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08-20 投稿


anemone 发音

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anemone 中文意思翻译



anemone 网络释义

n. 银莲花;银莲花属;海葵(sea anemone)

anemone 短语词组

1、Anemone riparia ─── [网络] 银莲花

2、Anemone pulsatilla L. ─── [医] 欧洲白头翁, 洋白头翁

3、Anemone pulsatilla ─── [网络] 白头翁;白头翁状银莲花;常白头翁

4、Anemone japonica var. tomentosa ─── [医] 毛秋牡丹(野棉花)

5、Anemone cylindrica ─── [网络] 银莲花

6、Anemone cernua ─── [医] 猫头花

7、Alpine anemone ─── [网络] 阿尔卑斯海葵

8、Anemone raddiana Reg. ─── [医] 红背银莲花

9、Anemone quinquefolia ─── [网络] 五叶银莲花

10、anemone fish ─── [鱼类]双锯鱼 (Amphiprion)

11、Anemone nemorosa ─── [网络] 栎林银莲花;白色银莲花

12、Anemone japonica Sieb. et Zuce ─── [医] 秋牡丹

13、Anemone hepatica L. ─── [医] 獐耳细辛

14、Anemone hupehensis ─── [医] 打破碗花花

15、Anemone ludoviciana ─── [网络] 海葵ludoviciana

16、Anemone sinensis Bunge ─── [医] 白头翁

17、Anemone occidentalis ─── [网络] 海葵

18、Anemone Canadensis ─── [网络] 海葵加拿大

19、anemone camphor ─── [化] 银莲花脑 ─── [医] 白头翁脑

anemone 词性/词形变化,anemone变形

形容词: anemometrical |

anemone 相似词语短语

1、mnemon ─── n.记忆单元

2、anemo- ─── 阿内莫

3、panettone ─── n.意大利节日糕点;(尤指圣诞节)意大利面包;意大利含香料奶油糕点

4、mnemons ─── n.记忆单元

5、argemone ─── 银

6、argemones ─── 阿尔盖蒙

7、anemoses ─── 无风

8、Mnemosyne ─── n.摩涅莫辛涅

9、anemones ─── n.海葵;银莲花(anemone的复数);n.(Anemones)人名;(法)阿内莫纳

anemone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the young fish doesn't find an anemone and acclimatize to its new life within a day or two, it will die. ─── 一两天之内,如果幼鱼没有及时找到合适宿主,适应新生活环境,很快就会夭折。

2、Do you want this anemone to sting you? ─── 你想让这个海葵刺疼你吗?

3、He was also a fool of summer who was standing firmly in the middle of cold winter dreaming summer just like the Anemone. ─── 他也是一个夏天的傻瓜谁是站在做梦一样冷夏冬季海葵中间牢固。

4、woodland flower native to eastern North America having cup-shaped flowers reminiscent of anemone but more delicate. ─── 一种林地生长的北美东部本土的杯形花,类似于银莲花但比其更为纤细。

5、anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. ─── 去看看白头翁花,愿意,再去看看豌豆畦,那倔臂伸市街道野花。

6、Anemone hupehensis ─── [医] 打破碗花花

7、Look to the anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. ─── 去看看银莲花,假使你愿意,去瞧瞧豌豆地,抑或是那倔强地将手臂伸过城镇街道的野草。

8、A giant green sea anemone eats a red cancer crab in a tidal pool in Washington's Clallam Bay. ─── 在华盛顿州的克拉兰湾的一个随潮汐涨落的水潭里,一只巨大的绿海葵正吞食着一只红巨蟹。

9、Anemone exigua ─── n. 小银莲花

10、Total saponin of Flaccid Anemone Rhizome ─── 地乌总皂苷

11、"A spine-cheek anemonefish swims over a field of purple-tipped anemone tentacles, adding its vibrant colors to the living spectrum of coral Eden. ─── 一条透红小丑鱼从一丛紫尖海葵的触手上面游过,为这个珊瑚礁伊甸园的天然领域增添了鲜艳悦目的色彩。

12、Many an anemone sees an enemy anemone. ─── 大多数白头翁看见一个敌对方的白头翁。

13、Well,look who`s out of the anemone. ─── 喔,来看看,他们从海葵里出来了.

14、Sect. Anemone ─── n. 打破碗花花组

15、includes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers. ─── 包括一组在有些分类中归入银莲花属的植物;翁草。

16、small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本植物小属;与银莲花属同属一系

17、any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such as a sea anemone or coral or sponge. ─── 各种象植物的无脊椎动物,比如海葵、珊瑚或海绵。

18、Anemone japonica Sieb. et Zuce ─── [医] 秋牡丹

19、Progress in Studies on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effect of Anemone Raddeana Regel ─── 两头尖的化学成分及药理作用研究进展

20、Anemone subindivisa ─── n. 微裂银莲花

21、Anemone rupestris ssp. Gelida ─── 冻地银莲花

22、Keywords Actinia cari;sea anemone toxin;purification; ─── 关键词海葵;海葵毒素;分离纯化;

23、any of various invertebrate animals,such as a sea anemone or sponge,that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants ─── 一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵

24、Anemone saniculiformis ─── n. 芹叶银莲花

25、any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such as a sea anemone or coral or sponge ─── 各种象植物的无脊椎动物,比如海葵、珊瑚或海绵

26、Unable to take him back from the lower world, she sprinkled wine on Adonls' blood and turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower. ─── 但无法将他从地府再拉回阳间,她便在阿多尼斯的血上洒上葡萄酒,将它变作秋牡丹,一种紫色的小花。


28、altai ( or irkutsk ) anemone rhizome ─── 九节菖蒲

29、This paper reviewed the chemical constituents and pharmacogical effect of Anemone raddeana Regel. ─── 对有关两头尖中的化学成分,药理作用的研究成果进行整理。

30、Mila recalls watching Sea Anemone in tide pools in California and Hawaii along with the salt-water tanks of public aquariums. ─── Mila回忆起在加里福尼亚和夏威夷的潮汐水坑中,以及在公共水族馆的海水箱里观赏海葵的情形。

31、Keywords Anemone altaica Fisch;Acorus tatarinovii Schott;identification;chemical composition;pharmacological effect; ─── 九节菖蒲;石菖蒲;鉴定;化学成分;药理作用;

32、In the spring all everything around the place is covered with primroses. At the moment wood anemone is abloom. ─── 春天来了,这里周围的一切都被樱草花淹没,而此刻银莲花正在愉快的盛放。

33、threeleaf anemone ─── 三角叶银莲花

34、In March in New York City, his fashion runway displayed a variety of head cases that included a Day-Glo blue sea anemone. ─── 今年三月在纽约的时装展上,他展示了各式各样的头饰,其中包括一盆荧光蓝色的海葵。

35、Anemone brevistyla ─── n. 短柱银莲花

36、In a forest clearing, scattered with red campion and wood anemone, butterflies are. ─── 在森林的空地上,零散地生长着红石竹和五叶银莲花,蝴蝶在阳光下翩翩起舞。空气温和而又平静。

37、Anemone raddiana Reg. ─── [医] 红背银莲花

38、Preliminary study on the photosynthetic characteristics of some Anemone species ─── 几种银莲花光合特性的初步分析

39、Anemone pulsatilla L. ─── [医] 欧洲白头翁,洋白头翁

40、Anemone demissa ─── n. 展毛银莲花

41、Hear the call from the depth of the anemone song ─── 听深海海葵歌声的呼唤

42、The invertebrate takes itsname from the equally flashy terrestrial anemone flower. ─── 莲花一样,得名于它的华丽。

43、Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume. ─── 对你郁金香 生气 亲爱的 男人花 惩罚 你的 仙人掌 假若你不 请 可怜虫 勿忘草 我多么盼望 紫罗兰 给亲爱的 玫瑰 当我们快要 银莲花 见面 一古脑儿 淘气鬼 夜茎 太太 玛莎的香水。

44、Anemone hokouensis ─── n. 河口银莲花

45、AT the heart of it, magnified by the curved surface, there was a strange, pink, convoluted object thAT recalled a rose or a sea anemone. ─── 在中央,由于弧形的缘故,看上去像放大了一样,有一个奇怪的粉红色的蟠曲的东西,使人觉得像朵玫瑰花,又像海葵。

46、Anemone hepatica L. ─── [医] 獐耳细辛

47、Cytology of ten species in Anemone, one in Anemoclema and six in Clematis (Trib. Anemoneae, Ranunculaceae) from China ─── 国产毛茛科银莲花族十七种植物的细胞学研究(英文)

48、prairle anemone ─── [医] 洋白头翁

49、Anemone takasagomontana ─── n. 台湾银莲花

50、Flaccid Anemone Rhizome capsules ─── 地乌胶囊

51、Anemone delavayi ─── n. 滇川银莲花

52、Most commentators think the word "krinon" used by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount is the anemone with beautiful bright colors which is found on the hill of Galilee. ─── 大多数解经家认为,耶稣在登山宝训中提到的“野地的百合花”乃是一种野牡丹,五色杂陈,遍生在加利利山间。

53、Anemone rivularis ─── n. 草玉梅, 草玉梅

54、Keywords Anemone Raddeanin Regel Extracts;antineoplastic activity;cell apoptosis;Immunoregulatory active;MTT method;spleen cells;peritoneal macrophages;RT-PCR technique; ─── 关键词多被银莲花提取物体;抗肿瘤作用;细胞凋亡;免疫学调节作用;小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞;小鼠脾细胞;RT-PCR;

55、I extend afinger as an anemone taste test and feel only a faint sticky sensation. ─── 我伸出一根手指做了个感观试验,只感到轻微的刺痛感。

56、The adhesion mechanism of barnacle, limpel, anemone, tubeworm are described in this paper. ─── 主要介绍海洋生物中藤壶、帽贝、海葵、管栖蠕虫对其基材的粘附机理。

57、At the heart of it, magnified by the curved surface, there was a strange, pink, convoluted object that recalled a rose or a sea anemone ─── 在中央,由于弧形的缘故,看上去像放大了一样,有一个奇怪的粉红色的蟠曲的东西,使人觉得像朵玫瑰花,又像海葵。


59、An introduction experiment of Anemone coronaria ─── 冠状银莲花引种试种研究

60、There was a custom that young people used to give and take their poems with the first Anemone of the year. ─── 有一个年轻人用来给,并与今年第一银莲花的诗习俗。

61、A splash of clear, sparkling mineral water brought to a chill through an infusion of fresh lotus leaves and Corsican cedrat, then finished with a warm blend of anemone, orris and blue cedar. ─── 一股闪亮明澈的矿泉水带着寒气注入新鲜薄荷和科西嘉橼完成的热烈混合,含海葵、鸢尾和蓝雪松。)

62、Anemone altaica ─── n. 阿尔泰银莲花, 阿尔泰银莲花

63、Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. ─── 去看看白头翁花,如果你愿意,再去看看豌豆畦,或是那倔强地手臂伸过城市街道的野花。

64、common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers. ─── 北美东部一种普通的只开一次略带粉红色白花的银莲花。

65、"If you ever watch a new little anemonefish coming into an anemone, it makes these very tentative touches. ─── “这种粘稠物质,或能有效抑制海葵发射带刺细胞。”阿伦说。

66、dazzling anemone (anemone fulgens) ─── 夺目争莲花

67、Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch,, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. ─── 去看看白头翁吧,如果你愿意;或去看看豌豆畦,或去看看那倔强地将手臂伸过城市街道的顽强野草。

68、Anemone orthocarpa ─── n. 直果银莲花

69、The adhesion mechanism of barnacle, limpel, anemone, tubeworm are described in this paper. It is very useful in the research of human biological adhesives and marine antifouling coatings. ─── 主要介绍海洋生物中藤壶、帽贝、海葵、管栖蠕虫对其基材的粘附机理。这对于人体生物胶粘剂的研制开发和海洋环境中的防污行业意义重大。

70、Anemone obtusiloba ─── n. 钝裂银莲花

71、wood anemone ─── n. [植]五叶银莲花, 栎木银莲花

72、small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone. ─── 北温带地区一个多年生草本植物小属;与银莲花属同属一系。

73、a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools. ─── 一种在岩石区湖水潭常见的海葵。

74、a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools ─── 一种在岩石区湖水潭常见的海葵

75、common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers ─── 北美东部一种普通的只开一次略带粉红色白花的银莲花

76、Keywords Anemone raddeana,chemical constituent,ant-inflammation activity,neutrophil,superoxide generation,phosphorylation,hemolysis,pharmacognosy identification; ─── 两头尖;化学成分;抗炎活性;中性粒细胞;过氧化物产生;磷酸化;溶血作用;生药鉴定;

77、Keywords Anemone altaica Fisch.exe C.A.Mey.;chemical constituent;research; ─── 关键词九节菖蒲;化学成分;研究;

78、linearleaf anemone flower ─── 三裂叶银莲花

79、including a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers ─── 包括一组在有些分类中归入银莲花属的植物;翁草

80、Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Anemone anhuiensisY. K. Yang N. Wang et W. C. Ye ─── 安徽银莲花的化学成分研究

81、Now and again he gets a blow on the claws while the anemone is being gently persuaded to change owners. ─── 他凉着爪子,眼巴巴地看着海葵被别人带走了。

82、ten-petaled anemone (Anemone decapetala) ─── 十瓣银莲花

83、Anemone japonica var. tomentosa ─── [医] 毛秋牡丹(野棉花)

84、tomentose anemone root ─── 大火草根

85、Anemone cernua ─── [医] 猫头花

86、Anemone lutienensis ─── n. 鲁甸银莲花

87、Anemone rupicola ─── n. 岩生银莲花

88、In China sea we find that Coelenterata of them mainly includes 14 kinds of Jellyfist,15 kinds of Sea anemone,one kind of Corals and two kinds of Hydrozoa,altogether 32 kinds; ─── 初步发现,中国海域的蛋白、肽类毒素动物,腔肠动物主要包括水母13种、海蜇15种、珊瑚1种和水螅2种共32种;

89、Photosynthetic Characteristics of Some Anemone Species at Reproductive Growth Stage ─── 几种野生银莲花生殖生长期的光合作用特性初探

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