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08-20 投稿


crustily 发音

英:[['kr?st?l?]]  美:[['kr?st?l?]]

英:  美:

crustily 中文意思翻译



crustily 短语词组

1、crustily def ─── 顽固的定义

2、crustily definition ─── 硬性定义

3、crustily meaning ─── 生硬的意思

crustily 相似词语短语

1、rustily ─── adv.锈蚀地;声音沙哑地

2、chestily ─── 东西

3、crusting ─── v.形成(或结成)硬皮(或硬壳);用硬皮(或硬壳)覆盖(crust的现在分词)

4、trustily ─── adv.诚实地,忠实地

5、crusily ─── 粗暴地

6、crustier ─── adj.易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的(crusty的变形)

7、crusties ─── adj.易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的

8、craftily ─── adv.狡猾地;熟练地;诡诈地

9、crustal ─── adj.壳的;地壳的

crustily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To learn English as a happy and pleasant enthusiasm, rather than crustily skin of head, head of the bone, without pay. ─── 把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。

2、I only horizontal under a heart, crustily skin of head. ─── 我只有横下一条心,硬着头皮上了。

3、If I rather dead not from, is say into highly critical.Have to crustily skin of head, left for and see just. ─── 我若宁死不从,就被说成眼高。只好硬着头皮,前去看看罢了。

4、Crustily skin of head bowed, ceng step! ─── 硬着头皮低头蹭步,啊!!!

5、As a crustily conservative minister of the interior for the past 35 years he has not endeared himself to Saudi reformers and professionals. ─── 过去35年作为国内强硬的保守派大臣他不受沙特改革运动者和专业人员的欢迎。

6、There was nothing to prevent thee," he answered crustily. ─── 没有什么能阻止你。” 他坚定地回答。

7、But for the sake of at wife in front manifestation my brave, can crustily the skin of head Zhan unsteadily hug her neck. ─── 但是为了在老婆面前显示我的勇敢,只能硬着头皮颤颤巍巍地搂住她的脖子。

8、Crustily skin of head to do something, often made yourself. ─── 头皮去做某事,往往成就了你自己。

9、JiangJin father JiangHong is a has-been underworld words, visit the school, high-tech had to crustily skin of head reception. ─── 蒋进父亲蒋洪乃过气黑社会话事人,亲临学校,高新只得硬着头皮接待。

10、Helpless, shine on a demon mirror to only have crustily skin of head, skill hold bomb to arrive at before. ─── 无奈,照妖镜只有硬着头皮,一手托着炸弹来到阵前。

11、Their lives,says Callahan crustily, would gain meaning"if instead of taking a cruise, they work for a cause. ─── 卡拉汉说,他们生活的意义,就会得到随意”如果,代替巡航时,他们的事业。”

12、The sometimes is troublesome more of draft does not want to connect very much, but translate that the company man whets around, having to due to the face crustily the skin of head do. ─── 有时候比较麻烦的稿子很不想接,但翻译公司人磨来磨去,碍于情面只好硬着头皮做。

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