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08-20 投稿


complemental 发音

英:[?kɑ?mpl??mentl]  美:[?k?mpl??ment(?)l]

英:  美:

complemental 中文意思翻译



complemental 短语词组

1、complemental graph ─── 互补图,补图

2、complemental air ─── [医] 补吸气

3、complemental colour ─── 补色

4、complemental series ─── 互补级数

5、complemental minor ─── 补语小调

6、complemental verses ─── 补充诗句

7、complemental tax ─── 补税

8、complemental code ─── [计] 补码

9、complemental event ─── 补充事件

10、complemental feed ─── 补充饲料

11、complemental male ─── 补雄

12、complemental def ─── 补语定义

13、complemental interval ─── 补语间隔

14、complemental space ─── [医] 补充隙, 胸膜窦

15、complemental factor ─── 互补因子

16、complemental inheritance ─── [医]互补遗传

complemental 词性/词形变化,complemental变形

副词: complementally |

complemental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When used with complemental ANTIXYGEN JX-DLTP, it has cooperative effect and has extensive uses. ─── 本品与辅助抗氧剂JX-DLTP并用时,具有协同效应,用途极为广泛。

2、The results confirm that the ovary development is directly related to complemental nutrition. ─── 以桑树、构树为补充营养,雌成虫卵巢发育正常,能不断产生成熟卵。

3、Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliment s. ─── 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.

4、A way of producing the negative of a number by obtaining its complement. ─── 一种通过求一个数的补码来得到该数的负数的方法。

5、They are not a kind of substituting relation but a kind of coexisting and complemental relation between the realism and the technological doctrine. ─── 写实主义与技术主义电影之间不是一种替代关系,它们完全可以共存和互补。

6、Ruling the country by law and ruling the country by virtue complement each other. ─── 依法治国和以德治国相辅相成。

7、Different schools of thought should respect and complement each other. ─── 不同学派之间要互相尊重,取长补短。

8、Complement, Shift, and Rotate operations require one operand. ─── “求补”,“移位”和“环移”等操作就只需要一个操作数。

9、Jefferson, on the other hand, would make a very nice complement to Tracy McGrady. ─── 另一个方面来说,杰夫森可以使特雷西.麦克格雷迪的很好的补充。

10、What is enterprise complement endowment insurance? ─── 企业补充养老保险是什么?

11、Zia Records has shelves with a full complement of CD's. ─── 吉亚唱片商店的货架上摆满了各种CD。

12、Clauses can also have another noun group as the object or complement. ─── 名词短语还可构成句子的宾语或表语。

13、They are working for a sound development of a multilateral trade regime so that they may complement one another. ─── 促进多边贸易体制的健康发展,实现优势互补。

14、Homework is a necessary complement to classroom study. ─── 家庭作业是课堂教学的必要补充。

15、This work has two themes, which complement and intertwine, and finally melt into each other subtly and smoothly. ─── 全曲在两个主题的相互对应中展开,主题旋律委婉流畅,简洁凝炼。

16、The zygote has a fixed complement of genetic information in its nucleus. ─── 合子的核中具有固定的全部遗传信息。

17、ESP and EGP are shown to complement each other. ─── ESP与EGP并不是排斥的,它们有很强的互补性。

18、Each couple of the research traditions is incommensurable and mutually complemental, but not opposite and antagonistic. ─── 其中,每一对研究传统之间是不可通约而又相互补充的关系,但不是对立和对抗的关系。

19、It seems to be the complement and converse of the true social instinct. ─── 它和真正的社会性本能的关系似乎是既相反又相成的。

20、What complement vitamin to eat? ─── 吃什么补充维生素?

21、Complement again the option issue of a paper film, I had used KOSE, 30 yuan 14. ─── 再补充个纸膜的选择问题,我用过KOSE的,30元14个。

22、In the sentence 'I'm angry', 'angry' is the complement. ─── 在I'm angry一句中,angry是补语。

23、Negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs complement the interbank market by channelling longer term funds. ─── 可转让存款证与银行同业市场相辅相成,中转长期资金。

24、Two discussions from different points of view may complement each other. ─── 不同观点的两种讨论可以彼此互相参证。

25、Finally, there are only 3 examples of verb complement reiteration, about 3.1% of the total. ─── 动补结构反覆出现的广告标语只有3个例句,约占全部的3.1%。

26、In legato octaves, we complement a minimal arm-throw motion with active fingerwork to connect the notes more easily. ─── 在八度音阶连奏中,为了加强小手臂,我们用手指的主动投掷动作去连接音符,这样会变得更多容易。

27、Peace and development complement each other. ─── 和平与发展是相辅相成的。

28、An object complement usually agrees with the object in number. ─── 宾语补足语通常在数量上和宾语保持一致。

29、Are updated to complement one another. ─── 会进行更新以相互补充。

30、Using green tea as a complemental ingredient, a new kind of natural nutritive dry noodles was developed. ─── 以绿茶为辅料,研制出一种天然营养挂面。

31、Both the dual and complement of such functions are also threshold function. ─── 一个阈函数的对偶函数及反函数也是一个阈函数。

32、Great look in the mirror, find out the place with oneself actor defect and complemental need, can draw Yue Meili more. ─── 多多照镜子,找出自己的优缺点及需要补足的地方,就会越画越美丽。

33、Tianjing NC Machine Tool Complement Co., Ltd. ─── 天津市数控机床配套有限公司。

34、Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation. ─── 为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。

35、As indicated, these will find that they are a complement one to another in a great many ways. ─── 先前讲过的,你们双方在许多方面是彼此的互补。

36、TMM is complement to SQA and is critical to ensure the high quality products. ─── TMM是对SQA的一个补充,并在保证软件质量方面起着重要作用。

37、Something added for embellishment,completeness,or symmetry;complement. ─── 伴随物,补充物为了装饰、完整或对称而附加的东西;补充物

38、The Type and Replace feature is a complement to the automatic sequence checking of South Asian text. ─── “键入并替换”功能是对南亚文字自动序列检查的补充。

39、Peace and development supplement and complement each other. ─── 和平与发展相辅相成。

40、Perform an operation on one operand such as positive or negative, or on the complement. ─── 对一个操作数执行操作,例如正数、负数或补数。

41、SKF single row full complement cylindrical roller bearings undergo a special heat treatment. ─── SKF单列满滚子圆柱滚子轴承经过特殊热处理。

42、To be safe, stick with prints designed specifically to complement one another. ─── 为了慎重起见,与特别设计的印花放在一起,效果更好。

43、China wants its economic rise to complement, not replace, the current order. ─── 中国希望自身经济的崛起,能够补充、而非取代目前的格局。

44、To complement these designs, the reverse of each banknote features a bridge. ─── 为了要补助这些设计,每个钞票相反以一座桥为特色。

45、The Type and Replace feature is a complement to the automatic sequence checking of text in Indic languages. ─── “键入并替换”功能是对印度语文字自动序列检查的补充。

46、Where is the man you could recommend for her complement? ─── 你认为可以和她配成一对的男人在哪里?

47、The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc. ─── 余切有方向角或弧的补角的正切

48、Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments. ─── 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则。

49、They oppose each other also complement each other. ─── 它们相辅相成。

50、A Genome is the name for the full complement of genes in an organism. ─── 基因组是指某一生物的全部基因。

51、Supply-demand network(SDN) is the development and complement of supply chain. ─── 供需网是对供应链概念的完善和发展。

52、But through combing, help its grandly a lot of more complemental must module, even talent. ─── 但是通过梳理,盛大帮助其补足了很多必须模块,甚至人才。

53、The secant of the complement of a directed angle or arc. ─── 余割有向角的余角或弧的余割

54、The three retrieval periodicals have their special features, they are complemental to each other and cannot be replaced. ─── 《中文科技期刊数据库》不能取代3种检索刊物;3种检索刊物各具特色,它们之间互相补充,不可相互取代。

55、It is a low fat supplement designed to complement the regular diet. ─── 它是一种为日常营养而设计的低脂肪营养补充剂。

56、They complement and harmonize with one another very well. ─── 他们的组合和彼此的本性一致性都是很配的。

57、Something added for embellishment, completeness, or symmetry; complement. ─── 伴随物,补充物为了装饰、完整或对称而附加的东西;补充物

58、Using green tea as a complemental ingredient,a new kind of natural nutritive dry noodles was developed. ─── 以绿茶为辅料,研制出一种天然营养挂面。

59、What microelement to lack? Be to use medicaments or food to have complement? ─── 匮乏啥微量因素?是使用药品还是食品施行增补?

60、"We did not march ceramics, atelier just does complement for game business. ─── “我们并没有进军陶瓷业,工作室只是为了游戏业务做补充。”

61、His business skill complement her flair for design. ─── 他的生意经与她对设计的鉴赏力相得益彰。

62、Information customization, in the sense that we use it, is a useful complement to information agency. ─── 信息定制,按我们使用它的意义,是对信息代理的有用补充。

63、Today we can see that the three means of mass media complement each other. ─── 今天,我们看到这三种大众媒体正互为补充。

64、Both economic rationality and irrationality have achieved dialectical unity and can complement each other. ─── 从经济哲学层面分析,经济理性与经济非理性辩证统一,相辅相成。

65、Conclusion CT virtual laryngoscopy is a good complemental method of fiber optic laryngoscopy. ─── 结论CT仿真内窥镜是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段,具有一定的发展潜力。

66、A perfect complement to veal, salmon, cheeses. ─── 可与小牛肉、鲑鱼、芝士搭配。

67、They complement each other and personify the very essence of winter sports. ─── 它们象征着冬季奥运会项目中不可缺少的两种元素--雪和冰。

68、VRC is a syntax structure consists of a verb and its resultative complement. ─── “动结式”是指动词带表示结果的补语组成的句法结构。

69、A natural protein in human blood serum that participates in the body's immune response by working in conjunction with the complement system. ─── 备解素,血清灭菌蛋白血清中与防御素协同参与身体的免疫反应的人体血液的天然蛋白

70、A good cup of coffee is a necessary complement to a good meal. ─── 一顿大餐少不了一杯好咖啡。

71、The analysis of uncertainty can be a complement to quality standard. ─── 不确定度分析可作为质量标准的补充。

72、NJ design cylindrical roller bearings and some full complement design cylindrical roller bearings can also be used. ─── 也可使用NJ设计的圆柱滚子轴承和一些满滚子设计的圆柱滚子轴承。

73、still be inside two months complemental? ─── 还是可在两个月内补足?

74、In oral Chinese, often the Complement free to the place of the subject or the Adverbial. ─── 在口语中,补语常常游离到句首主语或句中状语的位置。

75、Complement nods protein pink, with VITC, cut cicatrizations quickly! ─── 什么方法能使我的伤口愈合得更快更好?

76、Can complement twice everyday, every time dosage is 100 milligram can. ─── 天天可以补充两次,每次剂量为100毫克即可。

77、Should summer complement what vitamin? ─── 夏天该补充哪些维生素?

78、Great look in the mirror, find out the place with oneself actor defect and complemental need, can draw Yue Meili more. ─── 多多照镜子,找出自己的优缺点及需要补足的地方,就会越画越美丽。

79、Vitamin of what vegetable complement is best? ─── 什么蔬菜补充维生素最好?

80、It supports a full complement of networking and database environments. ─── 它支持全数的网络和数据库环境。

81、A machine language where the code of the complement of a digit is the complement of the code of the digit. ─── 一种机器语言,其中数字补数的代码为该数字代码的补数。

82、A fine wine is a complement to a good meal. ─── 一顿美餐辅以美酒,便相得益彰。

83、Molecular cloning of human complement factor B and its expression in E. coli. ─── 人补体B因子cDNA克隆化及其在大肠杆菌中的表达

84、A defining matrix is given for the solvable and complemental Lie algebras with a generator relation method. ─── 用生成元和定义关系的方法,对每个可解可补李代数给出一个定义矩阵。

85、How will you complement this d. ─── 在部门,你如何与同事做到相得益彰?

86、But through combing, help its grandly a lot of more complemental must module, even talent. ─── 但是通过梳理,盛大帮助其补足了很多必须模块,甚至人才。

87、A full complement of materials support the relaunch of the brand. ─── 完整的材料支持活力的品牌。

88、Brushing teeth, gargle to clean mouth, dental protection is only a complement to it. ─── 刷牙、漱口对清洁口腔、保护牙齿仅是它的补充。

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