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08-18 投稿


babyhood 发音

英:[?be?bih?d]  美:[?be?bih?d]

英:  美:

babyhood 中文意思翻译



babyhood 词性/词形变化,babyhood变形


babyhood 短语词组

1、babyhood pictures ─── 婴儿期图片

2、babyhood stage ─── 乳[婴]儿期

3、babyhood pdf ─── 婴儿期pdf

4、babyhood meaning ─── 孩提时代的意义

5、babyhood kaylula ─── 婴儿期凯卢拉

6、babyhood define ─── 婴儿期定义

babyhood 相似词语短语

1、baby bond ─── 小面额债券(票面百元以下)

2、baby food ─── 婴儿食品;儿童食品

3、babymoon ─── n.(第一个孩子出生后父母的)喜悦(一段非常愉快的时光);n.宝贝蜜月;n.产前蜜月,孕期蜜月

4、boyhood ─── n.童年,少年时代;男孩们

5、babyfoods ─── 宝贝

6、babyfood ─── 婴儿食品

7、tabbyhood ─── 禁忌

8、ladyhood ─── n.贵妇的身分或风度

9、baby foods ─── 婴儿食品;儿童食品

babyhood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now there on the mountainside was a great herd of hogs feeding. Adalah di sana di lereng bukit sejumlah besar babi sedang mencari makan, ─── 在那里山坡上,有一大群猪正在吃食。

2、(2) In babyhood, the ADC values in gray matters decreased faster than in white matters; ─── (2 )婴儿期脑白质adc值的降低快于灰质 ;

3、Now there was, a good way off from them, a herd of many hogs feeding. Tidak jauh dari mereka itu sejumlah besar babi sedang mencari makan. ─── 离他们很远,有一大群猪正在吃食。

4、The Lord had directed that even from babyhood the children should be taught of His goodness and His greatness, especially as revealed in His law, and shown in the history of Israel. ─── 耶和华指示他们,当儿女还处于幼年之时,就要开始将他的良善和伟大,特别是有关他律法和以色列历史的启示,教导他们。

5、“zero year old” represents from the fetal stage starts, yizhi dao babyhood. ─── “零岁”意指从胎儿期开始,一直到婴儿期。

6、please forgive my babyhood, i think i had insisted on a babyhood sights. you were entangled by me. i am doing a look-back. if i did a promise in the babyhood days, i would pay for it with no-regret. ─── 我还是觉得我很幼稚。我想我已经够麻烦了,就不打算连累谁了。我还没有自知之明,我知道我错了,请你们原谅我吧。

7、For instance, the babyhood showed by pink, then, in childhood, it becomes orange, and becomes other colors in the next. ─── 比如婴儿时期是粉红色的,到了儿童时期变成橘黄色,然后再变成其他的色彩。

8、Keywords Babyhood s milk powder;Enterotoxin;Staphylococcus aureus; ─── 婴儿奶粉;肠毒素;金黄色葡萄球菌;

9、The researchers were particularly interested in what happened between babyhood and toddlerhood. ─── 研究人员对婴儿期和学步的时期特别感兴趣。

10、Keywords Babyhood String food Block the throat Asphyxia emergency; ─── 关键词婴幼儿;粘性食物;卡喉;窒息;急救;

11、Dynamo members were later arrested.One died of torture and 3 more were killed near the Babi Yar ravine. ─── 之后狄纳莫足球队员就纷纷被抓,一个严刑拷打致死,三个在巴比雅峡谷被杀害。

12、She had been named, as a matter of course, after her...mother, and even in her most diminutive babyhood the Doctor never called her anything but Catherine ─── 孩子当然以母亲的名字来命名,即使是她还在襁褓之中的时候,医生就只以凯瑟琳来称呼她。

13、E:Mini manju gisun be ai dabufi gisurere babi. ─── 我的满洲话哪里有值得提的地方?

14、Nono pork no babi No pork no babi ...We eat...we eat.. ─── 没猪肉没猪肉...我们吃..我们吃...

15、Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a "boy" . ─── 在天真无邪的幼儿时期和满脸严肃的成人时期,我们发现有一种可爱的的小家伙,这个小家伙就叫做“男孩儿”。

16、he grew up from babyhood to adolescence to maturity. ─── 我们所谈论的都是来自四福音书。

17、Reading aloud is also an important way to help your child make the transition from babyhood to toddlerhood. ─── 朗读也是能帮助孩子的一个重要的方式,帮助他们从婴儿期过渡到幼儿期。

18、Babi Yar and Oklahoma City were sober reminders of the human capacity for evil and destruction; ─── 发生在巴比谷和俄克拉何马城的事件让人们清醒地回忆起人类作恶和毁灭的能耐;

19、And of my gentle father in all his wisdom, and that summer day so long ago we planted a little girl's babyhood and grew something magical in its place. ─── 还有我的温和的父亲和他的智慧,那个很久以前的一个夏日,我们种下了一个小女孩的奶嘴,然后长出了魔术般地东西来。

20、ubaci gemun hecen de isinarangge udu babi? ─── 六十六 . 从这里到京城有几里路?

21、from babyhood to maturity on subject construction. ─── 学科建设由“雏形”走向“成熟”。

22、And there was no illusion or deception in this: the babyhood of the Son of God was a reality. ─── 神的儿子要经过婴儿期绝不是幻象或谎话, 而是事实。

23、Although this theory is in its babyhood, a new perspective of technological innovation has been introduced and this is just the aim of this paper. ─── 理论虽显幼稚,但提供了一种新的看待技术创新的视角,这也是本文写作的目的所在。

24、tgh geram gila babi dkt sOmebOdy !!! ─── 心情: not so gOod !!星期一。

25、I am sorry babi!! I am in the class now... ─── 天气很好,大家都出来晒宝贝吧!(持续更新中......)

26、Iranian religious leader, founder of the Babi religion and one of the central figures of Baha'i. ─── 伊朗宗教领袖,创立巴布(Babi)教派,是巴哈教派(Baha'i)中心人物之一。

27、Because child's growth has three growth peaks;first, fetal stage (gestation period 7 months to 9 months);second, after babyhood (birth, to 1 year old);third, puberty (10 years old to 14 years old). ─── 因为小孩的生长发育有三个生长高峰,一是胎儿期(孕期7个月到9个月),二是婴儿期(出生后到1岁),三是青春期(10岁到14岁)。

28、The babyhood child grows the growth to be rapid, skeleton's growth needs many calcium. ─── 婴儿期的儿童生长发育非常迅速,骨骼的生长更需要较多的钙。

29、stil go one babi person say my mouth so red, ─── 发热气。。。以经3天了。。嘴巴红红的。。

30、I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood. ─── 我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。

31、Within myself, I had sustained, from my babyhood, a perpetual conflict with injustice. ─── 拿我来说,我从孩提时代起就受虐待,我的心里也始终在反抗。

32、A series of photographs on their mantelpiece show their daughter's progression from babyhood to adolescence. ─── 壁炉台上放着他们的女儿从婴孩期成长到青春期的一系列照片。

33、Dun had claimed the ideology of realistic literature persistently. But his ideology was evolved from babyhood matureness basically. ─── 茅盾一贯主张现实主义文学思想,但他的现实主义文学思想,有个从幼稚到成熟的演进过程。

34、The period from the War of Independence to the Civil War is the babyhood of the United States. ─── 从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期。

35、babyhood acute diarrhea ─── 婴幼儿腹泻

36、Just think of who in the world will nurture you from babyhood to adulthood. ─── 有谁能够从你是婴儿起就照顾你到长大成人。

37、Did not afraid of babyhood when someone talk of you.that was another way to proved that, you were youngling and throb as of old. maturate was a trouble word, and have too much execution. ─── 三十岁以前就尝试到失业的滋味当然是一件不幸的事情,但不一定是坏事。

38、Thirty-four years ago, her son wore the necklace for good health and safety during his babyhood. ─── 三十四年前,她为了幼年儿子健康平安给他戴上了这条项链。

39、babi 、i really love i just dont know how to tell you dont know how to let ...babi . we dont have much time left ...if you really love me then just show ... ─── 以前的人都是靠相亲结婚的,结婚那一天很可能只是第二次见面,所以晚上同床时通常会背对背睡觉来化解尴尬,这时他们的睡姿就像个北边的[北]子. 但是男人总是耐不住,所以三...

40、Although the Roti Babi can see anyways during the 80s, but now, it can hardly seen.So those who want to review or recalls back the memory of the Roti Babi, they have no choice but to visit Yut Kee. ─── 他们的面包肉相信是卖少见少,虽然在以前算是满普遍,可是现在已经不复见了,要重温,就得到镒记。

41、Makan Babi Kima kamu Ji Bai!! ─── 有本事你去大陆共产匪喝洞里湿茎!!

42、And, the babyhood and the youth development period, are two growth peaks. ─── 其中,婴儿期和青春发育期,是两个生长高峰。

43、Over-feeding in Babyhood and Its Influence to Upgrowth ─── 婴儿期过度喂养及其对发育的影响

44、"Don't ask too much of me," she kept repeating;"I have been selfish from my babyhood. ─── “别对我要求太高,”她不断地重复说道:“我从婴儿时期起一直是自私自利的。”

45、Babi Yar Massacre ─── "巴比沟"大屠杀(1941)

46、Every nappy changed is a step away from babyhood. ─── 每换一次尿片, 婴儿就脱离襁褓多一些.

47、my babi...just keep do it...u cant be lazy of this cold day.. ─── 不过纽约的冬天是在譲我无法忍受.

48、We never talk of babyhood to those people who were too trite. ─── 失业也许让你想起埋藏很久而尘封的梦想,也许会唤醒连你自己都从未知道的前能。

49、Long time ago, I found people selling my free themes and Babi’s Themes on Ebay . ─── 在很久以前,我发现有人兜售我的自由的主题和巴比的主题在易趣上。

50、1. Come and see this picture of Xiao Liu in his babyhood -- without evena fig leaf on. ─── 快来看小刘婴儿时照的照片----光着屁股照的。

51、But, as the research in a strict sense is still in its babyhood, the present conclusion could hardly be called an early conclusion. ─── 本文仅仅属于对“中国电影大历史书写”的一次初步探索。

52、Gestation period smoking causes the woman to miscarry the risk obviously to elevate, presents the complication the opportunity to increase, the harmful effect continues from the babyhood to childhood. ─── 孕期吸烟使妇女流产风险显著升高,出现并发症的机会增加,有害影响从婴儿期延续到儿童期。

53、babyhood stage ─── 乳儿期

54、Effects of babyhood sensory integration training on children's psychological development ─── 早期感觉统合训练对儿童心理发育的影响

55、Within myself, I had sustained, from my babyhood, a perpetual conflict with injustice ─── 拿我来说,我从孩提时代起就受虐待,我的心里也始终在反抗。

56、I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood. ─── 我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。

57、It was an obscure red shadow in my memory then. 30 years later, I interviewed my indistinct memory of babyhood to trace back to the voice of world when I was born. ─── 而在当时我的记忆里只是一些蒙昧的红色影子。三十多年后,我在这部作品中重访混沌的婴儿记忆,追溯在我诞生之初的世界之声。

58、The advertisement pattern still occupied respective “the babyhood”, their huge commercial potential truly is developed not yet the use. ─── 广告模式仍然处在各自的“婴儿期”,它们的巨大商业潜力尚未真正被开发利用。

59、Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a “boy”. ─── 在天真无邪的幼儿时期和满脸严肃的成人时期,我们发现有一种可爱的的小家伙,这个小家伙就叫做“男孩儿”。

60、as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood. ─── 像婴儿的脸颊一般丰满和红润。

61、Mao Dun had claimed the ideology of realistic literature persistently. But his ideology was evolved from babyhood matureness basically. ─── 茅盾一贯主张现实主义文学思想,但他的现实主义文学思想,有个从幼稚到成熟的演进过程。

62、Babyhood and maturate were the most unseemliness and derelict of duty to a person. ─── 三十岁之前就过早地固定在一个职业上终此一生也许才是最大的不幸。

63、Babyhood this stage is the growth speed is also most quickly easily the extraneous factor disturbance time. ─── 婴儿期这个阶段是生长速度最快也是最容易受外界因素干扰的时期。

64、Even though the assumption merely happened, the arguer neglects a critical premise that whether the melatonin can cause shyness during their babyhood. ─── 论者没有提供任何对某素的科学研究,以说明某素的功能或是作用是什么。

65、Babyhood's milk powder ─── 婴儿奶粉

66、The period from the War of Independence to the Civil War is the babyhood of the United States. ─── 从独立战争到内战这个时期是美国的婴儿期。







Babble 唠叨

Babblebox 愚蠢的胡说八道节目

Babbo 巴巴多斯

Babbler 唠叨的人

Babbit 卑鄙的人

Babbittry 低贱的行为

Babblet 胡说八道

Babblery 愚蠢的行为

Babblism 唠叨的言行

Babblist 唠叨的人

Babbittry 卑鄙的行为

Babied 宝贝般对待

Babiedoll 玩具娃娃

Babic 宝贝般的

Babied 婴儿般的

Babiest 婴儿般的

Babify 宝贝化

Babipotent 宝贝般有力的

Babitey 宝贝般的

Baboonery 丑角戏

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