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08-20 投稿


reenforce 发音

英:[?ri??n?f??rs]  美:[?ri??n?f??s]

英:  美:

reenforce 中文意思翻译



reenforce 短语词组

1、reenforce your relationship ─── 重振你们的关系

reenforce 词性/词形变化,reenforce变形


reenforce 相似词语短语

1、re-enforced ─── 重新执行

2、reinforce ─── vt.加强,加固;强化;补充;vi.求援;得到增援;给予更多的支持;n.加强;加固物;加固材料

3、reinforcer ─── n.增强剂;加强件;增强材料;强化刺激

4、reinforced ─── v.加强;巩固;(使)更结实;增援,(使)更强大;增进,加深(reinforce的过去式及过去分词);adj.加固的;增强的

5、reenforced ─── 加强

6、renforce ─── n.船帆布

7、reinforces ─── 加固;加强;增援;巩固

8、re-enforces ─── 重新执行

9、re-enforce ─── 加强

reenforce 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ultimate aim of the system is to reenforce communication between client and seller, as well as the sell of houses. ─── 本系统的最终目的就是加强用户和销售方的沟通,促进房屋销售。

2、Reenforce two teachers under air protection, attack awn street, Locbinh. ─── 增援的两个师在空军掩护下,进攻芒街、禄平。

3、After the reenforce police rushes, 6 people start to drive off reenforce the police. ─── 增援的民警赶到后,6人又开始追打增援民警。

4、The police request the army reenforce. ─── 警方要求军队增援。

5、Our on-the-spot direction has issued the fighting a battle to force a quick decision order immediately, evacuates to 100 meters place, and goes to the ambush reenforce. ─── 我方现场指挥立即下达了速战速决的命令,撤离到100米处,并前往设伏地点增援。

6、Reenforce and Transact effect analysis of Deep Mixing Pile the Composite Foundation ─── 水泥土搅拌桩地基加固处理效果分析

7、Not only does this reenforce commendable actions, but it also mollifies the negative feedback which may come later. ─── 并不仅仅因为事情本身值得赞扬,同时这样也能减轻一些以后可能出现的负面反应。

8、The second batch reenforce the and soldiers toto scene, joins to the rescue. ─── 第二批增援官兵赶到现场,加入到救援中。

9、favourable to improve the limping gait for those patients suitable to this method. ─── 适合行此手术的病员,对改善跛行步态有着良好的作用。

10、He immediately telephone communication group police young Luo and young Zhang, let them catch up with reenforce. ─── 他立即电话联系同组的民警小罗和小张,让他们赶来增援。

11、After the Eighth Route Army 129 teacher 769 groups follow orders the going north enemy, diverts the blockade to reenforce the Xin mouth Japanese forces. ─── 八路军129师769团奉命北上敌后牵制阻击增援忻口日军。

12、The director requests the reenforce during the rescue, special service squadron 8:50 to arrive immediately to carry on the rescue. ─── 在救援同时指挥员马上请求增援,特勤中队8时50分到场进行救援。

13、Thai Army commander the Arab League vertical stroke loose orders the first armed forces to set out the reenforce. ─── 泰国陆军司令阿努蓬命令第一军的出动增援。

14、Reenforce and Transact effect analysis of Deep Mixing Pile the Composite Foundation ─── 水泥土搅拌桩地基加固处理效果分析

15、Besides, this part also reports that it's developing tendency for this technology to reenforce the fundamental theoretical study and enlarge the applicative fields of Resonance Light Scattering. ─── 本文简要介绍了共振光散射技术的历史和研究现状,总结了共振光散射技术的特点,提出了加强基础理论研究和扩大共振光散射的应用领域等方面是共振光散射技术的发展趋势。

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