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burgh 发音

英:[?b??ro?]  美:[?b?r?]

英:  美:

burgh 中文意思翻译




burgh 词性/词形变化,burgh变形


burgh 短语词组

1、burgh weather ─── 伯尔赫

2、burgh leavanny ─── 利凡尼堡

3、burgh island ─── 伯尔赫岛

4、burgh school ─── 博格学校

5、burgh island hotel ─── 博格岛酒店

6、burgh de rott osrs teleport ─── 罗特奥斯堡传送

7、burgh unova ─── 布尔赫·乌诺瓦。

8、burgh castle ─── 伯尔格城堡

burgh 相似词语短语

1、-burgh ─── n.(苏格兰)自治市;城镇;n.(Burgh)人名;(英)伯格

2、burgher ─── n.市民(现主要指某些欧洲国家中产阶级的市民或镇民);公民

3、burghul ─── 布尔古尔

4、burgee ─── n.三角旗;燕尾旗

5、burg ─── n.镇;城;村;n.(Burg)人名;(英)伯格;(法、罗、德、捷、匈)布尔格

6、burghal ─── 伯加尔

7、burga ─── n.[气象]布加风;柳条

8、burghs ─── n.(苏格兰)自治市;城镇;n.(Burgh)人名;(英)伯格

9、burgs ─── n.镇;城;村;n.(Burg)人名;(英)伯格;(法、罗、德、捷、匈)布尔格

burgh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Viscum articulatum Burgh ─── 扁枝槲寄生

2、A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow.It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls.Population,86,100. ─── 佩斯利苏格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。

3、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population, 48,'00. ─── 埃尔:苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,'00

4、A burgh of southwest Scotland north of Ayr. It is a resort with a noted golf course and the site of an international airport. Population, 13,174. ─── 普雷斯蒂克:苏格兰西南部一自治市,位于艾尔以北。是以高尔夫球场和国际机场而闻名的旅游胜地。人口13,174

5、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold, it was chartered c.1200. Population, 39, 700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700

6、Chris Brown Chris de Burgh Chris glassfield ─── 克里斯葛拉菲尔

7、is very rude to burgh during meals, or it will be seen as a very rude behaviour. ─── 用餐的时候,切忌打饱嗝,否则会被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。

8、prosperity prepare for a change; in adversity hope for one." -james burgh. ─── 在荣华富贵时,为变化作准备;在艰难困境中,期待有所改变。

9、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold,it was chartered c.1200. Population,39,700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700。

10、A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow. It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls. Population,86,100. ─── 佩斯利苏格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。人口86,100。

11、Robert I of Scotland and Elizabeth de Burgh are crowned king and Queen of the Scots. ─── 1306年的今天,苏格兰的罗伯特一世和伊丽莎白·德·伯被授冠成为苏格兰的国王和女皇。

12、A 48-year-old physician whose career has centred on treating seriously ill patients, Burgh was diagnosed with cancer in December 2006. ─── 他今年48岁,是个医生,其职业核心就是救死扶伤,为重症病人治病。可是,2006年12月,他自己竟被诊断有癌症。

13、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。

14、A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. ─── 思苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。

15、Located in southeastern Scotland, the original burgh, now known as Old Town, arose in the 11th century AD, around Edinburgh Castle, the royal residence of Malcolm III MacDuncan. ─── 位于苏格兰东南部,旧有的自治市,即现在的旧城(Old Town),11世纪兴起,爱丁堡城堡为麦尔坎三世(Malcolm III MacDuncan)的皇室宅邸。

16、Burgh is not alone in his attempts to procure the drug. ─── 其实,伯格并非唯一一个想方设法寻找这种药物的人。

17、A 48-year-old physician whose career has centred on treating seriously ill patients, Burgh was diagnosed with cancer in December 2006. ─── 他今年48岁,是个医生,其职业核心就是救死扶伤,为重症病人治病。可是,2006年12月,他自己竟被诊断有癌症。

18、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal.Thought to have been a Pict stronghold,it was chartered c.1200.Population,39,700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,

19、A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. ─── 福尔柯克苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。

20、A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners, including the. ─── 克莱德班克镇:苏格兰中西部克莱德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括。

21、A burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population,51, 900. ─── 汉密尔顿苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口51,900

22、You are driving very slowly.Do speed up a bit or we'll never get to Edin burgh . ─── 你开得太慢了。开快点,否则我们永远也到不了爱丁堡。

23、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population,48,600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600。

24、A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland from the11th to the mid-15th century, it was the site of John Knox's sermon against idolatry in1559. Population,42, 000. ─── 佩思苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。从11到15世纪中期为苏格兰的首都。曾是1559年约翰·诺克斯发表反对偶像崇拜演说的地方。人口42,000

25、Lady in Red Chris De Burgh I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight ─── 我从没有见你象今夜如此可爱

26、Making a Good Work for Fighting Draught in Yanbian Burgh to Promote the Sustainable Development of Economy Society ─── 做好延边州抗旱工作促进经济社会可持续发展

27、A burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population, 5,900. ─── 汉密尔顿:苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口5,900

28、Because DCA is not an approved drug in the US, the UK or anywhere else, Burgh had to find his own supply. ─── 由于美国、英国及其他任何地方都还没有批准使用DCA,伯格只能自己想办法寻找供应渠道。

29、In gratitude, he soon afterwards bought a piece of property at Burgh-le-Marsh. ─── 出于感激,不久他就在伯勒马什买了一块地产。

30、burgh school ─── 语法学校;

31、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde.It is a resort and a fishing port.Population, 48, 600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,

32、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold it was chartered c. 1200. Population 39700. ─── 因弗内斯:苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39700

33、A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population, 185, 616. ─── 邓迪苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点,人口184,616

34、A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners, including the Queen Mary, were built in its shipyards. Population, 52, 385. ─── 克莱德班克镇苏格兰中西部克莱德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括玛丽女王号,此船建于此镇船厂。人口52,385

35、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to hxdye been a Pict stronghold, it was chartered c. 1200. Population, 39,700. ─── 因弗内斯:苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700

36、A burgh of south - central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region.Population,51,900. ─── 汉密尔顿苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口51,

37、A burgh of southwest Scotland west of Glasgow. It has been a textile center since the early18th century and became famous in the19th century for its colorful patterned shawls. Population,86, 100. ─── 佩斯利苏格兰西南部的一个自治区,在格拉斯哥的西部,它自18世纪早期以来就是一个纺织中心,并且到19世纪它以它各色图案的围巾而闻名。人口86,100

38、A burgh of southwest Scotland on the estuary of the Irvine River southwest of Glasgow. It is an industrial center. Population, 54,600. ─── 欧文:苏格兰西南部一自治市,在欧文河的河口处,处于格拉斯哥西南。它是一个工业中心。人口54,600

39、Company constructed a zone of thousands of acreages silkworm at Daying burgh of Zhuanghe in 2001, through one year's experiment, successful in the end. ─── 二00一年公司在庄河市大营镇建设千亩桑蚕园区,经过一年示范试验,获得成功。

40、A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population, 37, 800. ─── 福尔柯克苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800

41、1306 - Robert I of Scotland and Elizabeth de Burgh are crowned king and Queen of the Scots. ─── 1306年的今天,苏格兰的罗伯特一世和伊丽莎白·德·伯被授冠成为苏格兰的国王和女皇。

42、A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners,including the Queen Mary,were built in its shipyards. Population,52,385. ─── 克莱德班克镇苏格兰中西部克莱德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括玛丽女王号,此船建于此镇船厂。人口52,385。

43、burgh of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow in a coal and iron region. Population, 51, 900. ─── 汉密尔顿苏格兰中南部的一个自治市、格拉斯哥的东南部,它位于煤、铁产区。人口51,900。

44、A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh. The capital of Scotland from the11th to the mid-15th century,it was the site of John Knox's sermon against idolatry in 1559. Population,42,000. ─── 苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。从11到15世纪中期为苏格兰的首都。曾是1559年约翰·诺克斯发表反对偶像崇拜演说的地方。人口42,000。

45、At least eight of the individuals who have posted contributions on the site's chatroom, including Burgh, claimed to be taking DCA or giving it to a close relative. ─── 在该网站的聊天室里,已有8个病人在那里发布帖子,其中就有伯格本人。他们都说自己正在服用DCA,并打算让有需要的亲朋好友服用。

46、De Burgh ─── 德伯格

47、A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population, 85,''. ─── 邓迪:苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点。人口85,''

48、A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north - northwest of Edinburgh. ─── 佩思苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。

49、A burgh of west - central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River.Many large ocean liners,including the Queen Mary,were built in its shipyards.Population,52,385. ─── 克莱德班克镇苏格兰中西部克莱德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括玛丽女王号,此船建于此镇船厂。人口52,

50、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population,48, 600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600

51、Ms Davison is daughter of singer Chris de Burgh, best known for his hit "Lady in Red", and is the first Irish-born Miss World. ─── 大卫逊小姐是歌手克里斯得波的女儿,她曾出过一张著名的专集《红衣女士》,罗莎娜也是首位爱尔兰籍的世界小姐。

52、A burgh of east-central Scotland on the northern bank of the Firth of Tay. It was a stronghold of the Covenanters in the religious wars of the Scottish Reformation. Population,185,616. ─── 邓迪苏格兰中东部县区,位于泰河弯北岸,在苏格兰改革时期的宗教战争中是神圣盟约派的据点,人口184,616。

53、A burgh of eastern Scotland southeast of Dundee on Saint Andrews Bay, an inlet of the North Sea. ─── 圣安德鲁斯:苏格兰东部一自治市,位于在丹地的东南北海的小湾圣德鲁斯湾上。

54、A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298),said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive,the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population,37,800. ─── 苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800。

55、Burgh's quest to cure himself began last month, shortly after he was told the cancer in his thigh had spread to his lungs. ─── 伯格上个月被告知他大腿上的肿瘤已经扩散至肺部之后不久,就请求自行治疗。

56、Van Der Burgh ─── 范德伯格

57、Her father, the singer Chris de Burgh -- best known for the hit “Lady in Red“ -- said afterwards: “I’m absolutely thrilled, I’m seriously proud of her. ─── 整个赛事体现的正是这种风格:中国正以其神秘的东方魅力寻找着与全世界的交汇点。



常见含堡的城市就是美国的匹兹堡(Pittsburg)、英国的爱丁堡(Edinburgh) 、德国的汉堡(Hamburg)、荷兰的中堡(Middleburg) 、俄罗斯的圣彼得堡(St.Petersburg)、奥地利的萨尔兹堡(Salzburg)、土耳其的君士坦丁堡(Constantinople,即伊斯坦布尔)等等。

可以注意到,这些城市的英文名中,后缀大多是burg和burgh,意思就是有围墙(或城堡)的城,也就是我们所说的“堡”。另外还有bourg、burh、burch、berg、borg等等都是各日耳曼方言里的转写。中西交流之初把 burg 翻译成堡,这类转写自然也都翻译成堡。

英国爱丁堡(Edinburgh )中的“堡”(burh)为占领此地王国的古英语,意思是山坡上的城堡。爱丁堡的城市名字就起源于著名地标爱丁堡城堡,当时是爱丁堡市用来防御的重要要塞。



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