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08-20 投稿


conjecturing 发音

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conjecturing 中文意思翻译




conjecturing 短语词组

1、conjecturing in a sentence ─── 在句子中推测

2、conjecturing definition ─── 猜想定义

3、conjecturing in math ─── 数学猜想

4、conjecturing meaning ─── 推测意义

5、conjecturing synonym ─── 猜想同义词

conjecturing 词性/词形变化,conjecturing变形

形容词: conjecturable |副词: conjecturably |名词: conjecturer |动词第三人称单数: conjectures |动词过去式: conjectured |动词现在分词: conjecturing |动词过去分词: conjectured |

conjecturing 相似词语短语

1、conjectural ─── adj.推测的;好推测的

2、cofeaturing ─── 共食

3、conjecting ─── v.推测,揣摩;计划,策划

4、misconjecturing ─── 误解

5、conjecture ─── n.推测;猜想;vi.推测;揣摩;vt.推测

6、conjectured ─── v.推测;猜想;假设;揣摩(conjecture的过去式和过去分词)

7、concentring ─── v.集中于一点;聚集;会聚

8、concentering ─── vt.集合;vi.聚集于一点

9、conjecturer ─── n.推测;猜想(conjecture的变形)

conjecturing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the standpoint of pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs, TCM regards “conjecturing the interior by observing the exterior” as wholism. ─── 中医从辨证论治立场出发,把“司外揣内”叫做整体观念。

2、a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence). ─── 通常在缺乏确实证据下的推测或猜想的假说。

3、Is crowded around by the people are going down the red carpet, Wang Nan moves sideways the restroom, leaves behind bystander's conjecturing, “which star is this”An uncle thought aloud. ─── 被众人簇拥着走下红地毯,王楠闪身进了休息室,留下围观者的猜度,“这是哪个明星吧?”一个老大爷自言自语。

4、The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet's vistit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner. ─── 晚上随后的时光母女们就一直猜测宾利先生的回访有多快,以及决定请他什么时间过来吃饭合适。

5、She imagined her mother's desperate movements as she searched through the room, conjecturing, wondering "what could have become of that girl? ─── 她想象她母亲在房间里寻找、猜测、想知道“这女孩能遇上什么事呢?”时那种绝望的行动。

6、of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet'; s visit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner. ─── 猜测那位贵人什么时候会来回拜班纳特先生,一方面盘算着什么时候请他来吃饭,就这样把一个晚上的工夫在闲谈中度过去了。

7、We have no figures for conjecturing the amount of their yield. ─── 我们没有数字去推断他们的总收入。

8、conjecturing that effective computation is equivalent to the notion of a "recursive" function. ─── 推测有效计算是一个递归函数想法的等价物。

9、Milton's contemporaries were endlessly conjecturing where it is exactly in the body that the soul resides. ─── 弥尔顿同时代的人无止境的思索,灵魂到底栖居在人体的哪个位置。

10、The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet's visit,and determining when they should ask him to dinner. ─── 于是她们一方面猜测那位贵人什么时候会来回拜班纳特先生,一方面盘算着什么时候请他来吃饭,就这样把一个晚上的工夫在闲谈中度过去了。

11、The Lan Hui says: "Get up, this BE? " Lan Hui's to warding is conjecturing her Mary to understand perfectly well past ask. ─── 澜惠说道:“起来吧,这位是?”澜惠对着正打量她的玛丽明知故问着。

12、conjecturing the interior by observing the exterior ─── 司外揣内

13、Partition means not isolation. ...while people might indulge in the peeping and conjecturing activity through a revealed curtain corner. ─── 隔离,不是断绝。....而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。

14、A boy came up with one molar solution, conjecturing that the tooth fairy builds entire tooth houses. ─── 一位男孩想出了一个答案,他推测牙仙子会建造一栋全部由牙齿盖成的房子。

15、A boy came up with one molar solution, conjecturing that the tooth fairy builds entire tooth houses. ─── 一位男孩想出了一个答案,他推测牙仙子会建造一栋全部由牙齿盖成的房子。

16、art of conjecturing ─── 猜度水

17、Partition means not isolation. . . . while people might indulge in the peeping and conjecturing activity through a revealed curtain corner. ─── 隔离,不是断绝…而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。


19、In the whole process of Chinese netclasses, the students have enhanced their ability of fast reading and conjecturing the content of a passage through several known sentences. ─── 在语文网络教学的全过程中,在阅读方面,学生的快速阅读能力和通过已知的少量语句推测文章内容的能力得到了锻炼;

20、However, that will not stop the media and others from speculating, conjecturing, and fear mongering. ─── 但是,这不会阻止媒体和其他形式的新闻界来从中投机,推测与散播恐惧。

21、We have no figures for conjecturing the amount of their yield. ─── 我们没有数字去推断他们的总收入。

22、The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet's visit, and determining when they should ask him to dinner. ─── 于是她们一方面猜测那位贵人什么时候会来回拜班纳特先生,一方面盘算着什么时候请他来吃饭,就这样把一个晚上的工夫在闲谈中度过去了。

23、Conjecturing investigation about the basic scope of Chinese literature theory words ─── 中国文论话语的元范畴臆探

24、Also the old madam Ning has eyebrows, up and down conjecturing six the cloudy regionses is several eyes. ─── 老夫人也拧起了眉头,上下打量了陆云霄几眼。

25、and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line, conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. ─── 所以我们必须辛辛昔苦地找出每一行诗每一个字的原意来,尽我们所有的智力、勇武与气量,来寻思它们的原意,要比通常应用时寻求更深更广的原来意义。

26、deborah exerted much sagacity in conjecturing which of the two girls was likely to have the best place ─── 狄波拉用尽心机去猜哪一个女儿会得顶好的席位。

27、and we must laboriously seek the meaning of each word and line conjecturing a larger sense than common use permits out of what wisdom and valor and generosity we have. ─── 而我们必需要去穷究每条字句,用我们应具的某种比大众共识更广博的智慧、英勇与旷怀推想出其真意。

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