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08-20 投稿


concreting 发音

英:[?kɑ?nkri?t??]  美:[?k??kri?t??]

英:  美:

concreting 中文意思翻译





concreting 反义词


concreting 短语词组

1、concreting cost ─── 混凝土浇筑成本

2、concreting plan ─── 具体规划

3、concreting equipment ─── 混凝土设备

4、concreting sand ─── 混凝土砂

5、concreting mail ─── 混凝土邮件

6、concreting plant ─── 混凝土机械; ─── 混凝土厂

7、continuous concreting ─── 连续灌筑混凝土

concreting 词性/词形变化,concreting变形

动词现在分词: concreting |动词过去式: concreted |名词: concreteness |副词: concretely |动词过去分词: concreted |动词第三人称单数: concretes |

concreting 同义词

material | definite | actual | real | substantial | particular | distinct |solid | specific | pavement | condensed | physical | existing | certain | cement | tangible

concreting 常用词组

reinforced concrete ─── n. 钢筋混凝土

in the concrete ─── 实际上,具体的

concrete structure ─── 混凝土结构;具体结构;混凝土建造物

concreting 相似词语短语

1、concreating ─── 合成

2、concerting ─── n.音乐会;一致;和谐;vt.使协调;协同安排;vi.协调;协力;adj.音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的

3、concretising ─── vt.(英)使…具体化(等于concretize)

4、conceding ─── v.弃权让步(concede的ing形式)

5、concrewing ─── 复卷

6、concretions ─── n.结石;凝固;凝固物

7、congreeting ─── 祝贺

8、concretizing ─── vt.使有形化;使具体化

9、conceiting ─── n.自负;狂妄;幻想;vt.幻想

concreting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Effect of Dry and Wet Circulation on the Tensile Strength of Concret Production ─── 干湿循环对加气混凝土制品抗拉强度的影响

2、The temperature rift is a problem of easy occurring in large volume concreting. ─── 大体积混凝土施工的一个特点是容易产生温度裂缝。

3、PHC(prestressed high-strength concret) pipe pile ─── 先张法预应力混凝土管桩

4、Double Tremie Pipe for Subaqueous Concreting of Foundation Pile ─── 双导管法灌注水下混凝土桩基

5、These rocks were the lava from the volcano Teide, after the lava concreting, they became colorful rocks in different shapes. ─── 这些岩石都是来自泰德火山的岩浆,岩浆凝固之后,就形成不同形状的彩色岩石。

6、With some engineering is solid a mold method and check to calculate, the reinforcing bar colligation sprinkles with concret. ─── 以广州市某工程为实例,介绍高层商住楼工程技术转换层的支模方法及验算、钢筋绑扎与砼浇灌等施工技术措施。

7、Dependency Inversion Principle Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend upon concret classes. ─── 依赖倒置原则要依赖抽象。不要依赖实现类。

8、The workmen are concreting the road. ─── 工人们在用混凝土铺路。

9、blocking water and concreting ─── 堵水注浆

10、The paper introduces the influence of mud proportion on the excavated hole, the hole cleamng of the cast-in-place and concreting. ─── 介绍了泥浆比重对钻孔灌注桩成孔、清孔及混凝土灌注的影响,并提出相应的技术措施。

11、cantilever concreting ─── 悬臂浇筑

12、non stop concreting ─── n. 混凝土连续浇筑

13、Keywords auxiliary shaft;blocking water and concreting;craft;method; ─── 副井井筒;堵水注浆;工艺;方法;

14、the act or process of concreting into a mass; coalescence ─── 使凝成一团的过程或动作;凝结

15、Approach to Control of Medium Line Error in Cantilever Concreting of Continuous Beam ─── 关于连续梁悬臂浇筑中线偏差控制的探讨

16、Crack-control of Aeolotropic Hollow Slabs in Orthogonal In-site Concreting Deck Floors in the Construction of Large-Pillar-Net Structure of Reinforced Concrete ─── 大柱网现浇混凝土框架正交异性空心大板楼盖的裂缝控制


18、From the main suspension gallows, n. 10+10 hanging bars hang the whole structure during concreting or bracket replacing. ─── 在主吊架上,设10+10根吊杆,在浇注混凝土和运输牛腿过程中支撑整个结构。

19、Demolition and shoring, earthwork, piling, concreting, precast concrete and hollow floors, ─── (现有房屋的)拆除和支撑加固;土方工程;打桩;浇注混凝土;预制混凝土空心楼板;

20、final concreting zone ─── 后浇带

21、For embedded concreting, available details in concrete shall be fulfilled by the civil Contractor under the Bidder's supervision. ─── 关于装入的混凝土的细节问题,工程承包人必须在投标人的监督下给与解决。

22、To solve the technique problem of wet jet concrete in permafrost tunnel construction, composite fast concreting medicament is developed. ─── 为了解决冻土隧道湿喷混凝土技术难题,研制了复合型抗冻速凝剂;

23、The milk protein are sensitive,they Could be Concreting in high free calcium ion by heat treatment. ─── 乳蛋白对钙较敏感,游离钙含量过高则会导致乳受热凝固。

24、Stability Analysis for Arch Ring of Long Span Arch of Wanxian Yangtze Bridge on the Adjustments of its Concreting Program ─── 万县长江大桥主拱圈混凝土浇筑路径变化的稳定性分析


26、The workman is still busy concreting the road. ─── 那工人仍忙着用混凝土铺路。

27、The act or process of concreting into a mass;coalescence. ─── 凝结使凝成一团的过程或动作;

28、The main advantages and disadvantages of U-reinforced concret shell aqueduct is adopted widely in water supply project at present are analysed. ─── 分析了目前在输水工程中较为广泛地采用的钢筋混凝土U型薄壳渡槽的主要优点及缺点。

29、In this paper proposing that pretensioning method prestressed reinforced concret precast pipe piling sheet has great market. Analysing the process of pipe piling sheet members periphery and flange. ─── 先张法预应力钢筋混凝土预制管桩端板存在巨大市场,分析了管桩端板构件群边与法兰的生产工艺,指出法兰预制坯的生产方法决定端板的产品质量和生产成本。


31、laminated coalition and concreting ─── 层合速凝

32、concreting course ─── 凝固过程

33、"After each 10 m long Base part-section is concreted, the TVM 18 is relocated, after each roadway surface concreting cycle, the pipe Bridge is moved." ─── "每浇注10米基底,就移动TVM18, 浇注完一块路面板后,移动管道桥。"

34、Subaqueous Concreting in Cofferdam Construction of Tianqiao Hydroelectric Station ─── 天桥水电站围堰水下混凝土的施工

35、The act or process of concreting into a mass; coalescence. ─── 凝结使凝成一团的过程或动作;凝结

36、Quality Control for Concreting on Dry Wall Surface of Powerhouse in Right Bank at Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡右岸厂房清水墙面混凝土施工质量控制

37、Keywords reactor building containmen;prestressing;penetration;concreting;tensioning; ─── 反应堆厂房;安全壳;预应力;穿束;灌浆;张拉;

38、Before concreting, during the construction of the re-bar cage, the brackets and launching wagons will be repositioned by the machine itself, without any need of external equipment. ─── 在绑扎钢筋笼的同时,托架和推进工作车将通过设备本身来完成转运和安装。不须借助任何外部设备。

39、Taking the concreting of the tressel for gate No.1 for example, the design of tracks and slip forms for tressels is given. ─── 以永久船闸第一闸首排架柱混凝土施工为例,介绍排架柱滑模中轨道及模板设计方法。

40、Concreting Bath ─── 凝固浴

41、Keywords tilt coal bunker;seiling surrounding rock by shotcreting;concreting; ─── 倾斜煤仓;喷浆封闭围岩;砼碹;

42、The paper introduces quality control technologies for concreting work,curing of beams,stretching and pressure grouting in the course of bridge precasting in the frigid plateau region. ─── 介绍了高原高寒地区预制桥梁施工过程中混凝土施工、梁体养护、张拉压浆等的质量控制技术。

43、cast in place concreting ─── 就地灌筑混凝土

44、cold-weather concreting ─── 冬季浇灌混凝土

45、Construction Technology of Primary Concreting of Cantilever Beam Section of Large-Span Rigid Frame Bridge ─── 大跨度刚构桥悬臂梁段一次性浇筑施工技术

46、Demolition and shoring, earthwork, piling, concreting, precast concrete and hollow floors ─── (现有房屋的)拆除和支撑加固;土方工程;打桩;浇注混凝土;预制混凝土空心楼板

47、concreting in hot weather ─── 夏季施工

48、Therefore it will be thought about whether the foundation"s intensify is overly evaluated through analyzing average concreting degree by slip circle method, it will be unsafe. ─── 所以在圆弧滑动分析中计算的地基平均固结度来考虑地基强度的增长会过高估计填埋场的稳定性,是偏于不安全的。

49、The workmen are still busy concreting the road. ─── 工人们仍忙着用混凝土铺路。

50、After the teleconference,the club directors launched concret discussing about the concret work. ─── 会议结束后,俱乐部负责人又就具体工作展开了具体讨论。

51、To solve the technique problem of wet jet concrete in permafrost tunnel construction, composite fast concreting medicament is developed. ─── 为了解决冻土隧道湿喷混凝土技术难题,研制了复合型抗冻速凝剂;

52、4. The workman is still busy concreting the road. ─── 工人还在忙着用混凝土铺路。

53、The Preliminary Study on Temperature Control of High Roller Compacted Concret Gravity Dam in Cold and Drought Area ─── 寒冷干旱地区高碾压混凝土坝的温控研究初探

54、Concreting stakes are a kind of common types of found ation,and up ti ll now,there is not a unitary standard for their construction. ─── 人工挖孔灌注桩是一种较为常用的桩基础形式,其施工工艺目前尚无统一的标准。


56、fast concreting ─── 快速施工

57、After the MSS has been positioned in the correct concreting positioning, the whole load of the MSS is transferred onto the main jacks at each SB.Horizontal alignment of the MSS is then carried out. ─── 当设备调整到正确的施工位置后,所有的荷载将通过主千斤顶传到各个托架上。

58、concreting crown first and then walls ─── 先拱后墙

59、hot weather concreting ─── 夏季浇注混凝土

60、anchoring and concreting ─── 喷锚

61、In general, the maximum allowable deflection / span ratio for the equipment is limited to L/250 (cantilever, during launching) and L/400 (simply supported, during erection / concreting). ─── 总的来说最大挠度/跨度为L/250(悬臂端、推进时发生)和L/400(简支状态,起升及浇注混凝土时发生)

62、Analysis And Iechnical Measures for Tarlatan of Concret Wall Face with Air ─── 加气混凝土墙面抹灰层空裂分析及技术措施

63、For embedded concreting , available details in concrete shall be fulfilled by the civil Contractor under the Bidder's supervision. ─── 关于装入的混凝土的细节问题,工程承包人必须在投标人的监督下给与解决。

64、The rear and front main jacks supply the required support of the MSS during concreting. ─── 前后主千斤顶系统在浇注混凝土过程中支撑MSS。

65、We should provide enough knowledge and ensure the equlaity information for the advantaged groups,which is the internal demand and concret representation. ─── 关注弱势读者、开展知识援助、保障信息公平,是图书馆人文精神的内在要求和具体表现。

66、support on box girder perform segmented concreting of bridge tower. ─── 工人还在忙着用混凝土铺路。

67、Large panel formwork * Reinforcement Bar Fixing * Concreting * Scaffolding Metal scaffolding * Structural Steelwork * General Civil Works Earthwork; ─── 大型模板*安装钢筋*浇灌混凝土*棚架金属棚架*结构钢铁工程*一般土木工程土方工程;

68、retaining wall for compact concreting ─── 挤压混凝土挡墙

69、The individual sections for concreting shall be determined before concreting starts. ─── 凝固前,应确定单个混凝土部件。

70、concreting in lifts ─── 分层浇筑混凝土分层灌筑混凝土混凝土分层浇筑

71、Keywords Schistosomiasis;Rivers connecting with the Yangtze River;Concreting banks;Cost effectiveness analysis;Net present value; ─── 关键词血吸虫病;通江河道;混凝土护坡;效益分析;净现值;

72、concreting layer by layer and segment by segment ─── 分环分段施工

73、Manufacture of Impregnated Paper-overlaid Plywood for Concret Formwork by Using One Step Pressing ─── 一次成型生产浸渍纸饰面混凝土模板用胶合板

74、Practice on Concret Pregrouting at Nappe Water Bearing Face ─── 井筒过推覆体含水层段工作面预注浆实践

75、Micro piles * Concreting Formwork * Reinforcement Bar Fixing * Concreting * Scaffolding * Structural Steelwork * General Civil Works Earthwork ; ─── 微型桩柱*混凝土模板*安装钢筋*浇灌混凝土*棚架*结构钢铁工程*一般土木工程土方工程;

76、block concreting ─── 分块浇筑

77、2 mechanic for small engine equipment, like concreting vibratory engine, diesel generator, water pump, air-compressor, air-tooling, etc. ─── 2名机械工维修小型工程机械,比如:条状振动机,柴油发电机,空气压缩机等,水泵等

78、mass multilegged concret element ─── 大体积多肢杆混凝土构件

79、The paper introduces the influence of mud proportion on the excavated hole, the hole cleaning of the cast-in-place and concreting. ─── 介绍了泥浆比重对钻孔灌注桩成孔、清孔及混凝土灌注的影响,并提出相应的技术措施。

80、10.The main suspension gallows consist of a steel box beam, sitting on hydraulic jacks that support all the structure during concreting. ─── 主吊架有一钢箱梁组成,坐落在液压千斤顶上,在浇注混凝土过程中支撑所有结构。

81、Application of "dual admix" technology on main fundamental pile on ZHUHAI city HENGQIN sea bridge in underwater concreting ─── 关于水下混凝土"双掺"技术在珠海市横琴大桥海上主墩基础桩施工中的应用

82、concreting in layers ─── 分层浇注

83、calculating of anchoring and concreting ─── 喷锚计算

84、Keywords raw wool;contaminomt;immersing;swelling;adhering layer;concreting lager;binding layer; ─── 原毛;污染物;润湿;溶胀;附着层;混凝层;结合层;

85、Anchor concreting is an effective support technique to control surrounding rock deformation and keep tunnel stability. ─── 锚杆注浆是一种行之有效的控制围岩变形和保证巷道稳定的支护技术。

86、Large Area Integral Concreting Technology in Concrete Structure Construction ─── 大面积混凝土结构整体浇筑施工技术

87、concreting in cold-weather ─── 冬季混凝土施工

88、Thermal equilibrium analyse of industry concreting water residual - heat utilization ─── 工业凝结水余热再利用热平衡分析

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