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sycamore 发音

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英:  美:

sycamore 中文意思翻译



sycamore 网络释义

n. 美国梧桐;西克莫无花果树;假挪威槭

sycamore 词性/词形变化,sycamore变形


sycamore 短语词组

1、Arizona sycamore ─── [网络] 亚利桑那州梧桐

2、American sycamore un. ─── 美国梧桐 [网络] ─── 美洲桐木;一球悬铃木

3、sycamore partners ─── 梧桐合伙人

4、sycamore education login sycamore education ─── 登录

5、sycamore tree ─── 无花果树

6、sycamore wilderness canyon ─── 梧桐荒野峡谷

7、sycamore il jobs ─── 梧桐树

8、sycamore row ─── 梧桐林

9、sycamore education ─── 梧桐教育

10、dunkery ct sycamore il dunkery ct ─── 梧桐伊利诺伊州

11、sycamore login sycamore ─── 登录

12、sycamore hill ─── 梧桐山

13、sycamore trees ─── 无花果树

14、sycamore 1427 ─── 梧桐树1427

15、gashing sycamore fruit ─── 割梧桐果

16、sycamore leaf ─── 梧桐叶

17、California sycamore ─── [网络] 加州梧桐

18、sycamore fig ─── [网络] 西克莫无花果

sycamore 相似词语短语

1、hackamore ─── n.驯马笼头

2、sagamore ─── n.副酋长;酋长

3、sycamines ─── n.桑树的一种

4、sycomores ─── n.西克莫无花果(基督教《圣经》中的桑树)

5、sycamores ─── n.美国梧桐;西克莫无花果树;假挪威槭

6、sycamine ─── n.桑树的一种

7、sycomore ─── n.西克莫无花果(基督教《圣经》中的桑树)

8、sagamores ─── n.副酋长;酋长

9、camote ─── 卡莫特

sycamore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then you'll never know how high does the sycamore grow ─── 你永远不会知道它能长多高

2、She heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree. ─── 她听到一条老狗的吠声传来,那条狗拴在一棵悬铃木上。

3、Collector's quality and hand finished in mahogany &sycamore. ─── 收藏家的质量和手完成了在桃花心木& 美国梧桐。

4、4So he ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree. From there he would be able to see Jesus who had to pass that way. ─── 于是他往前奔跑,攀上了一棵野桑树,要看看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

5、The furniture is made of sycamore, beech, and leather. ─── 这套家具是由西卡摩木材、山毛榉木材和皮革制成的。

6、How high does the sycamore grow? ─── 你猜树能长多高?

7、Valuable hard wood of the sycamore ─── 西克莫木材(材质坚硬而贵重)

8、And the king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stone, and he made cedar as plentiful as the sycamore of the Shephelah. ─── 王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头,香柏木多如高原的桑树。

9、Lk. 19:4 And he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way. ─── 路十九4于是先跑到前头,爬上一棵桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

10、Tell her to weave it in a sycamore wood lane ─── 再让她织出梧桐成行

11、several large semi-cylinders of the thin white bark of a sycamore, ─── 几块半圆形的梧桐树的白色薄皮,,

12、Yes. My name is Carol Burns, and my address is 501 Sycamore Drive, Biose, Idaho. the zip code is 83232. ─── 好的,我的名字是carolburns,地址是501sycamoredrive,boise,idaho,邮递区号是83232。

13、There is considerable evidence that sycamore cell-wall xyloglucan is the same as that isolated from SEPS ─── 相当多的证据证明槭细胞壁木葡聚糖与从SEPS分离出来的是相同的。

14、Then Amos replied to Amaziah, "I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet; for I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs. ─── 阿摩司对亚玛谢说,我原不是先知,也不是先知的门徒(原文作儿子)。我是牧人,又是修理桑树的。

15、Sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) is an endemic species of North America, and records firstly in fauna of China. ─── 摘要悬铃木方翅网蝽原产北美地区,首次在中国区系中发现。

16、thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the Biblical sycamore. ─── 非洲和临近亚洲西南部的一种分布广泛、枝繁叶茂的树,由近地面的树枝支撑,;在无叶的短枝上产串生的劣质无花果,可食用,;香膏悬铃木。

17、So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. ─── 就跑到前头,爬上桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣必从那里经过。

18、Now our worldwide headquarter is located in Sycamore, IL, USA., our manufacturers and distributors spread over the United States , Canada , Europe and Australia . ─── 现公司总部位于伊利诺伊州的欣克摩尔( Sycamore ),制造厂和分销机构遍布全美、加拿大、欧洲和澳洲。

19、Ramosia mellinipennis (sycamore clearwing) ─── 梧桐透翅蛾

20、So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way. ─── 就跑到前头,爬上桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣必从那里经过。

21、Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you" Birds singin'in the sycamore trees Dream a little dream of me ─── 天空星光灿烂夜晚的微风似乎在低语"我爱你"无花果树上鸟儿在鸣啭让我在你小小梦里

22、Molecular Study on Genetic Variation of Sycamore Provenances ─── 美国梧桐种质资源遗传变异的分子研究

23、He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle. ─── 他拿出梧桐树皮,放在蜡烛旁边。

24、American Sycamore ─── 一球悬铃木,美国梧桐(悬铃木科)

25、How high does the sycamore grow? If you cut it down, the you 'll never know ─── 梧桐树能长多高?如果你砍断它,那必是个永远的谜

26、I have two specimens of the same lichen before me while I write these lines, one from the great St.Bernard, and the other from the wall of a Scottish castle, deeply embossed among sycamore trees; ─── 我有两个苔藓的标本,一个是从高山上采集来的,一个是从城墙上篨悬树中采集来的;

27、And over the olive trees and the sycamore trees that were in the lowland was Baal-hanan the Gederite; and over the oil stores was Joash; ─── 28掌管低陆橄榄树和桑树的是基第利人巴勒哈南;掌管油库的是约阿施;

28、And he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way. ─── 于是先跑到前头,爬上一棵桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

29、sycamore maple ─── 大槭树

30、"The hardwoods are trees with broad leaves. Oak, beech, birch, sycamore, maple, mahogany, and teak are all hardwoods. " ─── 硬木材是阔叶树。橡、山毛榉、桦、美国梧桐、槭、红木、柚木全都属于硬木。

31、Yes. my name be carol burns , and my address are 501 sycamore drive , boise , Idaho. the zip code be 83232 . ─── 好的,我的名字是carol Burns,地址是501 Sycamore Drive, Boise, Idaho,邮递区号是83232。

32、How high does the sycamore grow if you cut it down that you've never known? ─── 不经意砍倒的枫树又长了多高?

33、Birches, pine, oak and sycamore trees mixed with the luscious green pastures create a dramatic contrast with bare mountainsides. ─── 桦树、松树、橡树和梧桐树参差著浓厚的绿牧草原与光秃的山脉造成印象深刻的对比。

34、They're made out of assorted hardwoods; we have some here that's made out of black walnut, and sycamore. ─── 它们由硬杂木制作,我们这里有一些是黑胡桃木和梧桐木做的。

35、The rooks have already courted with their mates, and are building nests in ash, elm and sycamore - a sign that never fails. ─── 赌棍和他们的助手已经追求了, 而且正在建造灰,榆木和大枫树的巢套 -一个永不失败的标志。

36、A sycamore desk,chair,etc ─── 西克莫木书桌、椅子等.

37、How high does the sycamore grow ─── 如果你坎掉枫树

38、Though he transferred the estate's title to Sycamore Valley Ranch Company in 2008, he still owned an unknown stake in the property at the time of his death. ─── 虽然2008年他将地产权益转让给了枫谷牧场公司,但在他死时他仍拥有资产中的未知股份。

39、sycamore -lined streets ─── 梧桐树林荫道

40、How high will the sycamore grow? ─── 枫树能长多高?

41、Baal-hanan the Gederite had charge of the olive and sycamore trees in the Shephelah; and Joash had charge of the stores of oil. ─── 掌管高原橄榄树和桑树的是基第利人巴勒哈南。掌管油库的是约阿施。

42、"Yes. My name is Carol Burns, and my address is 501 Sycamore Drive, Boise, Idaho. The zip code is 83232. " ─── "好的,我的名字是Carol Burns,地址是501Sycamore Drive,Boise,Idaho,邮递区号是83232。"

43、He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore-figs with sleet. ─── 他降冰雹打坏他们的葡萄树。下严霜打坏他们的桑树。

44、A giant wind turbine design that mimics the spiralling motion of a sycamore seed could revolutionise the wind power industry. ─── 一种模拟悬铃木种子作螺旋运动的巨型风力涡轮机横空出世,它可能给风力发电产业带来革命性变化。

45、sycamore | [Latin] Acer pseudoplatanus ─── 欧亚槭

46、And he ran on ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way. ─── 于是先跑到前头,爬上一棵桑树,要看耶稣,因为耶稣就要从那里经过。

47、How high does the sycamore grow if you cut it down that you never know? ─── 不经意砍过的枫树又长了多高?

48、Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings. ─── 六棵受病的普通无花果小树苗。

49、" Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me. ─── 鸟儿在无花果树上歌唱,做个关于我的小小的梦。

50、Well,they were still mad at you for cutting down their sycamore. ─── 嗯,你斩了他们的美国梧桐树,他们仍在生气呢.

51、I have vivid memories of Mom sitting with us on the concrete steps out back, under the far-reaching branches of the sycamore tree. ─── 我仍然象清楚地记得,她和我们一起坐在那颗小无花果树下的水泥台阶上。

52、For more information about Sycamore Networks, please visit company website at http://www.sycamorenet.com/. ─── 我们提供良好的职业发展机会,宽松的工作氛围,有竞争力的薪水和福利。

53、The roof had fallen in long ago, and an enormous sycamore had grown on the spot where the sacristy had once stood. ─── 教堂的屋顶早已崩塌,一棵巨大的枫树生长在原来圣坛的地方。

54、The king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem, and he made cedars as plentiful as sycamore trees that are in the lowland. ─── 王上10:27王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头。香柏木多如高原的桑树。

55、To the south, Sycamore trees create a tall, broadleaf canopy. ─── 在城区的南部,是一片树冠宽大枫树林。

56、He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle. ─── 他从口袋里掏出梧桐树皮,放在蜡烛旁边。

57、The rabbit tires and falls, landing inside the hollow trunk of a sycamore tree, where he is trapped ─── 兔子掉到了一棵无花果树的空树干里,怎么挣扎也出不去。

58、They look like dollhouses-carefully crafted wooden models made of light sycamore, ash and rosewood-but the contents are not for children. ─── 是一些精心制作的模型,材质是轻质枫木、白蜡木和红木,看起来就像是供小孩子摆弄的玩具房子。不过,房子里面装的东西可不适合小孩子。

59、Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Lau Wong Fat Secondary School 66 Sycamore Street, Tai Kwok Tsui, Kowloon ─── 世界龙岗学校刘皇发中学九龙大角咀诗歌舞街66号

60、So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to see Him, for He was about to pass through that way. ─── 路19:4就跑到前头、爬上桑树、要看耶稣、因为耶稣必从那里经过。

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