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khan 发音

英:[kɑ?n]  美:[kɑn]

英:  美:

khan 中文意思翻译



khan 网络释义

n. 可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店n. (Khan)人名;(瑞典)卡恩;(老、柬)坎

khan 短语词组

1、bruce khan ─── 布鲁斯·汗

2、Jinghis Khan ─── [网络] 景希汗

3、Kubla Khan ─── 忽必烈汗(诗歌名)

4、amir khan indian ─── 阿米尔汗印第安人

5、amir khan born ─── 阿米尔·汗出生

6、aga khan university ─── 阿加汗大学

7、aga khan university hospital ─── 阿加汗大学医院

8、amir khan movie ─── 阿米尔·汗电影

9、Jenghiz Khan na. “Genghis Khan” ─── 的变体;成吉思汗

10、aga khan foundation ─── 阿加汗基金会

11、aga khan award ─── 阿加汗奖

12、My Name Is Khan ─── [电影]我的名字叫罕

13、genghis khan airlines ─── 成吉思汗航空公司

14、Kublai Khan ─── 忽必烈(1216-1294, 元世祖, 中国元朝皇帝, 成吉思汗之孙)

15、amir khan gajini movie song ─── 阿米尔·汗·加基尼电影歌曲

16、aga khan museum ─── 阿加汗博物馆

17、amir khan actor ─── 阿米尔·汗演员

18、Genghis Khan n. ─── 成吉思汗

19、aga khan academy ─── 阿加汗学院

khan 词性/词形变化,khan变形


khan 相似词语短语

1、Ghan ─── abbr.阿富汗人;阿富汗语(Afghan)

2、Shan ─── n.掸人,掸族(居住在东南亚一带);掸邦(前缅甸联邦的成员国之一)

3、khat ─── n.阿拉伯茶(产于非洲和阿拉伯)

4、than ─── conj.(用以引出比较的第二部分)比;(比较数量、距离等)多于;(表示一事紧跟另一事发生)就;除……(外);prep.(用以引出比较的第二部分)比;(比较数量、距离等)多于;(表示一事紧跟另一事发生)就;除……(外);n.(Than)(越)丹(人名)

5、khaf ─── 卡夫

6、kran ─── n.(Kran)人名;(德、挪)克兰

7、khans ─── n.(Khans)人名;(俄)汉斯

8、Khan ─── n.可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店;n.(Khan)人名;(瑞典)卡恩;(老、柬)坎

9、koan ─── n.心印;以心传心;n.(Koan)人名;(柬)关

khan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is no longer following his Khan, he is leading his people as Father Sky's chosen successor. ─── 他不再跟随他的可汗,他正作为天父选定的继任者带着他的子民前进。

2、An Atherton snake expert believes Khan escape death because the snake was not able to inject a large amount of venom. ─── 亚瑟顿市一位蛇类专家认为,可汗能逃过鬼门关,是因为那条蛇未能注入大量毒液。

3、Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. ─── 可汗卫队装备精良,皆为军中精锐。他们对可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。432

4、In 1295, after Ilkhan Ghazan converted to Islam, he renounced all allegiance to the Great Khan. ─── 1295年,伊儿汗归皈了伊斯兰教。他宣告停止对大汗的所有效忠。

5、That proud son of Heaven, Genghis Khan, Knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched. ─── 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。

6、The Slumdog Millionaire director has signed on Aamir Khan and is now in talks with Shahrukh Khan to join the cast. ─── 在狗的百万富翁主任签署了阿米尔汗,并在会谈中与沙鲁克汗现在参加投票。

7、The desire in last period of Middle Ages was legendarily manifested by Khan"s wealth. ─── 中世纪晚期的世俗欲望在大汗的财富中得到传奇般映现。

8、Bollywood is also represented: its biggest star, Shah Rukh Khan, belongs to a winning consortium in Kolkata. ─── 宝莱坞也成为其中一员,它最有名的明星沙鲁克.罕属于一个加尔各答的赢得经营特权的财团。

9、One day last summer, my friend Rahim Khan called from Pakistan. ─── 今年夏天,有一天,我的朋友拉辛汗从巴基斯坦打电话给我。

10、Huihe dominate in Mobei, spit fans of self-reliance for Khan, the establishment of Huihe Khanate. ─── 回纥称霸于漠北,吐迷度自立为可汗,建立回纥汗国。

11、From Acre they traveled overland on horseback to Jerusalem to collect the oil for Kublai Khan. ─── 从阿里克出发,他们骑马经由路陆到了耶路撒冷,去取忽必烈大汗想要的灯油。

12、Than Khan has ordered men to fight. ─── 可汗大点兵

13、"The Pakistan People's Party is the most progressive and liberal party," said Khan. ─── 她说:“巴基斯坦人民党是最进步和自由的党,也是最大的党。

14、No one knows, even to this day, how much Pakistan's leaders knew of the “nuclear Wal-Mart” Mr Khan operated. ─── 即使到今天也没有人知道有多少巴基斯坦领导人了解汗先生经营的这个“核沃尔玛”。

15、It was led by Batu, Juji's son, and Subotai, one of Genghiz Khan's orkhons (marshals). ─── 它由拔都e和一位成吉思汗的将领率领。

16、Aamir Khan invited many coaches to train him to lose weight and took him a few months to be strong. ─── 阿米尔·汗邀请了很多教练来训练他减肥,他花了几个月的时间才变得强壮起来。

17、She was afraid to send away both sons and sent only Umma Khan. ─── 她怕送走只派出两个儿子和乌玛汗。

18、Only his officers came riding to us and played cards with Umma Khan. ─── 他只骑军官来到我们玩卡乌玛汗。

19、One of them, called Ogadai, succeeded him as Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. ─── 其中一个儿子名叫窝阔台,继承了父位成为蒙古帝国的大汗。

20、There a{re three Dark Wind General here, only one of them has Khan {Magic Pearl. ─── 在那里一{关于三黑暗风在这里指挥,不过他们的其中之一有可汗{魔术珍珠。

21、Genghis Khan's comeback 778 years after his death is especially popular with young people. ─── 在他死后778年,成吉思汗又重新席捲蒙古,在年轻人中格外流行。

22、Cahar as a special leadership in Mongol society has its beginning in the ancient empire of Mongols, having been blessed Toloi family by Chinggis Khan. ─── 察哈尔蒙古起源于遥远的大蒙古国初期,被成吉思汗当作永久的纪念赐给拖雷家族的主妇,因而形成了这一蒙古社会拖雷家族主妇名下的特殊“领户”。

23、Other opportunities for study within the department are also available through the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture. ─── 在系所内还有其它学习的机会,包括了针对伊斯兰建筑的阿加汗计划。

24、Her politics are somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. ─── 她的政治观点属于极右。

25、Khan took the bite from the king brown, the world's third most venomous snake, instead. ─── 可汗自己反而被那只棕伊澳蛇咬了一口,棕伊澳蛇是全球第三剧毒的蛇。

26、Khan Hawker's Diamond Shark forces did not fair well in the Trials and was forced to accept a position as a reserve Clan. ─── Hawker可汗的钻石鲨部队在试炼中做得不太好,被迫接受了预备氏族的位置。

27、On this date: In 1227, the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan died. ─── 1227年,蒙古国王成吉思汗逝世.

28、A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. ─── 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年), 它被明朝取代

29、People were looking for new actors at that time and Salman Khan fulfilled their wishes in that film. ─── 人们正在寻找新的行动者在时间和沙尔曼汗实现他们的愿望在这方面的电影。

30、Five years later, genghis khan's dabie-sulu ingot pike towards JinGuo oppressors. ─── 五年后,成吉思汗的苏鲁锭长枪指向了压迫者金国。

31、These funds are ripe for recycling overseas, says Mohsin Khan, IMF Middle East and Central Asia department director. ─── IMF中东暨中亚部门主任莫辛汗表示,现在这些资金流回海外的时机已经成熟。

32、Boyle had tried working with King Khan even during Slumdog Millionaire, but the part eventually went to Anil Kapoor. ─── 博伊尔曾试图与约旦国王汗的工作,甚至在狗的百万富翁,但最终去了部分阿尼尔卡普尔。

33、Gradually the sun rose up, when sweat Ivan came, and behind a group of flowing oil Khan's children. ─── 太阳渐渐升起来了,这时汗流浃背的伊凡来了,身后还有一群流着油汗的孩子。

34、And the troops of Genghis Khan had fought all the way to the outskirts of Moscow. ─── 元朝的成吉思汗还一直打到莫斯科郊外。

35、EFFECTS In addition to Jiaoxiu, athlete foot, Khan legs, feet itch, the Hong Kong leg, Black Jiaoya. ─── 功效除脚臭、脚癣、汗脚、脚痒、香港脚、烂脚丫。

36、A very famous Indian actor, Aamir Khan, played the role of Mahavir in the movie. ─── 一个非常著名的印度演员,阿米尔·汗,在电影中扮演 Mahavir 的角色。

37、Why doesn't your khan collect money to help you? ─── 你的可汗为什么不收集钱帮助你?

38、A man prepares to fly his kite on Nadir Khan hill in Kabul April 6, 2007. ─── 在阿富汗首都喀布尔的纳底尔汗山坡上,一名男子准备放风筝。

39、He also recognized the family of a highly decorated Muslim soldier, Kareem Khan, who was killed in Iraq. ─── 他同时也对在伊拉克被杀、后来受到重勋的穆斯林士兵“卡利姆。汗”的家人,表达了致意。

40、Having united the tribes of Central Asia, Genghis Khan turned his attention elsewhere. ─── 一统中亚各部落后,成吉思汗将注意力转移它处。

41、Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206. ─── 1206年,成吉思汗统一了生活在蒙古草原的部落。

42、Khan had been spotted on five separate occasions and had even been followed, but was not identified. ─── 可汗在五个不同场合被发现并被跟踪,但是没有被认出来。

43、The founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan, completed the political unification of the regions north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. ─── 元朝时期成吉思汗完成对天山南北的政治统一。

44、Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan? ─── 不是有一个很有名的成吉思汗陵吗?

45、"Imagine a spider silk vest, capable of catching bullets, the modern day equivalent of Genghis Khan's arrows, " she said. ─── 她说:“想象一下可以挡住子弹的蜘蛛丝背心,子弹就相当于成吉思汗的箭。”

46、By imitation of Kublai Khan's dedication he hoped to develop similar powers. ─── 他仿效忽必烈汗献身成佛的办法,希望取得类似的权力。

47、We prayed that Allah may give him200 years to live," Khan said. ─── 可汗说,本·登于1957年3月10日出生于沙特阿拉伯的城市吉达,为了庆祝他50周岁生日,塔利班组织的成员们在地处阿富汗的军营为他举行了特殊的祈祷。

48、Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324). ─── 在13世纪探考了亚洲并给忽必烈可汗当差的威尼斯旅行家(1254-1324)。

49、"Around 160 people have died so far," said Khushal Khan, spokesman for Zamarak Khan, revenue minister of province. ─── 代表巴基斯坦石油大省税务总理扎马拉的官方发言人说:至今已有约160人死亡。

50、They visited Cathay (the old name for China) and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor. ─── 他们访问过震旦(中国的古名),并且成为蒙古大帝忽必烈的朋友。

51、In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongols, established the Mongol Khanate in north China. ─── 十三世纪初,蒙古族领袖成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。

52、It was finally built during the Ming Dynasty, after Altan Khan attacked Beijing for refusing trade. ─── 到了明朝,在俺答汗因通商遭拒而攻打北京后,长城终于完工。

53、Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer. ─── 尽管成吉思汗的手段残忍,他却不是个逞一时之快的杀手。

54、That, said Adil Khan, head of diversity and community cohesion at Humberside Police, makes their conviction a first. ─── 亨伯赛德郡警方的多样性与公众团结部门的负责人阿迪尔.可汗说,这使得他们被定罪。

55、The position of a khan. ─── 可汗职位可汗的位置

56、The Genghis Khan Temple in ULANHOT attracts 200,000 annually and is undergoing a major expansion. ─── 乌兰浩特的成吉思汗庙每年吸引游客二十万人,目前正在进行扩建。

57、The Khan Academy is most known for its collection of videos, so before I go any further, let me show you a little bit of a montage. ─── Khan学院是因为它大容量的视频而被人们所熟知。所以在我进一步讲述之前,先给大家看一些视频剪辑。

58、The Khan asks her what she wants as a grace. ─── 可汗问所欲。

59、In 1258, the Abbasid dynasty was invaded by the Mongols under Hulagu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. ─── 一二五八年,成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀可汗率领蒙古军队进侵阿拔斯王朝。

60、With boxing stars, Ricky Hatton and Amir Khan, conducting the draw, it prove dot be a long wait for Chelsea supporters. ─── 在拳击明星哈顿和卡恩抽完后,切尔西的球迷已经等了很长时间了。

61、The beach used to be an escape from the heat and squalor of the alleyways of Khan Younis. ─── 海滩被当作逃离汗尤尼斯炎热和肮脏的通道。

62、He helped the Mongols impose taxes, interceding with the Khan to prevent reprisals when rebellions broke out. ─── 因害怕在诺夫哥罗德人造反时遭到报复,他协助蒙古人征敛赋税。

63、Umma Khan was slow of speech. ─── 乌玛汗缓慢的讲话。

64、After the death of Kasim Khan towards the end of the 16th c. ─── 在十六世纪末哈斯木汗逝世后,国家开始分裂。

65、Montalban .... Khan Noonian Singh...Sulu Laura Banks .... Khan's navigator... ─── Trek: The Wrath of Khan别名:天汗的愤怒导 演...

66、What is the correct order of the following things about Aamir Khan? ─── 下列关于阿米尔·汗的事情的正确顺序是什么?

67、Longyan in the mountains built a covering 2,500 square meters of Genghis Khan Park. ─── 在龙岩山上建有一座占地2500平方米的成吉思汗公园。

68、Why, it's the biggest fake since Cenghis Khan! ─── 啊,这可是自成吉思汗以来最大的一次虚张声势。

69、It all started when Temujin (who was later known as Genghis Khan), vowed in his youth to bring the world to his feet. ─── 这一切都是源于少年铁木真(后来的成吉思汗)的一发誓言:要让世界臣服于他的脚下。

70、Completed before Khan's reported to Ma, Yi Zhen Bing Wei, is dingxiang fall, reverted to the Mayi. ─── 始毕可汗以马报之,兵威益振,乃攻陷定襄,复归于马邑。

71、Mughal power is mighty indeed, as befits the children of Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes. ─── 作为成吉思汗的及其蒙古部落的后代,莫卧儿帝国的力量毫无疑问是强大的。

72、He sees a vision of his ancient ancestor, Ghengis Khan, there to warn him against modern ways. ─── 他看到了自己的祖先,成吉思汗,告诫他要与当今世界斗争。

73、One, Ismail Khan, turned down for reappointment to his old job as energy minister, was a particularly famous warlord. ─── 伊斯梅尔汗便是一个很好的例子。他是一位众所周知的军阀头目,早前任命他坐他以前的能源大臣职位的提案被否决了。

74、Yuan of the Mongols. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan. ─── 元朝是蒙古人建立的。成吉斯汗和忽必烈。

75、Genghis Khan "s outstanding way of thinking and his leadership in both strategy and tactics has made him a conqueror of the world. " ─── 成吉思汗在客观条件下,坚持朴素唯物主义,在战略战术方面发挥出自己的指导才能,成为了世界征服者。

76、Somewhere in the northeast is a man, named Temujin, son of Yesukhei Khan, who is roaming the steppes in hiding. ─── 其东北部的某地,一个叫铁木真的男人,也速该可汗之子,游荡于草原之上。

77、If khan believes me, I{ {can cure your daughter. ─── 如果可汗相信我,我{{能治疗你的女儿。

78、But some of them are not Mowgli's friends.Kaa, the snake. And Shere Khan, the tiger. ─── 但是有一些不是无忌的朋友。蛇卡奥阿和老虎谢利。

79、One day last summer, my friend Rahim Khan called from Pakistan.He asked me to come see him. ─── 去年夏天的一天,拉希姆可汗从巴基斯坦打来电话要我回去看他。

80、The great man, Genghis Khan, only knew how to shoot eagles with an arrow. ─── 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。

81、The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Karachi says the opposition now has two options. ─── BBC驻卡拉奇的代表说反对党有两个选择。

82、By a quirk of fate, they return home to elect a new leader after Ogodai Khan, the grandson of Ghengis, drinks himself to death! ─── 命运急转,成思汗的孙子窝阔台嗜酒致死,蒙古人都回家去选举可汗的后继者。

83、Perhaps Genghis Khan would appreciate this more than his traditional reputation as a ruthless killer. ─── 和传说中"无情杀手"的威名相比,成吉思汗也许更欣赏这种纪念方式。

84、"There are so many groups now having different ideologies and they've been supported by different people," Khan said. ─── 他说:“现在有这么多有不同意识形态的组织,他们得到不同的人的支持。

85、The encampment of Jishou Khan consists of Donglou and Xilou regions. ─── 奇首可汗的驻牧地,不仅有后世契丹的东楼之地,而且还包括西楼地区。

86、Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire. ─── 1260年的今天,忽必烈成为蒙古帝国的统治者(蒙古大汗)。

87、Among the subjects of extolling mongol-yuan culture, Genghis khan is one of indispensable subjects. ─── 在颂赞蒙元文化的主题中,成吉思汗是一个不可遗缺的重要课题。

88、If wealth were measured by lands conquered, Genghis Khan would rank as one of the wealthiest people ever. ─── 假如财富用占领的土地来评估的话,成吉思汗将被列为从未有过的世界上最富有的人。

89、Genghis Khan, whose name means "Universal Ruler," conquered as much for the sheer fun of it as for the spoils. ─── “最大的快乐,”他声明,“就是去征服敌人,去追赶他们,去抢夺他们的财产,去看他们家人的眼泪,去骑他们的马和占有他们的女儿和妻子。”

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