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08-20 投稿


shopkeeper 发音

英:[??ɑ?pki?p?r]  美:[???pki?p?(r)]

英:  美:

shopkeeper 中文意思翻译



shopkeeper 词性/词形变化,shopkeeper变形


shopkeeper 短语词组

1、petty shopkeeper ─── [经] 小店主

2、shopkeeper stw ─── 店主stw

3、the shopkeeper is a kind man ─── 这位店主是个善良的人

4、shopkeeper yakima ─── 伊玛亚克店主

5、the shopkeeper ─── 店主

6、shopkeeper simulator ─── 店主模拟器

7、the shopkeeper was angry ─── 店主很生气

8、shopkeeper app ─── 店主应用

9、medieval shopkeeper simulator ─── 中世纪店主模拟器

10、a shopkeeper came up to him ─── 一个店主向他走来

11、shopkeeper on the simpsons ─── 辛普森一家的店主

12、fast shopkeeper ─── 快速店主

13、shopkeeper 2 ─── 店主2

14、a shopkeeper ─── 店主

15、shopkeeper yakima wa yakima wa ─── 店主

16、the online shopkeeper ─── 在线店主

17、shopkeeper are your friends ─── 店主是你的朋友

shopkeeper 相似词语短语

1、shopkeeping ─── 店务管理

2、storekeeper ─── n.店主;仓库管理员;零售店店主

3、crowkeeper ─── n.雇佣来赶乌鸦的人;田间稻草人

4、shopkeepers ─── n.店主,老板

5、doorkeeper ─── n.看门的人

6、stockkeeper ─── 仓库管理员

7、boxkeeper ─── n.包厢管理员

8、bookkeeper ─── n.簿记员;会计员;铁路的司旗员

9、scorekeeper ─── n.得分者;记分员

shopkeeper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The shopkeeper knocked 10% off the bill. ─── 主人从帐单中减去10%。

2、Shopkeeper: Come on. Spend his money. If you don't, he will only spend it in his 2nd wife. ─── 店主:他的钱你就花吧.要是你不花,那钱就可能都用在第2个太太身上了.

3、After his father's death, Barnum used his impressive math skills as a shopkeeper. ─── 在他父亲过世后,担任店主的巴纳姆活用他那令人赞叹的数学能力。

4、The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos. ─── 店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤。

5、The SHOPKEEPER appears at the glass, locking the door and flipping the sign: CLOSED. ─── 店主出现在窗户前,锁上店门,翻转标牌:“打烊”。

6、How much did you pay the shopkeeper for fixing the TV set? ─── 你付给店主多少钱修理这台电视机?

7、If my memory serve me right, the missing jewel is in the hand of that shopkeeper. ─── 如果我没记错的话,那颗失踪的宝石是在那店主手里。

8、At the end of the day, the shopkeeper counted his money. ─── 一天过去了,店主数一数钱。

9、The shopkeeper will arrange for the shipping of the carpet . ─── 商店的店主将安排地毯的装运。

10、Well, sir, @ answered the shopkeeper. ─── “既然这样,先生,”店主回答,

11、How much did you pay the shopkeeper for fixing the TV set? ─── 你付给店主多少钱修理这台电视机?

12、The shopkeeper asks Amy to buy a CD for her friend. ─── 店主叫Amy为她的朋友买张光碟。

13、They screw the shopkeeper down. ─── 他们逼着老板降价。

14、She complained loudly to the shopkeeper, who answered her mildly. ─── 她大声对店主抱怨,店主却温和地回答她。

15、Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket! ─── 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一张金门票!

16、All this had been watched for a whole year by a neighbour, a fat shopkeeper, and not a humble one but the owner of two grocer's shops. ─── 隔壁的一个胖掌柜观察这些事已经整整一年,全都看在眼里。

17、He was bound as an apprentice to a shopkeeper at ten. ─── 他10岁时立约跟一个店主当学徒。

18、The advertised price was 168 dollars, but the shopkeeper knocked off the odd shillings. ─── 广告价格是168美元, 但是店主减去了零头。

19、He owns the shop, so he is the shopkeeper. ─── 他拥有这家商店,所以他是店主。

20、They sang the shopkeeper down. ─── 他们迫使老板降价。

21、The shopkeeper, now 60 years old, had been searching for an honest man who could take ownership of the shop and run it. ─── 店主现在已经60岁了,他一直在寻找可以接管商店打理商店的人。

22、He described himself as a shopkeeper in a Chinese herb shop. ─── 他形容自己有如中药店的掌柜。

23、Mr.Green is a shopkeeper or something. ─── 88格林先生大概是商店老板之类的人物。

24、In a few years of in the past, importer, jobber and shopkeeper are in strive to accomplish this. ─── 在过去的几年里,进口商、 批发商以及零售商都在力争做到这 一点。同时,全天运送和后勤保障 系统也得到了发展。

25、Because the shopkeeper is out,so this Jian is out of my hand now.How much is it nowadays? ─── 因店主外出未归,所以这剑还未到我手上。这剑现时大概值多小钱?

26、Family harmony Shenzhen shopkeeper Li Chaocheng indicated: “the family is in the world the most important place. ─── 宜家深圳店长李超诚表示:“家是世界上最重要的地方。

27、A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite? ─── 一个男人走进一间商店,见到一条非常可爱的小狗,于是他问店主:“请问你的小狗狗会咬人的吗?

28、Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper. ─── 两名十几岁的少年对当地的一个店主进行了疯狂的袭击。

29、The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night. ─── 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最後检查。

30、But one of them, a shopkeeper was sad. ─── 他失去了装载的货物。

31、"I tell you what, country fellow," went on the shopkeeper, for he was a ready talker. ─── “我来告诉你件事吧,乡下人,”店老板继续说,因为他着实健谈。

32、Before deciding how much money we have for our holiday, we must reckon with the shopkeeper and anyone else we are in debt to. ─── 在决定过节花多少钱之前,我们必须先和商店老板及我们所有的债主清账。

33、The shopkeeper delivered some goods to me this morning. ─── 今天早晨店主给我送来了一些货物。

34、C. Housewife and shopkeeper. ─── 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

35、She asked the shopkeeper to bring down the price. ─── 她要求店主降价。

36、The shopkeeper urged me to buy a hat. ─── 店主力劝我买顶帽子。

37、He is the shopkeeper of this shop. ─── 他是这家商店的店主。

38、The shopkeeper struggled with the thief. ─── 店主与那窃贼搏斗起来.

39、The shopkeeper knocked10% off the bill. ─── 店主从帐单中减去10%。

40、He make $50, 000 by swindle small shopkeeper. ─── 他用欺骗小店主的方法骗取了50, 000美元。

41、The shopkeeper struggled against the thief. ─── 店主与那窃贼搏斗起来。

42、The shopkeeper put my things on the counter. ─── 店主把我的东西放在柜台上。

43、Shopkeeper himself wants it closed down! ─── 店东自己要关门了!

44、The shopkeeper reached for a packet of tea. ─── 店主伸手去取一包茶叶。

45、She led her uncle down the street to the store, where she greeted the shopkeeper. ─── 她领着叔叔沿街来到商店,跟店主打了个招呼。

46、Here are FAQs.please read it carefully, and be free to consult shopkeeper if necessary! ─── 常见问题汇总,请买家认真仔细的看,有疑问可以联系店主!

47、But as I was about to leave without the hat, the shopkeeper convinced me to try another. ─── 但是当我空手离开这家店的时候,店主叫我再试试别的。

48、Yes, sir,@ answered the shopkeeper. ─── “是的,先生,”店主答道,

49、The shopkeeper laid several pieces of silk on the counter,in order that the lady might take her choice. ─── 店主拿出数匹绸料放到柜台上,供这位女士挑选。

50、The shopkeeper miscount, so we get twenty five bar of chocolate instead of two dozen. ─── 店主算错了数,我们得到了25块巧克力而不是24块。

51、Shopkeeper himself would close the door down! ─── 店东自己要关门了!

52、The shopkeeper foisted a box of broken biscuits on the old lady. ─── 店主把一箱子碎饼干骗售给了那老妇人。

53、The shopkeeper feels happy at the increasing income. ─── 对于日益增多的收益,店老板乐开了花。

54、The shopkeeper is a kindly old man. ─── 店主是一位慈祥的老人。

55、The shopkeeper offered me a credit note to be used to buy goods in his shop. ─── 商店老板给了我一个信用证,用来在他的店里购货。

56、The shopkeeper has a lot of goods on sale. ─── 店主有很多代售货物.

57、That man whose wife work in hospital is my shopkeeper. ─── 妻子在医院工作的那个男人是我的老板。

58、She dickered(with the shopkeeper)for the best fruit. ─── 她要买店里最好的水果而(跟店主)讨价还价.

59、The shopkeeper agreed to knock 5 pounds off the price. ─── 店主同意把价格降低5镑。

60、"Hands off!" said the shopkeeper to the children standing near the sweet counter. ─── “请不要动手!”店主对站在糖果柜台附近的孩子们说。

61、He suffers the police's supervisionthat shopkeeper the employs. ─── 他受到老板雇佣的警察的监督。

62、The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 Kilos insteadof 10 kilos. ─── 店主给我们的分量不足:应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤。

63、They were quite unaware that her father was a shopkeeper and had been Mayor. ─── 他们不知道,她的父亲曾当过店主,又当过市长。

64、"It must be a St. Bernard. It was a St. Bernard! " said the shopkeeper. ─── 店老板说:『那一定是只圣伯纳犬。那是只圣伯纳犬!』

65、The shopkeeper would not let him have the goods without a deposit. ─── 店主不会让他没有押金就取得那商品。

66、The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars. ─── 店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。

67、The shopkeeper weighed the tomatoes. ─── 售货员把西红柿秤了一下。

68、The girl had only worked for the shopkeeper for a week when she packed him in. ─── 姑娘只替那个店主干了一个星期就辞退不干了。

69、The shopkeeper protects the goods from the pickpockets. ─── 店主看管好货物以防扒手扒窃。

70、The shopkeeper give his store a final checkup before closing for the night. ─── 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。

71、The shopkeeper gave his store a thorough checkup. ─── 店主对商店作了彻底的检查。

72、A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear;we would say he sold shoes. ─── "鞋店老板会说他卖鞋靴用品,我们则说他卖鞋子。"

73、She dickered (with the shopkeeper) for the best fruit. ─── 她要买店里最好的水果而(跟店主)讨价还价。

74、The shopkeeper was counting money . ─── 店主正在数钱。

75、He is bargaining with the shopkeeper over (about) the price. ─── 他正和店主讨价还价关于价格.

76、He went off home as fast as he could, the words of the shopkeeper ringing in his ears. ─── 他尽快地赶路往家走,店老板的话在他耳朵里回响着。

77、So he went up and asked, How much per kilo? And the shopkeeper said, Two rupees. Two rupees in India is nothing; its like dirt. ─── 两卢比在印度根本不算什么,像尘土一样不值钱,于是他就整整买了一公斤,然后开始吃。

78、The shopkeeper had laid his hopes on a revival of trade. ─── 店主曾希望生意再度兴隆起来。

79、"I'll try," the shopkeeper smiled. ─── “我尽量吧,”店主微笑着说道。

80、The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars. ─── 店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。

81、Jane got a role as a shopkeeper. ─── “有人在我们的镇子上拍电影了,于是Jane的机会来了。

82、The shopkeeper can not find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigar. ─── 店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。

83、The shopkeeper donated dozens of tins of food which we parceled out among the old people of the village. ─── 店主捐赠了几十听食品,我们把它们分给了村里的老人们。

84、The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom. ─── 店主在货仓里存有大量橙子。

85、Actually, the three-year-old dog is a good "shopkeeper". ─── 实际上,这只三岁的狗是个很好的“店主”。

86、The small shopkeeper is finding life increasingly difficult. ─── 小店主发现日子越来越不好过了。

87、The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products. ─── 店主到批发商处进货去了。

88、The shopkeeper laid several pieces of silk on the counter, in order that the lady might take her choice. ─── 店主拿出数匹绸料放到柜台上供这位女士挑选。

89、The robbers clobbered the shopkeeper to make him open the safe. ─── 强盗们对店主大打出手,胁迫他打开保险箱。

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