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08-20 投稿


hawse 发音

英:[h??z; h??s]  美:[h??z]

英:  美:

hawse 中文意思翻译



hawse 网络释义

n. 锚链孔;艏锚水平距离

hawse 短语词组

1、hawse def ─── 锚链定义

2、hawse game ─── 锚链游戏

3、hawse fairlead ─── 锚链导缆器

4、hawse health ─── 山楂保健

5、hawse pipe ─── 锚链孔衬管, ─── 锚链筒

6、mooring hawse ─── 导索孔

7、hawse hole ─── 锚链孔

8、hawse deli ─── 山楂熟食

9、hawse health center petersburg wv ─── 彼得堡霍斯健康中心

hawse 相似词语短语

1、hanse ─── n.(欧洲的)中世纪商业行会;商业行会入会费;n.(Hanse)人名;(德、瑞典、加纳)汉泽

2、haws ─── n.山楂果;庭院(haw的复数形式);v.踌躇;(喝令)向左转;支吾(haw的第三人称单数);n.(Haws)人名;(英)霍斯

3、hawked ─── n.鹰;鹰派人物;掠夺的人;灰泥托板;v.叫卖;清嗓子;严密监视;放鹰袭击;飞行觅食;n.(Hawk)奥克(人名)

4、tawse ─── 鞭打;皮鞭的一种

5、hawsers ─── n.粗缆;系船索

6、hawsed ─── 容易的

7、hawser ─── n.粗缆;系船索

8、halse ─── n.(Halse)人名;(法)阿尔斯;(英)哈尔斯;(瑞典)哈尔瑟

9、hawses ─── n.锚链孔;艏锚水平距离

hawse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When I was young, I came to Beijing but my only impression was of sugarcoated haws on a stick. ─── 小时候我来过北京,不过印象里只有糖葫芦。

2、The Red Valve Hawse pipe valve features a flexible reinforced elastomer sleeve that seals tightly around the anchor chain or cable. ─── 美国红阀公司的锚链管道阀门配置弹性强化人造橡胶套管,能够实现对锚链或缆索的环绕紧密密封。

3、The cactus(opuntia dillenii haw) biscuit was a nutritious plant biscuit,the main raw material was wheat flour,sugar,butter,cactus juice and so on. ─── 以小麦粉为主要原料,加入仙人掌汁、砂糖、奶油等成分制作出植物类营养饼干。

4、More complicated designs have been used in the past but have not had the structural integrity nor the watertight sealing capabilities of the Red Valve Hawse pipe valve. ─── 以前所采用的设备则复杂得多,但是反而缺乏结构的整体性,也无法实现象美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门一样的不透水的紧密密封。

5、Maybe God wants us to meet a faw wrong people before meeting the right on, so that when finally meet person, we will know haw to be grateful. ─── 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人,在我们终于遇到心仪的人是,便应当心存感激。

6、The Development of Low-Sugar Haw Fruitcake ─── 低糖山楂果糕的研制

7、You know a lot about it. But Tanghulu is not made of only haw. ─── 你倒挺了解的嘛。不过糖葫芦可不是只有山楂一种。

8、Two were mice, named “Sniff ” and “Scurry” and two were littlepeople-beings who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today. their names were “Hem” and “Haw. ─── 其中有两只小老鼠,一个叫“嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。还有两个和老鼠一般大小的小矮人,模样和行为看上去像今天的人类。他俩一个叫“哼哼”,另一个叫“唧唧”。

9、Nothing can seal better around a mooring line than a Red Valve Hawse pipe valve. ─── 没有任何其他产品能够比美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门更有效地环绕密封缆索。

10、In 1978, she joined the cast of the short-lived Hee Haw sitcom spinoff, Hee Haw Honeys . ─── 1978年,她加入了演员的短命熙山楂连续剧剥离,喜山楂蜂蜜。

11、If he hems and haws about committing to anything -- even if it's in the semi-near future -- he's thinking about making a break for it. ─── 如果他对什么事都哼哼哈哈地敷衍,就算是对近期的事也是这个态度的话,表示他在考虑和你分手。

12、Using aloe (Aloe vera L. var, Chinensis (haw) Berger), the rapid regeneration and plantlet cultivation were studied. ─── 以中华斑纹芦荟(AloeveraL.var.chinensis(Haw.) Berger)为试验材料,研究了芦荟的组织培养、快速繁殖和试管苗驯化及栽培技术。

13、The biological features,nutrition ingredients and medical treatment,health care of Opuntia milpa alta Haw were introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了米邦塔食用仙人掌的生物特征、营养成分及各种保健医疗作用,指出了其广阔的开发前景。

14、Candied Haws on a Stick Structure ─── “冰糖葫芦结构”

15、Since 1980, numerous offshore oil companies use split body, split sleeve Type A Hawse Pipe Valves for this critical application.Only Red Valve can supply these custom designs. ─── 世界上只有美国红阀公司能够提供这些定制的装置。

16、The knack for making a string of candied haw berries. ─── 制作冰糖葫芦的小窍门。

17、Adding the suitable quantity juice of opuntia dillenii haw in the process of producing beer, we study and produce a new type of beer with healthy function. ─── 在啤酒生产过程中,适量加入仙人掌汁,研制生产出具有一定疗效保健作用的仙人掌啤酒。

18、ConclusionObvious analgesic effect on mice is found in Opuntia dillenii Haw. ─── 在此主要针对仙人掌镇痛成分的提取工艺以及镇痛作用作进一步的研究。

19、The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks. ─── 卖冰糖葫芦的老爷爷走街串巷地叫卖。

20、A great writer Lu Xun once wrote, "I love pairs of pearl gifts, love gifts I sugar-coated haws," once said. ─── 大文学家鲁迅先生曾写过“我赠爱人双明珠,爱人赠我冰糖葫芦”的名句。

21、runs well in the hawse pipe. ─── 锚链在锚链筒运行良好。

22、But Takeru hems and haws, as his memory of the incident on the bridge keeps shifting. ─── 但是健支支吾吾,他在桥上的记忆也开始动摇。

23、Study on beer of an optuntia dillenii haw ─── 仙人掌啤酒的研制

24、In this type of conflict, the tenets of AirLand Battle -- initiative, agility, depth, and synchronization -- haw a broader meaning. ─── 在此种冲突中,"空地一体"战的基本原叫包括主动、灵敏、纵深和协调,都具有更广泛的意义。

25、Haw to deal with the untranslatability and maintian the cultural information of source text as much as possible is a question that every translator tries to find answer to. ─── 如何突破这种不可译性,并使文化信息在翻译中的走失量减少到最小,是所有翻译工作者都在努力探索的问题。

26、In the application shown on the front left, the customer uses a cable-style anchor, which requires a smaller Hawse pipe valve. ─── 在上一页所显示的应用中,用户采用了缆索式锚链,因此需要更小一点的锚链管道阀门。

27、In the application shown on the front left, the customer uses a cable-style anchor, which requires a smaller Hawse pipe valve. ─── 在上一页所显示的应用中,用户采用了缆索式锚链,因此需要更小一点的锚链管道阀门。

28、Different size of the cactus Opuntia milpa alta Haw(Cactaceae) were marked, and transplanted in the field, and the growth dynamics was regularly observed. ─── 对米邦塔食用仙人掌不同规格种片进行标记,定植到田间后,定期进行生长动态观测。

29、Red Valve has installed numerous Hawse pipe valves worldwide since the late 1980s. ─── 从1980年代开始,美国红阀公司就在世界上安装了无数的锚链管道阀门。

30、"Haw, young lady, you had known him, because you attended a painterly class to him yesterday. ─── “呃,小姐,您已经认识他了,因为昨天您给他上了一堂绘画课。”

31、After a while Hem's and Haw's confidence grew into arrogance. Soon they became so comfortable they didn't even notice what was happening. ─── 后来,哼哼和唧唧的自信开始变成狂妄。不久,生活的安逸使他们丝毫没有察觉到正在发生的变化。

32、McGREGOR, Shuiguo by the city, the public security bureau, reported to have had with the general flooding Haw Par, is to take the sons and daughters of Xianyang. ─── 城内所里睡过觉,公安局里报过到,曾与将军驱虎豹,咸阳儿女就是冒。

33、hum and haw;mutter and mumble;Mince words ─── 吞吞吐吐

34、Haws are generally called "hongguo" in Tianjin. ─── 山楂在天津俗称红果。

35、Neither will Haw study nor go to school. ─── haw既不学习也不去学校。

36、Using haw,honey and alcohol as raw material,nutrient haw wine was produced by soaking technology.The product had high nutritive value and special flavor,and healthy function. ─── 以山楂、蜂蜜、食用酒精为原料,采用浸泡工艺生产营养型山楂酒。其产品风味独特,营养价值高,具有一定的保健作用。

37、relating to or resembling a haw of the genus Buteo ─── 关于或类似于鵟类鸣叫的声音

38、Haw do intruders get passwords? ─── 入侵者如何取得密码?

39、This drawing shows a typical configuration of a Red Valve Hawse pipe valve. ─── 此图显示美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门的标准结构。

40、Ah, I know Tanghulu. It is made of haws. ─── 啊,我知道糖葫芦,就是那种包。

41、Trial of Opuntia Dillenii Haw Draught Beer ─── 仙人掌鲜啤酒的研究

42、Does your supervisor hem and haw when you ask for long-term assignments? ─── 你向上司申请长期工作任务时他却总是闪烁其词?

43、utter 'hems' and 'haws'; indicated hesitation. ─── 发出支支吾吾的声音;暗示着迟疑。

44、However, the two little people, Hem and Haw, had very complex brains with beliefs and emotions that made life in the Maze more complicated and challenging. ─── 两个小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,他们具有人类复杂的大脑,然而这种复杂的大脑所带来的信仰和情感也使得他们在迷宫里的生活更加复杂和具有挑战性。

45、Hem and Haw awoke each day a little later, dressed a little slower, and walked to Cheese Station C. ─── 哼哼和唧唧每天起得晚了,穿戴也慢了,然后漫步走到奶酪C站。

46、a stick of sugar-coated haws (or apples, etc.) ─── 冰糖葫芦

47、Den de Yankees come in an' a Yankee gempmum, he wuz a cunnel, he tek a shine ter me an' he keep me te ten' ter his hawse an' his boots. ─── 后来北方佬来了,有个军官是个上校,他看中了我,叫我去给他喂马,擦靴子。

48、relating to or resembling a haw of the genus Buteo. ─── 关于或类似于鵟类鸣叫的声音。

49、An opuntia dilleniii haw fruit yog hurt was developed with nutrition and healthcare function using opuntia dilleniii haw fruit and fresh milk as the main materials. ─── 以仙人掌和鲜牛乳为主要原料,配以蔗糖、稳定剂、护色剂等,研制出了一种具有营养和保健功能的仙人掌果肉酸奶。

50、Haw many pears do you have? ─── 你有多少个梨?

51、With that, Haw's fear of failing returned and his hope of finding New Cheese faded. ─── 听哼哼这么一说,失败的恐惧感又袭上了唧唧的心头,他的那点发现新奶酪的希望又逐渐消退了。

52、Haw & Lauener as a subspecies of P. rockii, P. rockii ssp. ─── 太白山紫斑牡丹的学名应是P. rockii ssp.

53、China haw steadily expanded her electronics industry to meet the growing needs. ─── 中国不断发展了电子工业来满足日益增长的需要。

54、She always eats the glutinous rice paper on the outside before she eats the candied haws. ─── 她吃冰糖葫芦之前, 总要先吃掉外面包着的那层糯米纸。

55、Kah Haw (k.h.) here, my handphone hv been stole and lost all of contact number. ─── 家豪在此,在下的电话已被偷,一切的联络号码都已遗失。

56、A yoghurt was made from milk, black waxy corn juice and Opuntia dillenii haw juice as the main materials. ─── 以牛奶、黑糯玉米浆和仙人掌汁为原料,制成黑糯玉米仙人掌酸奶。

57、Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl.)Haw. ─── 仙人掌

58、Haws can clean the body, and stimulate the appetite, but we still shouldn't eat too much. ─── 山楂可以顺气开胃,但也不要过量食用。

59、Ten years ago, Zhao Xikang resolutely leave without pay, sea and started a sugar-coated haws in this trade. ─── 十年前赵锡康毅然停薪留职,下海干起了冰糖葫芦这一行当。

60、EC survive rate of oxLDL group was lower (P

61、Haw can he get by on such low wages? ─── 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?

62、This paper introduced the manufactural technology,operating key points and product quality demands of four kinds of haw thorn juice beverages. ─── 介绍了原料山楂汁及浓缩山楂汁,果汁型山楂饮料、果肉型山楂饮料、山楂粉固体饮料的制造工艺、操作要点和产品质量要求。

63、Two were mice named “Sniff” & “Scurry” and two were little people named “Hem” & “Haw”. ─── 两个是小老鼠,一个名子叫嗅嗅,另一个叫匆匆。

64、"Yas'm, dat hawse daid, lyin' dar whar Ah tie him wid his nose in de water bucket he tuhned over. ─── "是的,小姐,那骑马死了,躺在我拴着它的地方,鼻子还伸在它打翻的那只水桶里呢。

65、Shackles outside the hawse pipe. ─── 三节(链)在锚链筒外!

66、Haw system embodies specific character in formalization research at present and it is a key problem that we ought to notice.To do this, a syst... ─── 如何使系统体现出自然语言的个性化是目前形式化研究中应引起注意的一个关键问题 ,为此还提出一个系统结构模型。

67、: The candied haws are the children's favorite. ─── 冰糖葫芦是小朋友们的最爱。

68、Zhong W T,Jiang M L,Liu S X,et al.Tissue culture and high frequency propagation of opuntia milpa alta haw[J].Acta Horticulturae Sinica,2001,28(4):327-330. ─── [4]钟文田,姜明兰,刘少霞,等.食用仙人掌的离体培养及快速繁殖[J].园艺学报,2001,28(4):327-330.

69、Kids:Haw, is it Snoopy? ─── 呃,是史努比吗?

70、Peace campaigner Brian Haw and his companions brave the weather and stay in their camp in the square opposite the Houses of Parliament. ─── 和平集会者布赖恩·和同伴冒著大雪在英国议会大厦前的广场上搭帐篷过夜。

71、Wesley and his fellow-labourer fed on the hips and haws, after exhausting limbs and lungs in carrying out a divine message. ─── 威斯勒和他的同伙们在宣讲福音声嘶力竭之后,还靠山楂和蔷薇果为生呢。

72、Adding the suitable quantity juice of opuntia dillenii haw in the process of producing draught beer, we study and produce a new type of beer with healthy function. ─── 在鲜啤酒生产过程中,适量加入仙人掌汁,生产出具有一定疗效和保健作用的仙人掌鲜啤酒。

73、In truth FALCO continued as a secret government project known first as HAW and then as HAWX. ─── 实际上,FALCO成了政府的秘密计划仍暗中运作着,起初被称为HAW,而后为HAWX。

74、Wash haw and raw job's tears. ─── 山楂、生薏米洗净。

75、In the beginning Hem and Haw also raced toward Cheese Station C every morning to enjoy the tasty new morsels that awaited them. ─── 在开始一段时间里,哼哼和唧唧也是如此行事,每天早上赶到奶酪C站,按部就班的把鞋子挂在脖子上,享用在那里等着他们的美味佳肴。

76、To make themselves feel more at home, Hem and Haw decorated the walls with sayings and even drew pictures of Cheese around them which made them smile. ─── 为了使这里更像家的感觉,哼哼和唧唧把墙壁装饰了一通,还在墙上写了一些格言,并精心地画上了一些非常可口的奶酪的图案。他们看着这些图画和格言,会心地笑了。

77、a genus of haws comprising the harriers. ─── 包括鹞在内的一种鹰。

78、Using the shoots as the explants, the effect of different factors on Opuntia milpa alta haw in vitro is examined. ─── 以食用仙人掌的茎片为外植体,研究了食用仙人掌离体快繁的若干影响因素。

79、More sunken than prominent, set well apart, oval, and slightly slanting. A slight haw may be present. ─── 多数是下陷的而不是突出的,眼间距离适当,呈卵型,并稍倾斜。


81、Canvas covers for the spurling pipes. A washing down system will be installed in the hawse pipes. ─── 帆布覆盖了斯珀林管道。甲降低系统清洗将在锚链孔管道安装。

82、If the micro fuel cell catches on, cellular telephone manufacturers will haw to make an adjustment they probably never anticipated. ─── 如果微型燃料电池能够风行起来的话,手机生产商就要做出他们可能从来没有预料到的调整。

83、The Hawse pipe valve's split-sleeve design allows for easy installation that does not require movement of the heavy chain. ─── 锚链管道阀门的分体式套管设计就使得安装简便,不需要移动沉重的链条。

84、Haw can he get by on such low wages ? ─── 以如此低微的工资,他如何度日?

85、Take folk snack as the core in Beijing, for example: Snowballing usury, toffee haws, fry liver,etc.. These traditional diet is well received by friend all around the world. ─── 北京以民间小吃为主,例如:驴打滚,糖葫芦,炒肝等等。这些传统饮食深受世界各国朋友的喜爱。

86、Mist' Willie he in de same jail house wid Mist' Ashley. Mist' Willie he got a hawse an' he got hyah soon. ─── 威利先生跟艾希礼先生呆在同一个牢房里,威利先生弄到一骑马,所以他很快就回来了。

87、Wolong Nature Reserve haw the famous Giant Panda Research Center set up in1963. ─── 卧龙自然保护区有1963年成立的大熊猫研究中心,该自然保护区占地面积为2000平方公里,同时也是稀有及濒危动物诸如大熊猫、豹、丝猴、香鹿等的保护区。

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