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08-20 投稿


interstices 发音


英:  美:

interstices 中文意思翻译



interstices 短语词组

1、interstices body ─── 间隙体

2、interstices song ─── 间隙之歌

3、interstices define ─── 间隙定义

4、interstices pronounce ─── 间隙发音

5、interstices means ─── 间隙意味着

6、interstices pronunciation ─── 间隙发音

7、interstices def ─── 间隙定义

interstices 词性/词形变化,interstices变形

名词复数: interstices |

interstices 相似词语短语

1、injustices ─── n.不公正;不讲道义

2、interdicts ─── n.(法庭)禁令;(天主教)禁罚;v.阻断,封锁;禁止

3、interstice ─── n.[建]裂缝;空隙

4、interscribes ─── 脚本间

5、interstates ─── adj.州际的;州与州之间的;n.(美)州际公路

6、interspaces ─── n.空隙,空间;中间;vt.留…的间隔;留空隙;占据…之间

7、interties ─── n.(美)联锁电力网

8、interspecies ─── n.种间

9、intersticed ─── 间隙

interstices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the larger interstices, this fluid has the ability to limit circulation ─── 在较大的间隙内,此液体有限制流通的性能。

2、The symbolic Atoms' sure orbits and definite interstices represent the understanding of the universe made known. ─── 原子其确定的轨道以及轨道间明确的间隙代表了对宇宙的理解。

3、Nobody harms me, and, actually, I rather enjoy that tremor of menace, in the dark interstices between the neon lights. ─── 没人伤害过我,事实上,在霓虹灯照不到的黑暗缝隙中,那种恐惧带来的战栗感觉反而让我非常享受。

4、Namibia is as much about the environmental and human interstices between sites as about the sites themselves. ─── 在不同的地方之间,纳米比亚更多的是关于环境和人之间的这种隔阂。

5、Filler: (1)Any copy used to fill space in a newspaper, journal or magazine.(2)In paper making,a substance,such as china clay,used for filling the interstices between the fibres to add weight and opacity. ─── (1)补白,(2)填充料:(1)用来填满报纸、期刊或杂志上空白位置的稿。(2)在造纸时,用来填满纤维间的空位的物质。例如:白土。它增加重量何不透明度。

6、To cause(a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores. ─── 渗透透过间隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质

7、The symbolic Atoms' sure orbits and definite interstices represent the understanding of the universe made known. ─── 原子那符号化的确定轨道以及轨道间分明的间隙代表了对已知宇宙的理解。

8、Secondary interstices develop after the rock is formed. ─── 在岩石形成以后再发展次生间隙。

9、Shengboduolu cathedral, the art center etc. Then leave for famous suofen coteau in baolalie town near Melbourne and visit fossick mine, enjoy the interst of fossick ─── 纪念馆,圣伯多禄大教堂,艺术中心等。之后前往墨尔本近郊的宝拉列镇著名的溯芬山区参观淘金

10、The fabricated site-specific scaffold can be constructed such that it will impart biologic cues to implanted cells placed within its interstices. ─── 这种经过特制的支架能够将生物刺激传人位于其间隙内的种植细胞。

11、In this way, I can make the most perfect combonation of raelizing self-wth creating the interst f your office. ─── 使实现自身价值和提高公司利益较好的结合起来。

12、Pulmonary-fibrosis (PF) is the result of interst it ial lung disease which has different causes and it is one of the most intractabl e diseases in respiratory system. ─── 肺间质纤维化是许多病因不同的肺间质疾病的最终结局,属于呼吸系统疾病中的难治病。

13、Applying a voltage to the liquid, scientists could create a reaction that causes the pillars to become hydrophilic and draw the droplets down to penetrate the interstices among the nanopillars. ─── 科学家在液体上施加电压后,即可造成反应,让柱子变成亲水性,将水滴向下吸,渗入奈米柱间的空隙。

14、communicating interstic ─── 连通空隙

15、In addition , these sandbodies have st rong int raformational nonuniformity and not so st rong an interst ratal one. ─── 此外,它们还具有较强的层内非均质性,层间非均质性和平面非均质性却较弱。

16、To take(something) in through or as through pores or interstices. ─── 吸收通过气孔或空隙吸收(某物)

17、ICT can not only detect whether are there gaps or interstices,but also quantitatively describe their size,shape and position. ─── ICT用于腐蚀研究,不仅可以探测出材料中腐蚀裂纹、孔隙等缺陷的有无,还能对它们的大小、形状以及空间位置作出定量的评价.

18、Perhaps its most valuable feature is that it stimulates fibroblasts to grow into its interstices, thereby producing an impenetrable collagenous structure that resembles strong, normal tissue. ─── 该材料易得,不会随着时间而磨损,撕裂或折断。它最大的优点是刺激纤维原细胞生长入补片的网孔,形成坚实的纤维组织结构。

19、sports interst ─── 体育兴趣

20、interst restricted by righteousness ─── 利以义制

21、It will be noted that between the two layers there exist interstices of two types: tetrahedral and octahedral ─── 要注意两层之间有两种类型的空隙:四面体型和八面体型。

22、My littler sister is interst in cinema . ─── 我妹妹是个影迷。

23、piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; ─── 间隙传来尖利洪亮的笑声;

24、balamceof interst ─── 利益平衡

25、Non- interstices design of super long tall RC building and stress test analysis of Shenzhen Tian Digital Mansion ─── 高层钢筋混凝土超长结构无缝设计与楼板应力测试分析

26、a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric. ─── 弯曲的线从不交织的编法;离开在织品内的间隙。

27、This essay analyses and probes into the ways and methods oftraining the college students'lifelong exercise habit, i. E. To teach them the basic knowledge, to train their interst, will and self-study ability. ─── 分析探讨了培养学生终身体育锻炼习惯的途径和方法。即加强体育锻炼基本知识的传授,培养兴趣,激发动机,培养意志品质及自学能力等。

28、In the story we are provided with conventional heroes and heroines, bur also with other characters of far greater interst, who steal most of the action. ─── 故事里有传统地男女主人公,但也有更有趣的人物,形成了喧宾夺主。

29、Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices. ─── 能渗透的:允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的。

30、such people only get their work done “in the interstices of their mind-wandering. ─── 这些人只能在他们思维不断跳跃的同时完成他们的工作。

31、learning interst ─── 学习兴趣

32、Perhaps the adventure and romance of exploration are enough to pique one's interst. ─── 仅仅探索过程中的冒险就可能吸引一个人的兴趣。

33、73. Only connected interstices can act as elementary conduits within the formation. ─── 在地层内只有连通的空隙才能起导水通道的作用。

34、cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices. ─── 通过敏锐的空隙使液体进入。

35、It will be noted that between the two layers there exist interstices of two types: tetrahedral and octahedral. ─── 要注意两层之间有两种类型的空隙:四面体型和八面体型。

36、teeth interstices positioning ─── 牙缝定位

37、nucleolar interstices ─── 核仁间隙

38、The void volume can originate from the interstices between the carbon black particle due to their complex arrangement and from the porosity. ─── (它们高的)孔洞体积源自于碳黑颗粒间复杂的排列产生的空隙和碳黑颗粒本身的孔隙。

39、He keeps the interstices in our knowledge, the darkness between stars. ─── 在我们的知识中, 祂留著空隙, 似星空中的黑暗。

40、Absorb means to take-up or draw something into itself through pores or interstices. ─── 吸收意味着穿过毛孔或空隙沾附或进入至内部。

41、The interstices between the bricks let in cold air. ─── 冷空气透过砖缝进入室内。

42、The wallpapers can be applied for both outter/ inner walls, kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms and etc.. No interstices, offering a grand effect as a whole. ─── 可广泛用于内外墙体,厨房、卫生间、客厅、卧室等全方位的装饰,无接缝、阴角阳角,浑然一体,整体感强。

43、When splicing the box, the interstices and the pressure must be decreased. ─── 拼箱时尽量减小木箱间隙和重压。

44、Yet a displacement of time would drain away the soft interstices, leaving walls like scraped clinkers. ─── 她那玉体看上去就像冰冷的墙面一样光滑发亮。

45、to lend money at high interst ─── 放高利贷

46、interstices of soil ─── 土壤裂缝土壤空隙

47、For pricing the security,the paper use approximate method to compute the market price of interst rate that precludes arbirage opportunity. ─── 用非参数法估计出边际密度和瞬时方差的估计量,然后利用边际密度中的信息估计出瞬时均值的估计量。

48、IBM has replaced the spheres with small posts, which are located in the interstices between pixels, and so do not disturb the light as it leaves the excited liquid crystal. ─── IBM将球体换成了小支柱。小支柱位于象素之间的间隙中, 因此,当光线离开受激发的液晶时,小支柱不会对光产生干扰。

49、Based on the interstices of yams, warp and weft crossed areas are located, and four textures of these areas are obtained by first-order and second-order statistics. ─── 基于纱线间隙和经纬纱交叉区的存在,通过一阶和二阶的统计量可获取4种区域结构特征。

50、to take(something) in through or as through pores or interstices ─── 通过或好像通过气孔或空隙吸收(某物)

51、pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas. ─── 从缝隙中流出,如热化气泄气。

52、A weave in which warp threads never come together,leaving interstices in the fabric. ─── 弯曲的线从不交织的编法,离开在织品内的间隙。

53、Chiao's idea is a reminder that for all the attention paid to cutting-edge research such as string theory, radical new physics may lie within the interstices of conventional theories. ─── 乔瑞宇的想法提醒我们,虽然大家都将注意力放在弦论等最尖端的研究,但在传统理论之中,往往也能发掘出革命性的新理论。

54、In the larger interstices, this fluid has the ability to limit circulation. ─── 在较大的间隙内,此液体有限制流通的性能。

55、keeps interstices in our knowledge, the darkness between stars. ─── 在我们的知识中,祂留著空隙,似星空中的黑暗。

56、The interstices between the bricks let in cold air ─── 冷空气透过砖缝进入室内

57、to cause(a liquid,for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores ─── 渗透,透过间隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质

58、The interstices between the rectangular outlines and the circular perimeter leave space for enclosed gardens. ─── 方形大楼和圆形围墙之间的空隙被设计成院内花园。

59、Thirdly, use knives to fill the interstices with mud to detailize the shape. ─── 第三步,用麻刀泥填入裂缝内并逐步塑造具体形体;

60、secondary interstices ─── 次性间隙

61、cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices ─── 通过敏锐的空隙使液体进入

62、Nobody harms me, and, actually, I rather enjoy that tremor of menace, in the dark interstices between the neon lights. ─── 没人伤害过我,事实上,在霓虹灯照不到的黑暗缝隙中,那种恐惧带来的战栗感觉反而让我非常享受。

63、hyporheic The saturated zone under a river or stream, comprising substrate with the interstices filled with water. ─── 伏流在一条河或水流下面的饱和区域,空隙充满水的压缩底质。

64、rock interstices ─── 岩石裂缝

65、It will be noted that between the two layers there exist interstices of two types: tetrahedral and octahedral. ─── 要注意两层之间有两种类型的空隙:四面体型和八面体型。

66、Relating to, occurring in, or affecting interstices. ─── 空隙的关于、发生于或导致空隙的

67、It was crucial to relieve the pathogenic factors by opening the muscular interstices induced by herbs acrid in taste at the early phase of fever induced by exogenous pathogenic factors. ─── 在岭南外感热病初起,"透邪"是整个治法的灵魂。如风温初起,辛凉透表,不避辛温;

68、To pass through pores or interstices in the manner of perspiration. ─── 渗漏用出汗的方式通过毛孔或缝隙

69、to pass through pores or interstices in the manner of perspiration ─── 渗漏;用出汗的方式通过毛孔或缝隙

70、A completely buried construction, it eludes its volume and its signification in order to camouflage itself in the interstices of a too-close residential area. ─── 由于基地紧临一个住宅区,因此建筑师将其设计成一座被完全掩埋的建筑,将建筑的体量和特征弱化。

71、having open interstices or resembling a web. ─── 具有空隙或类似一个网。

72、We planned to visit some places of interst in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, Imperial Palace, and Summer Palace. ─── 我们最初的计划是在北京游览长城,故宫,颐和园等著名景点。

73、admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices ─── 允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的

74、Groundwater runoff is the subsurface flow which flows from highhydraulic head to low hydraulic head in rock medium.It streams throughcommunicating interstices of fractured zones mostly. ─── 地下径流是岩石介质中由水头高处向水头低处流动的地下水流,它主要通过断裂带等连通的空隙流动。

75、We are interested in the James Carters of the world because in the interstices between science and pseudoscience, the next great revolution may arise. ─── 我们对这个世界的卡特是有兴趣的,因为在科学与伪科学的缝隙之中,可能会有下一个伟大的革命诞生。

76、hyporheic The saturated zone under a river or stream, comprising substrate with the interstices filled with water. ─── 伏流在一条河或水流下面的饱和区域,空隙充满水的压缩底质。

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