与东协间的合作也将会改变。

64、Likewise, the articles of association can also be altered. ─── 同样地,组织章程细则也可以被修改。

65、She altered the mistake on the price tag. ─── 她改正了价目标签上的错误

66、It cannot be altered by any known treatment. ─── 它不能被任何已知的处理方法所改变。

67、Prices may be altered without notice. ─── 价格变动不另行通知。

68、To alter(a sound)by assimilation. ─── 同化(一声音)

69、Here, I shall alter thy Laws and Judgments. ─── 在此吾将染指你的权柄。

70、At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity. ─── “辛托6”的铀矿体产于不整合面之下变质甚深的粒玄岩中。

71、He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom. ─── 他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。

72、In Genesis, Jesus is the Ram at Abraham's alter. ─── 在创世纪,耶稣是亚伯拉罕祭坛上的公羊。

73、'But I'd always have to drink enough to be in an altered state. ─── 但我总是需要喝足够的酒来进入这种改变的状态。

74、Before making important decisions, one altered his route to work. ─── 在做出重要决定之前,有人改变了上班路线。

75、Conditions have altered radically. ─── 情况已发生剧变。

76、Ticket will be void, if it has been mutilated or altered. ─── 客票涂改无效。

77、June's events completely altered the political landscape. ─── 6月的事件完全改变了政治局面。

78、But nothing can alter the facts. ─── 但任何东西也改变不了这些事实。

79、Ideally, tables should never be altered after they contain data. ─── 在他们包含数据之后,理想地,表应该从不被改变。

80、Master Demonologist (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered. ─── 恶魔学识大师(恶魔)-大部分作用被修改。

81、She has altered a great deal since I saw her last year. ─── 她和我去年见到时已改变很多。

82、How has the meaning of this word home been altered by such activity? ─── 家这个词的意义是如何被这种行为改变的呢?

83、The partitioning key definition cannot be altered. ─── 分区键的定义不能修改。

84、The contract do not alter the status quo. ─── 合同不能改变现状。

85、How would the relative velocity be altered if B were ahead of A? ─── 假如B在a前面,那么相对速度怎样改变呢?

86、Some things simply cannot be altered and resilient people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible. ─── 有些东西根本无法改变,有韧性的人能接受这一点,不会浪费精力来做不可能的事。

87、Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. ─── 什么也改变不了我们要受指责这个事实。

88、This place hasn't altered since I was a girl. ─── 从我幼时起,这地方就没发生过变化。

89、And now, he is as finished and as ended as a boar that has been altered. ─── 可是现在他却完了,就象一头被阉了的公猪,彻底完蛋了。

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