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08-20 投稿


alienation 发音

英:[e?l??'ne??(?)n]  美:[?e?li??ne??(?)n]

英:  美:

alienation 中文意思翻译



alienation 网络释义

n. 异化;疏远;转让;[内科] 精神错乱;间离效果(alienation effect)

alienation 同义词

alienation 词性/词形变化,alienation变形

动词第三人称单数: alienates |动词现在分词: alienating |名词: alienator |动词过去式: alienated |动词过去分词: alienated |

alienation 短语词组

1、coefficient of alienation ─── [经] 不相关系数, 疏隔系数

2、alienation of affection ─── [法] 离间夫妻感情

3、alienation economy ─── 转让经济

4、affective alienation ─── [医] 感情性精神错乱

5、alienation of mind ─── 精神错乱

6、power of alienation ─── [经] 财产的转让或处置权

7、maniacal alienation ─── [医] 躁狂性精神错乱

8、adolescent alienation ─── [医]青春期疏离

9、restraint on alienation ─── [法] 让渡限制, 转让限制

10、affluent alienation ─── 富裕的异化

11、restraint on alienation of property ─── [经] 限制产权的转移

12、action for alienation of affections ─── [法] 对破坏夫妻关系提起的诉讼

13、fraudulent alienation ─── [法] 欺诈让与

14、alienation clause ─── [法] 让与条款

15、alienation and internet ─── 异化与互联网

16、alienation mutual affection ─── [法] 夫妻感情的破裂

17、delirious alienation ─── [医] 谵妄性精神错乱

18、alienation of property ─── [法] 财产的转让

19、alienation coefficient ─── 相疏系数,不 ─── 相关系数

alienation 反义词


alienation 相似词语短语

1、halogenation ─── n.卤化,加卤作用

2、alternation ─── n.交替,轮流,间隔

3、alienations ─── n.异化;疏远;转让;[内科]精神错乱;间离效果(alienationeffect)

4、alienator ─── n.疏远者;赠予者;转让者

5、alineation ─── 阿利尼亚顿

6、alimentation ─── n.营养

7、salination ─── n.用盐处理,盐化

8、alienating ─── 使疏远;离间;转让(alienate的现在分词)

9、arenation ─── n.热砂浴;沙浴疗法

alienation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His criminal activities led to complete alienation from his family. ─── 他的犯罪活动导致了他与家庭完全隔绝。

2、She was unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos. ─── 她被藩蓠、法律及外来的戒律赶下了马。

3、It is inevitable for urbanization to bring us some sacrifice like the alienation of ourselves from nature. ─── 城市化使我们不可避免地要做出一些牺牲,如远离大自然。

4、On one hand, the narrator tells the story of two heroes: Rat and I. They were trying to get rid of alienation and find the exit in life. ─── 一方面叙述者讲述了“我”和“鼠”如何努力摆脱异化,寻求人生的出口;

5、And it seemed to me that was a perfect expression of my sense of alienation. ─── 对我来说这无疑是对疏离感的完美诠释。

6、Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. ─── 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。

7、Their ideas are quite alien to ours. ─── 他们的想法跟我们的截然不同。

8、"Boredom, alienation and isolation are going to be factors, " he said. ─── “倦怠,疏离和孤立,这些都将成为他们身上的特点。”他说。

9、No one knows the worth of woman's love untill he sues for alienation. ─── 在他起诉分财产以前谁也不知道女人爱的价值。

10、Alien time, sometimes funny always good humored. ─── 外来的时间,有时滑稽幽默总是好的。

11、Work thus completed shows loneliness, the isolation and the alienation of the individual in modern life. ─── 完成后的作品显示了现代生活之中的个人所感受到的孤独、与世隔绝、以及孤僻的感觉。

12、Which party is an alien party? ─── 什么是异党?

13、He said, I am an alien and a stranger among you. ─── 他说:“我在你们当中是局外人,是陌生人。”

14、Extraterrestrial alien invasion, take up arms to defend themselves! ─── 外星异形入侵了,拿起武器来保卫自己吧!

15、He was always a stranger to me, always somehow alien and remote. ─── 他在我眼里永远是个生人,永远那么陌生,那么疏远。

16、What is your name on the Alien Registration Card? ─── 你永久居留证内的姓名是什麼?

17、In Cossethay and Ilkeston she was always an alien. ─── 在可塞西和依尔凯斯顿两地,她始终是一个外人。

18、Only actively by the sublation of alienation can the real possession of the human nature be realized. ─── 只有积极扬弃异化,才能实现对人本质的真正占有。

19、My Dear Alien Sir, do you know what is "fear"? ─── 外星人先生,你懂得“恐惧”的意味吗?

20、But by locating alienation with economic and material elements Marx defined it as an historical not universal state. ─── 但马克思根据经济和物质因素探索异化时把它规定为一种历史的而非普遍的状态。

21、What is your Alien Registration Card number? ─── 你的绿卡号码是什麼?

22、An alien got out and walked down Center Street. ─── 一个外星人走出来,沿着中央大街往前走。

23、Iconoclasts face alienation and failure, but can also be a major asset to any organization. ─── 反传统者面临着被疏远和失败的处境,但他们也可能成为任何组织的主要资产。

24、And unlike ET, this "alien" won't go home. ─── 和电影里的et或外星人不同的是,这个“Alien”将不会离去。

25、new policy resulted in the alienation of many voters. ─── 新政策导致许多选民疏远了。

26、Apathy and alienation have become a national plague. ─── 冷漠和疏远已经成为国家的通病。

27、Emotions alien to her temperament. ─── 和她的性情格格不入的情感。

28、Perhaps it's a giant, alien pinwheel of sorts. ─── 也许它是某种庞大的外星风车。

29、The election of a relatively young Albertan as prime minister should help ease western alienation. ─── 一个年纪不是很大的亚伯达人当选为总理,这将有助于缓解加拿大东部和西部之间的矛盾。

30、This confusion about humanism and the theory of alienation is a very serious problem among people working in the ideological sphere. ─── 人道主义和异化论,是目前思想界比较突出的问题。

31、Their ideas are quite alien to our way of thinking. ─── 他们的想法与我们的思维方式风马牛不相及。

32、You might want to laugh at him. He calls himself Alien. ─── 他的名字叫Alien,你可能觉得他很可笑。

33、Moreover, they try to explain our reform from the point of view of overcoming this alienation. ─── 他们还用克服这种所谓异化的观点来解释改革。

34、Their ideas are alien to our way of thinking. ─── 他们的思想和我们的想法不同。

35、There are more than 1,000 alien species in China. ─── 中国的外来物种有1000多种。

36、Alien 1: Well, one dose get used to it. ─── 外星人1:这个,习惯了就好。

37、For the alien, no time existed. ─── 对这位异乡人来说,时间根本不存在。

38、The alienation of moral personality appeared in the process of human society modernization. ─── 人类社会现代化进程中,出现了道德人格异化现象。

39、After ten year his alien speech is still noticeable. ─── 在十年后他的外交演说依旧值得注意。

40、Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. ─── 失败和痛苦从此离我远去。

41、Their ideas are quite alien to our own. ─── 他们的想法与我们自己的想法相当不合。

42、He came to believe that Christ had felt the alienation Luther felt, and endured the judgement Luther feared. ─── 他开始相信基督已感受到了路德所感受到的异化,并且容忍了路德所担心的判断。

43、An alien, ipso facto, has no right to a U.S. passport. ─── 一个外国人,根据事实,无权持有美国护照

44、Failure, like pain, is[ color=#0000 ff] alien[/ color] to my life. ─── 失败和我,就像水火一样,互不相容。

45、But this opinion of his did not cause a lasting alienation. ─── 但是他的这种看法,并没有造成长期的分裂。

46、The only alien thing was the obscene wet cigar butt in the plate. ─── 唯一不相容的东西,就是那一截又脏又潮的雪茄烟头。

47、Luxury is alien to his nature. ─── 奢侈与他的本性不容。

48、She is declared an undesirable alien and deport . ─── 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。

49、Alien 2: The human animals, grossly undersized. ─── 外星人2:人类这种动物真是矮小。

50、by a growing sense of alienation from the state; and by the unease of anticipation as the end of an era inevitably looms ever closer. ─── 对国家的疏离感越来越严重,并作为一个时代结束的不安预期日益迫近。

51、In the silent gaze, you can feel the power of fate: externalization, foreignization and alienation. ─── 在无言以对的凝视中,你能感觉宿命的力量:外化、异化和他者化。

52、richness of Oshima's work lies in its ability to fuse alienation with involvement. ─── 大岛渚作品的丰富性在于其将疏离感与参与感融为一体的能力。

53、He is deported as an undesirable alien. ─── 他作为一个不受欢迎的外国人被驱逐出境。

54、Can you dress up either as a ghost or a Alien? ─── 你可以打扮成一个幽灵或者一个外星人吗?

55、Cruelty was quite alien to him. ─── 他绝无残忍之心。

56、What would you do if you met an alien? Why? ─── 如果遇到一个外国人,你要做什么?为什么?

57、In ancient Chinese poetry translation, translators usually adopt the strategy of adaptation or alienation. ─── 在古诗翻译中,译者多采用同化或异化策略。

58、Burn the Heretic! Kill the Alien! Purge the Unclean! ─── “烧死异端!杀光异族!清除污秽!”

59、It had an effect entirely alien from the one intended. ─── 其结果兴所预期的完全相反。

60、Turning to reason in opposition to alienation is the theme of Mark Twain?s Pudded Wilson. ─── 反抗异化,追寻理性,是马克·吐温在《傻瓜威尔逊》中要表达的主题。

61、However all kinds of abuse of history have come in sight after the alienation of history. ─── 但自从史学发生异化以后 ,各种历史的滥用和误用 ,层出不穷。

62、The creation or alienation of the real right of a chattel shall be delivered in accordance with law. ─── 动产物权的设立和转让,应当依照法律规定交付。

63、Which are the "alien parties"? ─── 什么是“异党”?

64、She felt alien to him, unable to fit herself to his need. ─── 她觉得和他不投合,觉得自己不能适应他的需要。

65、As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. ─── 几乎随着人类的每一个可能的联系方式变成自动化的,人类的疏远的指数也上升啦。

66、Lying is alien to his nature. ─── 他生性不喜撒谎。

67、He quickly adjusts to the alien environment. ─── 他很快适应陌生的环境。

68、Fortunately, it is not alien to your nature. ─── 幸运地是,对你的本性来说,它不是。

69、Tahiti was as alien to Cook's men as Mars might seem to us today. ─── 塔西提的奇异对于库克时代的人就如同今天火星之于我们。

70、He was ordered to be departed as an undesirable alien. ─── 他以作为一个不受欢迎的外国人而奉命被遣返。

71、ALIEN BOUNTY HUNTER looking around the HOESE's house. ─── 外星猎手在看何塞的房子。

72、Did our sun capture alien worlds? ─── 太阳捕获过外星世界吗?原文标题

73、Their ideas are quite alien to our ways of thinking. ─── 他们的观点同我们看问题的方法格格不入。

74、DUFFY HASKELL: And stole the alien baby. That ultrasound is proof. ─── 并且偷走了外星婴儿。那超声波可以证明。

75、He acts alien to his principles. ─── 他的行为与原则背驰

76、And let no man consort with alien powers. ─── 不会再有不同的势力。

77、Memories of both the wonder and alienation of life reverberates in this animated diary. ─── 在这个动画日记中充满对生活的记忆,既有惊奇的事物,也有精神错乱的痕迹。

78、An assignment is a total alienation of chattels personal. ─── 动产转让是指属人动产的完全转让。

79、Their ideas are quit alien to our way of thinking. ─── 他们的观点与我们的想法甚为不同。

80、Luxury and cruelty is quite alien to his nature. ─── 奢侈和残忍与他的天性格格不入。

81、Jim is an alien in this film. ─── 吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人。

82、People thought I was an alien from another planet. ─── 人们认为我是来自另一星球的外星人。

83、From the angle of alienation of public power,the corruption is a form of outer behaviour of public power's alienation. ─── 从公共权力异化的视角来分析 ,腐败是公共权力异化的外部行为的表现形式。

84、Jack, brought up in the rodeo, is more talkative and recalls his lifelong alienation from his father, a bull rider. ─── 杰克是在竞技场长大的,所以比较外向,他说自己和父亲的关系比较疏远。

85、It also analyzes the relationship between alienation, domestication and the transmitting of meme. ─── 在此基础上分析了归化翻译和井化翻译与模因传播的关系。

86、The only possible solution for alienation of technology is to search for a way to poeticize technology. ─── 对技术异化的克服唯一可能的道路就是克服人类中心主义,以诗意化态度对待技术。

87、"Western Alienation: Past, Present and Future", Journal of Nankai, Special Issue, 2002. ─── 《加拿大西部离心主义:过去、现在与未来出路》,载《南开学报》,2002年特刊。

88、He found himself alone in an alien atmosphere. ─── 他发现他是孤立无依地处在一种格格不入的气氛之中。

89、At the point of the greatest alienation in my life, it was easy to create the character. ─── 在我人生最无助的时刻,很轻松就创作出了那个角色。

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