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08-18 投稿


fib 发音

英:[f?b]  美:[f?b]

英:  美:

fib 中文意思翻译




fib 网络释义

n. 无伤大雅的谎言,小谎;一击vi. 撒小谎

fib 词性/词形变化,fib变形


fib 短语词组

1、fib login fib ─── 登录

2、fib 100 ─── 纤维蛋白原100

3、fib tim ─── 小谎提姆

4、crossbeam laser fib ─── 横梁激光光纤

5、fib from outer space youtube ─── 来自外太空的fib

6、a-fib abbr. ─── 心房纤颤(atrial fibrillation)

7、fib meaning fib ─── 意义

fib 相似词语短语

1、dib ─── v.(把钓饵轻轻放在水中沉浮弹跳着)垂钓(等于dap);n.(Dib)(美、法、巴)迪卜(人名)

2、fab ─── adj.绝妙的;惊人的;极好的;难以置信的;n.微型芯片生产厂;晶圆厂;vt.(微型芯片)生产,制造;int.太棒了;太好了

3、frib ─── 短污毛

4、Bib ─── n.围嘴,围涎;围裙的上部;vi.饮酒,不断地饮酒;vt.不断地饮,大量喝酒;n.(Bib)人名;(阿尔巴、法)比布

5、Lib ─── abbr.自由党(TheLibertarianparty);天秤座(Libra);abbr.(lib)(用于组织名)解放,解放运动(liberation);自由主义者(liberal);图书馆(library)

6、-ib ─── abbr.情报通报(InformationBulletin);新闻局(InformationBureau);国际广播(InternationalBroadcasting);智力标准(IndexofBrightness);n.(Ib)人名;(英)伊布(教名Isabel、Isabella、Ishbel、Isobel的昵称);(丹)伊布

7、Hib ─── abbr.重离子束(HeavyIonBeam);流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(Haemophilusinfluenzaetypeb)

8、fibs ─── v.撒小谎;打(fib的三单形式);n.小谎(fib的复数)

9、Gib ─── n.直布罗陀(等于Gibraltar);直布罗陀海峡

fib 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just as our presidents never tell a fib. ─── 就象我们的总统们决不编故事一样。

2、Contact: Copper Alloy.Contact Plated: Gold or Tin over Nickel Plated.Material Insulator: PBT+30% Glass Fib... ─── 品牌: SZ . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: Material Insulator: PBT+30% Glass Fiber (Meet UL94V-0).

3、The result is often an unintentional fib, which is why a very large number of software projects deliver late. ─── 结果往往会违背我们的初衷,这就是为什么大量的软件项目不能按时交付的原因。

4、POSITION SUMMARIESThis incumbent shall play a role as the technical expert for DUCS and Application Engineer (Short fib...... ... ─── 公司名称:欧文斯科宁复合材料(杭州)有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-7-21

5、I look;and there he has broken everything on my table to fragments, and he told me of it at once.I have never known him to tell a fib. ─── 你想想看,我们去吃晚饭时,我一看,他把我桌子上的东西都弄坏了,接着,他马上向我承认错误,我从来没见他说过一句谎话。

6、She was for the fib, but not the lie. ─── 她容忍自己说点小谎,但不愿扯弥天大谎

7、Study on the relationship of plasma NO, Fib and D-dimer in coronary heart disease ─── 一氧化氮、纤维蛋白原、D-二聚体与冠心病的关系

8、Would you, ultimately, fib about how much you spend on abalone and shark's fin? ─── 以及你是否会对你在鲍鱼和鱼翅的开支撒个小谎呢?

9、RFP should be stopped when FIB less than 1 g/L in spite of ALT in normal range. ─── 再次使用利福平和治疗后期时ALT在正常范围,而凝血因子持续下降,应酌情考虑对策。

10、he told a fib about eating his spinach; how can I stop my child from telling stories? ─── 他撒了个小谎说吃了菠菜。

11、Principle of FIB and its Application in Semiconductor Industry ─── 原理与其在半导体工业之应用

12、"I told a fib about my age,"" Little Tom said." ─── "有关我的年龄我撒了个谎,""小汤姆说。"

13、Statisticians can easily generate "lie coefficients" to adjust for the human tendency to fib away a few pounds. ─── 数据统计可以容易地算出"谎言系数",用来调整人们给自己往轻了说几磅的倾向:

14、Methods The fib and psw of thoracic paraspinal muscles,the motor unit potential of sternocleidomastoid muscle were detected in 50 patients who had been identified as having ALS. ─── 方法 5 0例确诊的ALS患者分别行胸段脊旁肌自发电位、胸锁乳突肌运动单位 ,部分患者行舌肌自发电位检测 ;

15、" I told a fib about my age," little Tom said. ─── “我没说我的真实年龄,”小汤姆说。

16、And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. ─── 他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。

17、2 of 30 patients who suffered from radicular diseases were found with a few of fib and psw changes in thoracic paraspinal muscles. ─── 30例根性病变的患者中 ,2例 (7% )可见胸段脊旁肌有少量自发电位 ;

18、All parameters were compared.Results The parameters of PT, APTT, FIB in acute hepatitis group, chronic hepatitis group, severe hepatitis group, cirrhosis group were worse than control (P

19、elasticity of star shaped nylon 6 with medium content of tribasic acid is higher than that of linear nylon 6;with the increasing content of tribasic acid stress relaxation of the nylon 6 fib... ─── 三元酸含量较高的星型尼龙6纤维弹性比线型链高一些,当三元酸含量进一步提高时,弹性又有所下降;

20、Narrator And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed ─── 他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡

21、Our company is engaged in building material, we main produce a series of gypsum board, mineral fib... ─── 发布者:史影丽所在地:北京朝阳区行业:建筑、建材职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

22、In term of failure analysis. FIB techniques are commonly used in high magnification microscopy. die surface milling or cross-sectioning. and even material deposition. ─── 就故障分析而言.聚焦离子束技术常用于高度放大率的显微术.模具型面铣削或剖面切削.甚至物质沉着研究.

23、statisticians can easily generate "lie coefficients" to adjust for the human tendency to fib away a few pounds ─── 数据统计可以容易地算出"谎言系数",用来调整人们给自己往轻了说几磅的倾向

24、"I told a fib about my age," Little Tom said. ─── "有关我的年龄我撒了个谎,"小汤姆说。

25、FIB(Fast Information Block) ─── 快速信息块

26、And he is the man behind the theory that it gets a little larger if its owner tells a fib. ─── 就是他提出了人一撒谎,鼻子就会变长的理论。

27、Methods:44 patients with acute ischemic apoplexy were assessed by TCM syndromes scores and coagulation factors content examinations(PT、APTT、TT、FIB). ─── 方法:对44例急性缺血性卒中患者进行中医证候要素评分及凝血因子含量(PT、APTT、TT、FIB)测定。

28、(4) PLT was lower in patients of postoperative death than this in survivors (P0.05). ─── (4)术后死亡组PLT水平明显低于生存组(P0.05)。

29、A fib ─── atria2 fibrillation 心房纤颤

30、Fib L ─── (=left fibula) 左腓骨

31、I ordered a second dose of drugs. The nurses applied the paddles. The patient jumped again. "Still in V-fib, " I said. ─── 我又要了一个剂量的药物。护士用了电桨,病人又跳了一下。我说,“还在V型纤维”。

32、Because Fib of is? What? ─── 因为fib的值是?什么?

33、Below tunnel, sell rallies, buy at the fib numbers. ─── 在隧道之下,卖出,在费那滋数列位置买回。

34、There was no significant difference in HbA1c, FBG, TG, TC, HDL-C, FINS, UMA, PINS, FIB and S-CRP between two groups (P > 0.05). ─── 2组在HbA1c、FBG、TG、TC、HDL-C、FINS、UMA、PINS、FIB、S-CRP方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

35、Technical indicators don't work. They're a big fib to appease retail traders. ─── 多数技术指标不起作用。它们对多数散户交易者是一个大陷阱。。

36、And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. ─── 他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。

37、Well, it was just a fib. You know I always liked her, I just want to ask her for a date. ─── 嗯,那只是一个无伤大雅的谎言啦,你知道我一直都喜欢她,我只是想和她约会而已。

38、fib hoisting ─── 拱肋吊装

39、"For everyone's comfort I would prefer that we resort to one such tiny fib." ─── “为了令每个人都满意,我宁愿我们撒一个小小的谎。”

40、He told a fib so he could leave early ─── 他撒了一个小谎,以便早些离开。

41、Explore their motivation and you find that the “harmless fib” was something they didn't want unearthed. ─── 仔细找找动机,你就会发现,“无伤大雅的瞎话”是他们不想让人发现的事情。

42、the RCT results,PT and APTT prolonged,Fib level reduced and PLT counts decreased(P0.05). ─── 常规凝血显示PT、APTT延长 ,Fib水平降低 ,PLT数量减少(P0.05)。

43、Come on, don't fib! Where were you really last night? ─── 得了吧,不要撒谎了!昨夜你到底在哪儿?

44、I told him a fib, and he swallowed it whole. ─── 我对他扯了个谎,他真信了。

45、In the diabetic patients, the plasma levels of TM were positively correlated with fasting plasma glucose(FPG), blood urea nitroge(BUN), creatinine(Cr), fibrinogen(FIB),urine microalbumin(UMA) and diabetic refinopathy(DR). ─── TM与空腹血糖(FPG)、血尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)、尿微量白蛋白(UMA)、糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)呈正相关;

46、In emodin groups the lowered serum TC, TG LDL and FIB raised the fation HDL- C/TC. ─── 大黄素组可明显降低血清TC、TG和FIB,使HDL-C/TC比值升高。

47、parturient women; prothrombin time(PT); activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT); thrombin time(TT); plasma fibrinogen(FIB);platelet(PLT ─── 临产孕妇;血小板;凝血酶原时间;活化部分凝血酶时间;凝血酶时间;纤维蛋白原

48、“Nostalgia is, in the end, a seductive and sentimental fib. ─── “怀旧最终不过是种诱人的、多情的谎言。

49、FIB were also measured by Acl-Advance instruments. ─── 利用Acl-Advance血凝仪测定了FIB

50、" I told a fib about my age, " little Tom said ─── "有关我的年龄我撒了个谎,"小汤姆说

51、Methods To measure plasma prothrombin time (PT), activate part plasma prothrombin time (APTT), prothrombin time (TT) and fibrinogen(FIB) in 49 cases type 2 diabetics and 30 cases normal controls. ─── 方法利用全自动血凝仪检测30例正常健康体检者及49例2型糖尿病患者的PT、APTT、TT及FIB值。

52、Methods The results of PT,APTT,TT,FIB for 375 late-pregnant women(experiment group) and 133 normal women without pregnant(control group) were compared. ─── 方法 对375例晚期孕妇组(实验组)与133例正常非妊娠妇女组(对照组)的凝血四项指标进行比较分析。

53、This applied to Nicole's fib. ─── 妮可的情况也是一样。

54、Aprotinin did not influence the Fib and TEG of group A. ─── 抑肽酶 对A组的纤维蛋白原(Fib)、TEG指标无显著影响(P>0.05)。

55、The results show that the temperature evolution of the composite cure process was monitored exactly by the Fib... ─── 光纤光栅传感器为两种不同材料之间的固化监测提供了工具,对界面性质的分析提供了新方法。

56、One in ten men said they would fib about reading a certain book to impress the opposite sex, according to the poll of over 4000 bookworms conducted by the Museums, Libraries and Archive Council (MLA). ─── 在一项由博物馆、图书馆和档案馆委员会组织的超过4000名读者的民意测验中,10%的男性说他们是为了给异性留下好印象才撒这种无伤大雅的小谎的。

57、Here fib got called 177 times. ─── 这个fib函数被调用了177次。

58、fast ion bombardment(FIB) ─── 快(速)离子轰击

59、Composite materials are being used to solve an ever -increasing vari ety of engineering problems.One application is found in a filament-wound fib er composite to strengthen cylindrical structures. ─── 复合材料在各种工程问题中得到了越来越广泛的应用,其中之一就是在纤维缠绕圆筒中的应用。

60、he told a fib about eating his spinach; how can I stop my child from telling stories ─── 他撒了个小谎说吃了菠菜;我怎么才能阻止孩子们撒谎呢

61、Fib R ─── (=right fibula) 右腓骨

62、Still, there are gray areas in which a small fib -- or embellishment -- could go a long way toward helping you land a job. ─── 但是,修饰下一些细节方面的灰色地带仍可以在很大程度上帮你得到一份工作。

63、AUR FIB, aur.flb. ─── auricular fibrillation 心房纤颤

64、Her clumsy fib had let him see that she had something to conceal ─── 她那愚蠢的谎言已使他猜出她在隐瞒什么。

65、"I told a fib about my age, " little Tom said. ─── “有关我的年龄我撒了个谎,”小汤姆说。

66、So do bH with ET-1.(5)After radix astragali seu hedysari and/or ligustrazine therapy, the changes of ETx, ET-1, FIB and TXB2 in RALIG were more significant than NCG and HCG. ─── l苇唉治疗后血浆ET-l、ETX水平减低和血瘀证相关指标改善优于阴性对照组,在降低FIB和 DD水平、减少TXB。 释放和降低T/P比值、升高 6-ketoPGF;

67、He felt guilty and was trying to fib out of IT. ─── 他觉得内心有愧,想扯谎蒙混过去。

68、vent fib ─── (=ventricular fibrillation) 心室纤维性颤动

69、OK, that's a bit extreme. But, let's face it, there are some things we are always going to fib about to the people we love. ─── 嗯,这有点极端。不易胜博备用网址过,让我们面对现实,在某些事上我们总会对自己的爱人撒谎。

70、The area under ROC curve (AUC) of SFM, FDP, D-D, TAT, PT, AT, 3P, APTT, FIB were 0.937 8, 0.917 7, 0.879 3, 0.781 3, 0.789 3, 0.852 9, 0.784 9, 0.784 2, 0.555 3, respectively. ─── SFM、FDP、D D、TAT、PT、AT、3P、APTT和FIB的综合ROC曲线下面积 (AUC)分别为 0 9378、0 9177、0 8793、0 7813、0 7893、0 85 2 9、0 784 9、0 784 2、0 5 5 5 3。

71、fib floor ─── 密肋楼板

72、The diagnostic value of PT, FIB, FM, DD and PLT to DIC in pregnant women ─── PT、FIB、FM、DD、PLT检测对孕产妇DIC的诊断探讨

73、TT,FIB and D D can be used as an acute index of monitoring thrombolysis. ─── TT、FIB和D二聚体可作为溶栓监测的敏感指标

74、The sea trial of fiber optic vector hydrophone is accomplished.High sensitivity,fine directivity,good low-frequency response and applied performance of fib... ─── 实验结果表明,该光纤矢量水听器具有很高的灵敏度、较好的空间指向性和良好的低频响应,并有了初步的海上实用性能。

75、A setup only exists where the fib retracement of an impulse wave is 61.8 or 78.6. ─── 仅在在推动浪的61.8或者78.6斐波那契回调处建仓。

76、FIB - Forward indicator bit ─── FIB -- 前向指示器位

77、ATR FIB, atr.fib. ─── atrial fibrillation 心房纤颤

78、And when they loyally back leaders, deny aspirations to be one or resign to spend more time with their families, politicians fib. ─── 他们表示全心全意的支持领导人,摒弃个人的抱负;或是隐退进而花更多的时间与家人共享天伦之乐。

79、At Fib ─── (=atrial fibrillation) 心房纤颤

80、“What fib, child? ─── “什么谎言,孩子?”

81、He felt guilty and was trying to fib out of it. ─── 他觉得内心有愧,想扯谎蒙混过去。

82、The plasma levels of D-D were positively correlated with age, FPG, BUN, Cr, FIB, UMA and DR in patients. ─── D-D与患者年龄、FPG、BUN、Cr、FIB、UMA、DR呈正相关。

83、In ALS group, fib and psw were found in thoracic paraspinal muscles in 28 of 30 ALS patients (93%), abnormal in sternocleidomastoid muscle in 27 of 30 ALS patients (90%), characterized by having long-duration and high-amplitude. ─── 30例ALS患者中,28例(93%)胸段棘旁肌肌电图可见正锐波和纤颤电位。 胸锁乳突肌肌电图异常27例(90%),以运动单位时限增宽、波幅增高为特点。

84、Come on, don't fib! Where were you really last night? ─── 得了吧,不要撒谎了!昨夜你到底在哪儿?

85、We found a correlation between Fib and coronary artery stenosis score (r=0.666, P< 0.001) and a postive correlation between TC, LDL-C and coronary artery stenosis score (r=0.378 and 0.429, P< 0.001). ─── Fib、TC和LDL-C冠状动脉狭窄分数相关(r=0.666、0.378和0.429P

86、AUR FIB ─── (=auricular fibrillation) 心房纤颤

87、Age and sex-matched,30 normal subjects and 30 patients who suffered radicular disease in cervical or lumbosacral region were also detected in thoracic paraspinal muscles for finding fib and psw serving as controls. ─── 同时 ,将性别、年龄相匹配的 30例根性损害的患者和 30名健康人作为对照 ,行胸段脊旁肌自发电位检测。

88、Chronic FIB ─── 慢性乙型肝炎

89、fib (file information block) ─── 文件信息块(fib)


“斐波那契”英文翻译是:Fibonacci ,它的英文缩写是:“F”。





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