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08-18 投稿


abstinency 发音


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abstinency 中文意思翻译



abstinency 短语词组

1、abstinency man ─── 禁欲者

abstinency 相似词语短语

1、abstinence ─── n.节制;节欲;戒酒;禁食

2、abstinently ─── 禁欲

3、inabstinence ─── 不听话

4、astringency ─── n.收敛性;严酷,严峻

5、attingency ─── 态度

6、abstinent ─── adj.禁欲的;有节制的;饮食有度的;n.禁欲者

7、continency ─── n.贞操;节制

8、pertinency ─── n.相关性,有关性;适切,妥当

9、absorbency ─── n.吸收能力;吸收性;吸墨性;[物化]吸光率

abstinency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, 2 people of husband and wife are abstinency meet too for long again, the husband often can be compared in sexual life excited. ─── 此外,夫妻二人禁欲过长时间再见面,丈夫往往会在性生活中比较激动。

2、The view undertakes the fidelity after abstinency, marriage is taught before marriage and ban prostitute absolutely. ─── 主张进行婚前禁欲、婚后忠贞教育以及绝对禁娼。

3、But must not make abstinency time too long, the desire that is together possibly repeatedly otherwise was done not have, that thed loss outweights the gain with respect to some, be? ─── 你可以让你的男友去挑战至少5种不同的姿势,即使这些都不奏效,你依然会得到尝试的乐趣。

4、AbridgeSex, both neither wants beyond the mark and frequent, also do not need abstinency . ─── 节房事,既不要过分频繁,也不需要禁欲。

5、In addition, 2 people of husband and wife are abstinency meet too for long again, the husband often can be compared in sexual life excited. ─── 此外,夫妻二人禁欲过长时间再见面,丈夫往往会在性生活中比较激动。

6、Just, I or very do not understand, old father how can like on him, and fierce, and strictly, and have not stature, feel on or abstinency send de religious personnel。 ─── 不过,我还是很搞不懂,老爸怎么会喜欢上他,又凶、又严厉、又没身材,感觉上还是个禁欲派的修道人员。

7、Some chronic prostatitis patients, be full of fear to sexual life, taking abstinency attitude thereby cannot be taken. ─── 有的慢性前列腺炎患者,对性生活充满恐惧,从而采取禁欲态度是不可取的。

8、the conception of cultivating oneself according to the religious doctrine of abstinency ─── 清修观

9、In the Middle Ages, Christianity emphasized on abstinency, but bore with prostitute, and treated prostitution as a necessary evil. ─── 中世纪的基督教强调禁欲和苦行主义,但却容忍妓女的存在,将卖淫视为必要的罪恶。

10、AbridgeSex, both neither wants beyond the mark and frequent, also do not need abstinency. ─── 节房事,既不要过分频繁,也不需要禁欲。

11、Some chronic prostatitis patients, be full of fear to sexual life, taking abstinency attitude thereby cannot be taken. ─── 有的慢性前列腺炎患者,对性生活充满恐惧,从而采取禁欲态度是不可取的。

12、Answer: Abstinency while take bolus of essence of Jin Suo solid to recuperate can greatly improvement. ─── 答:禁欲的同时使用金锁固精丸整理就可大大的改良。

13、Because the profession is special,became the lovely woman with those abstinency rare timeses instead because of the hooter, aroused the inspiration of poets thereby. ─── 因为妓女因职业特殊反而成了那些禁欲时代少有的可爱女人,从而激发了诗人们的灵感。

14、The belief expresses two polarized aspects of early capitalism: abstinency and indulgence. ─── 在魔鬼信仰中,体现了早期资本主义的两极:禁欲和放纵。

15、But if normal man is long abstinency, can produce impact to psychological level above all, cause negative effect, cause sexual dysfunction then. ─── 但是正常的男性若是长时间的禁欲,首先会对心理层面产生冲击,造成负面的影响,进而引发性功能障碍。

16、But if you must be joined, be about to check through: Abstinency 3 weeks. ─── 但假如你们一定要加入,就要通过一个测试:禁欲三个星期。

17、But if you must be joined, be about to check through: Abstinency 3 weeks. ─── 但假如你们一定要加入,就要通过一个测试:禁欲三个星期。”

18、The view undertakes the fidelity after abstinency , marriage is taught before marriage and ban prostitute absolutely. ─── 主张进行婚前禁欲、婚后忠贞教育以及绝对禁娼。

19、Abstinency and Indulgence: The Belief in Devil and Capitalism in Modern Western Europe ─── 禁欲与放纵:魔鬼信仰与近代早期西欧的资本主义

20、The comparison of abstinency and indulgence was fully incarnated in the Belief in Devil of early capitalism. ─── 存在于早期资本主义的禁欲和放纵之间的张力在魔鬼信仰中得到了很好的体现。

21、Keywords Taoist view of Life and death;Creation of life;Harmonious life abstinency and enjoyment;Taoist language and the real life;Exceeding death; ─── 道教生死;生命创造;人生和谐;禁欲与享乐;语言文字与人生;长生修炼;超越死亡;

22、In mixed religion abstinency in, buddhism gives strictly prohibitive, this is the action that causes because of sex instinct and desire can cause soulful disturbance and trouble most. ─── 在形形色色的宗教禁欲中,佛教对人的性本能更是严格地予以禁制,这是因为性本能引起的行动和欲望最能引起感情上的骚动和烦恼。

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