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08-20 投稿


isinglass 发音

英:[?a?z??ɡl?s]  美:[?a?z???ɡlɑ?s]

英:  美:

isinglass 中文意思翻译



isinglass 短语词组

1、Japanese isinglass ─── [医] 琼脂, 洋粉

2、isinglass cleaner ─── 玻璃清洁剂

3、isinglass windows ─── 玻璃窗

4、isinglass plaster ─── [医] 鱼胶硬膏

5、isinglass curtains ─── 玻璃窗帘

6、vegetable isinglass ─── [医] 琼脂

7、isinglass windows definition isinglass ─── 窗口定义

8、isinglass wine ─── 伊辛格拉斯葡萄酒

9、isinglass for beer ─── 啤酒用玻璃

isinglass 相似词语短语

1、windlass ─── n.绞盘;卷扬机;辘轳;v.用绞盘吊起

2、flint glass ─── 含铅玻璃;无色玻璃;[玻璃]火石玻璃

3、spyglass ─── n.小望远镜

4、sunglass ─── n.太阳眼镜;聚集日光引火的凸透镜

5、sandglass ─── n.沙漏(用于计算时间)

6、missing mass ─── 丢失质量

7、singles ─── n.(常用复数)单打比赛;(美)独身者;单程票(single的复数);v.挑出(single的第三人称单数形式)

8、wineglass ─── n.玻璃酒杯;葡萄酒杯

9、firing glass ─── 烧制玻璃

isinglass 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、valuable source of caviar and isinglass; ─── 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源;

2、leaf isinglass ─── 片状鱼胶

3、Results show that better clarifying effects can be obtained by adding fruit enzyme, isinglass and single peaceful respectively. ─── 结果表明:添加适量的果胶酶、明胶和单宁,均能产生良好的澄清效果。

4、Establish the plant of 3 isinglass plywood 1967, ceng Xian hind introduces advanced product line from the country such as Japan, Sweden, former Germany, Norwegian, Italy, into.. ─── 创建于1967年的三明胶合板厂,曾先后从日本、瑞典、原西德、挪威、意大利等国家引进先进生产线,成...

5、bengal isinglass ─── 琼脂

6、composed of isinglass on silk; formerly used to dress superficial wounds ─── 用绸底的明胶做成;以前它可以用来粘合皮外伤口

7、Isinglass, or dried fish bladder, gives beer its golden glow. ─── 鱼胶,或者干鱼鳔能够使啤酒呈现金色的光辉。

8、Fish glue 1)Isinglass, 2)gelatinous liquid glue prepared from fish waste, e.g. skin, bones, etc., by heating in water. ─── 鱼胶1)鱼胶,2)从鱼杂中热水煮过取得的凝胶状胶体,例如皮肤,硬骨等等。

9、Keywords Isinglass wastewater Biodegradability Biological treatment Acclimated activated sludge; ─── 明胶废水;可生化性;生物处理法;驯化活性污泥;

10、isinglass; fish glue ─── 鳔胶

11、Isinglass was used as preventive therapy while we were establishing CAG rat model. ─── 在造模的同时用云母进行预防实验。

12、Organoleptic fining to soften rough edges is usually done with egg whites, isinglass, gelatine, or casein. ─── 感官罚软化粗糙边缘通常做蛋白、明胶、明胶或干酪素。

13、valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas. ─── 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源;产于黑海和里海。

14、valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas. ─── 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源;产于黑海和里海。

15、Prevention of isinglass on the chronic atrophic gastritis in rats and its mechanism ─── 云母对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的预防作用及机制研究

16、Keywords Isinglass;Gastritis;atrophic;Rats;Epidermal growh factor;Proliferating cell nuclear antigen; ─── 云母;胃炎;萎缩性;大鼠;表皮生长因子;增殖细胞核抗原;

17、isinglass stone ─── 云母

18、composed of isinglass on silk; formerly used to dress superficial wounds. ─── 用绸底的明胶做成;以前它可以用来粘合皮外伤口。

19、The kind of heater enlaces the resistance heating wire around the isinglass board (flat). ─── 云母板(片)加热器是将电阻发热丝缠绕在云母(片)上的一种电加热器件。

20、vegetable isinglass ─── 琼脂洋菜

21、Wine May sometimes have been fined using isinglass, dried blood, egg albumen, gelatine, chitin. ─── 葡萄酒 有时可能会被罚款使用鱼胶,干血,鸡蛋蛋白,明胶,甲壳素。素食替代品包括膨润土,矽藻土,高岭土和矽胶。

22、Isinglass Gelatin product from the collagen in the outer layer of the wall of the swim bladder; ─── 鱼胶在泳鳔壁外层中的胶原蛋白产生的凝胶;

23、Biodegradation of isinglass wastewater by acclimated activated sludge process ─── 驯化活性污泥处理明胶有机废水的实验

24、Results show that better clarifying effects can be obtained by adding fruit enzyme, isinglass and single peaceful respectively. ─── 结果表明:添加适量的果胶酶、明胶和单宁,均能产生良好的澄清效果。

25、The oscillation phenomenon in the delay of the isinglass wave plate is found,which had been proved in the reference 3. ─── 观察到了和理论相符的云母波片延迟量的振荡现象。

26、isinglass gold-size ─── 鱼胶贴金漆

27、Isinglass for stationery or household purposes ─── 文具或家用鱼胶

28、You can use sterilized bentonite, isinglass, or egg whites. ─── 您能用被消毒的膨润土、鱼胶或者蛋白。

29、Valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in black and Caspian seas. ─── 鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源;产于黑海和里海。

30、The swim bladder is used in isinglass, a gelatin. ─── 鳔可制作鱼胶,是一种明胶。

31、isinglass plaster ─── [医] 鱼胶硬膏

32、composed of isinglass on silk; ─── 用绸底的明胶做成;

33、AIM: To evaluate the effect of isinglass on chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG) in rats and its mechanism. ─── 目的:研究云母对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的预防作用并探讨其机制。

34、Mechanism of isinglass in prevention and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis in rats ─── 云母对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎干预及逆转治疗的机理探讨

35、This discovery has an important significance for expanding the applications of isinglass. ─── 这一发现对于推广鱼明胶的应用具有重要的意义。

36、He used the isinglass to glue the chair legs, so we can only use the chair once it has dried. ─── 他刚用鳔胶粘和了椅子腿,要等干了才能用。

37、Something to settle the wine. You can use sterilized bentonite, isinglass, or (in a pinch) egg whites. The first two are readily available at any wine making store. ─── 滤酒物(使酒澄清)。您能用被消毒的膨润土、鱼胶或者(在少量)蛋白。前两样可在所有酿酒商店购买。

38、After seaming, oppress 5 minutes, if bleed to still keep stopping, applied isinglass sponge, hemostatic pink put tooth chamfer check, bite gauze to coil again oppressive and hemostatic. ─── 缝后压迫5分钟,如出血仍不停止,应用明胶海绵、止血粉等放入牙槽窝,再咬纱卷压迫止血。

39、Keywords isinglass aluminium electrolytic colouring liquid regenerated treatment; ─── 明胶;铝电解着色液;再生处理;

40、Japanese isinglass ─── 日本琼脂

41、This prescription includes precious tonic herbs such as pilose antler, ginseng, sea horse, isinglass, etc. ─── 补肾的最好方法,一定要从补阴入手,但目前的诸多壮阳药中,却采用催情春药,壮火补阳,以求近救。

42、Any of various large, ganoid freshwater and marine fishes of the family Acipenseridae of the Northern Hemisphere, having edible flesh and valued as a source of caviar and isinglass. ─── 鲟鱼:一种北半球产的,有巨大的硬鳞的淡水鱼或海洋鱼,其肉可食,是鱼子酱及鱼胶的宝贵来源

43、Methods IIAE/UAE was performed with isinglass sponge in 11 cases of different causal postpartum hemorrhage. ─── 方法对11例不同原因的产后出血采用明胶海绵行IIAE或UAE治疗。

44、Prevention and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis in rats with isinglass ─── 云母对大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎的干预及治疗作用的研究

45、Isinglass A fining agent derived from the swim bladders of certain tropical fish, especially the Chinese sturgeon. ─── 鱼胶 阿细化剂来自游泳膀胱某些热带鱼,尤其是中国鲟鱼。See Alcohol . 见酒 。

46、The product is mainly made of propolis, edible isinglass, edible glycerol, and can assist to protect health after constant using. ─── 本品是以蜂胶、食用明胶、食用甘油为主要原料制成的保健食品,长期食用,对身体有辅助保护作用。

47、cake isinglass ─── 块状鱼胶

48、Biodegradation of isinglass wastewater by acclimated activated sludge process ─── 驯化活性污泥处理明胶有机废水的实验

49、Isinglass Gelatin product from the collagen in the outer layer of the wall of the swim bladder; ─── 鱼胶在泳鳔壁外层中的胶原蛋白产生的凝胶;

50、fish isinglass ─── 鲟鳔胶鱼胶

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