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08-20 投稿


belayed 发音

英:[?bi?le?d]  美:[?bi?le?d]

英:  美:

belayed 中文意思翻译




belayed 短语词组

1、belayed my fears ─── 阻止了我的恐惧

2、belayed feedback ─── 延迟反馈

3、belayed vs belated ─── 迟到vs ─── 迟到

4、belayed definition ─── 延迟定义

belayed 词性/词形变化,belayed变形

动词现在分词: belaying |动词过去式: belayed |动词第三人称单数: belays |动词过去分词: belayed |

belayed 相似词语短语

1、relayed ─── v.转发(信息、消息等);转播(电视或广播讯号);重新铺设(relay的过去式及过去分词)

2、delayed ─── adj.延时的;定时的;v.延迟(delay的过去式)

3、belated ─── adj.迟来的;误期的

4、belayer ─── 给攀登者保护的保护者;n.(Belayer)人名;(法)贝拉耶

5、berayed ─── 贝里德

6、belayers ─── 保护者

7、beladied ─── 比利时

8、belaced ─── 迟到的

9、belauded ─── vt.对…大加赞扬

belayed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the act or method of descending from a mountainside or cliff by means of a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be payed out smoothly and gradually ─── 绕绳下降,从山坡或悬崖上下来时的一种行为或方法,把一根拖长的绳子绕在一条大腿和相反的肩膀上,最后能逐渐顺利地下山

2、d) That no excessive fall shall be experienced by the competitor being belayed; ─── 所有墜落在動態和安全的情況下停止;

3、She began her piano studies in Shanghai with Qian Qi, Ding Shande, Yang jiaren, Mario Paci, Alfred Marcus and Bela Belai. ─── 青年时代在上海学习钢琴,师从钱琪、善德、凰契、库斯、拉、莱等中外名师。

4、The act or method of descending from a mountainside or cliff by means of a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be payed out smoothly and gradually. ─── 绕绳下降从山坡或悬崖上下来时的一种行为或方法,把一根拖长的绳子绕在一条大腿和相反的肩膀上,最后能逐渐顺利地下山

5、That no excessive fall shall be experienced by the competitor being belayed; ─── 选手不该因为过度的确保而坠落;

6、The seamen knew where each rope belayed on deck. ─── 水手们知道每根缆绳可拴在甲板上什么地方。

7、She began her piano studies in Shanghai with Qian Qi,Ding Shande,Yang jiaren ,Mario Paci,Alfred Marcus and Bela Belai. ─── 青年时代在上海学习钢琴,师从钱琪、丁善德、梅凰契、马库斯、贝拉、贝莱等中外名师。

8、Jacket belayed with silver lace. ─── 夹克被绑缚上银色饰带。

9、All lead competition routes shall be climbed on lead with the competitor belayed from below. ─── 所有先锋比赛路线选手应以先锋攀登,下方确保为之。

10、Following the leader is termed cleaning since it's the follower's job to remove the protection (placed there by the leader ) as he ascends, being belayed from above. ─── 跟攀也被称为清除,因为跟攀者向上时必须移去所有的保护(由先前的领攀者放置).领攀者上方为跟攀者做保护.

11、c) That no excessive fall shall be experienced by the competitor being belayed; ─── 讓所有的墜落停止在安全的模式;

12、line may be a useful aid even if the wader is belayed as below. ─── 绳甚至在渡溪者处于被确保状态下,都是个好用的帮手。

13、"You know," said my friend Peter, as he belayed me up, "youre really not using your feet well at all. ─── “你知道”正保护我攀爬的朋友彼得说,“你实在没有好好利用脚。”

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