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08-20 投稿


dowels 发音

英:[?da??lz]  美:[?da??lz]

英:  美:

dowels 中文意思翻译



dowels 词性/词形变化,dowels变形


dowels 短语词组

1、draw plate for wood dowels ─── 木榫拉板

2、dowels wooden hobby lobby ─── 木钉 ─── 木制爱好大堂

3、dowels for concrete slabs ─── 混凝土板用销钉

4、dowels home depot ─── 销钉家得宝

5、dowels wooden ─── 木销钉

6、dowels amazon ─── 销钉亚马逊

7、dowels are ─── 销钉是

8、dowels 50 ─── 定位销50

9、dowels bulk ─── 销钉散装

dowels 相似词语短语

1、towels ─── n.[纺]毛巾(towel的复数形式);v.用毛巾擦(towel的三单形式)

2、dowers ─── n.天赋;嫁妆;亡夫遗产;vt.给以嫁妆;给以产业;n.(Dower)人名;(英)道尔

3、dowel ─── n.[木]木钉;暗榫;合板钉;vt.用暗销接合;为…装暗榫

4、rowels ─── n.(马刺上的)小齿轮;v.用小齿轮刺马;n.(Rowel)(美国、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯)罗韦尔(人名)

5、Nowells ─── 中篇小说。

6、bowels ─── n.内脏(尤指人的肠);同情心;勇气(bowel的复数);v.取出…的肠子(bowel的第三人称单数)

7、vowels ─── n.元音(vowel的复数)

8、Nowels ─── 小说

9、Howells ─── n.豪厄尔斯(姓氏);豪沃尔斯(姓氏)

dowels 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dowel Pins ─── 定位梢

2、Davy DT, Dilley GL, Krejci RF.Determination of stress patterns in root-filled teeth incorporating various dowel designs[J].J Dent Res 1981 ,60(7):1301-10. ─── 唐高妍,巢永烈,文志红等.四种桩材料对牙本质应力分布影响的三维有限元分析[J].华西口腔医学杂志,1998,16(3)259-262.

3、dowel steel ─── 传力杆合缝钢条

4、detached dowel ─── [医] 分[离]桩

5、He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinholes, where wooden dowels held the joints together. ─── 他说,估计是雨水渗进了木钉孔里,而正是这些木榫钉使它们结合在一起的。

6、Testing method for compressive shear strength of dowel joint by inorganic adhesives ─── GB/T11177-1989无机胶粘剂套接压缩剪切强度试验方法

7、positioning dowel ─── 定位销榫头

8、dowel milling and cross-cut machine ─── 圆棒榫制造和截断机

9、dowel inserting ─── 圆棒榫打入

10、disc dowel ─── 圆盘定缝钉

11、As ahead tooth,it has an ideal effect for dowel crown of casting and metal board,so as for beautiful and reducing lose of bone. ─── 对于前牙,为了美观和减缓牙槽骨的吸收,采用铸造桩冠加金属翼板的修复方法,可以取得较理想的效果。

12、portable dowel inserting machine ─── 便携式圆棒打入机

13、dowel hole ─── 定缝销钉孔合模销孔

14、Because the last two require some fairly specialized equipment, dowels are the best choice for the beginner. ─── 因为后两种都需要一些特殊装备才能搞定,所以圆木榫就成了新手的首选。

15、split dowel crown ─── 分桩冠

16、Fastening of material, tie rods, resins, powder-operated gun-nailers; nails, dowels, chemical... ─── 分类标题:固定拉杆|紧固材料和五金类...

17、Analysis and Design of Dowel Bar in Rigid Pavement Shrinkage Joint ─── 刚性路面缩缝传力杆的受力分析与设计

18、dowel pilotage ─── 合缝销两头尖销

19、Cast indications mark the positions where holes can be drilled for dowel pins, sensors for condition monitoring and additional grease nipples (fig). ─── 可以钻孔的位置均有铸造标识,用来装暗销、状态监测器和附加的油嘴(图7)。

20、The individual parts are assembled in doubly overlapping 'sediments' which are self-positioned through a set of 2.550 (CNC) pre-drilled dowels. ─── 个别零件组装双重叠'沉积物,这是自我定位通过一套2.550 (数控)预先钻销。

21、detached dowel crown ─── [医] 分桩冠

22、A Clinical Comparison of Three Impression-taking Methods for Impressing Dowel Space Preparations ─── 寒天印模材料两种取模法取根管印模的临床比较

23、locating dowel ─── 定位销

24、Under repeated loading, the strength and rigidity of connection degrade while the shear resistance increases with connecting rods and with connection width, and works by degraded MDCC and dowel action of connecting rods. ─── 反复荷载作用下,接缝强度及刚度退化,脆裂后的接缝受剪承载力通过削弱的斜压杆机制和接合筋的销栓作用表现出来,其大小随接缝宽度的增大而增大,随接合筋直径的增大而增大。

25、4. Use blind dowels only when impossible to drill through, if blind dowels are required, use removal pull type dowels. ─── 仅仅当不能钻穿时才使用盲销,如要求使用盲销,使用带牙合销。

26、Parallels with mounting keys will be doweled with a minimum .5” diameter dowel. ─── 带有安装健的垫脚应用销钉固定,销钉最小直径为.5”。

27、There are three common solutions to this problem: dowels, joining plates and splines. ─── 一般有三种方法来解决这个问题,圆木榫、饼干榫和木楔。

28、3-Using small dowels helps with edge joint alignment. Bore the dowel holes with a dowelling jig and an electric drill. ─── 图3。用圆木榫来协助对齐接口。用电钻和圆榫开孔模具来打圆榫孔。

29、Keywords Finite element analysis;Stress analysis;Dowel crown; ─── 关键词有限元分析;应力分析;桩冠;

30、driving shaft dowel ─── 传动轴定缝销钉

31、dowel screw ─── 双头螺丝钉扶手螺丝

32、Keywords Divergent post;Cast dowel crown;Molars;Low occlusogingival distance;Retention; ─── 分体桩;铸造桩冠;过短磨牙;固位;

33、However, increasing the diameter of the dowel may reduce the stress slightly. ─── 垂直受力时:螺旋根柱侧方的应力随受力而往两侧增加。


35、He said he figured the rainwater had settled in the pinboles, where wooden dowels held the joints together. ─── 他说,估计是雨水渗进了木钉孔里,而正式这些木椎钉使他们结合在一起的。

36、Slide the one-piece gasket over the dowels and onto the block. ─── 将单片垫圈沿定位销滑动到汽缸体上

37、Once your dowels are cut to size, spread a thin layer of glue in all the dowel holes and along the edges of the mating boards. ─── 做好圆榫后,在要对接的两边和榫孔内都涂上薄薄一层胶水。

38、Dowel driving and gluing machine ─── 喷胶及圆棒榫打入机

39、frozen dowel bar ─── 冻结传力杆

40、dowel cutting-to-length and chamfering machine ─── 圆棒榫截断及倒角机

41、Verify that housing alignment dowels are in position before installing housing. ─── 安装壳体前先验证壳体校准销均已定位。

42、Clinical Bad-symptoms of Dowel Crown and Analysis of Their Reasons ─── 常见桩冠固位不良的临床症状及原因分析

43、The armourer harvests wood to make either slat armour composed of numerous wooden slats sewn together or rod-armour made of wooden dowels. ─── 工匠们砍伐木材,或用诸多木板拼成板甲,或用诸多木条钉成栅甲。

44、Keywords Rear Dowel Support;Milling Fixture;Hydraulic System;XH714A; ─── 后轴销支座;铣夹具;液压系统;XH714A;

45、dowel spacing ─── 传力杆间距

46、It is concluded that the dowel action of reinforcing main bars has a significant contribution to the strength and ductility of shear critical members. ─── 同时发现,纵向主筋的销栓作用对深梁的承载力和变形能力都有重要的影响。

47、stiff dowel bar ─── 劲性接缝条

48、interface between dowel and surrounding concrete ─── 传力杆与混凝土界面

49、adding dowel bar ─── 增设传力杆

50、Dowels locate the cap and base for correct assembly. ─── 定位销则将座罩和基础准确定位,保证组装正确。

51、I quickly fashioned a ladder out of wooden dowels and nylon rope. ─── 我马上用木销子和尼龙绳做了一个梯子。

52、Dowel bar inserted (DBI) Technique ─── DBI施工技术

53、Keywords titanium dowel;internal fixation;root fracture; ─── 关键词钛桩;内固定;根折;

54、a plug dowel ─── (为装架子等而打入墙中的)木钉

55、dowel joint ─── 定缝钉接合

56、Keywords dowel;pulling strength resistance;bending strength;shearing strength; ─── 圆棒榫;抗拔力;抗弯强度;抗剪强度;

57、The armourer harvests wood to make either slat armour composed of numerous wooden slats sewn together or rod-armour made of wooden dowels . ─── 工匠们砍伐木材,或用诸多木板拼成板甲,或用诸多木条钉成栅甲。

58、dowel pin ─── n. 合销, 定位销, 销钉

59、All dowels must have accessible knockout holes without dismantling. ─── 在没有分解的情况下所有的合销应有易卸的敲击孔。

60、Keywords cast dowel core;residual root and crown;restorate; ─── 关键词铸造桩核;残根残冠;修复;

61、butt face dowel ─── 平接面定缝销钉

62、lug dowel ─── 凸缘销钉

63、dovetail dowel ─── 双鸠尾键

64、Dowels must be press fit in die shoes and strippers, and push fit in die sections. ─── 在摸座及脱料板上的合销必须为压配合,在摸板上的为推配合。

65、dowel (pin) ─── 定位销钉

66、Compressive shear strength of dowel joint ─── 套接压剪强度

67、dowel construction ─── 圆榫结构

68、3. Parallels with mounting keys will be doweled with a minimum .5" diameter dowel. ─── 带有安装健的垫脚应用销钉固定,销钉最小直径为.5"。

69、Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis of angled dowel crown in anterior maxillary teeth ─── 上颌前牙带角度桩冠的三维有限元应力分析

70、Natural stone test methods - Determination of the breaking load at dowel hole ─── 天然石料试验方法。榫钉孔处断裂载荷的测定

71、Place the engine cylinder head over the dowels. ─── 将引擎汽缸头放在销上。

72、Fit a dowel pin here to keep the adjacent parts aligned. ─── 在这里装一个定位销,使相邻的两个部件对准。

73、main bearing cap dowel ─── 主轴承盖销钉

74、split dowel ─── 分桩

75、In order to inhibition consumption of surface wave, the antenna model that the dowels were added surrounding the patch of the antenna was put forward from the view of engineering practice. ─── 从工程实际出发,提出了在口径耦合微带天线贴片周围加销钉的天线模型,以抑制表面波的损耗。

76、Press fit buttons with other than centered round holes will use dowel locator for position or flat key. Dowel locators are preferred due to space requirements. ─── 孔不在中心的压配合嵌套必须使用合销或扁平健固定其位置,因空间要求合销定位是首选。

77、carbon steel used for rock drills and dowels. ─── 凿石器和销子用的碳钢。

78、Verify that housing alignment dowels are in position before installing housing. ─── 安装壳体前先验证壳体校准销均已定位。

79、Split dowel crown restorations of residul root and crown of molars in the aged ─── 分体桩核冠修复老年人磨牙残根残冠

80、tenon dowel joint ─── 嵌销接合

81、Once mounted you now have a subassembly that you can mount to your fuselage.Spacers can be made from hardwood dowels (3/4" to 1") or machined aluminum bar stock to adjust your down and side thrust. ─── 万一需要垫高引擎的时候.可以使用硬木或者是铝柱去调整引擎的右偏角跟下偏角。

82、In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic,a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement. ─── 对于交通量日益增大的高速公路,可以通过增设传力杆来提高路面缩缝的传荷能力,有效地减少错台和断板现象。

83、Dowels must not be used to withstand side thrust force (keys are to withstand this force and will be specified when quoting). ─── 当承受侧力时不能使用合销(健用来承受这种压力,在报价时应说明)。Q。

84、Molar residual coronal restoration using main root canal casting post together with secondary root canal amalgam dowel core in the elderly ─── 主根管铸造桩加次根管银汞桩核修复老年人磨牙残冠

85、dowel hole drilling machine ─── 圆榫孔钻床

86、dowel plate ─── 定位销板销钉板

87、Its most distinctive feature was that instead of being held together with dowels or nails, its planks and beams were literally sewn together, probably with coir, a coconut-husk fiber. ─── 它最与众不同的特色是,其船板和桁条不是用木楔和木梢连结,而完全可能是是用椰壳纤维(一种椰子皮纤维)缝合在一起。

88、5.Dowels: Plastic, rubber and nylon dowels used for all kinds of screw spikes; ─── 5、 预埋固定套管: 与各类螺纹道钉和铁路固定螺栓配套的塑料、橡胶、尼龙套管。

89、I also used a lightweight carbon fiber rod in place of the heavy wood dowel boom. ─── 原木制的机身杆重了,换成鱼杆。

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