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08-20 投稿


ramified 发音

英:[?r?m?fa?d]  美:[?r?m??fa?d]

英:  美:

ramified 中文意思翻译



ramified 短语词组

1、ramified cell ─── 分枝细胞

2、ramified prime ─── 分支素数

3、ramified pit ─── 分枝坑

4、ramified type theory ─── 分枝型理论

5、ramified value ─── 分枝值

ramified 词性/词形变化,ramified变形

过去式:ramified 原型:ramify

ramified 相似词语短语

1、ratified ─── adj.批准的;vt.批准(ratify的过去式)

2、gamifies ─── 游戏化

3、ramifies ─── v.(使)分枝,分叉;成网状

4、rarified ─── adj.纯净的;稀薄的;v.使变稀薄(rarify的过去式)

5、Nazified ─── 纳粹

6、basified ─── v.使……盐基化;使……碱化

7、gamified ─── 游戏化

8、gratified ─── adj.称心的,令人满意的;v.使满足,使高兴;纵情(于),满足(愿望等)(gratify的过去式及过去分词)

9、damnified ─── v.损害;损伤

ramified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stem erect, light green, firm, obscurely ribbed, covered with ramified hairs when young, branched from base; ─── 茎直立,淡绿,坚固,具不明显肋,幼时被分支的毛所覆盖,分枝自基部;

2、ramified covering space ─── 分歧覆盖空间

3、ramified truth-value table ─── 分支真值表

4、Ramified by the passage of sufficient time, any decision, indeed any action, will have large but inherently unpredictable consequences. ─── 任何判决随着时间的流逝而有所分歧,事实上,任何行为都有极大的但是固有的不可预知的结果。

5、Perianth (3 to)5-parted, succulent or herbaceous; utricles flattened, rarely only compressed, without beak; plant body without ramified hairs. ─── 花被(3对)5深裂,多汁的或草质;胞果扁平,很少只压缩,没有具喙;植株身体没有使分支的毛。(33

6、Keywords Ramified flotation;Pyrite;Test; ─── 分支浮选;硫铁矿;试验;

7、ramified theory of type ─── 分歧类型论

8、totally ramified surface ─── 完全分歧面

9、OX6 positive ramified cells and round cells appeared in ischemic p enumbra (ramified) and core (round) at 3 day postischemia, and increased and pea ked in number at 1 week postischemia, and then declined gradually. ─── OX6阳性细胞在半暗带区呈分支状 ,而在脑缺血中央区为圆形的阿米巴样细胞。 阳性细胞在脑缺血后 3d出现 ,脑缺血 1周时 ,其形态和数量变化最显著 ,并持续到脑缺血后 2周。

10、transverse ramified ─── 横分枝的(指脉)

11、completely ramified algebra ─── 完全分歧代数

12、ramified algebra ─── 分歧代数

13、Railways ramified all over the country. ─── 铁路四通八达遍布全国。

14、Every activity, however specific, is, of course, general in its ramified connections, for it leads out indefinitely into other things. ─── 每一个活动无论怎样特殊,就它和其他事物的错综复杂的关系来说,它当然是一般的,因为它引出无数其他事物。

15、Chang - ji Qian.Guo - liang Gao.Hong Li.Meng-baoLuo,Gao-xiangYe Monte Carlo simulation of ramified aggregates on substrates with fixed impurities 2002(299 ─── 钱昌吉.高国良.李洪.叶高翔无序杂质区域对沉积在胶体基底表面的金原子凝聚体分形结构的影响[期刊论文]-物理学报2002(9

16、Influence of impurity areas on the structure of ramified aggregates ─── 杂质区域对金原子凝聚体分形结构的影响

17、the action or state of ramifying or being ramified. ─── 分枝(或分支)形成;分枝(或分支)排列

18、ramified algebraic function element ─── 分岐代数函数元素

19、ramified morphism ─── 分歧态射

20、ramified element ─── 分歧元

21、ramified flotation ─── 分支浮选

22、Railways are ramified over the country. ─── 铁路线分布全国。

23、Stem erect, light green, firm, obscurely ribbed, covered with ramified hairs when young, branched from base; ─── 茎直立,淡绿,坚固,具不明显肋,幼时被分支的毛所覆盖,分枝自基部;

24、ramified extension ─── 分歧扩张

25、The ramified world itself was created as it is. ─── 世界本身的分歧是因为它是。

26、rhizome ramified from base; ─── 根状茎使自基部分支;

27、Highways were ramified all over the country. ─── 公路纵横交错,遍布全国。

28、The design and clinical application of ramified musculocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery ─── 旋股外侧动脉降支分叶肌皮瓣的设计与临床应用

29、Every activity, however specific, is, of course, general in its ramified connections, for it leads out indefinitely into other things. ─── 每一个活动无论怎样特殊,就它和其他事物的错综复杂的关系来说,它当然是一般的,因为它引出无数其他事物。

30、Gene expression programming, a genotype / phenotype genetic algorithm (linear and ramified), is presentedhere for the first time as a new technique for the creation of computer programs. ─── Gene expression (译):基因表达式编程的基因型/表型的遗传算法(线性和分支) ,是presentedhere首次作为一项新技术,建立计算机程序。

31、ramified covering ─── 分歧覆盖

32、non ramified ─── adj. 非分歧的

33、Railways are ramified over the country. ─── 铁路线分布全国。

34、non ramified extension ─── 非分歧扩张

35、Technology has changed, the warriors say, and the effect of this change, when ramified through the market and norms, is that a balance of protection for the copyright owners' rights has been lost. ─── 斗士们说,技术变化,分别通过对市场机制和规范机制产生两股影响,于是原来版权所有者的保护的平衡被打破。

36、But then it ramified. ─── 但是后来,其意义有了发展。

37、Ramified by the passage of sufficient time, any decision, indeed any action, will have large but inherently unpredictable consequences. ─── 任何判决随着时间的流逝而有所分歧,事实上,任何行为都有极大的但是固有的不可预知的结果。

38、The ramified world itself was created as it is. ─── 世界本身的分歧是因为它是。

39、The results showed that the SV,RI and AC progressively dedreased as renal artery ramified; ─── 研究表明,随肾内动脉逐级分支,其SV、ri和AC值依次递减;

40、fully ramified ─── 全分歧的

41、Stem erect, slender, ribbed, covered with ramified hairs when young. ─── 茎直立,纤细,棱,幼时为使分支的毛所覆盖。

42、Their descendants ramified. ─── 他们的后代支系蔓生。

43、Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the design and application of the ramified musculocutaneous flap pedicled with the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery. ─── 目的:为以旋股外侧动脉降支为蒂分叶肌皮瓣的设计与临床应用提供解剖学基础。

44、Ramified Aggregates on Anisotropic Colloid Substrates ─── 各向异性胶体基底表面的分形凝聚体

45、The problem merely ramified after the unsuccessful meeting. ─── 那次不成功的会议后,问题变得更加复杂了

46、1. Railways ramified all over the country. ─── 铁路四通八达遍布全国。

47、Influence of impurities on the structure of ramified aggregates on colloidal substrate surfaces ─── 无序杂质区域对沉积在胶体基底表面的金原子凝聚体分形结构的影响

48、ramified valuation of reduction to absurdity ─── 分支归谬赋值法

49、ramified prime ideal ─── 分歧素理想

50、obmedial ramified ─── 向轴分枝的(指脉)

51、Shrubs small, 30-60 cm tall, densely ramified; ─── 灌木小,30-60厘米高,密分支;

52、Computer simulation for ramified aggregates on nonlattice substrates with impurities ─── 含杂质无格点基底表面分枝状凝聚体的计算机模拟

53、Herbs annual.Stem erect, branched from base, covered with ramified hairs, becoming glabrous. ─── 一年生草本茎直立,分开自基部,被分支的毛所覆盖,变得无毛。

54、totally ramified value ─── 完全分岐值

55、Herbs annual. Stem erect, branched from base, covered with ramified hairs, becoming glabrous. ─── 一年生草本茎直立,分开自基部,被分支的毛所覆盖,变得无毛。

56、Stem green, obscurely ribbed, densely covered with ramified hairs, becoming glabrous, branched from base; ─── 茎绿色,具不明显肋,密被分支的毛,变得无毛,分枝自基部;

57、AFM studies on the microstructures of the Ag and Au ramified aggregates as well as the up and down surfaces of the Au continuous films are presented. ─── 利用原子力显微镜对金和银分枝状凝聚体以及金连续薄膜正反表面的微观结构进行了细致的研究。

58、exmedial ramified ─── 离轴分枝的

59、Male flowers usually 3, inserted on rachis or ramified; ─── 雄花通常3,着生于轴或分支;

60、Microglia are the resident immune cells in the brain, in mature brains, Resting microglia exhibit a characteristic ramified morphology and serve the critical role of immune surveillance. ─── 小胶质细胞是大脑的免疫细胞,在成熟脑静止的小胶质细胞呈分枝状,主要起免疫监视作用。

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