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aristocracy 发音

英:[??r??stɑ?kr?si]  美:[??r??st?kr?si]

英:  美:

aristocracy 中文意思翻译



aristocracy 词性/词形变化,aristocracy变形


aristocracy 短语词组

1、aristocracy crossword ─── 贵族纵横字谜

2、aristocracy crossword clue ─── 贵族纵横字谜线索

3、aristocracy government ─── 贵族政府

4、oligarchy vs aristocracy ─── 寡头与贵族

5、elective aristocracy ─── 选任贵族

6、aristocracy examples ─── 贵族的例子

7、aristocracy meaning ─── 贵族的含义

8、aristocracy syn ─── 贵族syn

9、aristocracy clans ─── 贵族氏族

10、aristocracy of the spirit ─── 精神的贵族

11、members of the aristocracy ─── 贵族成员

12、aristocracy synonym ─── 贵族同义词

13、landowning aristocracy ─── 地主贵族

14、hereditary aristocracy ─── 世袭贵族

15、aristocracy definition ─── 贵族定义

16、imporous aristocracy ─── 重要的贵族

aristocracy 习惯用语

1、codfish aristocracy ─── 卖弄财富的暴发户

aristocracy 相似词语短语

1、aristocrats ─── n.贵族

2、kakistocracy ─── n.恶人政治

3、autocracy ─── n.独裁政治;专制政治;独裁政府;独裁统治的国家

4、ergatocracy ─── n.工人政治,伊尔格图克拉西

5、aristocracies ─── n.贵族;贵族统治;上层社会;贵族政治

6、aristocrat ─── n.贵族

7、isocracy ─── n.权力平等主义;平等参政权

8、aristocratic ─── adj.贵族的;贵族政治的;有贵族气派的

9、meritocracy ─── n.英才教育(制度);精英管理的社会

aristocracy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism ─── 以军国主义著称的普鲁士贵族

2、Trade links with China in the 17th century made ginseng the rage among the aristocracy of Europe. ─── 十七世纪欧洲和中国通商,使人参在欧洲贵族中风行一时。

3、The Shang aristocracy is believed to use a large number of bronze vessels for sacrificial offerings of food and wine. ─── 人们认为,商朝贵族用许多青铜容器来装祭祀用的食物和酒。

4、Such an understanding of equality allows Dewey to speak freely of superiority, inferiority, and aristocracy within the context of a properly understood democracy. ─── 个人的理解是:对平等的如此理解使得杜威得以在正确理解民主的背景下自由谈论上等、等和贵族。

5、Eager to prove themselves and find adventure, these sons of Russia's aristocracy, often second sons or the sons of poor Boyars, flock to battles. ─── 为了证明自身价值和谋取前程,这些俄罗斯贵族的后代,通常为家族次子或没落贵族后嗣,毅然进入军中服役。

6、New technology demanded military aristocracy, and chivalric culture bore its marks for a millennium. ─── 新技术要求军事贵族制,而骑士文化则标志着千年的历史。

7、Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy. ─── 一般认为《斜阳》中的母亲是没落贵族的全权代表。

8、In general, the poem reflects the culture of the Anatolian landowning aristocracy. ─── 一般来说,诗歌反映了安纳托利亚地区土地贵族的文化。

9、Most Sinologist think that there is a feudal system, aristocracy, is China's medieval period. ─── 多数汉学家认为这一段存在着封建制、贵族政治,是中国的中世纪时期。

10、To think that a man who mends our scraper should know any member of our aristocracy ! ─── 一个给我们维修刮泥板的人竟然认识上流社会的人士!

11、Then you went for the aristocracy; ─── 后来你就瞄上贵族了;

12、In Russia, a very different kind of uprising replaced the aristocracy of the czars with that of the Soviet Politburo. ─── 在俄罗斯,性质完全不同的起义,推翻了沙皇的贵族统治,取而代之的是苏共中央政治局的贵族统治。

13、He sprang from the aristocracy. ─── 他出身于贵族。

14、He plumed himself on belonging to the aristocracy. ─── 他为自己是个贵族而洋洋自得。

15、Edith Wharton continued writing her satires of the life and manners of the New York aristocracy. ─── 伊迪丝·沃顿继续写讽刺纽约贵族生活和习俗的作品。

16、He owned several palaces and retreats in the Alps and on the Italian Riviera,and mixed with aristocracy as well as businessmen,politicians and such world figures as former U.S.state secretary Henry Kissinger. ─── 他在阿尔卑斯山和意大利的里维埃拉拥有多处豪宅和度假村,来往的有贵族、商人、政客和像美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格这样的世界名流。

17、Better be foremost among commoners than the lowest of the aristocracy. ─── 宁为鸡口,无为牛后。

18、B. Petty-Bourgeois Socialism The feudal aristocracy was not the only class that has ruined by the bourgeoisie, not the only class whose conditions of existence pined and perished in the atmosphere of modern bourgeois society. ─── (乙)小资产阶级的社会主义封建贵族并不是被资产阶级所推翻的、其生活条件在现代资产阶级社会里日益恶化和消失的唯一阶级。

19、Some of the aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them. ─── 一些贵族对他忘了向他们脱帽致礼确实很反感。

20、Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master, and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe. ─── 他们用来泄愤的手段是:唱唱诅咒他们的新统治者的歌,并向他叽叽咕咕地说一些或多或少凶险的预言。

21、Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the Revolution. ─── 大革命时期法国许多贵族被送上断头台。

22、An "aristocracy of virtue and talent" thus could be recruited from all classes. ─── 因此,一个德才兼备的贵族阶层可以从各个阶层中招募。

23、Some of the more haughty of aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them. ─── 一些较为傲慢的贵族对于他不记得向他们脱帽致敬大为不满。

24、He said they saw it as a war between the people and an aristocracy. The South, he said, was ruled by a small group of aristocrats. ─── 他说,欧洲人认为,此次战争是美国人民与贵族阶级的战争,(因为)南方一直受少数贵族统治。

25、Rather as Romans aspired to Greek virtues, the new Barbarian aristocracy aspired to live like Romans.By the sixth century no Roman custom was more influential than Christianity. ─── 不像罗马人,很多野蛮人并不为自己的子孙后代建立亭台楼宇,他们的很多故事都是通过陪葬珠宝盒武器装备或者烹饪器具来得以传播。

26、To keep the aristocracy entertained and out of trouble, the Shogunate encouraged the nobles to pursue lives of cultivated leisure. ─── 为了让贵族娱乐和麻烦,幕府鼓励贵族追求休闲生活的培养。

27、On one hand, then, we have the properly imperial model of regionalism in which each regional aristocracy collaborates faithfully with the monarchical elements. ─── 一方面,我们有可以恰当地称之为帝国模式的地区主义,在这种模式下,地区性的贵族因素与君主式力量忠诚协作。

28、In the reign of Henry VIII, the aristocracy's economic strength is enhanced, which in subsequent Tudor internal struggle laid the foundation for the economy. ─── 在亨利八世在位期间,贵族的经济实力得以加强,这为他们在其后的都铎王朝进行内部斗争奠定了经济基础。

29、In order to arouse sympathy, the aristocracy were obliged to lose sight, apparently, of their own interests, and to formulate their indictment against the bourgeoisie in the interest of the exploited working class alone. ─── 为了激起同情,贵族们不得不装模做样,似乎他们已经不关心自身的利益,只是为了被剥削的工人阶级的利益才去写对资产阶级的控诉书。

30、Clifford Chatterley was more upper-class than Connie. Connie was well-to-do intelligentsia, But he was aristocracy. ─── 在社会地位上看来,克利福·查太莱是比康妮高的,康妮是属于小康的知识阶级;但他却是个贵族。

31、The aristocracy,in order to rally the people to them,waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner. ─── 为了拉拢人民,贵族们把无产阶级的乞食袋当做旗帜来挥舞。

32、On Geonosis, massiffs are emblems of the Geonosian aristocracy, and domesticated massiffs are used to rid the hives of vermin. ─── 在吉诺西斯,马西弗是吉诺西斯贵族的象徵,而驯养马西弗是用来除去众多的害虫;

33、She has a special love painting and calligraphy, the use of the royal prerogative of aristocracy and wealth, collecting a large number of traces of ancient calligraphy and painting. ─── 她对书画有着特殊的爱好,利用皇室贵族的特权和财富,收藏了一大批古代书画名迹。鲁国大长公主经常在府邸展示收藏品,举行书画鉴赏品评活动。

34、"You saw the spirit of Consuela, my friend," he said,"She was the daughter of one of the local aristocracy who lived in this region more than a hundred years ago. ─── “伙计,你看到的是康斯薇拉的灵魂,”他说。“她是当地一个贵族的女儿,他们100年前住在这个地区。

35、She married into the aristocracy. ─── 她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。

36、Exaggerate the role of the aristocracy Another performance is that the aristocratic court based on the relative powers of the Community and with the purposes of "self-reliance. ─── 夸大贵族的作用的另一表现是认为贵族基于共同体而具有相对朝廷权力而言的“自立性”。

37、member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism. ─── 以军国主义著称的普鲁士贵族。

38、Mr Bo, tough, sophisticated and ambitious, comes from the Communist aristocracy - his father was one of Mao Zedong's leading comrades. ─── 强硬、老练并且雄心勃勃薄先生,来自共产党的官宦世家。他的父亲是毛泽东的亲密战友之一。

39、Her father was a personal financier to the Italian aristocracy. ─── 她父亲是意大利贵族的个人理财家。

40、Okazaki, mainly from the Han dynasty began within the community at local name of a prominent family of growth, and thus to explore the origin of aristocracy. ─── 冈崎主要从汉代社会的内部开始考察地方名望族的成长,进而探求贵族制的起源。

41、By supporting these people, the aristocracy could also cultivate their own power. ─── 他们共养这么多人,也是培植自己的势力。

42、Thus the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new master,and whispering in his ears sinister prophecies of coming catastrophe. ─── 他们用来泄愤的手段是: 唱唱诅咒他们的新统治者的歌,并向他叽叽咕咕地说一些或多或少凶险的预言。

43、On Aristocracy in England (1688-1783) ─── 1688-1783年英国贵族阶层分析

44、In the process the kingship turned to the aristocracy, the democratic factors and traditions emerged in Greece. ─── 在从君主制转向贵族制的过程中,民主的因素和民主的传统已经开始在古希腊各地萌生;

45、As far as the theocracy and aristocracy of Stygia is concerned, they do not need the outsiders' trade. ─── 但是也可以作为一个简陋的通商贸易通道来看待。

46、He seems to have been an opponent of both the princely power and the common people who were tending to form an alliance against the aristocracy of his times. ─── 他既反对绝对王权,又反对人民团结起来对抗贵族统治。

47、Collective-bargaining rules mean that wages for the country's labour aristocracy are rising even as prices are falling. ─── 劳资双方谈判的规定意味着该国的高级工人的工资在物价下降的时候也要上涨。

48、He had a strong disliking for the aristocracy whom he thought were there by the labor of the poor such as his own family. ─── 他对贵族有着强烈的厌恶,因为他认为贵族是对跟他自己家庭一样的穷苦劳动者的剥削。

49、unplanned - producing - aristocracy ─── “超生贵族”

50、He objected to the toadying to aristocracy ─── 他反对对于贵族阶级的奉承。

51、Although born into aristocracy, he was critical of the Victorian class system. ─── 他虽然生于贵族世家,但却对维多利亚时期的阶级体制表示不满。

52、Once upon a time these equated to the old groupings of aristocracy,merchants and workers. ─── 从前有个时期,这就是旧有的贵族、商人和工人3个阶级。

53、In the feudal society, the aristocracy enjoyed some exclusive privileges. ─── 在封建社会,贵族独享特权。

54、Only the accident of birth decides whether a given individual has a chance of becoming a gentleman or will necessarily become a villain: hence aristocracy is unjust. ─── 唯有出生的偶然性决定一个特定的个体是否可能成为绅士或者必将成为村夫:可以得出贵族统治是不公平的。

55、Eager to prove themselves and find adventure, these sons of Novgorod's aristocracy, often second sons or the sons of poor Boyars, flock to battles. ─── 为了证明自身价值和谋取前程,这些诺夫哥罗德贵族的后代,通常为家族次子或没落贵族后嗣,毅然进入军中服役。

56、He had been born in the aristocracy of the wealthy Midwestern family. ─── 他出身于上流社会,家庭是中西部的豪富门第。

57、He suddenly saw the aristocracy of the people who did not labor. ─── 他突然明白了不劳动者的高贵身分。

58、His life was one long assertion of the rights of the aristocracy ─── 他一生中长期维护贵族的权利。

59、How does Rousseau define government?What is the relationship between the people and government?Does he favor one form of government (monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy) over others?Why or why not? ─── 卢梭如何定义政府?人民与政府之间的关系为何?他是否较偏好某种形式的政体(君主政体、贵族政体或民主政体)而多于其他?为什麽或为什麽不?

60、He had recognized by certain unmistakable signs, that his fair incognita belonged to the aristocracy. ─── 他已从某些蛛丝马迹上看出那个无名美人是贵族社会中的人。

61、The upper social level in England from 1688 to 1783 refers to the English aristocracy who enjoyed their legally stipulated status and tried to represent the English from all aspects. ─── 168 8 -1 783年间英国社会上层指的就是英国的贵族阶层。

62、How does Rousseau define government? What is the relationship between the people and government? Does he favor one form of government (monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy) over others? Why or why not? ─── 卢梭如何定义政府?人民与政府之间的关系为何?他是否较偏好某种形式的政体(君主政体、贵族政体或民主政体)而多于其他?为什么或为什么不?

63、Revolution, the aristocracy home cooks to waiters living community to survive, and only resume their occupations. ─── 大革命后,贵族家的厨师侍应流落到社会上,为求生存,只有重操旧业。

64、He married into the French aristocracy. ─── 他因婚姻关系跻身于法国贵族。

65、Never burn an uninteresting letter is first rule of British aristocracy. ─── 切勿烧掉没有意思的信件,是为英国贵族的第一个原则。

66、He married into the French aristocracy ─── 他因婚姻关系跻身於法国贵族.

67、Chocolate became a luxury only the aristocracy could afford. ─── 于是巧克力成了只有贵族才吃得起的奢侈品。

68、At best, forcing developing countries to adhere to our labor standards would create a privileged labor aristocracy, leaving the poor majority no better off. ─── "硬要开发中国家接受我们(美国)的劳动标准,顶多只创造出一群享有特殊利益的劳工贵族,无法改善广大穷人的处境。"

69、People said the aristocracy was effete ─── 人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。

70、However,with the irresistible rise of the merchant or middle class,the aristocracy and workers were squeezed out of the frame and the middle class turned its attention to dividing itself into an upper,middle and lower class. ─── 可是,随着商人或者说中产阶级势不可挡的崛起,贵族和工人从这个格局中被排挤出去。中产阶级将自己划分成了上、中、下3个阶层。

71、Their aristocratic outfit, aristocracy of birth, which is legitimized by their heroic behavior on the battlefield. ─── 他们的贵族的身份和贵族出身,由于他们在战场上的英雄行为而被认可。

72、Because China's aristocracy was always weak, her concepts of liberty were always more socialistic than individualistic. ─── 中国的贵族阶层一向是软弱的,因此,中国人所理解的自由不是个人的,而是社会的。

73、Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service( or feudal duty) to his superior. ─── 一种中世纪的制度:国王将土地转让给贵族,贵族再转让给农民。条件是每个人必须向他上级服役或交税。

74、Never burning an uninteresting letter is first rule of British aristocracy . ─── 切勿烧掉没有意思的信件,是为英国贵族的第一个原则。

75、Why should he object to marrying into our aristocracy? ─── 为什么他要反对与我们的贵族联姻呢?

76、Society in the book, where the aristocracy, but also inhabited by gangsters, a kind of wise, there are vicious villain. ─── 在书的社会里,居住着贵族,也居住着流氓,有善良的智者,也有凶狠的恶棍。

77、Many of them were discovered by the aristocracy. ─── 大多数惰性元素被贵族所发现。

78、The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner. ─── 为了拉拢人民,贵族们把无产阶级的乞食袋当作旗帜来挥舞。

79、By portraying the characters of the three classes-the aristocracy, the middle class and the proletariat, Dickens aims to integrate social criticism and moral instruction. ─── 在其中,狄更斯通过全面塑造当时社会中的三个典型阶级:贵族阶级、中产阶级和无产阶级,实现了一种社会批判与道德教化的完美契合。

80、Unlike European states, for over a millennium the Chinese state has not been obliged to compete for power with rivals such as the church, the aristocracy or merchants. ─── 与欧洲各国相异,中国在近千年间,未有同教会,贵族,商人等对手争夺权力的经历。

81、She argues that the tyranny of kingship is linked with that of the aristocracy, military, and church, and especially with the patriarchal family. ─── 她认为君主独裁与贵族、军队和教会关系密切特别是与男权社会的家庭结构息息相关。

82、The Southern theory of racial aristocracy ─── 南方贵族理论

83、Those three elements, monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, thus had to be balanced for a state to remain free, they argued. ─── 他们争辩说这三种基本制度,君主制、贵族制以及民主制必须制衡以使国家保持自由。

84、Though he spent most of his life stranded on the wild forest moon of Endor, Yavid's family belonged to what passed for aristocracy back on Sanyassa IV. ─── 亚维德大半生都被迫滞留在恩多的森林卫星上,但他的家在桑亚萨四号行星上一个贵族统治的国家。

85、In Mongolia, silver fox skin can be considered the exclusive use of the aristocracy to keep out the cold San goods. ─── 在蒙古,银狐皮可被认为是贵族专用的御寒圣品。

86、Hence the money rule of the aristocracy now in full flood of expansion also created a new customary law to secure the creditor against the debtor and to sanction the exploitation of the small peasant by the possessor of money. ─── 因此,贵族的日益扩展的货币统治,为了保护债权人对付债务人,为了使货币所有者对小农的剥削神圣化,也造成了一种新的习惯法。

87、They learned to speak several languages and were introduced to Europe's aristocracy. ─── 他们学会不同的语言,被引荐给欧洲的贵族。

88、a. In theory (and often in practice) this was an aristocracy of service, in which position was determined by the emperor. ─── 在理论上(经常在实际上)这一集团是有官职的贵族,他们的地位取决于皇帝。

89、In the 18th and 19th centuries, the lords had far more influence than it has today and the commons were also really gentry on the edge of aristocracy. ─── 18世纪和19世纪,上议院比今曰的影响大的多,并且下议院处于贵族的边缘上,也相当“贵气”。

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