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08-20 投稿


boodle 发音

英:['bu?d(?)l]  美:['b?dl]

英:  美:

boodle 中文意思翻译



boodle 短语词组

1、boodle apk download boodle apk ─── 下载

2、whole kit and boodle ─── [网络] 整套工具和面包

3、boodle app boodle ─── 应用程序

4、boodle definition ─── 酒的定义

5、boodle fight ─── 斗殴

6、boodle dog ─── 酒鬼

7、kit and boodle ─── [网络] 套装和面包

8、boodle apk boodle apk ─── 公司

9、boodle flip games ─── 倒酒小游戏

boodle 词性/词形变化,boodle变形

异体字: boocoo |名词复数: beaucoups |

boodle 相似词语短语

1、boodles ─── n.贿赂;一组;一群

2、poodle ─── n.鬈毛狗,贵妇犬;百依百顺的人,走狗;v.悠闲地游荡

3、boodlers ─── n.受贿者

4、boodie ─── n.草原袋鼠

5、boodler ─── n.受贿者

6、noodle ─── n.面条;笨蛋

7、doodle ─── v.(尤指厌烦或心不在焉时)乱涂;随意弹奏;闲混;n.(心不在焉地)乱涂的图画;蠢人

8、boodled ─── n.贿赂;一组;一群

9、bodle ─── n.波特尔

boodle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、business boodle ─── 商业贿赂

2、the whole (kit and) boodle ─── 整批的人或物

3、Fulfil to carry out in the center of boodle about governing trade the decision of special job, audit grows Li Jinhua to express clearly, commercial bribery is this year a key that audit works. ─── 为贯彻落实中央关于治理商业贿赂专项工作的决定,李金华审计长明确表示,商业贿赂是今年审计工作的一个重点。

4、Sarah : ‘We are always far too full on Christmas day to eat traditional pudding so we opt for something lighter, either syllabub or Boodle's Fool. ─── 马修:“我们家过圣诞节挺传统的,一般是烤火鸡,当然有时也会做烤鸭或是烤鹅,而且我们还会装饰屋子和圣诞树。

5、Might can generate corruption, everybody begins rack one's brains to please him, boodle he, do wholy barrier of smoke of small group black is angry. ─── 强权就会产生腐败,大家开始挖空心思去讨好他,贿赂他,搞得整个小团体乌烟障气。

6、to boodle a young girl ─── 搂着年轻姑娘亲嘴

7、The personage inside course of study thinks, the processing difficulty that the government purchases domain commerce to boodle is quite great. ─── 有业内人士认为,政府采购领域商业贿赂的治理难度相当大。

8、to boodle a politician ─── 向一名政客行贿

9、Bid in medical action for example in the process, the agency of probable sham competitor enters a few enterprises to boodle all right.. ─── 例如在医药招投标过程中,一些企业很可能假冒竞争对手的经销商进行贿赂...

10、Bid in medical action for example in the process the agency of probable sham competitor enters a few enterprises to boodle all right. ─── 例如在医药招投标过程中一些企业很可能假冒竞争对手的经销商进行贿赂。

11、kit and boodle ─── n. 所有的人(全部)

12、What’s more, it would further the bad activities, such as fabricating the financial report forms, boodle and corruption etc, break the economic order and block the development of the social economy. ─── 不仅如此,其行为甚至助长了财务报表作假、贿赂、腐败等歪风邪气,扰乱了经济秩序,阻碍了社会经济的健康发展。

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