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08-20 投稿


stimulated 发音

英:[?st?mjule?t?d]  美:[?st?mjule?t?d]

英:  美:

stimulated 中文意思翻译




stimulated 反义词

stifle | deaden | sedate

stimulated 常用词组

stimulated emission ─── 受激发射

stimulated 词性/词形变化,stimulated变形

副词: stimulatingly |动词第三人称单数: stimulates |动词现在分词: stimulating |形容词: stimulative |动词过去分词: stimulated |动词过去式: stimulated |名词: stimulater |

stimulated 同义词

provoke | up | pep | accelerate | enliven | energize | hasten | speed up | awaken | rush | shake | propel | quicken | make | shake up | energise | intensify |rouse | inspire | activate | encourage | refresh | prick | induce | get | fan | speed | pep up | brace | promote | prevail | increase | kindle | spur | motivate | stir | actuate | excite | fuel | animate | incite | perk up | exhilarate | invigorate | whet | move | have | arouse | cause | impel

stimulated 短语词组

1、stimulated muscle growth ─── 刺激肌肉生长

2、stimulated synonym ─── 刺激同义词

3、stimulated by ─── 被……激励 ─── 被……刺激受刺激(或激励)

4、stimulated emission ─── [化] 受激发射

5、stimulated boredom kindle update ─── 刺激无聊kindle更新

6、Gamma-Ray Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation ─── 受激辐射的伽马射线放大

7、stimulated boredom ─── 受刺激的无聊

8、stimulated Brillouin scattering ─── [化] 受激布里渊散射

9、stimulated Raman scattering ─── [化] 受激拉曼散射

10、stimulated transition ─── [物]受激跃迁

11、stimulated absorption ─── [化] 受激吸收

12、stimulated radiation ─── [化] 受激辐射

13、stimulated meme ─── 受激模因

14、laser stimulated Raman scattering ─── [化] 激光增强拉曼散射

15、mentally stimulated ─── 精神受到刺激

16、stimulated fracture ─── 受激断裂

17、stimulated ef ─── 刺激ef

18、stimulated emission is important for ─── 受激发射对

19、stimulated my motivation ─── 激发了我的动力

stimulated 相似词语短语

1、stipulated ─── adj.规定的;v.规定;保证(stipulate的过去分词形式)

2、unstimulated ─── 没受刺激;非刺激

3、stimulater ─── 刺激物

4、stridulated ─── vi.发尖锐的摩擦声(尤指昆虫如蟋蟀所发)

5、simulate ─── vt.模仿;假装;冒充;adj.模仿的;假装的

6、stimulate ─── vt.刺激;鼓舞,激励;vi.起刺激作用;起促进作用

7、restimulated ─── 再刺激

8、stimulates ─── vt.刺激;鼓舞,激励;vi.起刺激作用;起促进作用

9、simulated ─── adj.模拟的;模仿的;仿造的;v.模仿(simulate的变形);假装

stimulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After the stimulated for 1 hour,the expression of TLR-2 and TLR-4 in T24 were evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. ─── 1小时后提取细胞总RNA,用半定量RT-PCR技术检测T24细胞中TLR鄄2和TLR鄄4的表达水平。

2、They are stimulated and motivated by discipline and direction. ─── 他们受到纪律和上级指令的激励和促动。

3、He had been stimulated by one of the principal questions of musical aesthetics. ─── 他曾受到一个音乐审美学主要问题的推动。

4、The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. ─── 展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。

5、The success of Columbus stimulated overseas enterprise enormously. ─── 哥伦布的成功极大地鼓舞了去海外冒险的精神。

6、His participation in actual physical surveys stimulated his interest in differential geometry. ─── 他亲身参加实际的物理测量,激起了他对微分几何学的兴趣。

7、State financial support given in the form of scholarships has stimulated the students to greater efforts. ─── 以奖学金形式发放的国家经济上的资助刺激着学生更加努力学习。

8、Eric really socked it to them at the sales confrerence and stimulated the enthusiasm of all the salesmen. ─── 埃里克在销售会上的讲话确实令人感动,因而激发起了所有推销员的热情。

9、His remarks stimulated me to study harder. ─── 他的话激励我更加努力学习.

10、You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. ─── 你没有主观能动性,需要对你施压并且进行刺激才能使你开始工作。

11、The award has stimulated her into working still harder. ─── 奖金促使她更加努力地工作。

12、Then we found a study that showed there was a material that seemed to have stimulated eyelash growth. ─── 随后我们找到了一项研究,研究表明的确有一种物质可以刺激睫毛增长。

13、Acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the circulation of qi. ─── 刺激穴位以平衡气的循环。

14、His words stimulated me to work harder! ─── 他的话激励我更加努力地工作!

15、His success stimulated me to further efforts. ─── 他的成功刺激我进一步努力。

16、Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is one of the most important problems in the field of non-linear fiber optics. ─── 光纤中的受激拉曼散射是非线性光纤光学领域的重要研究课题之一。

17、FA HDL inhibited the Pn and Pn/Tr when applied with BGA,but stimulated them when BGA was not applied. ─── FA旱地龙对未施用BGA叶片的Pn和Pn/Tr有促进作用,对施用BGA叶片的Pn和Pn/Tr有抑制作用;

18、A CBOT floor analyst said corn prices also stimulated spillover support from higher prices. ─── 一CBOT场内分析师称,玉米价格上涨的溢出支撑也刺激了尾盘价格上涨。

19、EPA significantly stimulated the growth of human embryonal pulmonary fibroblast (HPF) dose-dependently(P< 0.01). ─── EPA对人胚肺成纤维细胞(HPF)生长起促进作用,且呈剂量依赖性(P<0.01);

20、Embark on this journey as long as the survival of the fittest logic of competitiveness, will be stimulated to seek the will of a strong-fen. ─── 只要踏上这一征程,优胜劣汰的竞争逻辑就会刺激出一种强烈的奋求意志。

21、Next, the researchers stimulated both the affected and unaffected limb at the same time. ─── 下一步,研究人员同时刺激麻木与不麻木的肢体。

22、ATRA and/or NaB both stimulated p21 expr ession at the mRNA levels. ─── ATRA和 (或 )NaB均上调P2 1mRNA的水平。

23、Her praise stimulated the boy to study harder. ─── 她的称赞促使那男孩更加用功。

24、In the meantime we hope this series of articles has stimulated some creative thinking about the many uses of ATR. ─── 因此在市场向不利于我们的方向发展,且波动性变大时,减少我们的头寸规模才是明智的。

25、An incidental cause stimulated the naturalist's interest in the cave men's life. ─── 一个偶然的原因激发了这位自然学家对穴居人生活的兴趣。

26、Townes.Its name is an acronym for “microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. ─── 其名字maser为microwave(或molecular)amplification by stimulated emission of radiation的首字母组合。

27、The COD activity in leaf was inhibited by Cu,Cd,Hg, but the COD isozymes expression in ear was stimulated. ─── Cu、Cd、Hg明显抑制小麦叶片细胞色素氧化酶(COD)活性,而对小麦灌浆期穗COD同功酶活性有明显的诱导作用。

28、The massage may cause you to ejaculate and become sexually stimulated. ─── 前列腺按摩可能会导致你的性兴奋并伴随射精行为。

29、Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise. ─── 它的地理位置激发了海外商业企业的兴趣。

30、His clever joke stimulated us. ─── 他讲的那个机智的玩笑令大家兴奋不已。

31、But patients whose premotor cortex was directly stimulated did move, and sometimes the movements were very large. ─── 但是,那些前运动皮层被刺激了的病人却行动了,而且又是行动的幅度还非常大。

32、The newt, instead of producing the belly of the host cells above the transplant, was stimulated to produce a second central nervous system. ─── 移植块上方的宿主细胞不是产生蝾螈的腹部,而是被刺激产生第二个神经系统。

33、Ironically, those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated the hell out of the economy over the last few years. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。

34、It is inappropriately Orwellian: in free societies, thoughts can be provoked or stimulated or gathered. ─── 它的极权主义不合时宜:在自由社会,思想可以被煽动、激发或收集起来。

35、A digital stimulated analogy computing program. ─── 一种数字受激模拟计算程序。

36、The child needs to be guided and stimulated. ─── 孩子需要被引导并且刺激。

37、The increment speed of domestic telecomcarriers stimulated by the investment is slowed down. ─── 国内电信运营商依赖投资拉动增长速度减缓的趋势得以深化。

38、To turn from color to sound evidently refreshed him, and presumably the one art stimulated the other in his brain. ─── 从颜色转到声音明显使他振作,也许在他脑内不同的艺术形式是会相互刺激的。

39、And public interest is stimulated by extensive television, newspaper and radio coverages. ─── 与此同时,电视、报纸和广播里的大量报道更是刺激了人们对体育的兴趣和爱好。

40、It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself. ─── 学习就是知识本身所激发的对知识的好奇。

41、She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures. ─── 她还激发了他的好奇心,使他愿意接受其他文化。

42、EPCs paracrine function was examined by BrdU staining of ECs which were stimulated with EPCs conditional medium. ─── EPCs的旁分泌功能测定采用EPCs条件培养液刺激ECs,并用BrdU法测定ECs核DNA复制。

43、His interest in sports was stimulated by his father. ─── 他对体育的兴趣来自父亲的激励。

44、Mn2+ stimulated the membrane total ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities, having an antagonist property to ouabine effect. ─── Mn~(2+)能提高总ATP酶及Mg~(2+)-ATP酶活力,影响Na~+-K~+-ATP酶活力的测定。

45、And his elation suppressed until now stimulated him. ─── 刚才还不敢太得意的心情,一下子就扬扬得意了起来。

46、The return of Vanamee had stimulated the poet's memory. ─── 伐那米这次回来,唤起了这位诗人的回忆。

47、Chinese car stimulated policy to also invigorate car manufacturer taxi to enrage. ─── 中国的汽车刺激政策也鼓舞了汽车厂商的士气。

48、Pleasantly excited or stimulated. ─── 兴奋的很快活的

49、Cascaded stimulated Brillouin scattering in a distributed fiber Raman amplifier[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘红林,冯春媛,张在宣,庄松林.

50、The enthusiasm for e-books may have stimulated reading in general, and the market as a whole seems to be expanding. ─── 对于电子书的热情激发了人们一般性的阅读,作为总体的市场看上去正在增长。

51、Your cerebrum stimulated to the acme! ─── 你的大脑会亢奋到极致!

52、OMT possesses the obvious effects of restraining the ACD stimulated by DNFB. (2). ─── OMT对DNFB诱发的小鼠ACD有显著的抑制作用。 (2).

53、Newborn puppies must be stimulated to defecate and urinate after each feeding. ─── 幼犬每次进食后需要被刺激排便。

54、Light is often used as a water purifier and existing methods rely on processes stimulated by ultraviolet (UV) light. ─── 水净化技术中经常用到光照,而现有的技术主要依靠紫外线。

55、He stimulated much debate among quantum field theorists, who in turn enjoyed working to rebut his arguments. ─── 因此,若黑洞能够完全蒸发,那么黑洞已摄取的任何物质的信息也将从我们的宇宙中消失,不留下一丝痕迹。

56、Singing these songs that praise our great country, one feels stimulated. ─── 唱起这些颂赞伟大祖国的歌曲,使人心情振奋。

57、Most animals respond communicatively as soon as they are stimulated by some occurrence of communal interest. ─── 大部分动物一旦被一些共同感兴趣的东西所刺激便会立即产生交流反应。

58、It stimulated widespread demand for federal ownership and operation of the stockyards. ─── 它鼓起由联邦占有和经营牲畜围场的广泛要求。

59、Affordable telecommunications charges have in turn stimulated service take-up. ─── 廉宜的电讯服务收费亦有助刺激服务的使用量。

60、The boy was stimulated into greater efforts. ─── 孩子受到鼓励,要他做出更大努力。

61、Her talk captured(ie gripped and stimulated)the imagination of the whole class. ─── 她的谈话吸引了全班的同学,激发了他们的想象力.

62、Influence of medium parameters on the characteristics of stimulated Brillouin scattering[J]. ─── 引用该论文 哈斯乌力吉,吕志伟,何伟明,王双义.

63、CD-summer water rose, jet Pentium, often stimulated the shore not Wo. ─── 唯夏秋水涨,急流奔腾,常激岸没禾。

64、His word stimulated me to work harder. ─── 他的话激励我更加努力工作。

65、She was stimulated into new efforts. ─── 她受到鼓励,重新作出努力。

66、Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning. ─── 学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。

67、Numerical solutions to non-steady-state thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication are stimulated. ─── 分析了不同的环境粘度对非稳态热弹流润滑的影响。

68、His words stimulated me to study harder. ─── 他的话激励我更加努力学习。

69、Her talk captured (ie gripped and stimulated) the imagination of the whole class. ─── 她的谈话吸引了全班的同学,激发了他们的想像力。

70、Our concession powerfully stimulated return concessions. ─── ”我们作出的让步成功地激发了对方的让步作为回报。

71、If a motor area is stimulated, for example, the patient's hand will moe. ─── 例如触碰到了大脑运动区就会引起患者手臂移动。

72、When stimulated, it spits out milk-white proboscis which resembles branches of a tree. ─── 刺激该动物时,就会把乳白色、树枝状结构的吻喷出体外。

73、This is largely due to chronically stimulated insulin levels. ─── 主因是长期地刺激胰岛素的浓度。

74、They stimulated me to make greater efforts. ─── 他们鼓励我要做出更大的努力。

75、They stimulated me to make greater efforts . ─── 他们激励我做更大的努力。

76、"Our vigilance was stimulated by our finding traces of a large . . . encampment" (Francis Parkman). ─── “我们发现了一次大规模的驻营痕迹,这促使我们提高警觉” (弗兰西斯·帕克曼)。

77、If the IFC's scheme stimulated private capital, that would be good. ─── 如果国际金融公司的战略可以刺激私营资本,自然是件好事。

78、After your introduction,I am stimulated to see more of your campus. ─── 听了你们的介绍,我更要好好儿看看这个学校。

79、He stimulated a new crop of researches into the subject by many scholars. ─── 在他的刺激下,许多学者对这个问题进行深入研究,取得新的收获。

80、External use Prohibit internal use .If skin feels stimulated please stop to use. ─── 外用品,严禁内服。如有皮肤刺激,请停止使用。

81、She's the aroma of good news and stimulated my desire. ─── 她身上的香气很好闻,刺激着我的情欲。

82、Her recent work in electron microscopy stimulated a new line of research. ─── 她最近的工作,在电子显微镜学上开创了一个新的研究领域。

83、Happily, his theories stimulated Adams to produce two first-rate books. ─── 亚当斯总算受了他的理论的驱使,写了两部优秀的著作。

84、PACAP1 38 stimulated the proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells ASPC 1 which were dose dependent. ─── PACAP1-38促进ASPC-1的生长,促进ASPC-1细胞cAMP、Ca2+的生成,且呈剂量依赖性;

85、Laboratory stimulated extended modified continuous cooking (EMCC) of pinus elliottii was carried out in this study. ─── 对我国引种的南方湿地松进行了实验室模拟EMCC(延伸的改良连续蒸煮)深度脱木素蒸煮的研究。

86、Stimulated by contact with India and the Middle East, the empire saw a flowering of creativity in many fields. ─── 在与印度(当时的天竺)和中东的交流中,在他们的促进下,唐朝在许多领域里得到了长足的发展。

87、Sources - Laser principles, spontaneous and stimulated emission, rate eqns, output power. ─── 12 12光源-雷射原理,自发与被激发的放光,比例方程式,输出功率。

88、You feel mentally stimulated and are able to communicate your needs. ─── 你感到精神上很受鼓舞,并能很好地表达你的所需。

89、There they remain until stimulated by a PHOTON of the proper frequency. ─── 在那里它们继续保持直到通过适当频率的光子受激发。

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