festively 发音
英: 美:
festively 中文意思翻译
festively 词性/词形变化,festively变形
名词: festiveness |副词: festively |
festively 短语词组
1、festively plump meaning ─── 节日丰满的意思
2、festively synonym ─── 节日同义词
3、festively plump ─── 喜庆丰满
4、festively definition ─── 喜庆的定义
5、festively meaning ─── 节日意义
6、festively fabulous ─── 喜庆的
7、festively feathered mask ─── 节日羽毛面具
festively 相似词语短语
1、festivity ─── n.欢庆,欢宴;庆典;欢乐
2、furtively ─── adv.偷偷地;暗中地
3、festivals ─── n.节日(festival的复数形式);节庆
4、costively ─── 便秘的;行动迟缓的,沉默寡言的;(costive的副词形式)
5、fictively ─── 虚构的
6、restively ─── adv.难以驾御地;倔强地
7、festive ─── adj.节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的
8、affectively ─── adv.情感地
9、festival ─── n.节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐;adj.节日的,喜庆的;快乐的
festively 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Visitors watched polar bear Jandy carry his present, a festively wrapped packed of fish, around San Francisco Zoo.The animals have been receiving Christmas presents from visitors. ─── 你看,北极熊迫不及待地打开他的礼物盒,那可是整整一盒的美味的鱼啊。
2、Ambassador Yang and his delegation received a warm welcome on their arrival when the students festively sang and danced, offered Khatags and flowers to the delegation. ─── 大使一行抵达校园时受到师生们热烈欢迎,同学们载歌载舞,纷纷献上鲜花哈达。
3、today, we gathered festively singing and dancing ─── 今天,我们欢聚一堂,载歌载舞
4、Photo Gallery: Egypt A festively ornamented camel ponders the ancient pyramids at Giza. ─── 意译:埃及图片画廊。一只欢庆花样装饰的骆驼考虑那古老的吉萨金字塔。
5、The whole family met for spring festival of 2011 in Beijing. What a lively, festively, crowed, happily gathering of family. ─── 2011年新年全家团聚北京共渡新春佳节,那个热闹啊,拥挤啊,快乐啊!
6、There is a scene of festively singing and dancing. ─── 旁边打谷场上是人们节庆时常有的场景,载歌载舞。
7、Festively decorated horses are seen during the opening of the Oktoberfest beer festival in Munich, southern Germany, Saturday, Sept. 19, 2009. ─── 载歌载舞,装饰马匹被视为期间在德国南部慕尼黑啤酒节开幕,星期六,2009年9月19日。
8、Make festively decorated rice crispy treats. ─── 还可做一些节庆装饰性的米酥脆食品。
9、Your look, here " clean out treasure greatly " festively singing and dancing of the feel uncertain that strike gong, the Alibaba there share price drops immediately immediately 15.8% . ─── 你瞧,这边“大淘宝”敲锣打鼓载歌载舞,那边阿里巴巴股价立刻应声下跌15.8%。
10、Galeria Kaufhof department store in this western German town is cutting prices on items from fleece sweaters to toy castles. ─── 德国西部小镇杜塞尔多夫的考夫·霍夫百货商店(Galeria Kaufhof)洋溢着节日气氛,店里的商品从毛衣到城堡拼装玩具都在降价促销。
11、Visitors watched polar bear Jandy carry his present, a festively wrapped packed of fish, around San Francisco Zoo. ─── 美国旧金山动物园的动物们今年早早就收到了他们的圣诞礼物,比圣诞节提前了两个星期。
12、Motherland each district is in place numerous Hua Shijin, festively singing and dancing of every nationality people, be full of passionate ground to celebrate the arrival of this glory red-letter day. ─── 祖国各地处处繁花似锦,各族人民载歌载舞,满怀激情地庆祝这个光辉节日的到来。
13、the Empire State Building, its top 30 stories festively illuminated; ─── 最高30层的帝国大厦节日般地灯火闪烁;
14、Amazona festiv' ─── 喜庆亚马孙鹦鹉
15、Elephant of every nationality masses obtains first time to liberate in those days be in hight spirits in that way, festively singing and dancing celebrates this one victory. ─── 各族群众象当年获得第一次解放那样兴高彩烈,载歌载舞庆祝这一胜利。
16、People celebrate it throughout the night, and all towns and cities are decorated festively. ─── 人们整夜地庆祝,所有的城镇与都市都装饰一新。
17、It's a cute baby dragon. It's very festively colored. ─── 这是一只可爱的龙宝宝。它被充满节日气氛的色彩所覆盖。
18、the Empire State Building, its top 30 stories festively illuminated; ─── 最高30层的帝国大厦节日般地灯火闪烁;
19、Photo Gallery: Egypt A festively ornamented camel ponders the ancient pyramids at Giza. ─── 埃及图片画廊。一只欢庆花样装饰的骆驼考虑那古老的吉萨金字塔。
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