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08-18 投稿


sooth 发音


英:  美:

sooth 中文意思翻译



sooth 网络释义

adj. 真实的n. 真实

sooth 短语词组

1、in sooth i know not why i am so sad ─── 我不知道为什么 ─── 我如此悲伤

2、sooth define ─── 舒缓定义

3、in sooth ─── 事实上,确实

4、for sooth adv. ─── 真正,确实(常表示轻蔑、怀疑)

sooth 词性/词形变化,sooth变形

副词: soothly |

sooth 习惯用语

1、in (good) sooth ─── 其实, 真实地

2、for sooth ─── 事实上, 的确

3、sooth to say (=to tell the sooth) ─── 说老实话

sooth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Relaxes body and mind, good for insomnia. Sooth and balance oily and acne-prone skin. Origin: France. ─── 有镇定,松弛,治疗失眠等效用适合各种肤质,可舒缓及平衡油性和暗疮皮肤。产地:法国。

2、Desdemona. Ay, sooth; so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me, To suffer with him. Good love, call him back. ─── 苔絲狄蒙娜嗯,是的;他是那樣滿含著羞愧,使我也不禁對他感到同情的悲哀。愛人,叫他回來吧。

3、In fact, the subtle energy of Ylang Ylang could sooth fraught emotions and frustration, lower high blood pressure produced by stress.Naturopathy also uses it as aphrodisiac. ─── 事实上,依兰精油的精神层面可以抚慰焦虑沮丧,降低因精神紧张所上升的血压,自然疗法还用来提升催情效果呢!

4、A bear the Nobel Prize meaning sooth wrinkle code! A collection of top biology technological sooth wrinkle code! A change of humanity fashion sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个具有诺贝尔奖内涵的雪维平皱密码!一个汇聚尖端生物科技的雪维平皱密码!一个改变人类时尚品位的雪维平皱密码!

5、Desdemona. Ay, sooth; so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me, To suffer with him. Good love, call him back. ─── 苔丝狄蒙娜嗯,是的;他是那样满含著羞愧,使我也不禁对他感到同情的悲哀。爱人,叫他回来吧。

6、Aged for 10 year in oak casks.Elegant and sooth, combining delicate weed notes and rich mellow fruit.A superb wine. ─── 这是一款精致的美酒,在橡木桶中经过十年的陈酿,木质的清香和成熟的水果香达到完美的结合。

7、Smooth, quality bedding helps sooth and relax your body to fall asleep faster. ─── 质地光滑、质量上乘的床上用品可以让你的身体得到放松,有助于你快速入睡。

8、Laerma gold deposit in the sooth subzon of the western Qinling is a more typical and important ore deposit. ─── 西秦岭南亚带的拉尔玛层控金矿床,是我国一个颇具特色的、十分重要的金矿床。

9、Restrain the growth of the melanin, smooth dehydration lines, reduce under-eye puffiness and dark circles. Sooth and revialise eye contour area. Reinforce skin tolerance and comfort. ─── 抑制黑色素的生长,修眼部幼纹,消减浮肿、黑眼圈和眼袋,增强眼部周围弹性,使你的眼睛更加神采照人。

10、In sooth I know not why I am so sad:It wearies me:you say it wearies you; ─── (The Merchant of Venice) 老实说我不知道为什么这样忧愁,使得我也很烦恼;你说使得你厌烦;

11、I missed you touch;the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 我想念你的抚摸.温柔的爱抚如此温暖,如此温柔,我不知道还有什么与之媲美.

12、Functions and directions: Natural extracts from various freshly collected flowers, combining with licorice, can sooth skin damage caused by sunshine, repair tender skin, promote cell regeneration, smooth light lines, and care delicate skin. ─── 功效及使用方法:采集新鲜天然的各种鲜花提取物,与甘草搭配能舒缓阳光带给肌肤的伤害,修护细嫩肌肤,促进细胞更新,平滑细纹,呵护娇嫩肌肤。

13、-- "But, now, I would ask of my well-skilled physician, whether, in good sooth, he deems me to have profited by his kindly care of this weak frame of mine?" ─── “不过,目前嘛,我例要向我的技艺高超的医生讨教一下,他对我的赢弱的体格的好心关照,是否当真叫我获益了呢?”

14、Treatment Functions: Remove internal heat, sooth urination, get through lymph nodesUsed for damp heat descend, urinate short with yellow color, sore pain in urinating, thirsty and dry thought ─── 功效与主治:清热,利尿,通淋。用于湿热下注,小便短赤,淋沥涩痛,口燥烟干

15、A thousands million market share sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个带来百亿市场份额的雪维平皱密码!

16、All this in an attempt to sooth Ms.Chens injured pride. ─── 我相信这都是陈市议员孋辉所授意的!

17、tea - Scientists found that drinking red tea every day helps to sooth the nerve system. ─── 红茶科学研究发现,每天饮用红茶,有利于舒缓神经。

18、1846 A fake fortuneteller can be tolerated. But an authentic sooth ... ─── 0394我能容忍身材是假的、脸是假的、胸是假的、臀是假的。但就是不能容...

19、There is sooth in bywords. ─── 常言里面包含有真理。

20、He speaks sooth. ─── 他讲的是真话。

21、10. Desdemona. Ay, sooth; so humbled That he hath left part of his grief with me, To suffer with him. Good love, call him back. ─── 苔丝狄蒙娜嗯,是的;他是那样满含著羞愧,使我也不禁对他感到同情的悲哀。爱人,叫他回来吧。收藏指正

22、Tell me he love me, have no change. I watch him. . . watching me. . . with sooth eyes, and I know that he care nothing. ─── 告诉我他对我的爱没有任何的改变,我在他真实的眼中看到了自己,我知道他什么也不在乎。

23、Both companies are hoping to get everything wrapped up by early June, but in the meantime Porsche is attempting to refinance its debt and sooth anxious Volkswagen shareholders. ─── 两家公司都希望让一切都结束了6月初,但同时保时捷正试图重新债务和抚慰的渴望大众股东.

24、in (good) sooth ─── 其实,的确,确实地,真正地,真实地

25、With the use of just a few simple props, it's easy to sooth the tense knots on your own, without the help of a profession or even a partner. ─── 无需专业指导,也不用麻烦同伴,只用一些简单的小道具,就能自己舒展开来。

26、I missed your tough; the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 我想念你的触摸;温柔多情的爱抚,是那样的温暖,那般轻柔,不知还有什么能让我如此享受。

27、Functions:completely clean face of impurities, gently moisturize and sooth skin, leave skin soft and supp-le, eliminate bacteria on skin, elimin-ate pimples and irritation, speed up skin's metabolism, and improve blo-od circulation. ─── 功效:彻底洁净脸部污垢,具有温和滋润、清爽舒肤的功能,同时可清除肌肤表皮的细菌,加速皮肤新陈代谢,改善血液迴圈,令肌肤柔滑不绷紧。

28、Today, I had a toothache and applied some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb. ─── 今天我牙疼,就抹了点麻药,结果抹多了,整个嘴都麻掉了。

29、A special combination of Thai massage and western techniques which it helps sooth muscles and balance body function ─── 泰式按摩与西方按摩技术的特殊结合,有助于缓解肌肉疲劳和平衡身体机能

30、I felt so sooth, but it lasted less than 1 second because my mum shouted at me in order to let me roll out of my bed. ─── 感觉是那么那么的真实,可惜的是......抱了不到一秒钟,我妈突然叫我起床!!!!!!

31、for sooth ─── 事实上的确

32、This concentrated serum deeply moisturizes to soften and sooth while renewing skin s appearance for lasting results. ─── 该精炼的乳液可以深层滋润并使皮肤柔软和光滑同时可以使皮肤再生并产生持久效果。

33、I missed your touch,the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 译:我想念你的触摸,温柔多情的爱抚,是那般温暖,那般轻柔,不知还有什么能让我如此享受.

34、In the end, the general manager of the theater had to beg forgiveness on his knees twice to sooth the angry audience who drove a long way to see the movie. ─── 最后,影院总经理不得不两次向观众下跪,以抚平远道驾车前来观影的观众的怒火。

35、Special moisturisers including hydrolyzed Keratin, seaweed extract and amino-acid to help maintain an even colour and sooth the hair after dyeing. ─── 染发与护发同时进行,添加水解角质素、海藻精华与氨基酸等滋润保湿成分保护发丝。

36、Sooth to say, it was a very fine work which, it seems to us, might well be turned to account even now with a few modifications. ─── 说实在的,这倒是一出十分美妙的佳作,即使今天看来,我们只要略做调整,仍可照样演出。

37、Special designed to relieve back pain. This treatment begins with a calming back massage followed by ginger and kaffir lime mask to sooth sore muscles. ─── 特别针对减轻背痛.这种治疗开始时对背部进行平和按摩,然后生姜和酸橙涂抹于酸痛的肌肉部位.

38、The natural color super-corpuscule will soften the lines, sooth the tired look and prevent outside stimulations such as UV. ─── 自然色系的超微细粒子,柔化细纹,舒缓倦容,预防紫外线等外界的刺激。

39、Atmospheric Live Band Entertainment to sooth your mood! ─── 现场乐队演出,使气氛更充满浓情蜜意!

40、That there should be any unhappy men is, in sooth, a disgrace to the azure of the sky. ─── 事实上现在还有不幸的人,这是上天的耻辱。

41、in (good, very) sooth ─── 实际

42、Botanic algae essence can deeply cleanse the dirt in pores and excessive oil, firm the pores, nourish and sooth the skin and make the skin refined and soft. ─── 植物海藻精华,能深入洁净毛孔内污垢及多余油脂,紧致毛孔,全面滋润及舒缓肌肤,让肌肤干净清爽、细腻柔滑。

43、Born of a damaged mind, a phthisic constantly craves the sweet nectar of sanity to sooth its mental torment, if only for a while. ─── 诞生于残破的心智中的消耗者总是渴望用心智健全者甜美的思维之露来缓解自己的精神痛苦,即使只是一小会。

44、The ancient art of healing begins with applying pressure to the body's energy meridians followed by warm herbal poultice to sooth muscle tension and stiffness in the key areas. ─── 使用古代的恢复疗法,用草药热敷对人体的能量经络进行刺激,有助于缓解关键部位的肌肉紧张和僵硬。

45、Diversified repairing and relieving ingredients can effective relieve, sooth and calm skin, improve thickness of cuticle, improve skin resistance, prevent sensitive and make weak skin healthy and glossy. ─── 多种修复舒缓成份,能有效舒缓、抗敏、安抚敏感肌肤,增加角质层厚度,增强皮肤抵抗力,防止敏感现象,令脆弱肌肤恢复健康亮泽。

46、A bear the Nobel Prize meaning sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个具有诺贝尔奖内涵的雪维平皱密码!

47、The ceramic works, featured by the serenity and low-key of their tone, are seen as one of the best healing products.Each step in the weaving process helps to sooth a wounded heart, slowly and mildly. ─── 柴烧静默低调的色彩号称疗伤系作品首选,蔺草编织的一草一板,缓慢修补并包覆曾有的伤痕。

48、So how can job seekers keep cool when it counts? Relax. A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and sooth interview jitters. ─── 那要怎样才能在重要的面试中保持风度呢?别紧张,一些简单的技巧能让你放松紧绷的神经,缓解对面试的高度紧张。

49、for, in good sooth, I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons of another year! ─── 因为,说老实话,我认为我难以再和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了!

50、Volunteers also use Tzu Chi songs to calm people's minds and sooth their hearts. ─── 除了香积,服务中心也架起了音响设备,安抚人心的慈济歌曲从此声声不息。

51、1. Sooth to say, I got up late. ─── 说实话,我起来晚了。

52、But the spirit was trampled when Manchurians conquered the areas sooth of Shanhai Pass. ─── 这种精神在满清入关后遭到摧残,在清朝后期再度兴起。

53、"Yea, to another world,"replied the minister, with pious resignation. "Heaven grant it be a better one; for, in good sooth, I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons of another year!" ─── "是啊,到另一个世界去了,"牧师带着一切全都听天由命的神气回答说。"但愿上天保佑,那是个更好的世界;因为,说老实话,我认为我难以再和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了!

54、You may find ways to sooth yourself through exercise or yoga, or you may begin to meditate. ─── 你可能会通过锻炼或者瑜伽来放松自己,或者你会开始调整。

55、In that romantic era, the poems and verses of Tang and Song dynasty incarnated the people's sooth, melting and romantic sense on Chang E.Chang E has a significant effect on people. ─── 唐宋的诗词充分地体现了那个浪漫的时代里文人们以怎样浪漫温柔的心境来接纳嫦娥,嫦娥也同时对他们起着不可忽视的影响。

56、8. Special moisturisers including hydrolyzed Keratin, seaweed extract and amino-acid to help maintain an even colour and sooth the hair after dyeing. ─── 他有一种他自己称为"中性"的美,深色的嘴唇,浅褐色的眼睛,长长的发丝完美地蜷曲着。收藏指正

57、Its honey can replenish blood, sooth nerves, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. ─── 蜂蜜下面有沉淀,并不一定是质量问题,而是葡萄糖结晶,是蜂蜜的一种物理特性。

58、I missed your touch;the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 我想念你的拥抱。你用臂膀静静地拥我入怀,让爱在我们之间自由而无声地流淌。

59、in sooth ─── 其实; 真实

60、HELENA Yes, sooth; and so do you. ─── 海丽娜:是的,你也是在开玩笑。

61、Add wild pansy to steam baths to sooth and comfort yourself mentally and physically. Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin. ─── 你想促进血液循环并增强肌肤弹性吗?找一些含有洋素草的产品吧。

62、At the end of a tough day, they appear in front of you and sooth all your fatigue and bring you back to a childhood fairyland. ─── 结束了一天紧张的行程,在你洗漱时,它们出现在眼前,你的疲乏便会顿时全消,身心放松地进入儿时的童话王国…

63、A collection of top biology technological sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个汇聚尖端生物科技的雪维平皱密码!

64、In order to evaluate the impact of Sooth to North Water Transfer Project on environment, it is necessary to understand the existing status of environment before the beginning of the project. ─── 摘要在南水北调工程实施前,认清工程区的环境现状,对正确地评价南水北调工程对环境的影响有重要的意义。

65、An integrated study on lithology, sedimentology, structural feature and petroleum geology in Sooth Tajikistan basin is carried out. ─── 摘要对南塔吉克盆地的地层、沉积、构造和石油地质特征等进行了综合研究。

66、A change of humanity fashion sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个改变人类时尚品位的雪维平皱密码!

67、Sooth to say, it was a very fine work which, it seems to us, might well be turned to account even now with a few modifications. ─── 说实在的,这倒是一出十分美妙的佳作,即使今天看来,我们只要略做调整,仍可照样演出。

68、Moments like these are rare and we keep them fresh by bringing them up to the surface to sooth our aching hearts that are waxing cold. ─── 诸如此类的时刻很少,所以我们总是提起它们来抚慰我们日益冰冷的心,以便保持它们的新鲜。

69、A rediscovery of fortune life sooth wrinkle code! ─── 一个重新发现财富人生的雪维平皱密码!

70、There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. ─── 有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心。

71、I am not a sooth sayer, but I only think the worst of the problem is behind us. ─── 第四,把原文隐含的意思明了化。例如:我不是在测字算命,我只是觉得这么做后果不妙。

72、Please Input LAN of computer name(sooth). ─── 请输入网络上一台电脑的(真实)名称

73、FUNCTIONS:Helps sooth sunburned skin and releases the symptom of red, itch, and burn that cause by over sun exposure. ─── 立即舒缓"炙热"肌肤,缓解因日晒而引起的红、痒、烫等症状,补充肌肤所需水份;提升肌肤的舒适与清新感;

74、The year was not completed when Thenardier said: "A fine favor she is doing us, in sooth! ─── 一年还不到,德纳第汉子便说:“她给了我们多大的面子!

75、It also can sooth sore throat, preventing you from losing your voice, sooth coughing etc. ─── 她也可以安抚喉咙发炎,防止声音沙哑,止咳化痰,止痛等作用。

76、Calm and sooth that burning sensation with cooling and nourishing fresh fruit ingredients. ─── 平和南水北调与冷却,灼热感新鲜水果和滋补成分。

77、I missed your touch; the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 我想念你的触摸;温柔多情的爱抚,是那般温暖,那般轻柔,不知还有什么能让我如此享受。

78、Have I been 'sooth sinsyne. ─── 从此我变得真实。

79、sooth to say ─── adv. 事实上(的确, 老实说)

80、Lau, who has worked on conservation projects along the Malacca coast for three years, said poachers dig eggs out of their sandy nests and sell them to locals who believe they boost male virility and sooth pregnancy-related ailments. ─── 一位在麻六甲海峡为保育计画工作三年的刘女士表示,盗猎者会偷挖海龟蛋,并且卖给当地人,因为当地人相信海龟蛋有壮阳的功效,并能治疗与怀孕相关的疾病。

81、In sooth I am no lord, but only poor Tom Canty of Offal Court in the city. ─── 说实话,我不是什么殿下,只不过是城里杂院可怜的汤姆·康第罢了。

82、It comes to sooth your pain when you’re painful . ─── 当你疼痛的时候来你身边平抚你的创伤。

83、Sooth stress Watermelon is a good source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure -- making it the perfect snack for stressful family reunions. ─── 第五:舒缓压力。钾是有助于控制血压的,西瓜是钾的一个很好的来源地。对于那些忙忙活活的家庭团聚来说,西瓜就是大家的美食。

84、Article 2 Psychotropic drugs refer to those drugs that produce direct effect on the central nerve system so as to excite or sooth the sense and may result in drug dependence through constant use. ─── 第二条精神药品是指直接作用于中枢神经系统,使之兴奋或抑制,连续使用能产生依赖性的药品。

85、Just press down on its back and relax as powerful waves of vibration sooth away the stresses and tensions of daily life. ─── 按下小鸭的背部,启动内部强力且安静的马达,从头部和尾巴传递一波波凡人难以抗拒的振动,把日常生活的压力和烦闷一扫而空。

86、A common notion was agreed that MEC should become a happy family in which English lovers feel warmth, sooth, and happiness, and are filled with energy, sympathy, and love. ─── 我们的一个共同理念是,MEC应该成为一个幸福大家庭,给英语爱好者以温暖、安慰、和幸福,充满力量、同情、和爱心。

87、Trying to be sneaky about it, I pressed my injured arm against his shoulder, so his cool skin would sooth the burning. It felt better at once. ─── 消消地,我将受伤的胳膊轻轻按在他的肩头,用他冰凉的肌肤缓和伤口的灼烫感。伤口立刻不那么疼了。

88、the gentle caresses that warm and sooth like nothing else I know. ─── 温柔多情的爱抚,是那般温暖,那般轻柔,不知还有什么能让我如此享受。

89、In sooth, I'm not concealing anything from you. ─── 老实说,我没有任何事瞒着你。

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