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08-18 投稿


ingenuous 发音

英:[?n'd?enj??s]  美:[?n'd??nju?s]

英:  美:

ingenuous 中文意思翻译



ingenuous 网络释义

adj. 天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的

ingenuous 同义词

gullible | natural | childlike | candid | inexperienced | artless | trusting | plain | frank | straightforward | naive | honest | aboveboard |innocent | simple | direct | unworldly | unsophisticated | sincere | open

ingenuous 反义词


ingenuous 词性/词形变化,ingenuous变形

副词: ingenuously |名词: ingenuousness |

ingenuous 相似词语短语

1、ingenuously ─── adv.率直地;正直地

2、ingenious ─── adj.有独创性的;机灵的,精制的;心灵手巧的

3、ingenues ─── n.天真无邪的少女;扮演天真姑娘的女演员

4、incestuous ─── adj.乱伦的;血亲相奸的;犯乱伦罪的

5、ingenus ─── 英格努斯

6、insensuous ─── 不敏感的

7、ingeniously ─── adv.贤明地;有才能地

8、inglenooks ─── n.炉边

9、disingenuous ─── adj.虚伪的;不诚实的;不老实的;狡猾的

ingenuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Call it ingenuous or evil genius, but the Iraqis deliberately designed their chemical weapons programs to be inspected. ─── 称这为坦白或魔鬼天才,伊拉克有意设计其化学武器计划以应付核查。

2、It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision. ─── 如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了。

3、However, because she is an ingenuous narrator, she sometimes misses the deeper significance of her feelings. ─── 然而,因为她是一个坦白的说故事者,她有时错过她的感觉的较深的重要性。

4、an ingenuous admission of responsiBility. ─── 坦诚地承认义务。

5、What he had just seen was no longer the ingenuous and simple eye of a child; ─── 而是一种奥秘莫测的深窟,稍稍张开了一线,接着又立即关闭了。

6、The ingenious child told the whole story in an ingenuous manner. ─── 那个聪明的小孩以天真无邪的口吻讲述了整个故事。

7、the final stages of the consumptive fading are generally a good deal less romantic than these ingenuous young tubercle-snobs seem to imagine . ─── 哎呀,结核病晚期通常远远不像这些天真的年轻结核势利者想象得那么浪漫。

8、I am not that young and ingenuous girl ─── 我已不是那个懵懂的女孩

9、You're too ingenuous. ─── 你太老实了。

10、Using it to decorate building spaces will present a bright, exquisite and ingenuous space. ─── 使用本产品对建筑空间装饰,效果明亮简洁。

11、an ingenuous girl [smile] ─── 天真的女孩[微笑]

12、I wrote to him an ingenuous letter of acknowledgment, craving his forbearance a little longer ─── 我给他写了一封十分坦率的感谢信,希望他能再度宽容一段时间。

13、But theirs is never an ingenuous technological cla icism, never really oor? ─── 他们的作品不是天真的科技古典主义,不是真正的?#36139;

14、She is too ingenuous in believing what others say ─── 她太天真,轻信别人的话。

15、By the way, I can do any housework, since I'm still young, of good understanding, adaptable, and pleasant, except, ingenuous and optimistic. So, I will be waiting for you. ─── 顺便还要说一下,我也可做任何其他的家政工作,因为我还年轻,悟性好,适应性强,并且我很爱笑,很单纯,很阳光,我期待你的选择。

16、The incisive, cultured but unaffected voice matched Peat-Smith's ingenuous appearance ─── 皮特-史密斯开门见山,彬彬有礼,而又不失于矫揉造作的话语同他那幅真诚的表情很相称。

17、ingenuous a. ─── 老实的;

18、Friends were hurt when other suspected friendship, but beware of those who betrayed you. Forgive, but not forget. Ingenuous life of a bit naive, friends with some chivalrous feelings. ─── 被朋友伤害了的时候,别怀疑友情,但提防背叛你的人。原谅,但并不遗忘。做人存几分天真童心,对朋友保持一些侠义之情。

19、Choosing “ingenuous speech” while discarding “cunning speech” depends on developing the social productivity and constructing the highly civilized society. ─── 倡“直言”去“巧言”最终要靠发展生产力,建设高度文明的社会。

20、Several decades, though, "a black dye ink, the wind and beard yellow", but you in the face of the youth, the sun Ingenuous ; ─── 几十年如一日,虽然,“墨染一身黑,风吹胡子黄”,但您把青春写在脸上,把阳光洒进童心;

21、9.Holy and exquisite, simple and pure, as refreshing and easy as seawater, and as peaceful and carefree as blue sky, it shows a transcendent and uncommon blood and ingenuous and na? ─── 圣洁淡雅,简单纯粹,如海水般清新舒畅,如蓝天般宁静悠然,流露着超然的不凡气质和率真的处世态度。

22、There exist ingenuous bourgeois, of whom it might be said, that they have a "stealable" air. ─── 刑事法院院长到监狱里去看拉色内尔时,曾向拉色内尔问到一件他不肯承认的案子。

23、Only the most ingenuous person would believe such a weak excuse ! ─── 只有最天真的人才会相信这么一个站不住脚的借口!

24、“I loved him immediately.Not only was he the gentlest,staunchest,most warm-hearted of men,but he was also simple and ingenuous. ─── (“我立刻爱上了他,不仅因为他是一个具有绅士风度且忠实可靠的热心人,更是因为他的纯朴和真诚。

25、it seemed that she always shook off every unpleasant thought with a liveliness that was, at once, charming, ingenuous and roguish. ─── 似乎她随时能用她那娇媚、天真、淘气的活泼抖落掉一切不愉快的心思。

26、Simple and credulous as a child; ingenuous. ─── 天真的如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的

27、His ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it. ─── 他无辜的辩解到如果他知道主教在里边的话他是不会烧教堂的。

28、But what she had lost in ingenuous grace, she gained in pensiveserious charm. ─── 但是,她虽然失去了憨稚无知的神态,却赢回了端庄凝重的魅力。

29、He is too ingenuous in believing what people say. ─── 他太天真,轻信别人的话。

30、There are occasions in the City as elsewhere, when ingenuous questions out of the mouths of babes and sucklings can confound the experts. ─── 在伦敦城或其他地方,都会有这样的事:出于天真孩童之口的问题会难住一些专家。

31、This is an article as an immolation for the lapse of my first ingenuous love. ─── 这篇文章作为对我已逝的天真初恋的一个祭奠。

32、She gave ingenuous answers to all of the stranger's question. ─── 她诚实回答所有陌生人的问题。

33、"In Qin Zhong's eyes, Baoyu's striking appearance and ingenuous behaviour were a fine foil to his rich costume, pretty maids and handsome pages. " ─── "秦钟自见了宝玉形容出众,举止不凡,更兼金冠绣服,骄婢侈童"

34、an ingenuous beginner ─── 天真的生手

35、an ingenuous smile ─── 坦率的微笑

36、The ingenuous person had never thought of being suspicious of what others told him. ─── 天真的人从来不会怀疑他人告诉他的话。

37、The ingenuous boy gave an account of his act, concealing nothing ─── 那老实的男孩毫无隐讳地说明了他的行为。

38、...for her close approach did not cause him to writhe uneasily, or shift his feet or show any of those little signs which escape an ingenuous rustic at the advent of the uncommon in womanhood. ─── 因为她近在他跟前,并没使他转侧不安,挪移脚步,或者露出平常老实乡下人看了不同寻常的女人而不知不觉露出来的那些细小迹象。

39、The Song of The Ingenuous Brother ─── 憨哥哥的歌

40、The ingenuous person had never thought of being suspicious of what others told him. ─── 天真的人从来不会怀疑他人告诉他的话。

41、The ingenuous police of the Restoration beheld the populace of Paris in too "rose-colored" a light ─── 复辟时代的警察太天真,把巴黎的人民看得太“易与”了。

42、She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers'entire question. ─── 她坦率地解答了那位门外汉的全部疑问。

43、He is ingenuous, and is liked by the people around him. ─── 他为人憨实, 周围的人都很喜欢他。

44、His confusion and his ingenuous air were new delights to Bertha ─── 他的慌乱,他的憨厚的样子,重新又使伯莎感到高兴。

45、8.He is not only ingenious but also ingenuous. ─── 他不但机灵而且也坦率。

46、She looked at him with an ingenuous smile ─── 她带着天真的微笑望着他。

47、When I was a young and ingenuous girl ─── 当我还是一个懵懂的女孩

48、She gave ingenuous answers to all the stranger's questions. ─── 对那陌生人所有的问题,她都老老实实地一一作了回答。

49、She is too ingenuous in believing what others say. ─── "她太天真,轻信别人的话。"

50、The ingenuous curve line of the Guangming Desks displays the sense of beauty and practical value perfectly. ─── 光明大班卓独具匠心的弧线条,简洁有致的表现正如超凡脱俗的风范,流畅的外桌边线与内弧的桌内边柔和美感及实用价值。

51、It is ingenuous of you to believe what he says. ─── 你太天真竟会相信他说的话。

52、She's an ingenuous country girl. ─── 她是个单纯的乡村姑娘。

53、a child's innocent stare; his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it. ─── 这孩子直率的目光;他无辜的辩解到如果他知道主教在里边的话他是不会烧教堂的。

54、they are not free, ingenuous, natural; ─── 他们不随意、不率直、不自然;

55、is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision. ─── 如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了。

56、"White Crane" has ingenuous composition and far-stretched conception. ─── 潘文复是勇于创新的陶瓷美术家。

57、There are occasions in the City as elsewhere, when ingenuous questions out of the mouths of babes and sucklings can confound the experts. ─── 在伦敦城或其他地方,都会有这样的事:出于天真孩童之口的问题会难住一些专家。

58、His ingenuous nature was always trusting ─── 他性格纯真,对人总是信而不疑。

59、It is the trademark of Taiwan Private Kiln to design cups that are more than just cups, to combine artistic craft with ingenuous practical design. ─── 让杯子不只是杯子,这是麦氏陶一贯的设计作风,它除了是杯子更可以是点缀生活趣味的工具。

60、He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter. ─── 他好像太天真诚实,不适合做记者。

61、Simple and credulous as a child;ingenuous. ─── 天真的如同孩子般简单和易轻信的;天真的

62、Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant. ─── 布伦特那张老实巴交的宽脸上呈现迷惑神情。

63、Zen:(with ingenuous smile) I...I have not done this for a long time. Don't be impatient at my clumsiness, Ok? ─── 战:(憨憨的笑)我...我很久没做这档事儿了,你可别嫌我笨手笨脚阿!

64、It was his ingenuous smile that won Deborah's heart. ─── 是他率直的微笑赢得了黛博拉的芳心。

65、She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers' entire question. ─── 对于这个陌生人提出的问题,她作出了坦率的回答。

66、These remarks indicate that you are ingenuous and unaware of life's harsher realities. ─── 你的这些话表明你涉世不深,还不知道生活中的现实要更严酷。

67、People are ingenuous. ─── 人们都很淳朴。

68、Zen: (with ingenuous smile) I. . . I have not done this for a long time. Don't be impatient at my clumsiness , Ok? ─── 战:(憨憨的笑)我…我很久没做这档事儿了,你可别嫌我笨手笨脚阿!

69、7.Only the most ingenuous person would believe such a weak excuse! ─── 只有最天真的人才会相信这么一个站不住脚的借口!

70、It would of course be ingenuous to assume that the next decade will not bring problems for China, too. ─── 当然,就此以为中国未来十年不会面临任何问题,也过于天真。









You are so nice that everyone likes you and each time when you meet someone, you have no idea how much vibe you have...




He is great but...





当然不能只用good , nice 这些低级的描述词汇啦。







Open minded.虚心的










Well -educated.受过良好教育的

well- read.群览众书的





3.Ingenious. 有独创性的





Knowledgeable. 有见识的






untraditional . 颠覆传统的





Considerate. 体贴的


Tough- minded.意志坚定的

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