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08-18 投稿


bilaterally 发音

英:[?ba??l?t?r?li]  美:[?ba??l?t?r?li]

英:  美:

bilaterally 中文意思翻译



bilaterally 短语词组

1、bilaterally symmetrical ─── 两侧对称的

2、bilaterally descended testes ─── 双侧睾丸下降

3、bilaterally meaning ─── 双边意义

4、bilaterally cleared OTC ─── 双边结算OTC

5、bilaterally symmetric ─── [网络] 双边对称

6、bilaterally lungs ─── 双侧肺

7、bilaterally equal ─── 双边平等

8、bilaterally deaf ─── 双侧聋

9、bilaterally def ─── 双侧def

10、bilaterally cleared ─── 双边清算

11、bilaterally blind ─── 双侧盲

12、bilaterally cleared derivative ─── 双边清算衍生品

bilaterally 相似词语短语

1、ambilaterally ─── 双侧

2、unilaterally ─── adv.单方面地

3、equilaterally ─── 等边

4、laterally ─── adv.旁边地

5、trilaterally ─── 三边

6、collaterally ─── 旁系地(法律术语);并行地(法律术语)

7、ipsilaterally ─── 身体同侧地

8、bilateralism ─── n.双边主义;两侧对称;互惠主义

9、bilateral ─── adj.双边的;有两边的

bilaterally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bilaterally symmetrical. ─── 均匀的;


3、Thickened interlobular septa are isible bilaterally and are associated with distortion of lung architecture. ─── 增厚的小叶间隔可见于双侧,并肺结构变形。

4、More wordy than radical, the charter talks of Catalonia as a nation and defines a series of matters to be dealt with bilaterally with the Spanish state. ─── 与其说太激进,不如说废话多,该宪章把加泰罗尼亚视为一个国家,并规定对部分事务,应遵循和西班牙政府双边处理的原则。

5、however, diffuse involvement of intercostal nerves bilaterally has never been reported previously. ─── 然而,弥漫参与肋间神经双边从来没有以前的报告。

6、In one transplant recipient, there was an improvement over 3 segments in light touch and pin prick sensitivity bilaterally, anteriorly and posteriorly. ─── 其中一名患者的轻触觉和针刺敏感性均下降了3个阶段。

7、Otherwise there was a danger that important issues within the domain of WIPO's work would be deliberated bilaterally or negotiated in other fora, particularly those dealing with trade and commerce. ─── 否则,就有可能出现双边讨论或其他论坛谈判属于WIPO工作领域内重要问题的危险,特别是与贸易和商业有关的问题。

8、bilater function ─── 双线性函数

9、breath sounds equal bilaterally ─── 双侧呼吸音相等

10、The experimental group underwent an incision inferior to the pinna, and the cochleas were destoried with a drill through the bulla bilaterally. ─── 实验组采用耳后径路开放听泡,用微型钻在耳蜗表面钻孔损毁双侧耳蜗结构;

11、agreement provided for disputes and differences between the two neighbours to be solved bilaterally. ─── 协议规定相邻两国的争议由双边协商解决。

12、Median testicular volume was lower bilaterally in patients than controls, as were median sperm count and motility. ─── 患者双侧睾丸体积的中位数低于对照组,精子数目和活动力亦如是。

13、Water and lactate were reduced bilaterally after disc lesion and ipsilateral to nere lesion. ─── 双侧椎间盘损伤和同侧神经损伤后水和乳酸盐的含量减少。

14、a part or division in the body of a bilaterally or radially symmetric animal that corresponds to an opposite or similar part ─── 左右或中心对称的动物身体中与相反或相似部分对应的一侧或一部分

15、stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers. ─── 加利福尼亚中部到华盛顿北部地区的一种强壮的兰花,有总状花序,白色、芳香的小花对称开放。

16、Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Combined with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis of the Elder with Enlarge Undercutting Laminae Decompression in Bilaterally and Myelin Nucleus Resection ─── 双侧潜行扩大开窗髓核摘除术治疗老年人腰椎间盘突出合并椎管狭窄症

17、In fact, fight bilaterally to spread out already. ─── 事实上,双方的交火早已展开。

18、bilaterally adjustable ─── 双向可调的

19、On account of the common need to eliminate law conflicts, countries and international society launch coordination and cooperation bilaterally, regionally and multilaterally. ─── 基于消除法律冲突的共同需要,国家和国际社会从双边、区域和多边等不同层面展开了协调与合作。

20、bilaterally invariant ─── 双侧不变式

21、Experimental Study on Dryout Point of Flow Boiling in Bilaterally Heated Narrow Annular Channel ─── 双面加热环形窄缝通道内流动沸腾干涸点实验研究

22、The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally, without any wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. ─── 双肺听诊清音,无喘鸣或干湿罗音。

23、Abstract: Objective To test both normal adult fenrrets and mature ferretswhose pinna and concha had been removed bilaterally in infancy for their ability to localize sound relatively in the horizontal plane. ─── 文摘:目的研究正常雪貂和自幼切除耳廓和部分外耳道的雪貂对水平方向声音的相对定位能力,研究耳廓外耳道对它的影响。

24、Chordates are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, segmented coelomates. ─── 脊索是双边对称的,三叶裂的,分段的腔壁。

25、bilaterally bounded sequence ─── 双侧有界序列

26、liverworts with bilaterally symmetrical gametophytes; sometimes placed in the order Jungermanniales. ─── 具两侧对称的配子体的苔类的一科;有时包括在顶蒴苔纲的叶苔目中。

27、BILAT SLC ─── (=bilateral short leg cast) 双侧短腿模型(石膏)

28、Ludwig's angina is a rapidly spreading, potentially life-threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally. ─── 摘要鲁特维格氏咽峡炎是一种急性发作、进展迅速,而且可能引起呼吸道阻塞而致命的蜂窝性组织炎。

29、Bilaterally symmetrical. Used of organisms or parts. ─── 两侧对称的两边对称的,用于生物体或器官

30、The simultaneous cytokinesis in microspore mother cells leads to tetrahedral as well as isobilateral (bilaterally symmetrical) tetrads. ─── 小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体为四面体型,也有左右对称型的;

31、"The vision we have is of a clean energy and climate partnership bilaterally with the Chinese. ─── 斯特恩说,“我们希望在清洁能源和气候问题上,与中国建立双边合作伙伴关系。”

32、This paper analyzes the feasibility and tolerance of Bilater al Stress Elliptic Theory, and it concludes that it can meet the engineering req uirements of casing designing. ─── 对双向应力椭圆理论的适用性和计算误差进行了分析。双向应力椭圆理论用于套管柱设计能满足工程需要。

33、bilaterally mutilated hands ─── 双手残缺

34、primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates. ─── 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物。

35、BILAT S & O ─── (=bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) 双侧输卵管卵巢切除术

36、But for want of a functioning regional forum, the issue is pursued bilaterally. ─── 但是要建立一个能工作的区域论坛,这一问题是双边所追求的。

37、C. elegans detects several odorants with the bilaterally symmetric pair of AWC olfactory neurons. ─── 线虫检测几个气味与双边对称双AWC嗅觉神经元。

38、primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates. ─── 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物。

39、Aiming for "Free and Easy Use of Digital Media," the conceptual use between PC and electrical devices bilaterally were presented. ─── 他表示,公司的目标是针对“自由舒适地利用数字媒体”,致力于通过PC与家电双方来实现数码生活。

40、However, caution is advised if the alar base has been previously excised, if the alar base incisions extend more than 2 mm above the alar groove, and the lateral nasal artery is damaged bilaterally. ─── 但是对那些在术前已做过鼻翼基底部切除,鼻翼基底切口在鼻翼沟上方超过2毫米和双侧外鼻动脉受损的病例仍要提出警告。

41、they worked out an agreement bilaterally. ─── 他们达成了双边协议。

42、liverworts with bilaterally symmetrical gametophytes ─── 具两侧对称的配子体的苔类的一科

43、stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers ─── 加利福尼亚中部到华盛顿北部地区的一种强壮的兰花,有总状花序,白色、芳香的小花对称开放

44、The data in the Performance Test shall be bilaterally recorded and confirmed. ─── 在生产线考核期间的数据应由双方共同记录并确认。

45、Symmetry Waveforms.Ideally, each human face is bilaterally symmetrical when viewed in either visual or IR imagery. ─── 对称波形技术在理想状况下,无论是可见光图像还是红外图像中每个人脸都是两侧对称的。

46、bilater law ─── 双线性律

47、All patients of the genital TB with primary infertility, 75 14% with bilat eral tubal occlusion,1.71% with one tubal occlusion, 11.43% with one partly unbl ocked tube,8.86% with bilateral partly unblocked tubal. ─── 原发性不孕组生殖道结核患者中输卵管双侧不通 75 14% ,单侧不畅 11 4 3% ,双侧不畅 8 86% ;

48、Three cases had normal CT findings.MRI showed symmetrical distribution bilaterally in all cases.Most lesions located in cerebral parenchyma of parietal-occipital lobe. ─── 9例MRI显示病灶呈双侧对称性分布,多数病灶位于旁正中矢状位、顶枕叶脑实质内;

49、lateral ones smaller, obliquely ovate, base obtuse, bilaterally asymmetrical, margin sharply serrate from base. ─── 侧生的更小,斜卵形的,基部钝,两侧不对称,边缘锐有锯齿的自基部。

50、primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates ─── 原始的细长身体且两边对称的海生软体动物,有上覆八个钙质骨盘的覆盖物

51、Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes,such as a tapeworm or a planarian,characteristically having a soft,flat,bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity. ─── 扁虫扁形动物门的寄生或非寄生虫中的任一种,以具有柔软、扁平且两面对称的身体和无体腔为特征,如绦虫或涡虫。

52、Ultimately, Panitan said, the dispute will have to be settled bilaterally, as is the diplomatic norm. ─── 最终,帕尼坦说,争议将必须解决双边,这是因为外交准则。

53、Launching the employment guidance for graduates in the course bilaterally choosing ─── 在毕业生双向选择过程中开展就业指导

54、Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is generally a late-onset disorder characterized by progressive cyst development and bilaterally enlarged kidneys with multiple cysts. ─── 什么是'常染色体显性多囊肾病-遗传性疾病导致流体填补蛀牙肾脏'?

55、Job Description:The person in this position is responsible for translating research reports bilaterally into Eng...... ... ─── 公司名称:中国国际金融有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-3-4

56、Thermal Hydraulics Analysis of Steam Generator Heated Bilaterally ─── 套管式双面加热蒸汽发生器的热工水力分析

57、A part or division in the body of a bilaterally or radially symmetric animal that corresponds to an opposite or similar part. ─── 体辐,对称部左右或中心对称的动物身体中与相反或相似部分对应的一侧或一部分

58、Trauma patients with GCS 3 persisting from the scene with bilaterally fixed dilated pupils have no appreciable chance of survival. ─── 未见损伤时GCS持续为3伴双侧瞳孔固定散大的患者生存。

59、bilaterally dislocated pelvis ─── 双侧脱臼性骨盆

60、leaves gradually reduced on upper stem and branches, lanceolate or ovate-hastate, margin with 1-4 pairs of teeth bilaterally or entire. ─── 叶逐渐退化在上面茎和分枝上,披针形或卵形戟形,边缘具1-4齿两侧或全缘。

61、China, India, Russia and the US are capable of acting uni-laterally, bilaterally or multi-laterally, depending on their perception of which tool best promotes their -interests. ─── 中国、印度、俄罗斯和美国有能力实行单边主义、双边主义或多边主义,这取决于它们认为哪种工具最能够促进本国的利益。

62、Sclerochoroidal calcification is a calcium deposition in the sclera and choroid that is characterized by typical geographic yellow-white fundus lesions that usually occur bilaterally in adults. ─── 巩膜脉络膜钙化是巩膜和脉络膜组织的钙盐沉积,多侵犯成年人双眼的颞侧眼底,以轻微隆起的点状或地图状黄白色眼底病灶为典型特征。

63、The lower leg is represented by the medial crura whereas each upper leg consists of a lateral crural complex based bilaterally on the piriform aperture. ─── 下方的腿代表的是内侧脚,同时上方两条腿则代表双侧的梨状孔上的外侧脚复合体。

64、All China’s deals on the continent have been negotiated with governments bilaterally, and the details are not made public. ─── 到目前为止,中国在非洲签订的协议都是与非洲各国单独商定的,而且协议细节都没有公开。

65、Pulse Index(PI):normal in 6 cases,increased bilaterally in 51 cases,decreased unilaterally in 8 cases; ─── 搏动指数(PI值):正常6例,双侧增高51例,一侧减低8例;

66、Purulent sputum, dyspnea, rhonchi bilaterally. ─── |浓痰, 呼吸困难, 肺部有杂音.

67、Sensory examination: Intact to pinprick, temperature, light touch, vibration and proprioception in the extremities bilaterally. ─── 感官检查:完整的,以针刺,温度,光照触摸,振动和本体四肢双边。

68、The uterosacral ligaments were clamped bilaterally, transected, and suture ligated in a similar fashion. ─── 同法钳夹切断并缝扎双侧子宫骶韧带。

69、bilaterally symmetric ─── 双侧对称的

70、I wish to confirm that my authorities share the view that this matter should be resolved bilaterally. ─── 我想证实,我政府当局也认为,这事件应由双方面共同来解决。

71、We will deal with it on the ground and also bilaterally with Pakistan. ─── 我们要就地采取行动,也会通过和双边努力来解决这个问题。

72、Special Representative Stephen Bosworth told reporters in Beijing that the United States wants to engage multilaterally and bilaterally with North Korea.The U. ─── 斯蒂芬.博斯沃思特使在北京告诉记者说,美国希望参与多边及与北韩的双边会谈。

73、Bilaterally,China's normalized imports from major partners are much less than these countries' normalized imports from China. ─── 从双边意义上看,中国对主要贸易伙伴的贸易开放度低于这些贸易伙伴对中国的贸易开放度。

74、bilater substitution ─── 双线性代换

75、bilaterally matched attenuator ─── 双向匹配衰减器

76、Note the bilaterally enlarged kidneys that nearly fill the abdomen below the liver. ─── 双侧肾脏增大,几乎占满了肝脏以下的腹腔。

77、Pupils 3 mm bilaterally briskly reactive to light and accommodation. ─── 小学生3毫米双边轻快反应轻和住宿。

78、bilaterally variable slit ─── 双刀口狭缝

79、Sensors were attached to the skin, with adhesive tape, over the greater trochanter and the anterior superior iliac spine bilaterally. ─── 传感器用胶带粘在双侧大粗隆和髂前上棘上方的皮肤。

80、Vm of the BA increased significantly in the initial vestibular stimulation(P

81、The retroperitoneal space was opened and the ureters were identified bilaterally. ─── 打开腹膜后隙,认清两侧宫旁组织。

82、An Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Fully Developed Flow in Bilaterally Heated Narrow Annuli ─── 双侧加热环形窄缝通道内单相水的流动传热特性研究

83、Each also endorses a 'multi-polar' world, preferring to address challenges in larger groups like the Group of 20 nations instead of bilaterally with the U. ─── 双方也都支持“多极”世界,更希望在20国集团这样更大的组织内,而不是与美国双边解决挑战。

84、They are not axial or bilaterally symmetric and they are not handled in classical manner, but they are doing the same gestural work as in Vaux. ─── 它们并非古典式的轴线对称,但它们的作用一如维康府邸(Vaux-le-Vicomte)的视轴。

85、Any of various parasitic and nonparasitic worms of the phylum Platyhelminthes, such as a tapeworm or a planarian, characteristically having a soft, flat, bilaterally symmetrical body and no body cavity. ─── 扁虫扁形动物门的寄生或非寄生虫中的任一种,以具有柔软、扁平且两面对称的身体和无体腔为特征,如绦虫或涡虫

86、S. interests bilaterally or, where appropriate, multilaterally. ─── 在这些问题上,美国政府必须干脆而警惕地致力于从双方面作出努力以扩大美国的利益,必要时,甚至要从多方面作出努力。

87、bilaterally symmetrical ─── 两侧对称的

88、High-resolution brain MRI showed signal abnormalities consistent with acute ischemic stroke limited to the infra-aqueductal region of the midbrain bilaterally. ─── 增强的大脑MRI显示信号异常,这种异常与缺血一致,局限于双侧中脑导水管下。

89、"When Born, the flounder is Bilaterally symmetrical, with an eye on each side, and it swims near the sea's surface." ─── 其形态发育极罕见,出生时身体两侧各有一只眼,且常在近水面处游泳

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