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08-20 投稿


songster 发音

英:['s??st?]  美:['s??st?]

英:  美:

songster 中文意思翻译



songster 短语词组

1、songster bach ─── 歌手巴赫

2、songster 2019 ─── 歌手2019

3、songster dio ─── 歌手迪奥

4、songster time ─── 歌手时代

5、songster plus songster ─── 升级版

songster 词性/词形变化,songster变形


songster 相似词语短语

1、gangster ─── n.歹徒,流氓;恶棍

2、youngster ─── n.年轻人;少年

3、gongsters ─── 弓箭手

4、conster ─── 康斯特

5、bangster ─── 刘海

6、gongster ─── 用锣声指挥交通的警察

7、songsters ─── n.歌手;作曲者;诗人

8、tongsters ─── n.帮会成员,堂人

9、tongster ─── n.帮会成员,堂人

songster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4. It is this songster who wrote the lyrics for the popular song. ─── 是这个歌曲作家为那只流行歌曲写的词。

2、Pursue the direction of the voice,he soon discover the hide songster. ─── 寻声望去,他立即发现了隐藏著的歌手。

3、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "how much a year do you earn, master gregory?" ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”

4、Oriental Art: the beauty of contemporary and ancient artists, including Floral, Songster & Tenderness, Leisure Times of Court Women, and Song of Flying Fish collections. ─── 东方画艺: 跨朝代艺术名家的代表画作;包括花鸟女人系列、女儿喜系列、飞鱼之歌系列。

5、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "how much a year do you earn, master gregory?" "how much a year, sir? ─── 银行家郁郁寡欢地抱怨上帝没有睡眠也制成一种像食品或饮料那样可以买卖的商品。

6、screaming and chattering, nodding and bobbing and bowing, and pretending to be on good terms with every songster of the grove. ─── 他们尖叫着,跳跃着,摇头晃脑扭身子,好像与这林间的每一个歌唱家都相处甚欢。

7、Having at length sent for the songster,he said to him,"How much a year do you earn,Master Gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位 歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”

8、I do not like the new songster. ─── 我不喜欢这个新歌手。

9、In the silent, starlit nights, the winged songster sings his serenade to his beautiful scented flower. ─── 在星星闪耀着的静夜里,这只有翼的歌手就为他芬芳的花儿唱一支情歌。

10、Pursuing the direction of the voice he soon discovered the hidden songster. ─── 寻声望去,他立即发现了隐藏著的歌手。

11、There in the vines at the window sat a songster -- one of our Southern Orioles. ─── 窗边的葡萄树里停著一只歌鸟--一只我们南部的金莺。

12、his little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of the great Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind. ─── 他的小儿子看到了这只死去的夜莺,然后把这只令人怜爱的歌者埋在伟大的荷马的墓旁。那朵玫瑰花在风中瑟瑟抖动着。

13、a woman songster (especially of popular songs). ─── 女歌唱家(特别是流行歌曲)。

14、1. I do not like the new songster . ─── 我不喜欢这个新歌手。

15、KTV house simply need pay to recordist, songster, or words writer. ─── 这一判决做出之后,点燃了KTV 战场上的一把火。

16、Scottish songster Donovan also fit this mould. ─── 苏格兰songster班上也符合这一模。

17、There in the vine at the window sit a songster - - one of our southern oriole. ─── 窗边的葡萄树里停著一只歌鸟--一只我们南部的金莺。

18、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him,” How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”

19、3. Pursue the direction of the voice he soon discover the hide songster . ─── 寻声望去,他立即发现了隐藏着的歌手。

20、The winged songster serenades the fragrant flowers. ─── 此城在小亚细亚的西北部。)

21、his little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of the great Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind. ─── 他的小儿子看到了这只死鸟。他把这只小小的歌手埋到伟大的荷马的墓里。那朵玫瑰花在风中发着抖。

22、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "how much a year do you earn, master gregory? ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?

23、Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory? " ─── 后来,银行家就叫人把这位歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”


singer [英][?s???(r)][美][?s???] n. 歌手; 歌唱家; 诗人; 鸣禽; She used to be a singer of some renown. 她曾是位小有名气的歌手。 songster [英][?s??st?(r)][美][?s?:?st?(r)] n. 歌唱家; But to be a perfect R& B songster, the less-than-slim Liu may need to start exercising a little more. 但为了成为一位完美R&B歌手,胖乎乎的刘心也许要多点锻炼才行。

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