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08-20 投稿


corroborated 发音

英:[k??r?b?re?t?d]  美:[k??rɑ?b?re?t?d]

英:  美:

corroborated 中文意思翻译



corroborated 词性/词形变化,corroborated变形

名词: corroboration |动词第三人称单数: corroborates |动词现在分词: corroborating |形容词: corroborative |动词过去分词: corroborated |动词过去式: corroborated |

corroborated 短语词组

1、corroborated story ─── 证实的故事

2、corroborated defined ─── 经证实的定义

3、corroborated means ─── 经证实的手段

4、corroborated definition ─── 确凿的定义

5、corroborated data ─── 证实的数据

6、corroborated define ─── 确证的定义

7、contemporaneously corroborated ─── 同时证实

8、corroborated by ─── 证实人

corroborated 相似词语短语

1、corroboratory ─── 确证的

2、corroborates ─── vt.证实;使坚固

3、corroborative ─── adj.确证的,确定的

4、corroborator ─── n.确证者;确证物

5、corroborating ─── v.证实,确证(陈述等);使坚固(corroborate的现在分词)

6、corroborate ─── vt.证实;使坚固

7、collaborated ─── v.合作(collaborate的过去分词);协作;协调

8、corroboration ─── n.确证,证实;确证的事实

9、uncorroborated ─── adj.未经证实的

corroborated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver's statement. ─── 一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。

2、Corroborated by the coherency attributes,in both seismic section and slicing,root-mean-square amp... ─── 同时使用相干属性体,均方根振幅属性,以及它的水平切片和垂直切片来精细刻画断层。

3、All the facts have corroborated that. ─── 所有事实都印证了这一点。

4、Afghanistan's government has publicly accused the ISI of having a hand in the attack, an assertion American officials have not corroborated. ─── 阿福汗政府公开指责ISI参与了这起袭击,而美国官方没有支持这一断言。

5、Experiments have corroborated her prediction s. ─── 实验证实了她的预言.

6、THEY represent only one side of a story, and most of their claims have yet to be independently corroborated. ─── 它们仅代表故事的一个方面,并且其绝大多数说法仍有待于被一一证实。

7、The structures of the intermediates and the target molecule is corroborated by 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra in our experiments. ─── 关键中间体及最终化合物的结构经核磁共振氢谱及碳谱得到确证。

8、40. The policeman's statement was corroborated by witnesses . ─── 目击者证实了警察的报告。

9、Postoperative NPT assessments corroborated these results. ─── 手术后NPT 评估证实了这些结果。

10、The view was expressed that the "seesaw" effect is also corroborated from one side of the market structure is still in a bear market bounce, not a new round of bull market. ─── 有观点认为,这一“跷跷板”效应也从一个侧面佐证了大盘仍处于熊市反弹格局,并不是新一轮牛市。

11、Results: It is checked out and corroborated that the sufferer has taken doxepin, which is a Third Ring Road antidepressants. ─── 结果:检出和确证了患者服用了三环类抗抑郁药多塞平。

12、The evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses. ─── 此证据由两名独立证人提供。

13、From a few diplomats, family members and even his Japanese chef, scraps of information on Mr Kim's surreal parallel universe have emerged, although very little can be corroborated. ─── 通过为数不多的外交官、家庭成员甚至他的日本厨师之口,有关金正日离奇身世的零星信息已浮出水面,不过很少能得到证实。

14、First, note that the Supreme Court states that the simple fact that Agent Marsh corroborated or verified Hereford's detailed information supplied probable cause. ─── 首先,要注意最高法院陈述道,特工马什补强并验证了线人赫尔夫德情报中的详细描述,正是这一事实提供了“合理可能”。

15、1. His friend corroborated his guilt. ─── 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。

16、The validity of methods presented above are all well corroborated by substantive experiments. ─── 经实验验证,以上技术和方法都取得了较好的效果。

17、His eye-witness account of these mobile production facilities has been corroborated by other sources. ─── 这位目击者关于移动生产设施的描述已经被其他消息渠道进一步证实了。

18、Truth comes from practice and is corroborated in practice.Practices produce not only the truths but also the fallacies. ─── 真知是在实践中生成和确证的,但实践不仅出真知,也出谬误。

19、But I wouldn't make too much of [them] until they're corroborated by an independent data stream. ─── 但是我不能得到过多的数据直到他们被独立的数据流证实。

20、Witnesses corroborated the policeman's statement. ─── 见证人证实了警察的陈述。

21、The biosystematic relationships of the three genera are corroborated by the evolutionary trend of trispikelet in the external morphology. ─── 三柄麦属、芒麦草属和新麦草属的这一系统关系同它们外部形态上三联小穗的演化趋势是相互印证的。

22、Those calculations have been corroborated by measurements of primordial hydrogen, helium and lithium in the universe. ─── 那些计算结果已经由对宇宙最初阶段氢、及锂含量的观测所确认。

23、POWELL: What makes this picture significant is that we have a human source who has corroborated that movement of chemical weapons occurred at this site at that time. So it's not just the photo, and it's not an individual seeing the photo. ─── 这张图象的重要之处就在于我们有人力来源证实伊拉克在某个时候在这个地方进行了化学武器的生产活动,所以这不仅仅是一张照片,不仅是一个个别可视的图片。

24、"That's right," corroborated Tom kindly. ─── “不错,”汤姆和蔼地附和说。

25、The whole story told by Barker is a lie. But Barker's story is corroborated by Mrs. Douglas. Therefore she is lying also. They are both lying, and in a conspiracy ─── 马克所说的话完全是撒谎,不过巴克的话被道格拉斯夫人进一步证实了,所以说,道格拉斯夫人也是在撒谎,他们两个都撒谎,而且是串通一气的。

26、These descriptions are corroborated by photographs taken by journalists of Hmong fighters and their families in Laos which graphically depict their malnourished condition and recent battle wounds. ─── 这些说明证实了照片的记者采取的苗族战士和他们的家人在老挝这生动地描绘他们的营养不良状况和最近的战斗创伤。

27、All the facts have corroborated that. ─── 所有事实都印证了这一点。

28、Analyses of old air bubbles caught in the ice corroborated the prediction of increased wetness in other areas. ─── 经分析冰晶中挟带的古气泡后证实,同时期的其他地区亦处于较潮湿的状态,与科学家的推测吻合。

29、While pandas have proved notoriously hard to breed in captivity, Pan has corroborated that they can reproduce well in the wild. ─── 人们被箭竹死亡和大熊猫挨饿的消息所震惊,纷纷慷慨解囊。

30、But, they said, the more investigators corroborated his assertions, the more resistance they encountered inside Wal-Mart. ─── 但同时他们也认为,调查员们越是证实了奇切罗的论断,在沃尔玛内部所遭遇的阻力就越大。

31、That can be corroborated, * ST Kim Tae actual control, Wong Kwong Yu's elder brother Huang Junqin, is still "safe and sound." ─── 中英文对照:可以佐证的是,*ST金泰的实际控制人、黄光裕之兄黄俊钦,至今仍“平安无事”。

32、Experiments have corroborated her predictions. ─── 实验证实了她的预言。

33、These are facts, corroborated by many sources, some of them sources of the intelligence services of other countries. ─── 它们都是事实,有许多情报来源可以对此进行佐证。这些情报来源当中,有些是来自其它国家的情报机构。

34、I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story. ─── 我能取得大量文件来证实这个故事。

35、Descartes corroborated the existence of ego from the fact of consciousness, viz. ─── 笛卡尔首先从意识存在的事实来确证“我”的存在。

36、This conclusion ulteriorly from music aspects corroborated the relative genesis of festival Yang'ge in northern China. ─── 本文对北方各地秧歌调同源关系的确认,进一步从音乐方面印证了笔者曾经提出的北方秧歌同源的观点。

37、Many Chinese sources have corroborated reports that torture is routinely used to extract confessions or other information for criminal cases, the committee said. ─── 中国声称,去年已经修补法律以保证律师与疑犯见面的权利,并且在国家法律中规定,不承认非法取证,不允许严刑逼供,并且在审讯室列安装了监控器。

38、She corroborated your story. ─── 她证实了你的事情。

39、The study corroborated preious research that found female alcoholics scored lower than their male counterparts in tests that assessed working memory, isuospatial skills and psychomotor speed. ─── 这项研究支持先前关于女性酗酒者在工作记忆、视觉空间技能和精神运动速度的测试中较男性酗酒者得分低的发现。

40、Given the short period of follow-up in the research, the effect of the treatment on survival rates could not be corroborated. ─── 研究跟踪报道接受舒尼替尼短期治疗后尚未发现能提高患者生存率。

41、At the least, Menzies' work will prompt new research of his findings, whether they're corroborated or debunked. ─── 不管他们是证实还是拆穿他所说的,至少曼兹所发现的将掀起历史研究新的篇章。

42、Also corroborated the fact that HIV has come from the first guess of the United States laboratory. ─── 这个事实也佐证了艾滋病毒最早也来源于美国实验室的猜测。

43、Scientists have constructed and corroborated the standard model of cosmology over the past few decades. ─── 在过去几十年,科学家已建构并确证了宇宙学的标准模型。

44、Drill cores of Miocene rocks in Brazil, which provided the only complete sequence of the change from reddish clays to the blue and brown sediments, further corroborated my conclusions. ─── 巴西的中新世岩石钻探岩心,提供了淡红色黏土连续转变成蓝棕色沉积物的证据,更加支持了我的结论。

45、The practice of the juvenile's moral education corroborated the dialectic relationship between moral education and moral study. ─── 青少年道德教育的实践反思,确证了道德教育与道德学习的辨证关系。

46、Three years ago, despite several claims of inmate abuse (none of which could ever be corroborated), Bellick was promoted to the position of captain, the highest rank a C. ─── 后来一段看他也被冤枉,关进监狱,我笑得咔咔的,那一段看他的表现,挺好笑的;

47、A person who saw the road accident corroborated the driver's statement. ─── 一位车祸目击者证实了司机的供述。

48、POWELL: What makes this picture significant is that we have a human source who has corroborated that movement of chemical weapons occurred at this site at that time. So it's not just the photo,and it's not an individual seeing the photo. ─── 这张图象的重要之处就在于,我们有人力来源证实伊拉克在某个时候在这个地方进行了化学武器的生产活动,所以这不仅仅是一张照片,不仅是一个个别可视的图片。

49、The evidence for feeding that we observed firsthand in the defecation trails was corroborated in the ship's laboratory. ─── 我们由排便轨迹观察到的蓝鲸在此进食的第一手证据,在船上的实验室里得到了进一步支持。

50、The research is corroborated by similar findings at Harard Uniersity. Imagine being a carniore on HRT: you'd think your goose was cooked. Especially if you liked bacon. ─── 这项研究得到了在哈佛大学类似发现的印证。想象作为一个正在接受HRT治疗的爱吃肉的你:特别是如果你很爱吃熏肉,你将认为你会失去你生存的机会。

51、A claimed witness of the accident corroborated the driver' s statement. ─── 一位自称的目击者证实驾驶员的说法属实。

52、Experimental psychologists have recently corroborated Bacon's idols, particularly those of the tribe, in the form of numerous cognitive biases. ─── 实验心理学家最近找到一连串的认知偏见,证实了培根所言的屏障,特别是其中的族群屏障。

53、The witness corroborated her version of the event. ─── 证人证实了她对那事件的看法。

54、"Ho-fu's right," corroborated Wu Sun-fu. "Since our company is to be essentially a financial scheme, it'll be one of the main lines of our business to speculate in government bonds." ─── “可不是! 既然我们的公司是一个金融机关,做‘公债套利’也是业务之一。” 吴荪甫又接上来将王和甫的话加以合理的解释。

55、This explanation is corroborated by controlled experiments involving potential home buyers and professional real estate price setters. ─── 这一结论通过一个由潜在的购房者和专业的房地产定价者参与的控制实验所证实。

56、however propose that very day, also corroborated another matter-originally were arrive by the broom dozen head really pain! ─── 不过求婚当天,也印证了另一件事--原来,被扫把打到头真的痛!

57、This was corroborated by the result of a statistically significant superior efficacy in the outcome criteria additionally used such as CGI, HAMD, SCL-90. ─── HAMD、SCL-90评分之间的差异进一步说确定西酞普兰治疗躯体形式障碍有明显疗效。

58、Once identified they can be corroborated in further research ─── 只要能分辨出来,就可以利用进一步的调查来证实

59、This notion is corroborated. ─── 这种见解已被确证。

60、Two persons who saw the road accident corroborated the driver's statesmen. ─── 交通事故的两个目击者证实了司机的说法。

61、It wasn't as if he had never had this kind of experience.It's just that now it had again been corroborated in the person of his niece. ─── 自己又不是没有经历过,今天只是再次印证在侄女身上而已。

62、The evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses. ─── 此证据由两名独立证人提供。

63、To many, his results were surprising, but they've since been corroborated by similar studies in Europe and East Asia. ─── 早在2002年,他就对比了一百万美国成年人的死亡率,这些人作为癌症预防研究的成员向中心报告他们每晚的平均睡眠时间。

64、This is not an exaggerated statement I am making to scare people;it is the objective truth corroborated by a wealth of facts. ─── 这不是危言耸听,而是大量实践所证明了的客观真理。

65、The witness corroborated the accused's statement. ─── 目击者证实了被告的陈述.

66、284.Two persons who saw the road accident corroborated the driver's statement. ─── 注:那两个看到路上事故的人证实了司机的陈述。

67、The new theory has been partially corroborated. ─── 这个新的理论已部分地被证实。

68、This trend shows that the global economy is still weak, while Hong Kong stocks yesterday, the trend of re-adjustment also corroborated this point, so long did not dare to act rashly. ─── 如此走势显示出全球经济仍然疲软,而港股在昨日再度调整的走势也佐证了这一点,故多头不敢轻举妄动。

69、The motorist's story was corroborated by a highway patrol officer who caught up with the Prius and helped bring it to a stop on Monday . ─── 一位公路巡警证实了此事。事情发生在周一,巡警追上了那辆普锐斯,并协助司机把车停了下来。

70、He recollected Rip at once, and corroborated his story in the most satisfactory manner. ─── 他立刻想起了瑞普,断定他的故事完全可靠。

71、"It has now been corroborated for the first time. ─── “现在,这个问题假说终于第一次得到了证实。”

72、Witnesses corroborated the defendant's statement. ─── 见证人证实了被告人的陈述。

73、Corroborated by the coherency attributes, in both seismic section and slicing, root mean-square amplitude attributes was used to describe faults. ─── 同时使用相干属性体,均方根振幅属性,以及它的水平切片和垂直切片来精细刻画断层。

74、In recent years, on the basis of many empirical studies, it has been claimed that the evidence has corroborated TCE. ─── 在最近几年,有人声称以经验主义为基础的很多研究已经为交易成本经济学提供了强有力的证据。

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