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bulla 发音

英:[?b?l?]  美:[?b?l?]

英:  美:

bulla 中文意思翻译




bulla 网络释义

n. 大疱;垂饰n. (Bulla)人名;(西)布利亚;(意、德、匈、加纳)布拉

bulla 词性/词形变化,bulla变形


bulla 短语词组

1、emphysematous bulla ─── 气肿性肺大疱

2、bulla ossea ─── [医] 耳骨泡

3、bulla a frigore ─── [医] 冻伤大疱

4、bulla ethmoidalis ─── [医] 筛骨泡

5、unroofed bulla ─── 无顶大疱

6、bulla gt ─── 公牛燃气轮机

7、tympanic bulla ─── [脊椎]鼓泡

8、bulla bonnie ─── 邦妮·布拉

9、bulla dbgt ─── 布拉dbgt

10、bulla dbz ─── 布拉dbz

11、ethmoid bulla ─── [医]筛骨泡

12、bulla cake ─── 牛拉蛋糕

13、bulla dragon ball ─── 龙珠

14、bulla bush ─── 布拉 ─── 布什。

bulla 相似词语短语

1、bull ─── n.公牛;看好股市者;粗壮如牛的人;胡说八道;印玺;adj.大型的;公牛似的;雄性的;vt.企图抬高证券价格;吓唬;强力实现;vi.价格上涨;走运;猛推;吹牛;n.(Bull)人名;(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔

2、Sulla ─── n.(Sulla)(美、意、俄)苏利亚(人名)

3、bull. ─── n.公牛;看好股市者;粗壮如牛的人;胡说八道;印玺;adj.大型的;公牛似的;雄性的;vt.企图抬高证券价格;吓唬;强力实现;vi.价格上涨;走运;猛推;吹牛;n.(Bull)人名;(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔

4、bull- ─── n.公牛;看好股市者;粗壮如牛的人;胡说八道;印玺;adj.大型的;公牛似的;雄性的;vt.企图抬高证券价格;吓唬;强力实现;vi.价格上涨;走运;猛推;吹牛;n.(Bull)人名;(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔

5、mulla ─── n.毛拉(伊斯兰国家的敬称);n.(Mulla)人名;(阿拉伯、哈萨、塔吉、吉尔、乌兹)穆拉

6、bulls ─── n.公牛队(美国篮球队名);布尔斯(地名)

7、bully ─── n.欺凌弱小者;土霸;adj.第一流的;特好的;vt.欺负;威吓;vi.欺侮人;adv.很;十分;int.好;妙;n.(Bully)人名;(法)布利

8、bullae ─── n.大泡(bulla的复数);印玺;垂饰

9、Kulla ─── 库拉

bulla 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Like a bullA bull was eating grass at the pond. ─── 一头公牛正在池塘边吃草。

2、Conclusion The effect of CT to diagnose the giant bulla is superior to X-ray radiography, can help to forecast the lung function of the postoperation, and select the proper treatmetn methods. ─── 结论CT诊断巨大肺大泡的效果明显优于胸部X线平片,可对手术能否改善肺功能作出预测,从而避免不必要的手术治疗。

3、OBJECTIVE To discuss the method,efficacy and safety of endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla. ─── 目的探讨经鼻内镜筛泡前径路额窦开放术的技术路线,讨论该术式在额窦开放中的疗效和安全性。

4、It is originally from the Latin bulla, “bubble. ─── 这是来自拉丁美洲泡, “泡沫。

5、Bulla adamsii ─── n. 四带枣螺

6、A case of foreign bodies-like in the bronchi congenital pulmonary bulla ─── 误诊为支气管异物的先天性肺大泡一例

7、Methods Using the emphysematous bulla ligation and the un ilateral lung volume reduction to treat old COPE patients with bronchopleural fi stula. ─── 方法采用肺大泡结扎、扎及同侧肺减容术治疗老年慢性阻塞性肺气肿伴发支气管胸膜瘘。

8、uncinate bulla ─── 钩突泡

9、Methods 6 patients with surgical proved giant pulmonary bulla were analyzed retrospectively,all patient underwent chest radiography and CT scan. ─── 方法对6例经手术证实的巨大肺大泡进行回顾性分析,患者行X线胸片和胸部CT扫描。

10、Keywords Endoscope;Frontal sinus/anat;Tristar of grooves/anat;Route anterior to ethmoid bulla; ─── 鼻内镜术;额窦/解剖学和组织学;星状裂/解剖学和组织学;筛泡前径路;

11、ethmoidal bulla ─── 筛骨泡, 筛泡

12、Bulla ampulla ─── n. 壶腹枣螺

13、Keywords ruptured pulmonary bulla;pneumohemothorax;surgical treatment; ─── 关键词肺大疱破裂;血气胸;外科治疗;

14、pulmonary bulla ─── 肺大疱

15、Morphological observation of mucosa ciliary of bulla and upper respiratory tract in mice ─── 小鼠中耳及气道黏膜纤毛的形态学观察

16、emphysematous bulla ─── 气肿性大泡

17、Bulla difficilis ─── n. 疑带枣螺

18、Bulla finally became "bowl" which, at first, meant either the ball itself or the active cast or delivery of the ball. ─── 泡终于成为“碗”的,首先,这意味着无论是球本身或积极投或交付球。

19、A pneumothorax occurs with a penetrating chest injury, inflammation with rupture of a bronchus to the pleura, rupture of an emphysematous bulla, or positive pressure ventilation. ─── 气胸发生于穿透性的胸部损伤、肺气肿肺大疱破裂、正压通气。

20、OBJECTIVE To discuss the method, efficacy and safety of endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla. ─── 摘要目的探讨经鼻内镜筛泡前径路额窦开放术的技术路线,讨论该术式在额窦开放中的疗效和安全性。

21、bulla epithelialis ─── 上皮疱疹

22、It was suggested that this complication be related to the pathologic foundation of the pulmonary bulla and the pressure of air tract. ─── 笔者认为出现该并发症主要与肺部肺大疱病理基础和气道压力有关。

23、No recurrence has been found in the follow-up.Conclusion The result appeared that new operation method has many advantages in the treatment of pulmonary bulla by VATS. ─── 结论应用普通手术器械和缝针缝线在胸腔镜手术中使用是可行的,能取得与应用商品器械一样的治疗效果,降低手术费用。

24、Trachelomonas bulla ─── n. 泡形囊裸藻

25、There were statistical differences between the adult group and the pediatric group in ethmoid bulla hypertrophy and middle nasal concha etherealization. ─── 筛泡肥大和中鼻甲气化的出现率在成年组和未成年组差异有统计学意义。

26、Waseem M,Jones J,Brutus S,et al.Giant bulla mimicking pneumothorax[J].Emerg Med,2005 ;29(2):155-8. ─── 张根亭,黄建宇,刘鹏.老年肺气肿合并自发性气胸的外科治疗[J].河南外科学杂志,2006;12(2):28-9.

27、The operative diseases include sponlanevus pneumothorax, pulmonary bulla, trauma hemothorax, empyema, pernicious hydrothorax, mediastina tumor, esophageal diseases and lung diseases, etc. ─── 手术疾病包括自发性气胸、肺大疱、外伤性血胸、脓胸、恶性胸水、纵隔肿瘤、食管和肺疾病等。

28、Keywords ethmoid bulla;ethmoid infundibulum;sinusitis;endoscopic sinus surgery; ─── 筛泡;前鼻棘;鼻窦外科;内窥镜手术;

29、OBJECTIVE To discuss the method, efficacy and safety of endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla. ─── 目的探讨经鼻内镜筛泡前径路额窦开放术的技术路线,讨论该术式在额窦开放中的疗效和安全性。

30、Keywords frontal sinus;agger nasi;ethmoid bulla;frontal recess;endoscopic sinus surgery; ─── 额窦;鼻丘;筛泡;额隐窝;内窥镜鼻窦手术;

31、CONCLUSION Surgical procedure anterior to ethmoidal bulla is a safe and effective surgical model for frontal sinus lesions and is therefore worthy of broad recommendation. ─── 结论经鼻内镜筛泡前径路额窦开放手术是一种解剖标志易辨认、技术路线安全、疗效肯定的术式。

32、You must know Bulla , surely ! ─── 你肯定认识波拉,没错的!

33、Armpit small incision bulla resection ─── 腋下小切口肺大疱切除术

34、Study on ciliary beat frequency of the mucosa of bulla and upper respiratory tract in mice ─── 小鼠中耳及呼吸道纤毛运动频率研究

35、bulla fornicis ─── 乳头体

36、METHODS Twenty three adult patients(36 sides)with chronic frontal sinusitis received endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla. ─── 方法选取23例(36侧)确诊为慢性额窦炎的成人病例,采用经鼻内镜筛泡前径路术式开放额窦。

37、Keywords pulmonary bulla clinical treatment surgical operative; ─── 肺大泡;临床治疗;外科手术;

38、METHODS Twenty three adult patients (36 sides) with chronic frontal sinusitis received endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla. ─── 方法选取23例(36侧)确诊为慢性额窦炎的成人病例。采用经鼻内镜筛泡前径路术式开放额窦。

39、Keywords Esophagus carcinoma;Pneumothorax;Pulmonary bulla; ─── 关键词食管癌;气胸;肺大疱;

40、An official document issued by the pope and sealed with a bulla. ─── 训令,法令用印玺封住的由教皇颁发的官方文件

41、Conclusion:Patients with special pneumohemothorax caused by pulmonary bulla ruptured sho... ─── 结论:肺大疱破裂所致自发性血气胸应早期手术治疗。

42、The experimental group underwent an incision inferior to the pinna, and the cochleas were destoried with a drill through the bulla bilaterally. ─── 实验组采用耳后径路开放听泡,用微型钻在耳蜗表面钻孔损毁双侧耳蜗结构;

43、bloody bulla ─── 血泡

44、Shoulder Xiu's designing should also avoid too exaggerated, like the bulla Xiu or the big lotus leaf; ─── 肩袖设计也应避免过于夸张,如大泡袖或大荷叶;

45、frostbite bulla ─── 冻疮疱

46、bulla ossea ─── 耳骨泡

47、You must know Bulla,surely! ─── 你肯定认识波拉,没错的!

48、Bulla ampulla bifasciata ─── n. 双纹壶腹枣螺

49、Clinical study on drug rash with bulla epidermal necrolysis ─── 大疱性表皮松解坏死型药物疹的临床研究

50、Tour highlights include the Roman city of Dougga, the underground Numidian capital at Bulla Regia, Roman Sbeitla and the remote areas around Tataouine and Matmata, uique for underground cities. ─── 旅游亮点包括罗马的杜嘉城,位于布拉雷加的 Numidian 地下首都,Roman Sbeitla,以及塔塔旺和 Matmata 周围的偏远地区,这些都是地下城市。

51、tympanic bulla ─── 鼓泡

52、Reason of Body Tympanic Bulla of Refrigerated Van and It's Precaution Measure ─── 冷藏保温车厢板鼓泡原因及防治措施

53、It was suggested that this complication be related to the pathologic foundation of the pulmonary bulla and the pressure of air tract. ─── 笔者认为出现该并发症主要与肺部肺大疱病理基础和气道压力有关。

54、Result: There were statistical differences between the adult group and the pediatric group in ethmoid bulla hypertrophy and middle nasal concha etherealization. ─── 结果:筛泡肥大和中鼻甲气化的出现率在成年组和未成年组差异有统计学意义。

55、Bulla ampulla trifasciata ─── n. 三纹壶腹枣螺

56、The effect of CT to diagnose the giant bulla is superior to X ray radiography, can help to forecast the lung function of the postoperation, and select the proper treatmetn methods. [ ─── CT诊断巨大肺大泡的效果明显优于胸部X线平片,可对手术能否改善肺功能作出预测,从而避免不必要的手术治疗。

57、bulla tympanica ─── 鼓池, 鼓泡泡

58、bulla mastoidea ─── 乳突泡

59、hemorrhagic bulla ─── 出血性大疱

60、Objective To investigate the disgnostic value of thoracic CT and X-ray plain film in giant bulla and its differential diagnosis with pneumothorax. ─── 目的探讨巨大肺大泡胸部X线平片和CT的诊断价值及与局限性气胸的鉴别诊断。

61、gravis pulmonary bulla ─── 重症肺大疱

62、Bulla orientalis ─── n. 东方枣螺

63、Nursing care of patients with bulla undergoing per cutem lung piqure therapy by giving fibrin glue sealant ─── 纤维蛋白胶封闭剂经皮肺穿刺治疗肺大疱的护理

64、Keywords Giant bulla;CT;X ray chest radiography; ─── 关键词肺大泡;CT;X线胸部平片;

65、Before operation,pulmonary cyst syndrome was diagnosed in 22 patients,pulmonary sequestration in 19,bronchogenic carcinoma in 3,pulmonary bulla in 1. ─── 术前诊为肺囊肿综合征22例、肺隔离症19例、支气管肺癌3例、肺大泡1例。

66、Giant pulmonary bulla ─── 巨型肺大疱

67、Bulla ampulla Linnaeus ─── n. 台湾枣螺(壳蛞蝓超科,枣螺科)

68、Prionovolva bulla ─── n. 泡锯梭螺

69、The official document issued by the Pope was sealed with a bulla. ─── 由教皇颁发的官方文件是用印玺封住的。

70、Puncture aspiration of bulla of skin ─── 皮肤大疱穿剌吸引术

71、Clinical X-ray Analysis on 6 Cases of Coal Workers'Pneumoconiosis Complicated with Pulmonary Bulla ─── 煤工尘肺并发肺大泡6例X射线临床分析

72、Methods: The meterials of 28 cases with special pneumohemothorax caused by pulmonary bulla from 1987 to 2001 were retrospectively studied. ─── 方法:对1987—2001年收治的28例肺大疱破裂致自发性血气胸进行回顾性分析。

73、The bulla with which such a document is sealed. ─── 印玺用来封住这样的文件的印玺

74、Keywords Endoscopy: tristar of grooves;Frontal Sinus;route anterior to ethmoidal bulla; ─── 内窥镜检查;星状裂;额窦;筛泡前径路;

75、Bulla epidermis be slacken forma drug eruption of nursing and observation ─── 大疱性表皮松懈型药疹的护理与观察

76、Prevention and Treatment of Complications of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Giant Bulla ─── 电视胸腔镜手术治疗巨大肺大疱并发症的防治

77、Objective Retrospectively analyzes 23 patiments with pulmonary bulla do lung volume reduction surgery. ─── 目的回顾性分析总结23例肺大疱肺减容术病人肺功能对围术期的影响和治疗经验。

78、ethmoidal bulla of nasal cavity ─── 鼻腔筛泡

79、Like a bullA bull was eating grass at the pond. ─── 一头公牛正在池塘边吃草。"

80、bulla ethmoidalis ossis ethmoidalis ─── 筛骨筛泡

81、The bulla of diabetes mellitus skin of clinical observation and nursing ─── 糖尿病皮肤大疱的临床观察与护理

82、Bulla vernicosa ─── n. 枣螺

83、Clinical anatomy of ethmoid bulla and its clinical siggnificance ─── 筛泡的临床解剖学研究及其意义

84、” Bulla finally became “bowl” which, at first, meant either the ball itself or the active cast or delivery of the ball. ─── ”泡终于成为“碗”的,首先,这意味着无论是球本身或积极投或交付球。

85、bulla a frigore ─── [医] 冻伤大疱

86、ethmoid bulla ─── 筛骨泡

87、Applied anatomy of ethmoid bulla on endoscopy ─── 鼻内窥镜下筛泡的应用解剖研究

88、an official document issued by the pope and sealed with a bulla ─── 用印玺封住的由教皇颁发的官方文件

89、bulla ethmoidalis ─── [医] 筛骨泡

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