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08-20 投稿


despoliation 发音


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despoliation 中文意思翻译



despoliation 词性/词形变化,despoliation变形

名词: despoiler |动词过去式: despoiled |动词第三人称单数: despoils |动词过去分词: despoiled |动词现在分词: despoiling |

despoliation 短语词组

1、despoliation of evidence ─── 证据的掠夺

2、despoliation def ─── 掠夺定义

3、despoliation meaning ─── 专制的意义

4、despoliation define ─── 专制定义

5、despoliation casus belli ─── 暴政引起的战争

6、despoliation definition ─── 专制定义

7、despoliation synonym ─── 绝望同义词

8、despoliation motion ─── 专制运动

despoliation 相似词语短语

1、defoliation ─── n.落叶,去叶;[植]脱叶

2、defiliation ─── 污秽

3、spoliation ─── n.强夺;毁弃

4、exfoliation ─── n.剥落;剥落物;表皮脱落

5、despumation ─── n.除去杂质,除浮渣

6、desalination ─── n.(海水的)脱盐,淡化

7、dissociation ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

8、desolation ─── n.孤寂;悲哀,忧伤;荒芜,荒凉;废墟;凄凉

9、desperation ─── n.绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命

despoliation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Main Characteristics of Despoliation of Network Suppositional Property and Its Criminal Regulations and System ─── 网络虚拟财产抢劫犯罪的主要特征及其刑法规制

2、The thick stumps, mute witnesses to the terrible despoliation, are scattered all over the place, looking "proud and stubborn, slain but unyielding". ─── 遍地“夭矫顽强,死而不仆”的巨大树根,无声地向游人们控诉着侵略者的罪行。

3、The Main Characteristics of Despoliation of Network Suppositional Property and Its Criminal Regulations and System ─── 网络虚拟财产抢劫犯罪的主要特征及其刑法规制

4、Environmentalists have long complained that GDP treats the despoliation of the planet as a plus (via the resulting economic output) rather than a minus (forests destroyed). ─── 长久以来,环境学家一直在抱怨,他们认为GDP视掠夺地球为一道加法题(通过作为结果的贸易出口量)而不是一道减法题(如森林破坏)。

5、from those suffering the side-effects of environmental despoliation. ─── 来自于那些保守环境掠夺伤害的人们。

6、ever-rising levels of pollution are pressuring her into some type of response that can hopefully demonstrate to these shameless ones that further unabated despoliation is unacceptable. ─── 污染不断上升,这些无耻的掠夺再进一步对她来说不能接受。

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