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08-20 投稿


cloacae 发音

英:[[k'l??e?ki:]]  美:[[k'lo?e?ki:]]

英:  美:

cloacae 中文意思翻译



cloacae 词性/词形变化,cloacae变形

名词复数: cloacae |形容词: cloacal |

cloacae 短语词组

1、cloacae def ─── 泄殖腔

2、cloacae chicken ─── 泄殖腔鸡

3、Bacillus cloacae ─── [医] 阴沟气杆菌

4、cloacae snake ─── 泄殖腔蛇

5、cloacae pronounce ─── 泄殖腔音

6、Aerobacter cloacae ─── [医] 阴沟气杆菌

7、cloacae bacteria ─── 泄殖腔细菌

8、cloacae bone ─── 泄殖腔骨

9、Bacterium cloacae ─── [医] 阴沟气杆菌

10、cloacae complex ─── 泄殖腔复合体

11、jus cloacae mittendae ─── [法] 排水的地役权

cloacae 相似词语短语

1、closable ─── adj.紧密的;亲密的;亲近的(close的变形)

2、cloaca ─── n.泄殖腔;阴沟;下水沟

3、cloacaline ─── 下水道的

4、cloudage ─── n.[气象]云量

5、cloacas ─── n.泄殖腔;阴沟;下水沟

6、clodpate ─── n.呆子,笨人

7、cloacinal ─── 氯酰基

8、cloche ─── n.钟形女帽;钟形玻璃盖;n.(Cloche)人名;(法)克洛什

9、cloacal ─── adj.阴沟的;泄殖腔的;厕所的;下水道的

cloacae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cloaca inflammation of poultry ─── 家禽泄殖腔炎

2、external cloaca ─── [医] 外泄殖腔

3、Causative analysis of patients with deep vein tube indwelling complicated with Enterobacter cloacae infection and its countermeasures ─── 深静脉置管并发阴沟肠杆菌感染的原因分析及对策

4、The most common Enterobacteriaceae were Escherichia coli,Klebsiella pneumoiae,Enterobacter cloacae,Proteus and Serratia. ─── 5年间,最常见的肠杆菌科细菌为大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌、变形杆菌属、沙雷菌属。

5、Kirby-Bauer Method and Three-dimensional Test Detected AmpC Enzyme in Enterobacter cloacae: Analysis of Results ─── K-B法和三维分析法测定阴沟肠杆菌AmpC酶结果分析

6、Cloaca the formation of a dorsal echinocystic Jiaohe, which are a thorn Jiaohe. ─── 泄殖腔的背侧形成一对交合刺囊,内各有一条交合刺。

7、Keywords Burn ward;Enterobacter cloacae;Drug resistance; ─── 烧伤病房;阴沟肠杆菌;耐药性;

8、Result Totally 164 strains of Enterobacter cloacae were isolated and were more sensitive to imipenem, cefepime, amikacin, ofloxacin. ─── 结果共分离出164株阴沟肠杆菌,其对亚胺培南、头孢吡肟、阿米卡星和氧氟沙星的敏感性较高。

9、The existent of structure gene ampC was aboard in Enterobacter Cloacae and the mutation regulative gene ampD of Enterobacter Cloacae may be associated with its drug resistance. ─── ampC基因在阴沟肠杆菌中分布广泛,ampD基因突变可能与高产AmpC酶有关。

10、Keywords enterobacter cloacae;drug resistance;antibiotic;microbial; ─── 关键词阴沟杆菌;耐药性;抗生素;

11、cloaca maxima ─── 罗马的大下水道

12、Epidemiological investigation of infection with Enterobacter cloacae in patients in burn unit ─── 烧伤病房阴沟肠杆菌感染流行病学调查

13、Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects and prevention measures for neonatal infections and the drug-resistance induced by Enterobacter cloacae. ─── 目的探讨阴沟肠杆菌致新生儿感染的耐药性、治疗效果及预防措施。

14、Don't have a chat with unknown men, and do not answer any accosts. Especially do not call gasman, box lunch, or call to repair you cloaca. ─── 不要和陌生男人聊天和接受他们的搭讪。特别是不要叫送煤气的送外卖的还有修下水道的。

15、Hou Yifan were capsize young cloacae, the British MR players ska deficit will be killed, out of regret. ─── 小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

16、cloaca vesicorectovaginal ─── [医] 膀胱直肠阴道泄殖腔

17、congenital cloaca ─── [医] 先天性泄殖腔, 残留性泄殖肛

18、IBD is the unique structure of birds at the top after the cloaca, the wall full of lymphoid tissue. ─── 法氏囊是鸟类特有的结构,位于泄殖腔后上方,囊壁充满淋巴组织。

19、Cloaca, or with or without. ─── 泄殖腔或有或无。

20、Prevalence and Resistant Characteristics of Clinical Isolates of Enterobacter cloacae ─── 临床阴沟肠杆菌感染的分布与耐药特性研究

21、Cloaca slightly elevated,bursa extended from opposite the anterior end of the spicules to about the three quarters the tail length; ─── 泄殖腔隆起,交合伞起始于交合刺前端水平处阳后延伸达尾长3/4;

22、Conclusion: Enterobacter cloacae and Salmonella F group can cross agglutination. ─── 结论:阴沟肠杆菌与沙门菌F群有交叉凝集。

23、Finally the cloaca people also... ─── 下水道人也终于。。。。

24、Results Sulbactam can not enhance the activity of ceftazidime against Enterobacter cloacae.Cefepime has a strong activity against ceftazidime resistant Enterobacter cloacae. ─── 结果 舒巴坦不能增强头孢他啶的抗菌作用,第四代头孢菌素头孢吡肟对头孢他啶耐药菌有较好的抗菌活性。

25、Some have proposed a \\\"lizard model\\\" for dino sex: the male approached from the rear and twisted his tail underneath the female until their cloacae met. ─── 有人提出,恐龙做爱可以按照“蜥蜴模式”进行:男恐龙从背后进入,然后把尾巴扭曲到女 恐龙身子底下,直到他们的泄殖孔相接。

26、eversion of cloaca ─── 泄殖腔外翻

27、Keywords Digestive system abnormalities;Embryology;Cloaca;Rat; ─── 消化系统畸形;胚胎学;泄殖腔;大鼠;

28、The most common pathogenic bacteria were Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae and Acinetobacter baumanii etc. ─── 引起胆道感染的常见病原菌依次为大肠埃希菌、粪肠球菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、阴沟肠杆菌和鲍曼不动杆菌等。

29、Objective: To study the antigen relationship between Enterobacter cloacae and Salmonella F group. ─── 摘要目的:研究阴沟肠杆菌与沙门菌的抗原关系。

30、jus cloacae mittendae ─── [法] 排水的地役权

31、Keywords Improved time attack therapy;Fosfomycin;Amikacin;Enterobacter cloacae;Imipenem/Cilastatin;Multiple drug resistance; ─── 改进时间攻击疗法;磷霉素;阿米卡星;阴沟肠杆菌;亚胺培南;/西拉司丁;多重耐药;

32、oviduct A tube leading from the ovary to the cloaca or external genital opening along which the ova pass during spawning. ─── 卵管从卵巢到泄殖腔或外部生殖口的管,在产卵时,可导引卵沿著管而排出。

33、The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum.The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct. ─── 直肠黏膜上皮在直肠末端突然转变为泄殖腔的复层扁平上皮,两者之间界线明显。

34、By using modified Casse method the plasmids from several species ( strains ) of diazotrophs associated with rice plants, namely Alcaligenes fae-calis Al5, Enterobacter cloacae E26, E. ─── 应用改进的Casse法提取质粒,鉴定了供试菌株的质粒存在情况:高NH_4~+和N_2培养的Alcaligenes faecalis A_15,Enterobacter cloacae E26,E.

35、Especially do not call gasman, box lunch, or call to repair you cloaca. ─── 特别是不要叫送煤气的送外卖的还有修下水道的。

36、A total of 583 strains of C. jejuni and 48 strains of C. coli isolated from 3132 cloaca samples were tested and an average positive rate of 18.61% and 1.53% detected, respectively; ─── 结果发现,在3132份鸡肛门棉拭样品中,检测出583份空肠弯曲菌阳性样品,平均阳性率1861%;48份结肠弯曲菌阳性,平均阳性率1.53%。

37、The cloaca is just the place which we can put garbage. ─── 下水道本来就是我们放垃圾的地方!

38、Results: One strain separated can agglutinate serum of Salmonella F group, but has the same biochemical characterization with Enterobacter cloacae. ─── 结果:检出一株生化试验符合阴沟肠杆菌,与沙门菌F群血清发生强凝集反应的阴沟肠杆菌。

39、Gram-negative bacilli were 474 strains(40.8%),the predominant pathogens were Escherichia coli(9.9%),Klebsiella pneumoniae(7.1%),Pseudomonas aeruginosa(5.4%),and Enterobacter cloacae(5.2%). ─── G-杆菌以大肠埃希菌(9.9%)、肺炎克雷伯菌(7.1%)、阴沟肠杆菌(5.4%)和铜绿假单胞菌(5.2%)为主;

40、Antimicrobial Resistance of Enterobacter cloacae: A Study from Shandong Provincial Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System ─── 山东省医院感染监控网阴沟肠杆菌耐药性分析

41、cloaca urogenital ─── [医] 泌尿生殖器泄殖腔

42、Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized. ─── 当然,广州队需要保持稳定的心态,不能冒进,谨防阴沟翻船。

43、Mammals can be divided into the large intestine and rectum colon, rectum directly to anal opening in vitro (cloaca disappear), mammals and amphibians, reptiles, birds of the significant differences. ─── 哺乳动物的大肠可分为结肠与直肠,直肠直接以肛门开口于体外(泄殖腔消失),是哺乳类与两栖类、爬行类、鸟类的显著区别。

44、Dinosaur copulation was most likely accomplished by means of "kissing cloacae. " ─── 恐龙最有可能的交配方式是通过所谓的“泄殖腔之吻”进行。

45、We took the man from the cloaca such as this . ─── 我们从排水道带回的那个男子也是如此。

46、Conclusion:Enterobacter cloacae and Salmonella F group can cross agglutination. ─── 结论:阴沟肠杆菌与沙门菌F群有交叉凝集。

47、Exstrophy of cloaca sequence ─── 泄殖腔外翻序列征

48、genital cloaca ─── 生殖腔

49、Methods Analysis of drug resistance of Enterobacter cloacae was made in burn ward from January 2001 to December 2004. ─── 方法对我院2001年1月至2004年12月烧伤病房产阴沟肠杆菌的耐药性进行分析。

50、The Tia gene was stablely kept in the transgenic E. cloacae even in the absence of antibiotic pressure. ─── 传代稳定性测定证明,Tia基因在无选择压力下能在重组工程菌DNA上稳定存在;

51、Cloaca Hotel: there is a hotel rebuilded from beton cloaca in Australia. Sleeping on the comfortable bed, you will think it deserves. ─── 下水道旅馆:在澳大利亚,有一个下水道混凝土管改造的旅馆。睡在里面舒适的床上,你会发现物有所值。

52、Studies on the Mutagenic Effe-cts of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroguanidine for Ente-robacter cloacae 周鸿宾,袁长芳,李世光, ─── 甲基-N'-硝基-N-亚硝基胍对阴沟肠杆菌诱变作用的研究

53、coli and Enterbacter cloacae were producing BLA, only 4 strains of E. coli were producing ESBLs , the rates of ESBLs is 17.39%(4/23). ─── 23株细菌均产BLA,其中产ESBLs菌有4株,且均为大肠杆菌,检出率为17.39%(4/23);

54、Objective To study the isolation and drug resistance tendency of Enterobacter cloacae to antimicrobial agents from 2000 to 2005 and to provide avaluable data for infection prevention and therapy. ─── 摘要目的了解2000年至2005年阴沟肠杆菌在临床标本中的分离情况及其耐药趋势,为临床感染的预防和治疗提供参考资料。

55、Hou Yifan cloacae was young and capsized, by the British ska players Hu deficit will be killed, out of regret. ─── 而小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

56、persistent cloaca ─── 残留性泄殖腔

57、multi-drug resistant Enterobacter cloacae ─── 多耐药阴沟肠杆菌

58、The results indicated that the position rate of viralantigen from the aral cavity was 4/10,but that of from the cloaca waslower at second day post-vaccination. ─── 结果,雏鸡免疫后第2d,口腔内病毒抗原的随机检出率为4/10,泄殖腔内随机检出率很低(0/10),持续18d以上。

59、Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized . ─── 当然,广州队需要保持稳定的心态,不能冒进,谨防阴沟翻船。

60、Hou Yifan were capsize young cloacae , the British MR players ska deficit will be killed, out of regret. ─── 小将侯逸凡则阴沟翻船,被英国棋手胡斯卡翻盘将杀,遗憾出局。

61、Note: There must be no trace of pathogenic or possibly pathogenic bacteria e.g. Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae etc. The evaluation is carried out by microbiologists. ─── 备注:禁止带有病原细菌或疑似病原细菌,例如大肠杆菌,产酸克雷伯氏菌等。测试由微生物家进行。

62、Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of AmpC Structure Gene of Strains of Enterobacter Cloacae Producing Ampc and Its Resistance ─── 产AmpC酶阴沟肠杆菌的耐药性及耐药结构基因的序列分析

63、os cloacae ─── 泄殖腔骨

64、Method Retrospective analysis of the drug resistance situation and specimen distribution was made to the Enterobacter cloacae isolated from our hospital in the recent 3 years. ─── 方法对中山大学附属第一医院近3年分离出的阴沟肠杆菌的标本分布及耐药情况进行回顾性分析。

65、Result Totally 164 strains of Enterobacter cloacae were isolated and were more sensitive to imipenem,cefepime,amikacin,ofloxacin.Conclusion Enterobacter cloacae was severely resistant... ─── 结果共分离出164株阴沟肠杆菌,其对亚胺培南、头孢吡肟、阿米卡星和氧氟沙星的敏感性较高。

66、Objective To investigate the drug sensitivity situation of Enterobacter cloacae to Instruct application of the antibiotics reasonably. ─── 摘要目的了解阴沟肠杆菌的药物敏感性情况以指导临床合理用药。

67、Keywords Cloaca;Abnormalities;Nursing Care; ─── 泄殖腔;畸形;护理;

68、Objective To investigate the drug sensitivity situation of Enterobacter cloacae to instruct application of the antibiotics reasonably. ─── 目的了解阴沟肠杆菌的药物敏感性情况以指导临床合理用药。

69、Keywords burn;infection;Enterobacter cloacae;biological typing;drug sensitive spectrum typing;plasmid typing; ─── 关键词烧伤;感染;阴沟肠杆菌;生物学分型;药敏谱分型;质粒谱分型;

70、Objective: To observe the distribution of nerves containing vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP) in the reptile: cloaca wall of Alligator sinensis. ─── 目的:观察含血管活性肠肽(VIP)神经在爬行类动物扬子鳄泄殖腔壁内的分布特点。

71、endodermal cloaca ─── [医] 内胚层性泄殖腔

72、Results:One strain separated can agglutinate serum of Salmonella F group,but has the same biochemical characterization with Enterobacter cloacae. ─── 结果:检出一株生化试验符合阴沟肠杆菌,与沙门菌F群血清发生强凝集反应的阴沟肠杆菌。

73、cloaca theory ─── 泄殖腔说

74、For the time being, the NDV detection of CIQ includes cloaca tampon separate virus, ELISA, HI and RT-PCR is trying now. ─── 目前我国出入境检疫中对新城疫病毒的检测方法主要有泻殖腔棉拭子样品病毒分离鉴定、HI和ELISA,RT-PCR检测技术正在试用之中。

75、Keywords Molecular epidemiology;Enterobacter cloacae;Drug resistance;Quinolone; ─── 分子流行病学;阴沟肠杆菌;耐药性;喹诺酮类;

76、cloacae were positive for amp C gene , implicating most strains of E. cloacae had the ability to produce the enzyme. ─── 头孢西丁三维试验阳性18株,其中16株amp C基因扩增阳性而amp D扩增阴性,男有2株amp C和amp D均阳性。

77、Results The drug resistance of 57 strains of Enterobacter cloacae increased at differently extent for common used antibiotics.While these strains only sensitive to Imipenem. ─── 结果57株阴沟肠杆菌对临床常用抗生素耐药性均不同程度增加,只对亚胺培南敏感。

78、cloacae isolated from our hospital,and the genes of blaOXA-1,dfrA1,dfrA17 and qnr in E. cloacae are all firstly found and reported in China. ─── 在阴沟肠杆菌中检出blaOXA-1、dfrA1、dfrA17和qnr基因均为国内首次报道。

79、musculus sphincter cloacae ─── 泄殖腔括约肌

80、Identification of HIP virulent irp~(-2) gene of Yersinia Yersinia enterocolitica in Enterobacter cloacae ─── 国内首次发现携带耶尔森菌HPI毒力岛irp~(-2)基因的阴沟肠杆菌

81、The rudiment of the Fabricius bursa develops from vacuoles between the dorsal epithelia cells of the cloaca,then small vacuoles coalescence to form a large vacuoles during E6 to E8. ─── 在E6到E8腔上囊原基由泄殖腔背面上皮间的小空泡合并成大空泡形成。

82、ectodermal cloaca ─── [医] 外胚层性泄殖腔

83、Antibiotic resistance of Enterobacter cloacae in nosocomial low respiratory tract infection ─── 医院获得性下呼吸道感染阴沟肠杆菌的耐药性分析

84、The digestive tracts were divided into cavum oris, esophagus, ventriculus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, rectum and cloaca. ─── 结果表明:虎纹蛙消化道分为口咽腔、食道、胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、直肠和泄殖腔.

85、Bacterium cloacae ─── [医] 阴沟气杆菌

86、Cloaca musk deer glands and mandibular glands are all glandular secretion, and its functions related to mating and reproduction. ─── 泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺均属全泌腺,其功能与交配和繁殖有关。

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